Banished to Another WorldCh94 - The Reason Yan Mo Spit Blood…

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*edited by me*

Ai Di’s feet were almost touching the ground. XjC5dv

Fei Li grabbed Ai Di’s shoulder.

“Puff!” A thick but sharp soil spike shot directly from the ground, piercing through Ai Di’s abdomen.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ah!” Ai Di screamed in agony.

Countless earth arrows shot out from the ground, directly attacking Ai Di and Fei Li. Then six tribesmen jumped out of the ground and threw flying spears directly at the two. Yunc4d

“Shoot the arrows!” Fei Li roared, he grabbed Ai Di, and quickly rose, while Ai Di himself vigorously flapped his wings.

He couldn’t tell if the six tribesmen were excited or afraid; they let out loud screams before slipping back into the soil.

Zei Xi fired five or six arrows in mid-air at the land around Han Ke.

The ground was motionless; it seemed that the six tribesmen had hidden somewhere.

PHdw 3

Ai Di was in pain and ashamed. “My lord…”

Fei Li didn’t comfort him. Ai Di was too impulsive just now. Even though he knew the opponent had the ability to control the soil, the warrior still dared to charge down like this.


“Bang!” The ground exploded; the power of this arrow was incredibly immense. py0TS6

“Ah!” Two mud figures rolled out of the ground, screaming in agony. They were about to flee.

Zei Xi and Ai Di aimed at both of them simultaneously.

“Get down!” Someone shouted.

The two clay figures quickly lay on the ground, and before the flying arrows hit them, the soil beneath them suddenly loosened, and the arrows hit the soil. onHGRP

Fei Li’s face remained calm, and he drew another arrow with his backhand, pulling the strings of his bow, and the flying arrow shot out like an electric current.

“Shoo! Shoo!”

Fei Li didn’t pause, shooting three sharp arrows in succession.

Dust was flying, and chunks of soil splattered around. Except for Han Ke, who was lying on the ground, a large area of land with a radius of over 300 meters was blasted into deep pits. OwsnSG

But there were no more screams.

“Sir, they must be hiding under Han Ke. We need to rescue Han Ke!”

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Fei Li certainly knew this, but as soon as they landed on the ground, they would definitely be attacked by that capable warrior. The same thing would happen if they were even slightly closer to the ground.

“Ai Di, is that person really just a level four warrior?” tEWHzd

Ai Di covered his abdomen and nodded in pain. “Yes, sir, I saw it very clearly.” The dirt thorn dispersed shortly after he rose into the air, and most of the dirt fell on his abdomen. If he didn’t stop the bleeding and clean out the dirt as soon as possible, he might…

Fei Li’s eyes flashed with doubt as he aimed his bow and arrow at the ground. “Can a level four warrior possess such proficiency, speed, precision, and such a large amount of control? Impossible! This person… if this place was hollowed out and arranged by the opponent beforehand, then this person can’t be a level four warrior.”

Fei Li couldn’t have imagined that the terrifying soil control ability that could make other level four soil ability warriors jealous and surprised to death was harnessed by Yuan Zhan’s high priest!

Any warrior with the soil ability who carved two moats and almost built a city on their own in the winter and had to make a pile of stone tools according to the abnormal requirements of their priest would probably also use their abilities with ease, which was the difference between skilled workers and ordinary workers, even if they were all on the same level. 5YIWm

Of course, Fei Li had no idea that Yuan Zhan had also learned a correct and systematic training method called the Junior Training Method, which was said to have been passed down by the Ancestral god, and had received three life force charges. So even if he could find a warrior of the same level, there would be no match for Brother Yuan Zhan, who accidentally cheated while sleeping with the Ancestral god’s priest every day.

Fei Li couldn’t figure it out, which made him even more eager to meet the leader of the Jiu Yuan tribe in a while.

“Zei Xi!”

“Here!” hHuWKO

“I will attack the ground, and you will transform to rescue Han Ke. Follow my command, and when I count to three, charge down! Even if someone attacks you, don’t worry, just get Han Ke.”

“Yes.” Zei Xi threw his bow and arrow bag to Ai Di, quickly transforming into his bird form, pulling his body high, and preparing for a sprint.

“Ai Di, pay attention to the ground. When you see any movement, don’t pay attention to anything; just shoot the arrows.”

“Yes!” jJTa1H

“Prepare! One, two, charge!”

Zei Xi let out a shout and quickly charged towards Han Ke below in the shape of an arrow.

Fei Li and Ai Di tightened their bowstrings and were ready to support each other at any time.

Zei Xi finally reached Han Ke. fJImba

Fei Li and Ai Di’s muscles tensed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ifl Wl ugjyyfv Ljc Bf jcv gertfv lcab atf rxs.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf ugbecv kjr delfa, klat cb bcf jaajmxlcu atfw, ifa jibcf rtbklcu atflg ojmfr.

Fcvfgugbecv, Tejc Itjc ifv atf kjs, jcv atf rlz kjgglbgr yftlcv tlw obiibkfv bcf ys bcf, gluta yftlcv tlw. hsQFyp

Ktf rfnfc bo atfw gjc oeglberis.

Cr Tejc Itjc gjc obgkjgv, atf rbli lc ogbca bo tlw rffwfv ab yf mbcrajcais gfagfjalcu, ktlif atf rfnfcat kjgglbg rffwfv ab yf mtjrfv ys atf rbli, jcv jr rbbc jr tf rafqqfv bea, atf rbli yftlcv tlw kbeiv yf oliifv.

Hu Hu and the others were more excited than afraid. They had no sense of escaping and only felt that hiding to attack the Birdmen and running underground was simply thrilling to the core! If it weren’t for fear of being discovered by the enemy, they would want to run and scream at the same time.

Because they were underground, Yuan Zhan couldn’t see the ground or which way to go, but through these soils, he inexplicably knew which side he was going in. RwSgM3

He hadn’t been prepared to flee; he’d been on guard against the birdmen bringing reinforcements to save their companion on the way back and had tried to pass through some of the small wooded edges along the way to avoid being spotted by the birdmen in the air.

They had seen those black dots in the sky from a long way off as those birdmen flew towards them.

He planned to ambush those birdmen, just like they used to hunt wild animals; he would dig a pit and hide underground, piercing their abdomens from below when they came. He planned to deal with those birdmen in the same way.

But the birdmen who came weren’t as easy to bully as before, and one of the weapons thrown was more powerful than he had imagined. mTt34J

What kind of weapon did that birdman use? Why did it have such great power? Was that the weapon’s ability or a warrior’s ability?

Although the birdmen were a bit stronger than he had anticipated, he had a way to deal with them as long as they wanted to rescue their companion.

He could persevere, but Hu Hu and the others couldn’t, and he couldn’t hide Hu Hu and the others for a long time to deal with those birdmen alone. He was eager to return to the city and had no time to deal with them.

It was certain that other birdmen couldn’t be eliminated in such a short period of time. So Yuan Zhan ran with Hu Hu before that powerful birdman fired his third arrow. 4VMRAf

As for the captive, he was dying anyway, and bringing him back would only be to give him to the Mer clan to cut and play with, so he might as well be thrown to those birds as a liability.

Fei Li and others confirmed that the barbarians had escaped, so they flew a distance and landed by a small stream.

Ai Di insisted that they check Han Ke’s injuries first.

Han Ke had fallen into a coma. W9Ms Q

Just as Zei Xi laid Han Ke flat, he exclaimed incredulously, “Han Ke’s wings! What did those barbarians do to him?”

Fei Li and Ai Di looked over together, and only then did they realize that Han Ke’s wings appeared to be just broken, but when they opened them, they found that the cornea and wing bone in the middle of his wings had been cut off, leaving only the outermost and largest wing bone.

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“Those barbarians! I want to kill them all!” Zei Xi roared angrily, and Ai Di was even more pained.

Fei Li stood up and said, “Let’s go back and find Princess Dofie. Maybe she can save Han Ke and Ai Di. You grab Han Ke; I’ll take Ai Di; let’s go!” tGxrvE

But when they flew back to the small forest, north of the extension of the Jiuyuan Tribe, they found that both the Royal Princess and the woman they captured were gone.

“Sir?” They looked at Fei Li together.

Fei Li clenched his fist and said, “You stay here and guard Han Ke and Ai Di. I’ll go out and explore. Don’t act rashly until I come back.”

At this moment, large amounts of crushed stones rolled down. TF81e5

A huge black shadow suddenly rushed out from the cliff at the southern end.

“Jie –!” Hungry! I’m so hungry! Meat! Eat a lot of meat!

At the same time, Yuan Zhan and the others found that there were no more bird figures in the sky and ran out of the ground. After taking a brief rest to eat and drink, they began to run wildly again.

An hour and a half later, Fei Li found Dofie, who had escaped from the forest and was hiding under a small hill. uXm4h8

“Your Highness, what happened? Why did you come here? Where is the prisoner?”

“The people of the Jiuyuan tribe came over, and their priest can control huge man-eating bees. There were many, and I cannot eliminate them. I could only leave the forest. The captive has probably been rescued by her people.”

Fei Li also saw those bee colonies in the inner city. He wasn’t sure how powerful those bees were, but he knew that girls were afraid of them, so he didn’t ask much.

Dofie asked Fei Li about the result of pursuing Yuan Zhan and others. 4PCajT

But Fei Li only revealed that Yuan Zhan and others were already on their way back to the inner city.

Dofie frowned immediately when she heard that Yuan Zhan was about to return to the city.

However, at this moment, Fei Li readily agreed to help Dofie seize the Jiuyuan Tribe but demanded that she first rescue his subordinates, Ai Di and Han Ke.

Dofie clenched her fists and agreed. She really didn’t want to miss this opportunity. Subsequently, she followed Fei Li back to the forest to replenish Ai Di and Han Ke’s vitality, allowing them to quickly heal all their injuries. NxMiqQ

Dofie’s miraculous ability shocked Ai Di and the others. They had never known that the Royal Princess could treat everyone like Lord Ye He, and the Royal Princess’s healing ability had obviously reached level 4 or above. There were also some divine attendants in the temple who could help everyone with treatment, but they couldn’t heal a severed limb. They used to think that only their god could be so powerful.

Fei Li was also surprised; he was one of the few people who knew that the royal princess could heal, but he didn’t expect her to be able to do it to this extent.

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“Have you not demonstrated your divine ability in front of those barbarians?” Fei Li was puzzled. If Dofie had shown such an ability, those natives would either kill her out of fear or treat her like a god. Why would Her Highness seek his help?

“You know that the priests of these barbarian tribes are very xenophobic.” Dofie said ambiguously, then asked, “When do you plan to attack the Jiuyuan tribe? What is the plan?” pMr2m1

“I plan to explore the tribe again, and it would be even better if I could talk to the mer clan.” Fei Li’s biggest concern now was the mer warriors swimming in the moat.

Leaving aside the plans of Fei Li and others, the next morning, Yuan Zhan and his seven companions rushed back to the Jiuyuan tribe.

Yuan Zhan suddenly returned to the city. Although surprising, it couldn’t be denied that everyone cheered together as if they had taken a reassuring pill.

Upon hearing that Yuan Zhan had turned back halfway, Meng immediately ran out of the city gate to meet him. qvtr32

“Zhan, why did you suddenly come back? Do you know about the enemy coming to investigate? What is that wrapped around you?”

Yuan Zhan didn’t answer Meng but instead asked Hu Hu and the six others who followed him overnight to quickly eat, sleep, and heal their wounds. Only when Mu Changming personally led the six people away did he follow Meng up the city wall.

“Where is Mo?” Yuan Zhan didn’t ask if there was anything wrong, because he could tell from the expressions of those people.

“At the east gate tower,” Meng hurriedly responded. bIetyB

“Tell me everything that happened after I left!”


As Yuan Zhan and Meng walked to the East City Tower, Meng also explained everything that had happened in the past three days.

“Has Sha Lang been rescued?” yqVPkt

“Yes. Mo’s man-eating bees found her; fortunately, they were there. Mo learned from them that there were only two people in the forest, so he asked me to send someone to take a look. However, we only rescued Sha Lang, and Dofie escaped. Dofie probably ran away when she saw those man-eating bees.”

As soon as Yuan Zhan heard the three words “man-eating bees,” the muscles on his face couldn’t help but twitch, then he asked, “How many days can our current food last?”

“The weather has turned hot, and all the meat has been marinated as much as possible, but Mo said he doesn’t have much salt on his hands anymore.”

“How many days?” Yuan Zhan became impatient. 4Fg9Rb

Meng quickly responded, “Ten days. If we don’t count those dwarves.”

Yuan Zhan frowned and said, “Call everyone back, including the hunting team. If there is no order from me during this period, everyone must stay in the city. You can discuss food with the mer clan and ask them to temporarily provide us with fish for a period of time. I will remember their kindness.”

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“Uh,” he suddenly opened his mouth. Yuan Zhan stopped at the entrance of the east city tower, and two guards bowed to him. Yuan Zhan bowed back and asked Meng, “What else is there?”

“I don’t know what Mo told the mermaids, but now those mermaids not only agreed to provide us with food but also sent 500 more soldiers over. And those dwarves have all stayed behind and voluntarily requested to join us in dealing with the foreign enemies,” Meng said. QXcIdM

After hearing that, Yuan Zhan didn’t express himself and directly lifted the curtain to enter the room.

As Meng was about to follow him in, he was blocked by Yuan Zhan’s palm, and he asked, “Is that all?”

After a moment of thought, Meng added, “There are also weapons that Mo asked us to manufacture. If you have time, I want to show you.”

“Is that all?” BlVTC4


“I need to rest. Go get me some meat and come back in two hours.” Yuan Zhan didn’t wait for Meng’s answer before dropping the door curtain.

Yan Mo had already heard the voices talking outside, so it wasn’t too strange to see Yuan Zhan walking in.

Yuan Zhan saw him rubbing his forehead and walked over to ask him, “Are you really annoyed?” 1roZ6P

Yan Mo nodded honestly.

These three days, although Yuan Zhan had had a difficult time outside, he had also had a very difficult time inside the city.

Except for the arrangement of war, everything in the tribe was on his shoulders. Without knowing the exact number of enemies, he needed to consider the safety of the tribe’s population, food, weapons, arrangements for non-combatants, and everyone’s escape.

Even though he knew that there weren’t many enemies, he still made sure to actively negotiate with mermaids in case of uncertainty about their strength. He presented facts and reasoning with them and finally made them understand the truth: without the lips, the teeth would feel the cold. It wasn’t until then that he managed to persuade them to send more manpower to help protect the Jiuyuan tribe, which would also protect their eastern territory of Qingyuan Lake.

If only he just needed to focus on being a doctor, if he could completely ignore the lives and deaths of these people, if he could follow his previous temperament…

Yan Mo patted his cheek, calling back his attention, and said seriously, “You found out you were being followed by a bird?”

“It was a birdman.” Yuan Zhan untied the two large pieces of skin film wrapped around his body. uax5Sm

“Birdman?” Yan Mo was surprised, and his gaze naturally fell on the two pieces of skin on Yuan Zhan’s body.

“We didn’t bring the person back; it would have been a burden. Check if these two pieces of leather are useful.”

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Yuan Zhan placed the two pieces of leather film on the wooden table.

Yan Mo’s spirit lifted, and he rushed to the wooden table. His eyes lit up. He picked up one of the leather films and said, “These are the wings that grow on those birdmen? No hair? Just pure leather film?” JvpL3o

Yuan Zhan casually picked up Yan Mo’s wooden cup and took a big sip of water. He knew that his priest would like these things. If it weren’t for the fact that bringing that birdman wouldn’t be conducive to the journey, he would have carried the birdman back; Mo would have been even happier, wouldn’t he?

“Oh my god, this world… I now believe that everything recorded in The Classic of Mountains and Seas may be true. Hmm, these are wing bones used to support the middle part—one, two, three, and so on. Why is there only the inner side? What about the largest and outermost wing bone?”

“It’s too heavy, so I didn’t bring it.”

“You…!” What a waste! “Did you kill him?” PMTWmJ

“No, there was still one breath left. Whether he can survive or not depends on his fellow birdmen.”

If he died, if the place wasn’t far, he could still bring him back for dissection.

“What is the Classic of Mountains and Seas?” Yuan Zhan leaned against the edge of the wooden table and asked.

Yan Mo returned to his senses and responded, “It’s a record of the ancestral gods in this world. The book recorded all the creatures, terrain, and origins of the gods in this world, but I didn’t read it carefully, so I only remember a little bit.” pRm0g1

“The little things you know are still very precious.” Yuan Zhan stretched his body; he was very tired. “Those birdmen are very powerful, and one of them can throw… No, they used a strange tool to throw out small wooden spears,  like the ones you taught me, shaping soil into the shape of the pointed end of a wooden spear.”

Yan Mo tsked, “That’s a bow and arrow, a long-range attack weapon, a flying birdman plus a bow and arrow; that’s too much of a bully!”

Yuan Zhan looked at Yan Mo and deliberately stomped his muddy feet, saying, “It was very impressive, so I came back. I can only leave the salt drying pool for later.”

“Actually, it wouldn’t have mattered whether you came back or not… Hey, what are you doing? Don’t stretch your paws around!” 946OH

Yuan Zhan’s hand moved the top of Yan Mo’s head back and forth a few times, and it looked as if he wanted to whip him into shape.

“Do you know what I want to do now? My high priest!” The man gritted his teeth.

“Thank you; I don’t want to know at all.”

Yuan Zhan thought to himself and said, “I want to beat you up hard, and then I’ll beat you up all night!” rPkD2d

Yan Mo no longer took this person’s threat seriously. He waved his hand to prevent the other person from leaning against the table to occupy space, and then took out surgical tools to decompose the membrane wings.

Yuan Zhan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. For whom did he rush back so desperately?

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Yan Mo couldn’t bear the resentful gaze from the other party, so he lifted his head and sincerely said, “If you really can’t hold it back, you can discuss it with Meng. Perhaps, as a brother, he is willing to contribute his butt to you. You can also consider other warriors. As long as you don’t force it and both parties are willing, I will definitely not convene a jury to rule on your crime. Personally, I agree that same-sex sexual behavior is also a natural behavior.”

Yuan Zhan was so angry that he clenched his fists till they made noises and sneered, “You didn’t want me to come back?” unsytp

“No, of course not. How could you think that?” Although Yan Mo didn’t say it, he did feel a little relieved that Yuan Zhan could come back in time.

Speaking of which, his feelings towards this barbarian youth were also very complex these days. Sometimes he saw him as an enemy to guard against; sometimes he couldn’t help but regard him as a reliable brother and companion; sometimes he was so angry that he wanted to kill him; and sometimes he could feel at ease by his side.

Yuan Zhan raised his hand and wiped his face;  he suppressed his anger, and directly changed the topic. “How did you persuade the mer clan to send warriors to help us?”

Yan Mo self-examined his words and actions just now and didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. He just told the truth: “I said you didn’t have to come back because I convinced the Mer clan that it was rare to have a friendly and kind neighbor like us. Instead of changing to a new neighbor who doesn’t know the details and wouldn’t care in the future, it was better to cooperate with us. By the way, how many birdmen attacked you?” Cwd8Ma

Yuan Zhan replied, “There were a total of four; you only saw two people on your end?”


“How many outsiders did those bee guards of yours find around?”

“That’s the strange thing; from what the bee guards conveyed to me, there are no enemy hordes present around us, so even if there were, there wouldn’t be more than six.” aeWY1S

“Those six people are enough to destroy this city.” Yuan Zhan never underestimated his enemies: “They attacked from the sky, and we couldn’t keep hiding and not appear. As long as we went hunting and fishing, we would be attacked from the air by the enemy. One of them should also be a warrior with an ability, and his ability is quite strong. As long as he doesn’t come to the ground, I can’t do anything about him. This time, I almost injured him in the hand, but I injured the two of them.”

“There’s Dofie. According to Sha Lang, Dofie knows those outsiders and is their princess. In this way, Dofie will definitely help them recover their vitality and injuries, so those six people will become invincible Little Qiang—a kind of divine beast that will pester us to death. Unless we kill them all at once, letting them escape will bring endless trouble. Do you have any good ways to deal with them at once?”

Yuan Zhan suddenly stopped speaking.

Yan Mo waited for a while, then looked at him strangely. JhCRWt

Yuan Zhan grabbed the wooden cup on the table, looked at Yan Mo’s face, and bit on the rim of the cup.

“I remember you asking Meng to make meat for you.”

“I want to sleep now. I had two fights with the birdmen, and after half a day and a night of running, I spent most of my time using my ability to traverse underground. I also watched out for six people; I’m very tired now.”

“Oh,” Yan Mo waved his scalpel, “then go to sleep. I have a lot of things to do.” N7P6gK

Yuan Zhan took a deep breath and spoke slowly, “If you want to use me, be kind to me.”

Yan Mo, “…”

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“When you were my slave, I was very kind to you. Whenever I wanted to sleep with you, I would feed you first.”

“That’s good?” Yan Mo raised an eyebrow. UotP7m

“Do you want me to sleep on an empty stomach?”

Yan Mo almost wanted to curse at him: “Can we temporarily not discuss this issue? Now that the tribe is in the midst of a life-and-death situation, what’s the point of talking to me about this?”

“It’s interesting and very important!” Yuan Zhan emphasized, “I plan to marry you when you’re sixteen years old.”

“Puff!” oFkc4I



My editor hasn’t returned so I had to edit it myself, if there are any mistakes, please let me know. When they’re back they’ll edit it. Another chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.


Translator's Note


(idiom); fig. they were intimately interdependent

Leave a Comment


  1. ¡Muchas gracias por el capítulo de hoy! Es muy gracioso como Zhan decidió (por los dos) que Mo y él se casarán en el futuro; la comunicación de pareja abandonó el chat.

  2. “There would be no match for Brother Yuan Zhan, who accidentally cheated while sleeping with the ancestral god’s priest every day” 💀

    That’s a crazy line, it made me laugh out loud so unexpectedly 😭😭 Also Yuan Zhan randomly saying he wants to marry Yan Mo! I forgot he was literally a teenager 😰

  3. There is nothing funnier than Yuan Zhan getting angry over Yan Mo’s indiference, poor guy.

    Thank you for the translation!