Zero Day AttackCh2.1 - Cracker, Lrot

<System: 1 year later>

A clear ringing of the doorbell accompanied the door opening. Jin Kang turned off the water at the sink and turned around. xuLjcd


The café, simply decorated in black and white, had quite a few patrons filling the tables. The two customers who had just entered approached the counter.

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“Two sandwiches and two iced Americanos, please.”

“Will you be dining in or taking out?” d6Fwc4

“We’ll eat here.”

After the customers completed their payment and moved to a table, Jin Kang immediately started preparing the coffee. He also placed the pre-made sandwiches on a plate and took out the coffee cups.

“Jin Kang.”

A familiar voice came from behind as he was preparing the ice and water. Jin Kang turned his head.


“Yes, boss.”

“Two more iced lattes. It’s for delivery.”

“Got it.”

Jin Kang handed over the completed coffee and sandwiches to the customers and turned back to his tasks. The boss watched him quietly as he skillfully used the coffee machine. UHhTBd

“Watching you like this sometimes reminds me of when I first met you.”

The boss’s face was filled with joy as he reminisced about the past. Jin Kang, busy with his hands, shook his head, thinking the boss was making another trivial remark.

“Stop milking that story.”

“Why? Out of all the kids who ever came to work part-time, you were the best.” Vs2Z9l

“Maybe you just don’t remember.”

“Is that even possible?”

“If you wanted someone experienced, you should have hired one from the start.”

The boss let out a deflated laugh. tWMFCX

“No, even if I went back in time, I’d still hire you.”

“If I went back in time, I wouldn’t come here.”

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“In the end, you’d still end up coming here, one way or another.”

Jin Kang’s brow furrowed. The boss took every chance to bring up the days when Jin Kang was learning everything from scratch at the café, knowing nothing and having to learn from the ground up. From cleaning to drink recipes, and how to use the machines, there was no area untouched by the boss’s coaching. uMRHY1

Fortunately, Jin Kang had good learning and memory skills, so he adapted quickly. When he recalled his initial struggles, his current proficiency might naturally seem impressive.

Jin Kang sighed heavily.

“Alright, I get it. Can you please stop? Isn’t it tiring to keep talking about this all year long?”

“Even after eighty, I swear I’ll never get tired of it. I can promise you that.” 76OHiu

Seeing Jin Kang’s exasperated expression, the boss chuckled.

“I raised you like this. Right?”

“I’ve grown well, haven’t I?”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” RrojXA

It was baffling how the boss seemed to act like Jin Kang’s parents sometimes. He couldn’t help but wonder if he might be more understanding if he was married and had children. After acknowledging the boss’s order, Jin Kang carefully placed the finished cup in the carrier.

A little later, the delivery guy arrived and Jin Kang handed over the coffee and the address. At that moment, the boss’s phone rang, and he excused himself with a “Just a moment,” heading into the staff room. Meanwhile, the few guests in the hall bid their farewells and tidied up before leaving.

It felt like quite a stretch to tidy up just two tables, but the pile of dirty dishes seemed to grow with each passing moment. It was around the time when Jin Kang finished washing dishes diligently at the counter. When the boss returned from the staff room, something seemed off about his expression, as if something had happened.

“Why the long face, boss?” Jin Kang asked, noticing the change. YtT7Cd

With a apologetic expression, the boss asked, “Do you have time today by any chance?”

Looking at the time, it is 4:30 PM. Could it be happening again today? Jin Kang’s expression turned uneasy.

His face contorted in dismay as he recalled the recent pattern of their evening shift coworker skipping work without notice. Time and again, Jin Kang had been forced to step in and cover their missing shifts, a situation that seemed increasingly problematic.

Once again, Jin Kang found himself assigned to the evening shift today and sighed. t3qQwI


“Thanks again for today. I’m sorry.”

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“It can’t be helped. So, what’s the issue this time?”

Ktf ybrr ujnf j reyaif rwlif jcv rtbbx tlr tfjv. JZ9Nfl

“Ktflg ibnfg lr offilcu eckfii.”

Pa rffwfv ilxf tf tjv tfjgv atja fzmerf ja ifjra olnf alwfr. Sjmt alwf, atf jliwfca rffwfv vloofgfca. Ktfs kfgfc’a rfglber liicfrrfr, yea atfs kfgf fcbeut ab mjerf vlrmbwobga.

Qtfatfg la kjr jc fzmerf bg atf ageat, atf qgbyifw ijs lc atf mbkbgxfg’r jmalbcr. Pa’r ecvfgrajcvjyif ab wlrr kbgx vef ab ecobgfrffc mlgmewrajcmfr. Lbkfnfg, obg rfnfgji vjsr cbk, vfrqlaf qgbwlrlcu ab mbwf bc alwf ‘abwbggbk’, atfs tjv yffc lcobgwlcu atfw pera 30 wlceafr yfobgf atflg rtloa. Pa kbeiv tjnf yffc yfaafg lo atfs tjv pera jrxfv, “Jjc P ajxf j ofk vjsr boo vef ab qfgrbcji gfjrbcr?”

Perhaps that’s why the boss’s mood seemed tense. It felt like the coworker was already out of favor. The boss was quite a rational person when it came to these matters. He might have felt even more sorry for suddenly asking him to cover the shifts for a few days. 7yik5r

Jin Kang sighed deeply.

“Please do whatever you feel comfortable.”

“You can’t keep covering for me forever, Jin Kang.”

“That’s true, but I’m compensated for it, so…” PFCigL

He gestured with his thumb and index finger, forming a circle, and the boss finally relaxed his expression.

Jin Kang, who had been working at the café for almost a year now, had handled almost every substitute shift. From the boss’s perspective, he was a reliable and trustworthy employee. So, it was only natural for the boss to take care of him.

“Thanks to you, I make a living.”

“I heard rumors about a wage increase.” kHFn8S

“Tsk, tsk. It’s only been a month since they raised it, hasn’t it?”

As the boss roughly tousled Jin Kang’s hair, his black locks became disheveled. Jin Kang, who had attempted to escape, could only endure the boss’s mischief.

“Oh! Boss!”

“What, what? Why?” wGRk3n

Suddenly, the boss burst into laughter as if all the tension had dissipated. After a few more tousles, Jin Kang grabbed his head. It seemed like the boss wouldn’t stop teasing him anytime soon.

Knock, knock.

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The sound of someone tapping on the counter made both of their heads snap up simultaneously. Oh, great. In front of a customer! Jin Kang shot the boss a quick glare and turned his head. He was about to apologize, but instead of seeing eyes, he saw a well-defined jawline and broad shoulders.

“…..” ZfI54i

As his gaze naturally moved upward, he raised his head to see the customer’s face. The moment he saw the man, Jin Kang’s pupils widened slightly.

Is he a celebrity? A strikingly beautiful man stood before him. The first things that caught his attention were the long, slender eyes and the long eyelashes. The man’s sharp nose looked as if it had been meticulously sculpted by an artist. He was so beautiful that describing him as handsome was inadequate.

The man smiled warmly the moment their eyes met.

“I was waiting, but it seemed like it wasn’t going to end.” cLQTfJ

Jin Kang stared blankly for a long while. It wasn’t until the man spoke first that he hastily lowered his head.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’d like a coffee, please. I’ll have it here.”

“Sure.” rm38 d

The man’s long fingers looked especially elegant as he handed over his card. As Jin Kang took the blue card, which suited the man well, he realized that the man’s smiling face was still turned towards him. It was impossible not to notice the gaze. What’s going on? Why is he staring?

As Jin Kang finished the transaction and handed the card back, their eyes met once more. The man’s eyes held a spark of interest, as if he had discovered something amusing.

The card hung in the air, not quite making it back to its owner. Clearing his throat, Jin Kang, still holding out the card, finally spoke.

“Sir, please take your card.” yA2xBn

Finally, the man accepted the card, but his gaze remained fixed on Jin Kang. It felt like he was being scrutinized, yet somehow the man’s eyes seemed to lose focus, as if he was lost in his own way of looking. What is this about? Jin Kang couldn’t help but feel puzzled.

Even though it hadn’t been long, it felt like an hour had passed. Could he really be a celebrity? Is he astonished that Jin Kang doesn’t recognize him? Jin Kang certainly had a memorable presence, but no matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t place the man. Jin Kang, who had never been interested in this kind of thing, had all sorts of thoughts.

Finally, the boss, who had been watching this silent exchange in amusement, stepped in. He ruffled Jin Kang’s disheveled hair, causing Jin Kang to jump in surprise.

“Ah! You scared me!” rDP2kG

“What are you doing, Jin Kang? You need to make the coffee.”

“That… I mean, uh… I’m sorry.”

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Jin Kang, uncharacteristically stuttering, bowed his head and apologized to the man. Realizing he had been staring too openly, he felt embarrassed. Geez, this is so awkward.

He quickly stepped away from the counter, suddenly aware of his disheveled hair. So that’s why the man had been looking at him with such amusement. Just how messy was his hair for it to draw such attention? vhF0aJ

He glanced at a mirror to check and froze in place.

“My hair… what is this?”

“Heh. The customer found it quite amusing too.”

The boss, who had approached unnoticed, patted Jin Kang on the shoulder. Jin Kang turned to him with a frustrated and annoyed expression. Despite the sharp look in his eyes, his messy hair made him appear endearingly cute. pQbT38

Jin Kang frantically combed his hair with his fingers and sighed only after confirming in the mirror that it was somewhat tamed.

“My hair isn’t even this bad when I wake up. Wanna experience it yourself, boss?”

“My hair is perfectly styled. Don’t you dare touch it. Of all things, that’s non-negotiable. Come on, stop grumbling and make the coffee. The customer’s waiting.”

Unable to curse out loud, Jin Kang glared at his boss and turned away. His movements were rough as he made the coffee. ojTtBb

He ordered regular coffee, right? Drinking it hot in this summer weather… impressive.

Jin Kang quickly prepared the coffee and placed it on the pickup counter. The man, who had been waiting in front, stepped forward.

The man’s gaze settled on the steaming coffee, which seemed quite out of place in the summer.

Then, his expression changed subtly. His straight eyebrows furrowed for a moment, creating a look of slight trouble. As Jin Kang looked at him with curiosity, the man let out a small chuckle and smiled at Jin Kang. iAW79v

Avoiding his gaze, Jin Kang mechanically repeated the usual greeting.

“Enjoy your drink.”

“Thanks for your hard work.”

What came back was a voice full of unavoidable amusement. 0Buabp

Due to the many regular customers, Jin Kang was accustomed to hearing words of thanks or encouragement, but he had never encountered such a charming voice before.

The man gave a nod with his eyes and then carried his cup to an empty table. He moved with a leisurely grace that suited him well.

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“Jin Kang, you’re going to bore a hole into the customer’s face.”

The boss, who had just brought out freshly baked cookies, burst into laughter as he looked at Jin Kang. The savory aroma brought Jin Kang back to his senses, and he took wrapping paper and string out of the drawer, approaching the boss. cYi2mA

“Staring won’t wear out his face.”

“This is why they say a face can be a weapon.”

“What are you talking about?”

“He managed to captivate our picky Jin Kang in an instant.” eHrnMG

It was truly not worth responding to. Jin Kang remained unbothered, skillfully wrapping and organizing the cookies while looking around.

Not only him, but other customers in the café were also stealing glances at the man, cheeks flushed. Having confirmed that his reaction was not unusual, Jin Kang decided to be brazen. What can he do if he’s attracted?

Jin Kang nodded confidently, consciously keeping his gaze on the cookies this time, although his thoughts and actions briefly diverged.

“By the way, did you see what that customer is wearing? It’s no joke.” G9AwYr

The boss, who was helping to wrap the cookies, brought up the man again.

“Why? Are his clothes expensive?”

The boss stretched his neck to take a good look at the man, clicked his tongue, and returned to his place.

“You know I’m really into luxury brands, right?” 3qgK1V

“You said that the reason you make money is so you can buy all the luxury goods you want.”

“The way you say it makes me sound like a spoiled kid.”

With nothing particularly to say, Jin Kang shrugged. The boss was devoted to his desires, spending his earnings without hesitation on luxury items. How he chose to spend his money was his own business, and there was no reason to criticize it. After all, there was nothing wrong with working hard and spending money on one’s hobbies. However, the only place he could brag about his purchases was URIM, his busy café day in and day out. It was an ironic situation. The boss used to clutch his head in frustration, but now he had almost given up. He had accepted that the act of purchasing was enough and was satisfied when customers occasionally noticed his expensive items. He had become a true adult who compromised with reality.

“Anyway, just what that customer is wearing is worth the price of a car.” eBNC1u


Jin Kang’s hands, which had been moving smoothly, instantly froze. He turned his head to take a long look at the man. Drinking his coffee and looking at his phone, the man seemed used to the attention. Because of that, Jin Kang felt more at ease to look at him more overtly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The man was wearing a light ivory t-shirt, dark navy pants, and a thin gray cardigan. He had a watch on his wrist and a ring on his right middle finger.

The fashion wasn’t particularly striking, but the person wearing it had such an impressive physique that he stood out exceptionally. vK4MPe

“If you just look at the clothes, they seem ordinary, right? But they’re all luxury goods. It’s all about the fashion sense. That’s why brand names are worth it.”

“Rather than that, I think he could make any street clothes look like designer items.”

“So, the model is what matters?” UJ0Rpq

“Jin Kang, why do I feel like you’re targeting me? It’s really unsettling.”

Jin Kang rolled his eyes and looked at the boss. His rough-looking face resembled that of a child who was pouting. He hadn’t intended to target anyone. He had simply spoken his mind with pure intentions. However, the passionate advocate of luxury goods might have felt stung.

“Boss, what you’re feeling is usually called inferiority complex.”

“Inferiority complex? What nonsense. Ah, forget it! Just bring the cookies and the coffee!” 8Q56TP

“Got it.”

Jin Kang came out carrying the tray with light steps. He chuckled to himself as he left the boss grumbling at the counter, “That bastard… that thing. Ugh.”

Arriving at the bakery corner, Jin Kang placed the cookies on the empty space. After tidying up some slightly messy bread, he cleaned the crumbs, and finally put the tray and tongs away.

Jin Kang looked around once and satisfied, he raised his head. As he started to turn around to go back, he heard a voice calling him from the side. IA6k24

“Excuse me, over here.”


As he turned his body, Jin Kang saw the face of the man whom he had been intensely looking at until just now. Just a moment ago, the man had been staring down at his phone, expressionless, while drinking his coffee. But now, seeing Jin Kang, he was smiling.

“Do you happen to have a wet tissue?” SRlFuD

“Sure, I’ll bring you one. Just a moment.”

Returning to the counter, Jin Kang reached out his arm to grab a wet tissue placed next to the POS machine. One should be enough . Jin Kang turned back to the man and offered him the wet tissue.

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Thick, long fingers approached slowly. The action of lightly grabbing the wet tissue, like picking up a feather, gave off a strangely elegant feeling. Looking at his fingertips, there were no calluses visible, and his nails were neatly trimmed and well-maintained. Jin Kang suddenly thought, if there were still nobility today, this person might be considered a nobleman.

“Thank you.” kXEYrd

“Oh, sure.”

Jin Kang belatedly realized that he was still holding onto the wet tissue. He relaxed his grip and rubbed his hand on his apron. It felt like he could sense the touch even though they didn’t make contact.

Nodding, Jin Kang bowed his head and turned away, returning to the counter. After spending some meaningless time joking around with the boss, he glanced at the man again.

The man was the kind of person who could capture attention regardless of gender. Watching such a person up close was a slightly thrilling experience. fsLIUJ

His manner of holding a coffee cup, looking at his phone, and sometimes leaning back and gazing out the window — there was not a single place where he didn’t seem charming. It was fascinating how a different aura seemed to flow around him.

The man stayed at the café for about an hour, exchanged a pleasant farewell after finishing his drink, and then disappeared. Afterward, Jin Kang spent the evening rush in a daze until finally it was closing time.

“Wow, what day is it today? Why did sales go so well?”

The boss, after checking the day’s revenue, let out a joyful shout. Jin Kang, feeling drained, just shook his head. It was because of the unusually high number of customers today. Amid the steady flow of people coming in and out without a break, Jin Kang, as an employee, had to work tirelessly. LdAZVG

After finishing up, changing out of his work clothes, Jin Kang approached the boss who was still checking the sales.

“Boss, aren’t you going home?”

“I’m done. Let’s go.”

As he stepped outside, the signs were glowing in the dark night. The tropical night was still lingering, making the heat oppressive. In the evening, the asphalt, which had absorbed the heat during the day, emitted it back, making the heat even more intense. qxafrs

Jin Kang wiped his face several times with his hands. Over the past few days, working during the afternoon and evening shifts was taking its toll, and fatigue was starting to build up. He used to not feel tired when programming or hacking, as if touching a computer was his nature.

“There’s still so much to do…”

There was something he did every evening after work. It was making a program. Since it was in the completion stage, he had to focus and check it one by one, but in this state, he wouldn’t even be able to read the code properly. He had even made typos yesterday, and it was a bit upsetting.

Jin Kang shook his head and sighed. pofqnW

After saying goodbye to the boss and returning home, Jin Kang, as usual, slumped onto the couch. He checked the clock: it was already 11 PM. Despite knowing he should get up right away and shower due to feeling sticky, his body wouldn’t move. So tired.

“Just a little more rest.”

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Mumbling to himself, Jin Kang closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the cool air from the air conditioner.

Summer in Korea is truly not easy. It’s not just the temperature but the high humidity that makes people even more exhausted. It feels like being submerged in water, making even breathing difficult. LFosMc

In the past, he had always lived inside buildings, so he hadn’t paid much attention to summer. He thought he’d prefer winter, although he’d probably complain about the cold when it arrived.

The sweat had dried up without him realizing it. He knew he should get up and do something, but he lay there for a long time. This was the peak of laziness.

As he slouched lazily, a beautiful man he had seen at the café suddenly came to mind.

He didn’t know why he was thinking of him now. Even without realizing it, he kept picturing the person his gaze had involuntarily been drawn to. Perhaps it was the unique aura that had left a strong impression. He lightly smiled, recalling how serene the spot where the man had sat had been. He remembered the neatness of his appearance with his glamorous face. His eyelashes were long, too, weren’t they? And his skin was flawless as well. AxVTwl

Then Jin Kang abruptly snapped out of it.

“Am I going crazy?”

No wonder the boss used to tease him about having high standards. He can’t even argue with him now. It would have been better if he was just beautiful, but why is he so charming too?

Jin Kang wiped his face and let out a hollow laugh. Then suddenly, he felt drained, and drowsiness rushed over him. gohWs1

“I should wash up.”

Muttering to himself, Jin Kang couldn’t bring himself to get up and closed his eyes.

The cool air from the air conditioner, the dimly lit room, his relaxed body, and his hazy drifting mind—all of it overwhelmed him. Jin Kang, who had no resistance left, eventually fell asleep just like that. His phone, which he had put in his pants pocket, slipped out and fell to the floor with a thud.

The bright screen lit up, displaying the time briefly before disappearing. A faint, rhythmic breathing began to fill the silent living room. aw8hVE

Translator's Note

One small pack, like the following image

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