The Professional Three Views Rectifier [Book Transmigration]Ch31.2 - An inexplicable sense of familiarity

Just then, the door of the inner private room was pushed open, and a mediocre-looking middle-aged man walked in, holding a file folder in his hand.

He slowly walked forward from the other end of the line, using an indifferent gaze of official business to scrutinize the young people standing in front of him from head to toe. Then, he lowered his head to carefully compare the contents of the file folder he held and made two cold commands: 4zKqZa

One was “qualified,” and the other was “unqualified.”

So, those who were evaluated as qualified would stay in the room, while those evaluated as unqualified would leave.

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As the middle-aged man approached, the number of people in the room gradually decreased. When he reached Shen Kong, there were only three people left in the neat queue that had been there just moments ago.

The man looked up at Shen Kong, a hint of surprise appearing on his expressionless face. Then, as if to confirm something, he lowered his head to carefully examine the file folder he was holding. After a moment, he said in the same calm tone: jDd9KT


As the middle-aged man turned away, Shen Kong subtly adjusted his posture and glanced over his shoulder, directing his gaze towards the file folder the man had been holding all along.

A photo on it flashed briefly in his field of view.

Shen Kong couldn’t help but be surprised.


Although it was just a brief glance, the appearance of the person in the photo was clearly imprinted on Shen Kong’s retinas.

Soft hair, delicate bone structure, finely sculpted features that had already matured, and a pair of amber eyes that seemed to hold a fragrant sweetness. His fair skin, high nose bridge, and naturally light pink, full lips gave him a touch of an inherent smile. Despite being a young man, his cheeks still had a slight baby fat, giving him a non-threatening appearance.

Even though his looks had somewhat changed since his teenage years, Shen Kong still recognized the identity of the man in the photo——

Ye Jinghuan. GOD8IT

The protagonist of this book.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shen Kong now finally understood why he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he saw Meng Mingxuan’s face.

Ktflg fsfygbkr jcv ojmlji ofjaegfr kfgf raglxlcuis rlwlijg, jr lo mjra ogbw atf rjwf wbiv. Lbkfnfg, Zfcu Zlcuzejc’r ojmf jqqfjgfv wbgf kbgivis jcv jiieglcu, ktlif Tf Alcutejc’r ofjaegfr fzevfv j ilnfis jcv qegf sbeatoei jegj. Cvvlalbcjiis, Zfcu Zlcuzejc tjv j ifjc jcv ajii oluegf, ktlif Tf Alcutejc’r rwjii ogjwf wjvf tlw ibbx qfalaf jcv rboa.

Shen Kong turned to glance at the other young men remaining in the room, his gaze slowly sweeping over them. guOSlJ

——Sure enough, each of their faces bore at least one or two features that bore some resemblance to Ye Jinghuan.

Shen Kong slightly furrowed his brows, finally understanding what Chai Zhi meant by “they care more about your inherent qualities.”

——They were selecting people who looked similar to Ye Jinghuan.

But… for what purpose? 6Ym74T

Shen Kong narrowed his eyes, his amber irises seeming to flicker with a dark glimmer.

The strange interview ended quickly. The other young men left the room one after another, with Shen Kong trailing behind.

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He discreetly slowed his pace, then sidestepped into a nearby restroom.

The restroom’s decor was as lavish as the exterior, with the pristine, smooth marble sink reflecting dazzling light under the lamps. The large mirror was spotless, and the spacious, private stalls prevented a full view at a glance. loDZVG

Shen Kong placed his hands under the faucet. Warm water instantly gushed down, flowing over his palms and between his fingers, rushing into the sink with a splashing sound.

He quickly washed his face, then raised his head, examining his reflection in the mirror under the bright overhead lights.

Meng Mingxuan’s face was indeed good-looking.

High-arched eyebrows and a prominent nose, with eyes like a cat’s—large and round. The lines from the corners to the outer edges of the eyes were smooth and rounded, slightly tilting upward at the ends, giving a somewhat alluring impression. This was where Meng Mingxuan and Ye Jinghuan bore the most resemblance. aS1xps

However, the lower half of his face was almost entirely different.

His jawline was well-defined, and his lips were thin and sharp, giving off an unapproachable coldness and indifference when not smiling.

Shen Kong smiled at the mirror. His slightly curved amber eyes sparkled, instantly dissolving the coldness that kept others at bay.

——Indeed, an excellent human body. luxT5X

Compared to the other young men who were also deemed qualified, Meng Mingxuan not only resembled Ye Jinghuan more closely but also retained his unique features. These characteristics ensured that Meng Mingxuan, while maintaining the resemblance, would not just become a mere lifeless copy.

Thus, Shen Kong had a vague guess about his temporary identity this time.

However… to draw a definite conclusion, concrete evidence was needed.

He glanced down at his wristwatch. 4bzT5l

Time was almost up.

Shen Kong pulled out a piece of paper to dry his hands, then turned and left the restroom.

The hallway was once again silent and empty, with the wall-mounted lamps casting a soft and warm light. The thick and plush carpet absorbed the sound of footsteps completely. He quickly walked towards the private room he had left earlier. But just as he rounded a corner, Shen Kong bumped into a formally dressed attendant.

The attendant wore a polite and perfect smile, asking, “Is there anything you need, sir?” NW43QM

——Not encountering anyone on the way here, and now suddenly running into someone right at the critical moment—luck was certainly not on his side.

Despite his rich inner thoughts, Shen Kong maintained an impeccable exterior.

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He looked at the attendant in front of him as if seeing a savior, his tone filled with barely concealed worry and urgency:

“Thank goodness I finally found someone. Can you help me? I think I left my cufflink in the private room earlier. Can you let me in to look for it?” 3w5VSq

The attendant replied:

“Of course, sir, but I’ll need to get the head attendant, as he has the key to the private room.”

Using his radio, the attendant called for the head attendant, and the two of them accompanied Shen Kong back to the private room he had previously occupied.

The head attendant took out a key card and opened the door to the private room, then stepped aside slightly, allowing Shen Kong to enter: “Please, go ahead.” f2Iegr

Although their tone was respectful and courteous, their eyes remained fixed on Shen Kong like sentinels, closely monitoring him to prevent any suspicious behavior.

Shen Kong walked to the corner where he had been standing earlier, bent down to search under a porcelain plant pot for a few seconds, then exclaimed in delight:

“Ah, found it!”

He straightened up, a delicate cufflink gleaming in his fingers. phKI2f

Shen Kong naturally walked towards the exit of the private room, while his other hand discreetly and deftly slipped the phone he had just retrieved from the porcelain pot into his pocket. The entire series of movements was seamless and smooth.

The lit-up screen flashed briefly in his fingers, displaying one word clearly:


The author has something to say: dmvqk

Those who guessed the characters resembling Ye Jinghuan get an extra chicken drumstick for dinner today.jpg

KEIGHTY: Congratulations to Salted Cat for the correct guess 🎉 Please grab your chicken drumstick 🤣🍗

Translator's Note

滴水不漏 (dīshuǐ-bùlòu) – literally translates to “not one drop of water can leak out”, an idiom which means to be “tightly packed or completely enclosed”. So here, it means that his face didn’t slip up any inappropriate emotions.

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  1. Where’s the drumstick? 🤤

    Huh..that’s sort of creepy…. I thought they wanted Shen Kong to do ‘the unwritten rule of entertainment world’ thing. Now I’m wondering what he managed to record 🤔