Shattered MemoriesCh106 - Extra 17

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Erich’s cock slammed in deep. Since he was leaning against the wall, the sensation was even more distinct. With his weight lying solely on Erich, Rayan rocked with him as he thrust in and out without giving him the slightest bit of leeway. bsxkiO

“Slowly… ah…!”

“It’s too narrow in here.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…Don’t you think you’re, ugh, …big?”

Rayan bit his tongue as he spoke, shuddering at the onslaught of pleasure that swept over him like cresting waves. The pain caused by the vigorous thrusts was outweighed by the pleasure rising from below. All of Rayan’s nerves were focused on the place where he met Erich. GKwfgv

“Relax, Rayan, hmm?”

Erich whispered in his ear.

When he felt his hot breath, his downy hair stood on end. Rayan should be used to it, but every time Erich touched him, he gasped as if it were the first time, unable to control the ecstasy that enveloped his body.

The hand that had been caressing his spine slid down and skimmed around his thigh. The long, steady hand moved rhythmically, as if it were tapping on a keyboard. Rayan’s body seemed to melt under the touch. One of his legs that was not leaning on Erich trembled under his ministrations.


“Is my Rayan not yet at the age where he’s learnt to walk?”

“What, hgh…!”

Before he could react to the gentle teasing, Erich had picked up the other leg. Both his legs hung in the air, and before he could get used to the unfamiliar sensation, Erich grabbed his hips and yanked him in with a brutal thrust. Rayan shook as he was lifted a few inches upward from the thrust.

“Ah, ah…” V0EBJM

Shallowly, over and over again, he prodded at his sensitive prostate. Pleasure encased his entire body. Rayan gasped and nuzzled his face into Erich’s shoulder.

“Go to the bed, uh, go to the bed… hm?”

“If you want.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf gjk qifjregf kjr tjgv ab gfrlra. Ktf qbxlcu jcv cevulcu rffwfv jr lo atfs kbeiv ugjy Ejsjc jcv rkjiibk tlw eq ja jcs wbwfca. Ujerlcu tlr atgerar, Sglmt rmbbqfv tlw eq lc tlr jgwr jcv kjixfv ab atf yfv. xctozr

Qlat fjmt wbnfwfca, tlr mbmx lcrlvf ralweijafv tlr lcrlvfr. C ktlalrt aegylv oielv vglqqfv vbkc fjmt alwf tf qertfv bea j ilaaif jcv atfc qiecufv lc jujlc. “Zww..”. Ejsjc ugbjcfv ja atf rfcrjalbc bo oielv gecclcu vbkc tlr ifur jcv jyrfcawlcvfvis kgjqqfv tlr jgwr jgbecv atf batfg’r kjlra, qeiilcu tlw mibrfg. Pa kjr jc jaafwqa ab wjxf tlwrfio wbnf jgbecv j ilaaif ifrr, yea la wera tjnf fzmlafv Sglmt, obg tlr rafqr yfmjwf ojrafg.

Erich’s footsteps came to a stop. As Rayan’s body tilted, the soft sheets touched his back. When he completely withdrew from his insides, his bottom throbbed and leaked out traces of Erich. After rubbing Rayan’s legs, Erich hooked them over his shoulders and slowly re-aligned the tip of his cock with the entrance.

The wet bottom accepted Erich tightly. He slowly bucked his waist. The shaft scraped against the inner walls, making a squelching sound as it passed. Erich lowered his head and sucked on Rayan’s neckline.

“Even though I leave traces like this, why is everyone so anxious to covet what’s mine?” H06Yt4

He muttered darkly, his teeth scraping against the delicate flesh as he moved down to rub against Rayan’s member. The stimulation of his already erect penis quickly brought him to a second climax.

His whole body felt so sensitive and the nerve endings burned brightly. Rayan’s head tilted to the side as his whole body shuddered convulsively. His vision went white. Hot tears slid down the corners of his eyes with each blink.

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Erich licked the corners of his eyes slowly and smiled. Rayan, who was shaking and grabbing the sheet, held onto his hand and clung desperately. That did not make the pressure at his bottom weaken, but still.

“El, Erich, ah, enough…” RcxoHG

He couldn’t do this anymore. He had two climaxes, and each time the other hit his pleasure point, his flaccid penis became hard again. Erich, seemingly unaffected by his pleas, rubbed downward like a turbulent wave or a gentle ripple.

Rayan tried to move upward to escape, but was thwarted at every turn; he could only sway with Erich’s rocking, his head blank with pleasure. Lips to lips, tongue to tongue, nails scraping across the hard flesh that was so well-muscled as if moulded by a god, leaving red streaks.


Erich sighed briefly. His thrusting became more violent. With each striking blow, his insides slid out quickly and back in. Rayan gasped at the pounding motion inside him. He couldn’t seem to feel anything below his waist. QCaMN4

He moaned softly, thinking that he would never kiss him first again so as to not stimulate Erich, although he would forget about it tomorrow. Erich’s deep thrusts drew his breath as he nibbled on his earlobe.

Rayan climaxed once more, a hot sensation radiating from his backside.

“I… can’t do this anymore…”

Rayan blurted out quickly, looking up at Erich with reddened eyes. Erich didn’t answer, looking like something was a little inadequate as he pulled him into his arms. It was a little uncomfortable under their combined weight. 5AyPND

“I don’t think I can stand it if you move.”

Rayan, who had been squirming, obediently accepted his embrace at his words. Of course, there was also a look of distrust. Wasn’t it just a day or two ago that the heat flared up again like this?

The copulation with Erich had been wonderful, but it had also left him exhausted. He hadn’t had much energy since fully recovering his body, and after making love to him, he’d been out of it for a while. Even now, the sensation that had risen within him continued to trouble Rayan, refusing to subside easily.

Rayan tried to shake off the feeling by curling and spreading his toes repeatedly. LC9 Eu


“…I really can’t.”

Any more was really too much. When he said it again, a laugh came from above. He glanced up and saw Erich smiling with his eyes narrowed. When Rayan looked at him as if to ask why he was laughing, Erich patted his buttocks. The stimulation at their joined part made the inside of his thighs tremble.

“That’s not what I was going to say.” 61qmDA

Erich hesitated as he kissed every inch of Rayan’s face.

“I mean, it’s okay to go to the ball.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


“But don’t accept everything.” Z4hMFg

It was a continuation of a conversation that Rayan had forgotten about. Rayan glanced at Erich. Even in the darkness, Erich’s neck was blushing. It was just like when they were young.

He was still so cute. Rayan couldn’t understand why everyone, even Erich himself, denied his own cuteness. He was so cute, so lovable.

Rayan slightly lifted his upper body. In the process, what was still nested inside him slipped out a little. He grimaced at the empty feeling below and clambered up onto Erich’s body.

“Rayan?” rO3C75

Even knowing he would regret it, Rayan grabbed Erich’s cheeks and kissed him, making the latter’s eyes widen. He stood still for a moment, as if trying to take in the situation, and then he rolled over on top of Rayan.

“You know, I was probably trying to hold back.”

Erich whispered, his elbows propped up next to Rayan’s head, a glint in his eye. Rolling his eyes from side to side, Rayan then opened his mouth and wrapped his arms around his neck. Erich slid his tongue through the gap.

* * * HUekvY

On the day of Erich’s birthday, the banquet of the special occasion was held on a ship.

The ship could not accommodate everyone, so only a select few were allowed on board, while the rest remained at the banquet in the castle hall. The nobles, who had secretly struggled with the humid summer of Argen, waited with curious faces to board the ship.

Rayan would have joined them under normal circumstances. The sea was his home, but this was his first time aboard a ship,

‘El. What do you humans do with your ships when they’re afloat? Is it that fun, hmm?’ The suddenness of the trip to Arhen itself had come from Rayan’s words. U i8cE

However, Rayan couldn’t enjoy the event. He was visibly nervous, clenching and unclenching his hands.

“His Majesty would be delighted to receive any gift from you.”

Sophia, unable to bear to look at him being so anxious, soothed him gently. Since he hadn’t said anything, she wasn’t sure if he had prepared a gift or not. But even so, she was confident her words were true.

If Rayan had handed him a stone he’d picked up on the road, the emperor would have treasured it. It would be placed in the imperial treasury, made a national treasure, and passed down from generation to generation. L8nRFj

Such was the emperor that even if Rayan came empty-handed, he wouldn’t mind. Instead, he would probably embrace him and ask why he had been so restless for so long.

“…Is that so?”

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“Of course.”

Sophia nodded enthusiastically as Rayan hesitated to ask. Only then did the worry on Rayan’s face slightly fade. ‘Knock, knock.’ There was a knock on the door before it was pushed open. Sophia gasped. tHmzWp

He looked gorgeous as usual, but all the more dazzling.

With his flowing blond hair neatly trimmed and pure white robes adorned with sapphires, Erich looked like a prince from a fairy tale. He walked over and held out his hand as Rayan stood dumbfounded.

“What, have you fallen for me again?”

‘Did I fall for you? Yes, with each passing day.’ Rayan, trying to act aloof, grabbed the outstretched palm. It was time to celebrate his lover’s birthday. jOv8I

Editor: Agneya


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