Pheromone Recognition DisorderCh80.1 - Xiao Huo Saves the Beauty

[Central Temple, top floor]

In a huge repair chamber, a gigantic black and silver mech was quietly sleeping. oeqv9E

—It was the Forbidden Abyss.

Now, it looked entirely different from the skeletal structure seen on Winter Day Planet. The external repairs were nearly 80% complete. Restoring the exterior was relatively easy because, for the past three hundred years, Ye Shu had been using immense energy to preserve the Forbidden Abyss’ wreckage and, despite its ragged appearance, it hadn’t decayed or aged.

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The internal metal framework and various systems were intact. They only needed to remove the damaged and melted parts and repair them.

Now, the Forbidden Abyss could transform into a semi-complete form, standing over fifty meters tall, entirely ink-black, with a phoenix totem engraved in titanium silver on its side wings. a0AXmj

At this moment, a large floating repair platform was positioned at the front of the Forbidden Abyss’ chest. Above the repair platform, a light blue screen displayed numerous densely packed data streams rapidly flowing.

The outer shell was gently peeled away by mechanical needles, revealing intricate components almost too small for the human eye to discern, with a complexity and density comparable to the human brain.

The mechanical needles were being controlled by an old man, who worked quietly and meticulously on the repairs.

A few staff members in white lab coats stood behind him, holding their breath, yet unable to hide their excitement and enthusiasm.


After all, this was the Forbidden Abyss.

—The only SSS-class mecha in the world.

Suddenly, hurried and chaotic footsteps came from outside, but they became cautious once they reached the door. The staff frowned and turned to see a group of white-robed priests led by two bishops standing at the entrance.

They looked anxious but hesitant to speak for fear of disturbing the work. 8MAxqe

A few seconds later, Angus, the chief mecha engineer, signaled to the person beside him, who immediately left the floating platform and quickly approached the group to inquire. After a few minutes, he returned with an anxious expression and whispered to Angus,

“They say the Temple has been breached. The intruder seems to be heading straight for the Forbidden Abyss, so they ask the Lord to take the Forbidden Abyss and move immediately.”

“Invasion?” Angus lowered his voice, but his tone was still filled with frustration.

“What are those people doing?! This is a critical moment for Teacher, how can he be disturbed?!” lQj8KV


A slight sound drew everyone’s attention to the old man at the control panel, who they respectfully and fearfully bowed to. At that moment, the disassembled core of the Forbidden Abyss suddenly closed tightly, with the metal casing fitting perfectly together, leaving no gaps. The old man disconnected his neural link with the mechanical needles and shut down the repair system. He then turned around,

“What’s the matter?”

He had gray hair, thick and stern eyebrows, with high cheekbones that gave him the appearance of a strict, old scholar. 2DStxO

—He was Zexius, the Sage of the Illusory God Church

He was also the designer and creator of the Forbidden Abyss.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Angus stepped forward to explain,

“They said the temple has been breached. To be safe, they want to urge you to transfer immediately.” OsRHXU


Zexius cast a cold glance at the group of white-robed priests several dozen meters below. Seeing that the repairs had stopped, they quickly hurried up.

“Sage, although the intruder is currently under our control, to be safe, please let us transfer you and the Forbidden Abyss.”

Unexpectedly, Zexius did not argue. He simply nodded. PDkR G

“Yes, let’s go.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“…Kfjmtfg?” Ccuer klvfcfv tlr fsfr rilutais. Vfflcu atf gfqjlg rsrafw tjv yffc rtea vbkc, tf rffwfv ab wlrecvfgrajcv jcv, ecjyif ab tlvf tlr regqglrf, jrxfv afcajalnfis,

“Pr atf mbgf jigfjvs gfqjlgfv?”

“……” QfYHNV

Ktf biv wjc uijcmfv ja tlw jcv gfqilfv mbivis, “Pa mjc’a yf gfqjlgfv.”


Snfgsbcf kjr raeccfv, atflg ojmfr ribkis rtbklcu rtbmx jcv gfugfa. Ycis Ccuer gfjmafv lwwfvljafis, gertlcu ab atf mbcagbi qjcfi jcv rajglcu lcafcais ja atf oibjalcu wfaji rqtfgf lcrlvf. Coafg j ibcu wbwfca, tf aegcfv ab Ifzler, rqfjxlcu qjrrlbcjafis:

“How can it not be repaired?! Teacher, how can you not repair it? And hasn’t the marrow fluid already been injected?” LgsXb6

The sage showed no expression, not even a hint of regret, and replied flatly, “The central program chain is missing. With our current conditions and technology, it cannot be reconstructed.”

“…The central program chain is missing?”

Angus repeated dumbfoundedly.

Their previous assumption was that the core had been without marrow fluid for too long, making it temporarily unable to restart. They hadn’t expected the central program chain to be missing. PldGdj

But external attacks couldn’t cause the central program chain to go missing, especially since the core’s outer shell was intact, and even the outer components inside showed no signs of impact damage.

There was only one possibility: it had been taken away!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…Jiang Jinsheng.”

Angus’s mind seemed to be struck by lightning, qkgKie


The only people capable of disassembling the core and fully repairing it after removing the central neural chain, besides the teacher, were himself and Jiang Jinsheng!

“—Who knows.”

The sage raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, not commenting. ygn7MI

Angus suppressed the deep-seated anger in his heart, turned back, and frowned as he asked,

“Have you identified the intruders?”

This wasn’t difficult—

“Two people: one is Jiang Jinsheng’s son, Jiang Ci, and the other is unidentified but suspected to be the SSS-level asset lost by the Church years ago.” 2XyFBg

In reality, Jiang Ci wasn’t the primary concern. The focus was on the alpha; reports from the inner city indicated that this guy was unbelievably strong, virtually unstoppable, and they were urged to immediately transfer the sage and the Forbidden Abyss.

As soon as these words fell, everyone’s eyes instantly shifted.

“…Jiang Jinsheng’s son?!”

“The lost…asset…” CJouVK

The former voice, filled with resentment and anger, came from Angus, while the latter, tinged with suspicion and uncertainty, came from the sage.

Angus’s face darkened, and after a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said,

“The Forbidden Abyss’ core lost its central program chain and cannot be repaired. At this very moment, Jiang Jinsheng’s son invaded the Temple and headed straight for the Forbidden Abyss. What a coincidence.”

At this point, Angus suddenly thought of something and strode over to the control platform of the Forbidden Abyss’ core. He entered a series of dense, strange characters on the console. Qy6aTg

In the next moment, the Forbidden Abyss’ core reassembled, and countless streams of data flashed rapidly across the light screen.

“Searching for the central program chain, do not disconnect the core…”

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“Searching for the central program chain, do not disconnect the core…”

“Searching for the central program chain, do not disconnect the core…” Sawx9A


“Search complete, signal sufficient, locating—”

In the next second, a 3D model of the Temple was projected, with a red coordinate pinpointed at a corner of the middle floor.

“Confirm coordinates.” 2XSWsE

Upon seeing this result, even Sage Zexius couldn’t help but show a hint of surprise. Angus sneered and then looked at Bishop Wayne in front of the group of white-robed priests.

“Do whatever it takes to capture him! The central program chain of the Forbidden Abyss is with him!”

“An omega managed to infiltrate the Central Temple, and you’re all scared like this? Are you all pigs? If you can’t catch him, it’ll be dereliction of duty. But if the Forbidden Abyss can’t be repaired because of this…”

Angus’s eyes were cold and dark. F MJE0

“—You can weigh the consequences yourselves.”

All the believers, including the two bishops in front, instantly turned pale. Everyone knew the importance of the Forbidden Abyss and how much effort the Pope had put into retrieving it.

If it couldn’t be repaired…

The leading bishop immediately activated the temple’s internal defense communications, issuing a stern order— wbEeg3

“Do whatever it takes to capture him!!!”


Jiang Ci rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the oncoming bayonet. The black bayonet nearly grazed his shoulder as it embedded into the wall, dragging along the direction he dodged and producing a hair-raising sound. In the next second, his silver spear blocked the blade just in time.

A ferocious alpha closed in on him. The close distance made him immediately catch the sweet and cloying scent of the omega’s heat. igM2F1

Almost instantly, the alpha’s eyes filled with blood, and he even had a physical reaction.

But in the next moment, another strange alpha’s scent roared out, like a beast whose territory had been invaded, issuing a fierce threat.

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The man suddenly froze, as if he had fallen from heaven to hell. The extreme fear pressed down on him, making his muscles tense. l1JP8n



Jiang Ci twisted his wrist, throwing the man away with his spear. He staggered to his feet, his legs trembling uncontrollably. In front of him, a group of alphas, driven mad by the omega’s heat scent, were brutally fighting each other.

The scene was chaotic and bloody. qAnVfh

The Temple’s defenses were extremely tight, and Jiang Ci was in a weakened state. If he tried to force his way through, he wouldn’t get past the seventh or eighth floor, let alone reach the top floor.

So, he had intentionally dripped his previous heat scent into the Temple’s ventilation system.

Because his current scent also contained Huo Xianfeng’s scent, an alpha encountering a marked omega’s scent would generally have two reactions: either they were weaker and would avoid the threat, or they were stronger and would override the mark. If it was the former, it wouldn’t achieve Jiang Ci’s goal of causing chaos in the Temple, so he used his old scent.

As an omega’s mecha, Bai Ze needed to monitor its owner’s physical condition closely, especially for an omega like Jiang Ci who regularly disregarded his own health. 85ithe

Each time Jiang Ci went into heat, Bai Ze would, following He Zhun’s medical advice, keep a sample of his scent.

These samples came in handy now.

Almost everyone in Bright City was an alpha, and the Temple’s defenses were even stricter. So, when a few drops of the concentrated scent were added to the ventilation system, within minutes, the entire Temple was in chaos, making it impossible to maintain normal security.

But this also meant extreme danger. While the frenzied alphas would struggle to follow orders, become disorganized, and even fight each other, they would also madly seek out the omega and attempt to mark him. wd0D6p

In this state, they would find it difficult to use firearms, with most of their attacks being bare-handed. Even those with weapons would attack erratically, significantly reducing the overall danger.

However, once they found the sweet omega, they would discover that he had already been marked by a more powerful alpha, and in their fear, they would be easily counterattacked.

—It’s practically an alpha-killing trap designed specifically for this situation.

This is probably Jiang Ci’s most desperate measure at the moment. 0hQ5fB

“Damn it… how much longer?”

Jiang Ci leaned against the wall, stumbling forward. He had never felt a minute to be this long. Bai Ze’s voice was extremely anxious, “Twenty seconds… A-Ci, be careful!!! There’s someone at the corner!!!”

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Jiang Ci heard Bai Ze’s voice and his brain realized he needed to dodge, but his body didn’t react in time. A nearly bear-sized alpha lunged at Jiang Ci from the corner.

Bang——! wcr0uf

In the critical moment, Bai Ze automatically transformed into a hand cannon, blasting the man away. The energy value, which was already down to only eight percent, immediately dropped by another half percent. If it weren’t for the lack of energy, Bai Ze wouldn’t have remained in its low-energy cold weapon form. It would have gone full power and blasted its way through.

Reflecting on this, Bai Ze vowed never to complain about the taste of portable energy oil again and promised to stock up more next time.

But this was only the beginning, because as soon as the alpha that was blasted out fell down, a series of alphas charged forward one after another.

Jiang Ci’s pupils contracted. In the next second— jd4Kz9



The wall suddenly exploded from the outside—this shot was extremely precise, just enough to blow away the attacking crowd while avoiding the main danger to Jiang Ci. However, the shockwave still caused the weakened omega to fall into a corner.

Bai Ze projected a small energy shield to block some of the flying debris. 2GO9f0

Jiang Ci turned around and saw a floating standard mecha amidst the collapsing building debris. Further behind, there were countless identical mechas, densely packed in the air.

Jiang Ci’s first reaction was that these were pursuers!

They came directly from the outer perimeter of the Temple.

Without hesitation, he picked up Bai Ze’s hand cannon and aimed directly at the mecha’s cockpit, firing immediately. 8KTJz5

Huo Xianfeng, who had just jumped out of the cockpit: “……….???”

Wait, is he that angry???

This heroic rescue entrance didn’t quite go as he had imagined. Huo Xianfeng initially thought the omega, who had seemed so aggrieved on the communication channel, would immediately cry and run over to hug him upon seeing him!

…….But instead, he got shot immediately. 5qM pK

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