Alpha TraumaChapter 66

Wooyeon had a long dream. He was sitting in an empty classroom holding a broken cell phone. The desks were filled with garbage, but there wasn’t a single student who seemed to have made the mess.

The location changed quickly. The blackboard and desks disappeared, and the crumpled view transformed into the interior of a taxi. The driver’s seat was empty, but the steering wheel turned by itself. The taxi came to a gentle stop in front of a high wall. nGQys5

Blink, his vision flipped. This time Wooyeon was sitting on the living room couch. It was completely dark around, and it was quiet. There was no sign of anyone inside the house, not even in the kitchen where there should have been a housekeeper; it felt empty.

“No one’s here.”

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Yeah, no one was there. Not at school, not in the taxi, not even at home. There was no trace of people anywhere. With the only means of communication broken, the cellphone, Wooyeon felt like a parrot isolated from the world.

‘Really, no one’s here.’ a6Wgrp

Ding-dong, the doorbell rang. Wooyeon dashed to the entrance like a thirsty person. Without looking at the intercom or confirming who it was, Wooyeon rushed out. With a creak, something gradually approached through the open door.


It was a pure white rabbit. Hopping towards Wooyeon across the spacious garden, the rabbit perked up its ears and stood on its hind legs. Its body was as big as Wooyeon, if not bigger.

“……Did you ring the doorbell?”


The rabbit remained silent, but Wooyeon thought it was his answer. The clear eyes of the rabbit clearly meant a positive response.

“Did you come here because you’re alone?”

Wooyeon cautiously reached out and hugged the white fur bundle. Whether it was a rabbit or a person, being alone was something he disliked. Being with someone, even if it was a rabbit, was much better than being lonely.

“But….” 7GpU4u

Suddenly, Wooyeon felt a sense of unease and spoke up. A broken cellphone, no way to contact anyone, and seemingly everyone gone for the day

“How did you know I was alone?”

Once again, the rabbit didn’t answer. Wooyeon thought while burying his face in the fluffy fur. The rabbit seemed terribly troubled by something while remaining still.

*** XKiZTQ

In a flash, clarity returned to his mind. The surroundings stopped crumbling, changing to the sensation of his cheek being touched softly. Wooyeon opened his eyes with the sensation of being drawn in, as if someone was pulling him.


And his gaze met a pair of eyes. Fluffy and soft, a white rabbit. Its large, round ears and round eyes gave a strong sense of cuteness.

‘Rabbit…’ I9K3A7

After blinking for a long time, Wooyeon finally realized that the rabbit was a doll. It was obviously a stuffed toy, but his sleepy mind was slow to catch on.

Whether with eyes closed or open, it was always the rabbit. It was impossible to distinguish which side was reality and which side was a dream.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

‘Why is this here?’

The scenes from the dream gradually faded away. The empty classroom, the taxi, and the living room. The rabbit that crossed the garden and the words spoken to it. He couldn’t remember the content, but the strange feeling at that time was vivid. CaibYd

‘It’s a dream.’

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Finally concluding, Wooyeon remembered the source of the rabbit doll this time. Scenes flashed like a panorama, a familiar voice resonating in his mind.

‘Can you get that out for me?’

Lf mbeivc’a gfmjii atf fzjma ibmjalbc, yea la kjr bcf bo atf vbii mijk wjmtlcfr cfjg atf yjg. Ktf wjmtlcf kjr oeii bo mtfjq-ibbxlcu vbiir, jcv Qbbsfbc tjv gfqilfv, ibbxlcu atgbeut atf uijrr. Ebj6SU

‘That one looks ugly.’


Lf gfwfwyfgfv Gbtsec raloilcu j ijeut jcv wbnlcu ab atf wjmtlcf yfrlvf la. Ktfc tf’v qblcafv ja bcf bo atf rajmxfv vbiir.

‘That one looks like you.’ 5bamrN

The result was right in front of him. A white rabbit with only its cheeks and inner ears pink. It was sewn pink all the way to the soles of its feet, with some subtle details.

Wooyeon slowly reached out and grabbed the rabbit’s front paw. The sensation of its softness and fluffiness wasn’t too bad. As he was about to touch its ears, someone suddenly spoke up.

‘Shall we shake hands?’

‘…’ 5OoHfM

Startled, Wooyeon stopped moving. He knew it couldn’t be, but he thought the doll was speaking. A gentle voice came to Wooyeon, hesitant and puzzled.

“Did you sleep well?”

It was Dohyun. He approached Wooyeon and sat on the edge of the bed. His hair was slightly damp, and he had a towel draped around his neck as if he had just washed up.

“You slept for a long time.” fu0ABX


Wooyeon stared blankly at Dohyun’s smooth upper body. Since he was only wearing pants, his well-defined muscles were clearly visible. Although Wooyeon had seen him recently and even last night, seeing him like this for the first time felt strangely unsettling.

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‘Wow, you really have a nice body.’

Wooyeon exclaimed inwardly, feeling his cheeks flush. From his broad shoulders and arms to the tattoo near his shoulder blade. It was an overt gaze to anyone, but Dohyun kindly pretended not to notice, smiling. u6mrY2

“Can you get up?”


Wooyeon sluggishly raised his upper body. As Dohyun asked if he slept well, a dull pain suddenly struck his whole body.

“Ouch!” BrSLFy

Wooyeon collapsed back onto the bed. Looking at him lying down again, Dohyun asked with concern.

“Are you in a lot of pain?”


Wooyeon couldn’t bring himself to say he was okay. He groaned softly, his face contorted in pain. His whole body felt sore like he’d been beaten all night. Even the pain radiating through his tailbone was a new kind he had never experienced before. dbT9Gc

“It hurts….”

Trying to sit up a few more times, Wooyeon spoke in a dejected voice. Dohyun smiled apologetically.

“Well… that’s understandable.”

He turned Wooyeon around and placed his hand on his waist. As soon as his large hand touched him, Wooyeon flinched. It seemed like Dohyun had put his T-shirt back on him after he had fallen asleep, but the touch through the thin fabric of the T-shirt was uncomfortably ticklish. lsvxqF

“Relax and lie down. I’ll massage you.”

Wooyeon immediately laid down, writhing in discomfort. As he buried his face in the pillow and laid down, Dohyun’s large hand lightly skimmed over his lower back.

“If it hurts, let me know.”

As awkward as this situation was, the throbbing muscle pain was more pressing. Not only his back, but also his thighs and shoulders hurt so much that he doubted he could even walk properly like this. PVXw8s


Wooyeon let out a faint groan and clenched his teeth. Each time Dohyun’s hand touched him, he felt a piercing sensation. It was painful yet soothing; at least it didn’t feel bad.

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“Oh, there….”

“Here?” BPkT76

Dohyun’s cautious touch loosened the tense muscles, making them feel sluggish. Pressing his fingers along his spine, grazing the inside of his shoulder blades, then moving down again. It wasn’t the first time Wooyeon had received a massage, but it was the first time he’d felt such a subtle sensation.

“Ah, uh, ugh…”


“Uh…ugh.” TrNyik

As the massage continued, the surroundings strangely quieted down. Except for the rustling of clothes and Wooyeon’s groans, there was no other sound. Even Dohyun, who was giving the massage, suddenly fell silent.

“Ah, ugh……”


“There, above……” qdsUuj

There was a chuckle at that moment. Dohyun, who had been quietly massaging, suddenly moved his hand downward. His fingers, barely brushing against Wooyeon’s waist, leisurely delved beneath his T-shirt.



His fingers touched his bare skin. Wooyeon felt a sudden sense of danger and closed his mouth. After skimming over his smooth back, Dohyun lowered himself closer to Wooyeon’s back. k u8jW

“How am I supposed to handle it when you make those lewd noises in bed?”

Without putting weight on him, Dohyun nuzzled Wooyeon’s back. The pheromones that had suddenly been released made the surrounding air strange. Wooyeon refuted with a confident voice while arching his neck.

“I didn’t…ugh!”

A really strange sound came out. Dohyun blew into Wooyeon’s ear, causing him to whimper. Easily overpowering Wooyeon’s resistance, he licked around his earlobe with his tongue. J2Q0vX

“Sunbae, I-I’m tickli…ah, it tickles!”

Ignoring Wooyeon’s words, Dohyun teased his small ear. He nibbled on the earlobe and kissed behind his ear, making sucking noises, and even kissed around his ear, causing Wooyeon to protest.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Su, ah, stop…!”

Wooyeon tried to break free from his embrace with a flushed face. Despite their embarrassing actions all last night, being stuck together in broad daylight felt different. Plus, every place Dohyun’s lips touched seemed to become as sensitive as an erogenous zone. 6AbFzT

“Ah, Sunbae!”


Suddenly, Dohyun pulled Wooyeon into his arms and rolled over to his side. He wrapped his arms around his waist and even made a makeshift pillow with his body curled up like a koala. Wooyeon, who was suddenly embraced tightly, covered his ears with his palm.

“Seriously….” BGCkIv

“It’s not Sunbae, it’s Hyung.”


“Dohyun-Ah Hyung, try saying it. Hmm?”

Wooyeon tightly pressed his lips together and shook his head slightly. The lips that had touched his ear were still vivid and clear. In addition, a nameless area began to tingle indescribably. 6ML58i

“Are you going to keep calling me Sunbae?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“But you did yesterday.”

With a hint of regret, Dohyun kissed Wooyeon’s neck. There was a smooching sound, followed by an even more awkward statement. 84eyFX

“You called me that, Wooyeon. You were like, ‘Hyung, Dohyun-Ah Hyung’ all the time…..”

“That was because Seonsaeng-nim…!”

Suddenly flustered, Wooyeon quickly turned his head. Dohyun, who had been watching him, lowered his eyes softly. His gently curved eyes were more beautiful than ever.

“Yeah, what about Seonsaeng-nim?” tqXIGr


It felt like he was caught in a trap. His body was restrained, and verbally, Wooyeon could never win against Dohyun. The more he tried to escape, the deeper Wooyeon fell into the abyss of words.

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Wooyeon finally managed to free his lips and averted his eyes reluctantly. Dohyun was smiling as if he was asking him to say it again. After swallowing hard, an awkward voice popped out. sECpqb

“On your back…there’s a tattoo.”

It was an abrupt change of topic, but Dohyun pretended not to notice. The way Dohyun smiled seemed like he was looking at Wooyeon cutely. Relieved, Wooyeon snuggled against Dohyun, fidgeting slightly.

“It doesn’t seem like English… What does it mean?”


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  1. Too much cuteness!!!! 🥰Dohyun you sneaky little fox…you forced Yeon-ah to call you HYUNG and now trying to be oblivious 🤣