Heal That Poor Little OneCh51 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

Yan Xinjue was despairing over his future when he heard Professor Liu continue, “I would also like to ask Bai Su if you would be willing to choose our school. The gates of the University of Technology will always be open to you. If you choose our university, I can guarantee you a spot in our integrated bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral program. I very much look forward to collaborating with you in the future.”

Professor Liu’s words clearly elevated Bai Su to a high position and showed everyone the value of Bai Su’s work on display. IgP8nv

Looking at the bigger picture, Bai Su’s project included an intelligent system and a new power device, which could greatly impact future transportation and daily life. Professor Liu saw Bai Su’s limitless potential with a forward-looking perspective.

While his own future was ruined, Bai Su’s future was bright, and Yan Xinjue felt he had hit rock bottom.

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Bai Su’s goal included a guaranteed admission spot, so he gladly accepted Professor Liu’s invitation, accepting the guaranteed admission to the University of Technology, and paid no more attention to the despondent Yan Xinjue.

As he walked down from the stage, he saw Yan Shengchen looking at him with eyes full of surprise. Bai Su smiled but said nothing. It wasn’t until they left the venue and were alone that Bai Su apologized to Yan Shengchen, “I’m sorry I kept this from you. I deliberately exposed Yan Xinjue because his actions made me very angry. Shengchen, do you blame me?” Adw4I1

Yan Shengchen shook his head vigorously. Of course, he didn’t blame Bai Su. The matter was clearly due to Yan Xinjue’s repeated wrongdoing. He was only frustrated that he hadn’t noticed Yan Xinjue’s actions behind the scenes and failed to protect Bai Su. Fortunately, Bai Su was vigilant enough—this was his own oversight!

Bai Su won the final victory in the competition. To apologize and celebrate, Yan Shengchen treated Bai Su to a lavish meal, and they played outside until dark before parting ways. However, when Yan Shengchen got home, he saw Yan Xinjue waiting for him.

After the incident at the venue, Yan Xinjue rushed home to ask Xiao Yuzhen for help. However, how could Xiao Yuzhen have the ability to help him? She didn’t care and said it was just university, not a big deal.

This drove Yan Xinjue crazy. He couldn’t understand why his mother was so different from other mothers—she seemed to never truly care about him, only about herself.


While Xiao Yuzhen didn’t care about his future, Yan Xinjue couldn’t afford not to. He could only think of seeking help from Yan Shengchen.

In the Yan family, the most powerful person was Yan Quan, and Yan Shengchen, as Yan Quan’s most beloved child, could help. If Yan Shengchen spoke up for him, he might be able to go abroad even if no good domestic university would take him. In the future, he could enter Yan Corporation, and with power, who would mock him then?

Seeing Yan Xinjue coming to him in a panic, pleading for help, Yan Shengchen remained cold and silent.

Unable to bear the silence, Yan Xinjue finally shouted, “Yan Shengchen, will you help me or not? If you speak for me, I still have hope. Otherwise, my life is really over!” 5DsJ7P

“Isn’t this the result of your own actions? If you hadn’t tried to frame Bai Su, you wouldn’t be in this situation. At the very least, you could have gotten into a good school through your own efforts. Why should we pay for your mistakes?”

Yan Xinjue didn’t expect Yan Shengchen to say this and stared at him in shock. He suddenly realized that Yan Shengchen had changed, becoming completely out of his control.

It was clear that Yan Shengchen had no intention of helping him, driving Yan Xinjue into madness.

He yelled hysterically, “Why won’t you help me? Over the years, my mother and I have done so much for your family, serving you like slaves. I was just a foil for you. We’ve treated you so well, and you’re an ungrateful bastard!” vNlT1a

Yan Shengchen found this accusation laughably ironic.

“Ungrateful? You’d better remember whose house this is, who provides for you. You’re just staying here. Hiring a maid wouldn’t cost so much. You wear brand names, have expensive watches, and the best tutors in A City.

Your life of luxury is all thanks to the Yan family. Now you accuse me of being ungrateful? What’s wrong with you?

Anyway, I overheard your conversation with your mother. In your eyes, I’m just a fool, right? Yan Xinjue, you’re the real ungrateful wretch. pkU39H

Get out, and don’t ever come into my room again.”

With that, Yan Shengchen grabbed Yan Xinjue by the collar and threw him out, ignoring his struggles.

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Yan Xinjue, lying on the ground, sat up but didn’t dare confront Yan Shengchen. He ran back to his room and smashed everything he could.

He had thought he could provoke Yan Shengchen into helping him as he had before, but the outcome was completely unexpected. qbjfwQ

The worst part was that Yan Shengchen had overheard his conversation with his mother, explaining the drastic change in his attitude.

Now, he had to be careful and try to appease Yan Shengchen, preventing him from telling Yan Quan everything. If the Yan family rejected them, his current luxurious life would be over.

Yan Shengchen, however, didn’t care about Yan Xinjue’s tantrums. He felt no sympathy, only that Yan Xinjue deserved everything that was happening.

If Yan Xinjue had succeeded in framing Bai Su, it would be Bai Su losing his future. NHizbX

Just then, Yan Shengchen’s phone rang. Seeing that it was Bai Su calling, his expression softened, feeling they were truly connected.

He immediately picked up the phone and started chatting with Bai Su. Now, they communicated and talked almost every day after being apart. Yan Shengchen liked Bai Su and naturally wanted to spend more time with him, and Bai Su, not opposed to this, even initiated such interactions, which made Yan Shengchen very happy.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yc atf qtbcf, Tjc Vtfcumtfc vlvc’a wfcalbc atja Tjc Wlcpef tjv pera mbwf ys, yea Djl Ve ralii rfcrfv atja tlr wbbv kjr boo jcv aglfv ab mtffg tlw eq ys ajixlcu jybea lcafgfralcu atlcur.

Coafg mtjaalcu obg j ktlif klat atf qfgrbc tf ilxfv, Tjc Vtfcumtfc’r wbbv lcvffv lwqgbnfv rluclolmjcais. Ktfs ajixfv ijaf lcab atf cluta yfobgf rjslcu ubbvcluta. 6qjbXE

After hanging up the phone, Yan Shengchen looked at a photo he had secretly taken of Bai Su in his school uniform, sitting in the sunlight, daydreaming. He smiled, and gently kissed the photo.

After talking with Bai Su, Yan Shengchen had completely calmed down, and no longer cared about Yan Xinjue.

He realized that Yan Xinjue could be a real troublemaker, and his Aunt Xiao was also unreliable. It seemed there were things he needed to discuss with his father when he returned from his business trip.

Yan Shengchen had made up his mind, but he didn’t expect that Yan Quan’s business trip would take so long. Almost two months had passed, and they finally approached their final exams. X5zmGF

In the last monthly exam, Yan Shengchen ranked among the top 200 in his grade. His rapid improvement surprised everyone around him, including Yan Shengchen himself.

Only Bai Su wasn’t surprised, because he knew his lover was naturally very intelligent. Both Xiao Yuzhen and Yan Xinjue had not been wrong about that.

Since his last academic improvement, Yan Shengchen found joy in studying and fully engaged in it. Bai Su’s teaching plans, tailored specifically for Yan Shengchen, suited him well, allowing him to achieve such good grades in just a few months.

With more effort, Bai Su believed his lover could rank in the top 50 of the grade, and possibly attend the same university as him. 2FCzot

Bai Su’s teaching methods were truly excellent, and the person being taught was diligent enough. So, Yan Shengchen eagerly anticipated this exam, hoping to deliver a satisfactory performance for the semester.

On the day the exam results were announced, Yan Shengchen waited early at the notice board, without asking anyone to accompany him. He worried that if he didn’t meet his own expectations, Bai Su would be disappointed.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

When the results were finally posted, and he saw his name ranked 63rd in the grade, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Achieving such good results for the first time, Yan Shengchen was incredibly excited and couldn’t wait to tell Bai Su. However, when he rushed back to the classroom, he couldn’t find him. Feeling a bit disappointed, he asked Lu Junfeng nearby, who told him Bai Su had just gone to the restroom. 4MOy3r

Not caring about anything else, he ran directly to the restroom and saw Bai Su just coming out after washing his hands. He hurriedly went over and shared his exam results.

Seeing Yan Shengchen so excited, Bai Su couldn’t help but smile happily.

Looking at his beloved’s radiant smile, Yan Shengchen felt warmth in his chest and jokingly said, “Bai Su, I’m so amazing, is there a reward?”

He was just speaking casually, but to his surprise, Bai Su nodded and smiled, “Yes.” zdCacO

Yan Shengchen’s face lit up with joy, eagerly looking at Bai Su, wanting to know what his reward would be. He saw the boy in the white shirt beckon to him and walk toward a corner of the teaching building.

It was close to class time, so there were few people around. Curious, Yan Shengchen followed Bai Su to the secluded corner.

“Bai Su, why so mysterious? Is there something amazing here?” Yan Shengchen asked with a smile, but before he finished speaking, Bai Su grabbed his collar and planted a kiss on his cheek.

After the kiss, the boy standing in front of him continued to smile, his single-lidded eyes sparkling like stars. DkuPJF

The warm sensation lingered on his cheek, and Yan Shengchen stared at Bai Su in a daze, almost forgetting to breathe.

“Bai Su, why did you kiss me?” Yan Shengchen murmured, his voice soft, as if speaking any louder would shatter the beautiful dream before him.

Bai Su, seeing his dazed look, smiled and said, “This is the reward.”

“A reward?” Yan Shengchen swallowed hard, suddenly embracing the smiling boy, pinning him against the wall, and kissed the lips he had longed for. uhTBO

They embraced tightly, their lips pressed together. Though there was no further action, Yan Shengchen felt he was about to faint from excitement.

Bai Su’s lips were soft, carrying the refreshing taste of youth, making him unwilling to stop the kiss.

The innocence of the moment brought a special kind of happiness. Bai Su felt they could hear each other’s breaths and heartbeats.

This was Yan Shengchen’s first kiss, and for Bai Su, it was their true first kiss in this world. Though not passionate, the pure love in their hearts was overflowing. 5mcbeA

After a long while, Yan Shengchen lifted his head, looking at Bai Su intently, nervously watching every expression on his face. Seeing no trace of disgust, he relaxed a bit, breathlessly saying, “This is the real reward!”

“Bai Su, I like you. Will you be with me?”

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Bai Su’s answer was a radiant smile and another kiss.

Bai Su thought happily, in this life, they were together again. dIR0oh

What could make someone happier than sharing mutual feelings with the person they like before the holidays? At least now, Yan Shengchen felt like he was a winner in life.

He had achieved excellent grades and gained a perfect lover. Even though the long vacation was shortened significantly due to the special period of the third year of high school, his good mood wasn’t affected.

It didn’t matter whether there was a vacation or not, as long as he could be with Bai Su.

Be it school, home, or any other place, nothing could stop his heart from falling in love. LRlSgi

Taking a bite of the ice cream Yan Shengchen handed over, Bai Su, who had just watched a movie with his lover, licked his lips and suddenly said, “By the way, Shengchen, why haven’t we seen Lu Junfeng recently?”

“Why did you suddenly think of him?”

Yan Shengchen asked casually, looking at the bite mark on his ice cream, blushing and taking a bite from the same spot.

Mmm, so sweet! n2uK57

“I just suddenly thought of it. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen him, and I find it unusual. After all, he’s your number one follower!”

“That’s true.”

Hearing Bai Su’s words, Yan Shengchen paused and realized it was indeed strange. Even if they didn’t meet every day during the vacation, with Lu Junfeng’s talkative nature, he would usually message them every few days to bother them.

Although he enjoyed spending alone time with his beloved and wished the third wheel wouldn’t show up, Lu Junfeng’s unusual behavior still worried him. GF hyQ

Thinking this, Yan Shengchen sent a message to Lu Junfeng, but there was no reply even after his date with Bai Su ended that day.

“What, still no reply?”

“No.” Yan Shengchen shook his head.

“Calls aren’t being answered either. How about we visit Lu Junfeng’s house together tomorrow?” WaQeK

Hearing this, Bai Su immediately nodded. He was also worried and wanted to check on him. Knowing the original plot, Bai Su knew that Lu Junfeng’s father had trouble around this time, which made Lu Junfeng’s abnormal behavior particularly concerning.

After spending some time with the protagonist, Bai Su had come to regard Lu Junfeng as a friend and didn’t want him to lose his loved ones. He brought it up today, hoping they could avoid the tragedy in the Lu family.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The next day, after breakfast, they went to Lu Junfeng’s house. After knocking on the door for a while, they saw a disheveled Lu Junfeng open the door.

The usually sunny and smiling boy now looked worried and, seeing Bai Su and Yan Shengchen, said in surprise, “Boss, Bai Su, why are you here?” k3L2jy

“Of course, we’re worried about you. We came to see what’s going on with you these past days. Why didn’t you reply to messages or answer calls?”

Yan Shengchen frowned at Lu Junfeng, his gaze deepening as he saw his condition.

Hearing his boss’s words, Lu Junfeng felt touched but could only say despondently, “There’s some trouble at home. Boss, I might have to transfer schools and won’t be able to study with you anymore.”

“You’re in your third year of high school, about to take the college entrance exam. What do you mean by transferring schools? That’s nonsense!” tDr6dN

Yan Shengchen was furious, but Bai Su interrupted their conversation, saying, “Aren’t you going to let us in? We can’t just talk at the door.”

Only then did Lu Junfeng realize their position was inappropriate. After thinking for a moment, he stepped aside to let them in.

Lu Junfeng lived in a high-end apartment. The buildings were modern, the apartments spacious, and the community well-landscaped. Most residents were successful individuals.

They didn’t notice anything at the door, but upon entering, they understood why Lu Junfeng looked troubled when they asked to come in. tDrLyI

The interior, usually elegantly decorated, was now in disarray. As soon as they entered the living room, a strong smell of alcohol hit them.

A middle-aged man with a scruffy face, wearing only a tank top and boxer shorts, was slumped on the sofa. He didn’t move even when they entered, surrounded by cigarette butts and empty bottles, making the room smell awful.

Seeing this, Lu Junfeng awkwardly smiled at them and said apologetically, “Uh, maybe we should talk in my room.”

Bai Su and Yan Shengchen nodded and followed him to his room. After some conversation, they learned that Lu Junfeng’s father was in trouble. His father’s company was about to go bankrupt, and they had to mortgage everything. That’s why Lu Junfeng’s father was so despondent. XTtGQD

Shenglin Academy was a prestigious school with high tuition fees for non-exceptional students. They couldn’t afford it anymore, so they planned to transfer schools.

“But this is the most critical period of the third year. Your grades are good; what if transferring affects your college entrance exam performance?” Bai Su asked, looking at Lu Junfeng.

The boy across from him smiled nonchalantly, “Hey, it’s not a big deal. Just because I transfer doesn’t mean I’ll stop studying. You saw my dad’s condition; I have to work harder. As long as the family is still together, we have to keep striving!”

Seeing the smile on Lu Junfeng’s face, Bai Su paused, admiring the protagonist’s optimistic and strong personality in this small world. He valued his family more than external things. If it weren’t for the devastating blow of his father’s suicide, he wouldn’t have been so lost for so many years. xRdqks

Listening to their conversation, Yan Shengchen remained silent for a long time, contemplating.

Having been friends with Lu Junfeng for so long, he had some understanding of his family. Thinking of Lu Junfeng’s father’s company, he asked, “Lu Junfeng, if I remember correctly, your father’s company is called Shengheng, right? They specialize in developing new energy technologies, correct?”

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Lu Junfeng nodded in response, puzzled by why his boss suddenly mentioned this.

“Maybe, I mean maybe I can help with your father’s company. My dad once mentioned to me that he is very interested in developing new energy industries. If our family invests in or acquires Shengheng, wouldn’t that solve your immediate problem?” jtZdiE

“Boss, are you serious?”

Hearing this, Lu Junfeng immediately stood up, looking at Yan Shengchen excitedly, even Bai Su showed a surprised expression.

Lu Junfeng knew the strength of the Yan family, and if this was the case, the problem might really be solved. Thinking of his father’s despondency these past days, he immediately dragged Yan Shengchen to his father and told him about this matter.

Lu’s father always thought his business was hopeless. Hearing Lu Junfeng’s words, he wasn’t as optimistic as Lu Junfeng. Co7PS6

Although he knew the Yan family indeed had the capability to help him, business was business, and he didn’t think Yan Quan had any obligation to help him. However, compared to before, their words did reignite some hope in him.

This matter was urgent, so after speaking, Yan Shengchen immediately left the Lu family with Bai Su, planning to call his father Yan Quan, who was on a business trip, to discuss this matter thoroughly. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got home, he was informed that Yan Quan had already returned and was now working in his study.

Yan Shengchen took off his coat and hurried to the door of Yan Quan’s study. After knocking and hearing a response, he entered, only to see Yan Quan frowning, with a serious expression as if he had seen something bad on his computer.

Yan Shengchen thought something had happened and asked worriedly, “Dad, what’s wrong?” tAX1WG

Hearing his son’s voice, Yan Quan closed the surveillance footage on his computer. He suppressed the gloom in his eyes and looked up with a smile at his son.

“Nothing, just some work-related issues. Why are you back so early today, have you eaten?”

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  1. Before celebrating our lovely mc and ml’s new relationship, I hope Yan Quan finds out about that mother and son pair, and gives them a boot.

    Thanks for the update!

  2. This woman!!!!

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖