I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Ch27 - The End


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  1. Grantz v. Baby Grantz… Ye brothers were awesome… Again, can’t wait for next chapter! 🤣❤️🤣❤️😳😳😳

  2. Because all the soldiers, like everyone else here, just expects Dad Grantz to execute the little Grantz, everything (except for when the guy that fell off the cliff after not hurting Ye Muo) is happening as if he we’re to be executed. No one would expect anything else… Apart for the readers that read the synopsis 😭😭😭

  3. So arrogant of his majesty to annihilate each granz , when he himself is alive and kicking.

    Considering 300 years lifespan of an individual.

    How ruthless , how cruel.

    He shouldn’t make decisions regarding other Royals life.
