The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]Ch32.2 - White moonlight and cinnabar mole

Although the evidence was still insufficient, based on the original plot previously disclosed by the system and reasoning from motives, tonight’s interview was most likely orchestrated by the second young master of the Han family.

However, he wasn’t entirely certain. After all, eight years had passed since the last plot point. XTmx73

In the original plot, Han Li was supposed to return two years later.

The current storyline of the book had almost completely deviated from the original, and Shen Kong wasn’t aware of what had changed during these eight years, making it even harder to make an accurate judgment.

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Next, Shen Kong searched for news about Ye Jinghuan.

Ye Jinghuan’s life trajectory didn’t seem to have deviated much from the original plot. He had now become a sensational superstar, with endless announcements and endorsements. However, there were still rumors online about him being kept by the eldest son of the Ji family, but since there was no solid evidence, fans dismissed it as deliberate slander by anti-fans. uVx8as

As the night deepened, the mattress beneath Shen Kong’s body felt as soft as feathers, supporting his weary body. He blinked slowly and yawned.

Perhaps it was due to the recent time shift, but as soon as he relaxed, a wave of drowsiness surged from deep within Shen Kong’s body.

——No matter what, everything else can wait until tomorrow.

He threw his phone on the bedside table, got up briefly to wash, and then fell asleep on the bed.


The next day.

Shen Kong was awakened by the sound of his phone ringing.

He irritably furrowed his brows and reached toward the source of the sound with an annoyed expression.

Through his sleepy, blurry vision, he saw Chai Zhi’s name on the phone screen. uEapgR

Shen Kong took several deep breaths to suppress the anger caused by being woken up and answered the call.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf cblrs nblmf bc atf batfg fcv kjr mbwqifafis byilnlber, mbwlcu atgbeut atf gfmflnfg mifjgis jcv mjerlcu Vtfc Bbcu’r afwqifr ab atgby klat qjlc. Pa kjr oeii bo vfilyfgjaf lcrlcmfglas: “Zlcuzejc, kts jgf sbe pera jcrkfglcu cbk? Gb sbe xcbk ktja alwf la lr? Tbe vlvc’a gfrqbcv ab atf wfrrjufr P rfca sbe yfobgf. P atbeuta rbwfatlcu tjv tjqqfcfv ab sbe…”

Shen Kong pressed his fingers firmly against the bridge of his nose, silently chanting “stay calm” hundreds of times in his mind.

His entire body exuded a suppressed and stifling low pressure, but his voice was filled with the unique nervousness belonging to Meng Mingxuan: Cjikq4

“Sorry, Chai-ge. I was so excited last night that I couldn’t sleep, so I woke up late this morning. I always respond immediately to your messages as soon as I see them. I’m really sorry for making you worry.”

The person on the other end of the line seemed much more satisfied: “Oh, it’s fine, it’s fine. I mainly called to tell you that they want to see you soon. Quickly freshen up and get ready. I’m heading over to pick you up from downstairs.”

Shen Kong hung up the phone, squeezed his eyes shut tightly, and then climbed out of bed, exuding a depressing aura.

Before he could start washing up, a new text message arrived: KA6F0a

“By the way, Mingxuan, they want you to dress youthfully, but not too flashy. A white shirt and jeans will do.”

An hour later, Chai Zhi punctually arrived at the apartment building.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing Shen Kong emerge from the narrow entrance, Chai Zhi smiled with satisfaction.

Meng Mingxuan’s appearance was flawless, with broad shoulders, a slim waist, and long legs. Combined with his simple and casual outfit, he looked less like a struggling actor and more like an innocent college student. i8lJYm

Chai Zhi’s attitude was much more attentive than yesterday, fussing over every detail like a genuinely caring friend or elder.

Shen Kong, too, appeared flattered and grateful, making the atmosphere in the car harmonious and pleasant.

Upon arriving at their destination, Chai Zhi still seemed reluctant to part. He escorted Shen Kong to the elevator, repeating the instructions from the previous day once more before finally leaving, looking back repeatedly.

The elevator ascended to the top floor. hlDtnj

As soon as Shen Kong stepped out of the elevator, a waiter in a suit and tie approached, bowing deeply and saying:

“Sir, please follow me.”

Shen Kong followed the waiter down the corridor. The waiter stopped at one of the doors to a private room, lightly knocked twice, and then opened the door to the private room.

The door closed behind Shen Kong. XenMvy

There was silence in the room. The soundproof walls absorbed almost all noise, making it possible to hear only the faint sound of one’s heartbeat and breathing.

The middle-aged man from last night sat behind the table, flipping through a stack of documents.

The only sound in the entire private room was the rustling of papers.

Seeing Shen Kong enter, the man looked up, gestured to the seat opposite him, and said: Eocx3n

“Please, have a seat.”

Shen Kong hesitated for a few seconds, as if feeling a bit awkward, before sitting down across from the man in a reserved manner.

The man pushed his glasses up, glanced Shen Kong up and down, and a faintly satisfied expression appeared in his eyes.

Then, he opened the folder in front of him and pushed it slowly towards Shen Kong. mYq8O4

On top was a photo taken at the airport. The man in the picture had broad shoulders and sharp facial features. His high, sharply angled eyebrows gave him a cold and stern look as he looked towards the camera. His deep, dark eyes seemed to pierce through the photo, staring directly at Shen Kong.

The familiar contours of his face had lost the youthfulness and innocence of eight years ago, replaced by a moody and sinister look.

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In the palm of his right hand, covered by black gloves, he held a cane, with the tip pointed at the ground. Judging by the placement of the center of gravity, it was obvious that this cane was not for decoration.

Looking at the face, identical to the one in his memory but lacking any resemblance in expression, Shen Kong couldn’t help but feel a mixture of emotions. 3RVArT

An unavoidable question finally emerged clearly in his mind——

What has happened in these eight years?

But Shen Kong still managed to display a surprised expression on his face as he stuttered, “I, I saw him in financial news.”

The middle-aged man nodded absentmindedly and continued, “What you need to do is simple. Just get close to him, and then report everything you hear and see to us. Rest assured, your compensation won’t be lacking—as long as the information you provide is useful. We’ll inform you of the specifics later. You don’t need to contact us proactively; just wait for us to reach out to you.” WZT8Eg

Shen Kong frowned hesitantly, “But, but… He’s the CEO of a big company. How could I get close to him?”

The middle-aged man suddenly changed the subject and asked:

“Do you know Ye Jinghuan?”

Shen Kong pretended to be clueless and nodded, “Um, many people say I look a bit like Senior Ye…” asWkAI

The man pushed up his glasses, revealing a secretive smile on his face:

“Ye Jinghuan is the white moonlight and cinnabar mole in his heart—just make good use of that face, and there’s nothing you can’t achieve.”

The author has something to say:

They found a substitute by using a fake white moonlight, but they unexpectedly found the real one. FpdrOm


Translator's Note

or a low-level actor who has been in society for many years

Translator's Note

白月光 (bái yuèguāng) – a very common idiom which has come to mean someone’s first love or an ideal person whom you long for but can never have.

Translator's Note

refers to an “unforgettable first love”

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  1. Why on earth Ye Jinghuan is Han Li’s white moonlight and cinnabar mole? 😅 in this timeline he was cold towards YJH in school… Even if something did happen it’s unlikely Han Li would fall for him 🙄 I think the guy’s info is outdated like the system’s…

  2. Thank you for the chapter! This story is torturing x_x I wanna know what happens so bad, but I’m also scared the system is going to fu$k us all over again