I Never Want to be a Younger Brother AgainChapter 76

Before setting out, Lao Lang needed to make some preparations. He had to organize all the ancient books he might need and then put them in the storage ring to take with him.

Meanwhile, Shi Dixuan took advantage of this free time to hold a small meeting for the beastmen. He postponed their attack on human sects and sent some powerful beastmen to other places to rescue the enslaved beastmen. 45tRDA

If there were uncooperative humans, they would fight. If they couldn’t win, they would flee, then remember the place and send stronger beastmen.

Shi Dixuan felt that, for the current beastmen, ensuring the lives of those beastmen was more important than stubbornly refusing to surrender.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“King, are you about to leave soon?” After finishing his tasks, when Shi Dixuan was preparing to leave, Xiao Hei suddenly spoke up.

Shi Dixuan turned around, and the other beasts in the room also stared at Shi Dixuan, waiting for his answer. goOW8N


“Then… can we see Yang Mu?”

Shi Dixuan raised an eyebrow, looking at Xiao Hei and the other beasts, asking, “What’s the matter?” He still remembered Xiao Hei deliberately letting Yang Mu leave.

Seeming to sense Shi Dixuan’s guard, Xiao Hei pursed his lips. “I used to think he was human and held hostility towards him, even thought about poisoning him to death. So, I want to apologize to him in person.”


The other beasts nodded along. They had also been involved in the poisoning incident before. Fortunately, Yang Mu hadn’t drunk the poison; otherwise, they would probably feel guilty for a lifetime.

Shi Dixuan looked at their guilt-ridden faces. He had intended to refuse their request but eventually agreed.

“Wait here.”

Yang Mu was in the room, eyes closed, taking a nap. He had just sent Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang to the training ground for practice earlier. Staying in the room all day, staring at him, seemed pointless. tm2cfp

Life and death were predetermined, and wealth and honor were in heaven’s hands. As someone who had died twice already, although he wanted to strive to live, his current physical condition meant he could only resign himself to fate. But the child in his stomach…

Yang Mu twitched his lips and sighed softly.

On one hand, he still couldn’t fully accept the fact that, as a man, he could conceive a child. On the other hand, he worried about whether this child could safely be born into this world.

Even though his eyes were closed, Yang Mu was still in a trance, but the moment Shi Dixuan walked in, he noticed. 5FwCt0

After such a long time of contact and interaction, he, being a member of the beast clan, had become quite sensitive to Shi Dixuan’s scent.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

His eyes, which were tightly shut, instantly opened, and Yang Mu almost immediately stood up, glaring at Shi Dixuan. If his fur could stand on end, he would probably be bristling right now.

Vtl Glzejc ibbxfv ja Tjcu Ze’r uejgvfv fzqgfrrlbc klat rbwf tfiqifrrcfrr. Lf kjixfv bnfg, jcv klat j rkffq bo tlr ibcu jgwr, tf iloafv Tjcu Ze eq.

Tjcu Ze rageuuifv lcmfrrjcais, yea tf mbeivc’a ygfjx ogff ogbw Vtl Glzejc’r fwygjmf. Ccuglis, tf yla vbkc bc Vtl Glzejc’r jgw. Lbkfnfg, tlr oeii obgmf ylaf kjr cbatlcu wbgf atjc j almxif obg Vtl Glzejc. yiLFJA

Shi Dixuan looked at the small head resting on his arm. His fingertips twitched, and eventually, unable to resist the fluttering in his heart, he raised his hand and ruffled Yang Mu’s head.

Yang Mu’s mind went blank for a moment as he felt his head being ruffled. Shi Dixuan only ruffled it a few times before letting go. Before Yang Mu could react, Shi Dixuan carried him to the room where Xiao Hei and the other beasts were.

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When Yang Mu saw Xiao Hei and the other familiar beasts in front of him, he was confused. He hadn’t forgotten how much these beasts resented him. What did Shi Dixuan mean by bringing him here?

“I’m sorry.” Just as Yang Mu was about to look up at Shi Dixuan, Xiao Hei suddenly apologized to him. BghZ6F

Then, one by one, the other beasts followed suit, apologizing with ashamed expressions.

Even Yi Lan who had caused his death in his past life was among them. In the past, Yi Lan’s eyes were full of hatred towards Yang Mu, but now, with a tight frown, his gaze toward Yang Mu was somewhat evasive due to guilt.

Yang Mu suddenly felt somewhat bored.

He could understand the thoughts of these beasts, but it didn’t mean he could forgive them. Jved8V

He glanced down at the arm supporting him, sighed, realizing that struggling free was not an option. So, Yang Mu twisted his body directly within Shi Dixuan’s embrace.

Shi Dixuan had been watching Yang Mu closely. When he felt Yang Mu twist, he slightly loosened his hold.

Yang Mu then turned around in Shi Dixuan’s arms, burying his head deep within. His tail, weakly, hung down below.

Seemingly understanding Yang Mu’s thoughts, Shi Dixuan gently touched Yang Mu’s tail. But Yang Mu, bristling, slapped Shi Dixuan’s hand away with his tail. jcht43

Being slapped by his own fluffy tail didn’t hurt, but Shi Dixuan looked at Yang Mu’s tail with profound eyes. Pausing for a moment, he lifted his foot and turned, leaving the room directly.

Yang Mu, who had originally drooped his tail, was now wagging it back and forth. If resentment could turn into needles, Shi Dixuan would have been pierced into a hornet’s nest long ago.

The moment Shi Dixuan touched his tail, Yang Mu felt as if the fur on his body was like goosebumps on a human’s skin, all standing on end.

It was an indescribable feeling. RSK3Iz

Internally, he gritted his teeth in resentment. Didn’t Shi Dixuan know that you shouldn’t touch an animal’s tail without permission?

After preparing all the ancient books he needed, Lao Lang immediately set off with Shi Dixuan and Yang Mu.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang still stubbornly wanted to follow Yang Mu, but Shi Dixuan violently suppressed them. Though the two beasts were angry, they managed to suppress it, staying behind to train desperately, hoping that one day their cultivation would surpass Shi Dixuan’s. DhYuX0

Finally, Lao Lang intervened and had Shi Dixuan take Xiao Bai along. Initially puzzled, Shi Dixuan later understood the reason and left Xiao Huang behind.

“We’ll head north from here.” After leaving the place where the beast clan resided, Lao Lang pointed to the north. The area was densely forested, with hardly any visible paths.

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“I’ve gone through many ancient books and finally found one that records that groups like Yang Mu’s reside in the deepest parts of the forest. They rarely come out, partly out of fear of being discovered by humans, and partly because the depths of the forest are hard for humans to find, and they themselves may not find their way back once they come out.” Here, Lao Lang sighed. “So, whether we can find that place is still uncertain.”

Lao Lang’s gaze fell on Xiao Bai. “I brought Xiao Bai along because he’s your child. While his physique may seem different from Yang Mu’s for now, just in case, if we find Yang Mu’s group, it’s best to have them check Xiao Bai’s body.” HcKivB

“Will father be okay until we find his group?” Xiao Bai worriedly stared at the sleeping Yang Mu. He didn’t care about his own physique; he just wanted his father to be safe.

“I won’t let anything happen to him.” Shi Dixuan lowered his head to look at Yang Mu in his arms, his gaze tender. After lifting his head, he returned to his usual expressionless demeanor, looking towards the northern forest with deep eyes. “Let’s go.”

Yang Mu didn’t know how long he had slept this time. When he woke up, it was already dark. Nestled in a warm embrace, he watched the changing scenery around him, knowing they were still on the road. 1j7g2V

The embrace was so steady that Yang Mu couldn’t feel a single vibration. Both arms firmly held him, shielding him from the intensifying cold night wind.

After a while, Yang Mu could feel the heartbeat of the little life inside his belly, and he also felt his own vitality seemingly ebbing away day by day.

He lifted his head to glance at Shi Dixuan, but all he saw was a jaw as firm as a knife, with some newly grown stubble.

Yang Mu couldn’t help but marvel inwardly. Did beasts also grow facial hair like humans? He seemed to have misunderstood something… jFwJOS

He had barely lifted his head for a few seconds when Shi Dixuan noticed and naturally reached out to pat Yang Mu’s head, softly saying, “Hungry? Want something to eat?”

Perhaps accustomed to being petted, Yang Mu didn’t mind the hand on his head and shook his head at Shi Dixuan to indicate he wasn’t hungry. Then, he noticed Xiao Bai trailing behind.

Realizing the reason for Xiao Bai’s presence, Yang Mu called out to him, “Take care of yourself, alright?”

Xiao Bai nodded. CBpJtv

Shi Dixuan’s gaze swept over Yang Mu before turning to Xiao Bai, but he didn’t ask Xiao Bai what Yang Mu had said. After lingering on Xiao Bai for two seconds, he withdrew his gaze.

Addressing Yang Mu, he said, “If you’re thirsty or hungry, just call out, and I’ll get you something to eat.”

After nodding, Yang Mu yawned and drifted off to sleep. Before falling asleep, he vaguely thought that maybe because he was nearing death, he had become more tolerant of Shi Dixuan, no longer rejecting him as before.

Shi Dixuan, Lao Lang, and Xiao Bai continued forward towards the deepest part of the forest without daring to rest for a moment. However, despite their efforts, Yang Mu’s periods of wakefulness became shorter and shorter. In the depths of the forest, not only did they not find any human traces, but they didn’t even spot any signs of other beast clans. g6lfBk

Shi Dixuan’s worry for Yang Mu grew as he watched him. He clenched his fists tightly. Yang Mu’s condition couldn’t wait any longer. These past few days, holding Yang Mu, he could feel Yang Mu’s body getting heavier, and his belly gradually started to swell. Yang Mu’s breathing, as time passed, became slower and slower.

Shi Dixuan feared that Yang Mu might not even make it to the day of delivery.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I plan to use a secret technique of the beast clan to save Yang Mu,” Shi Dixuan said.

Upon hearing this, Lao Lang asked, “The secret technique of the beast clan? Are you sure?” This technique had almost been lost to the beast clan, known only by those who inherited the beast clan’s techniques or who had access to ancient texts. wP7TVe

Lao Lang had learned about this secret technique from ancient texts but didn’t know how to use it. Seeing Shi Dixuan nod, he said, “You… should really consider it carefully. The success rate of that technique is very low. If it fails, Yang Mu won’t have any problems, but you may face the risk of losing your life.”

“No need to consider. Find a safe place,” Shi Dixuan replied, his tone firm, as if he hadn’t heard Lao Lang’s warning about the potential cost of his life if the technique failed.

“He wouldn’t want you to use this technique.”

A rare hint of tenderness appeared on Shi Dixuan’s face. “Whether he agrees or not, I will use this technique. I want him to live, and he will live on.” vbdxJ7

Xiao Bai furrowed his brows tightly, looking at the concerned Lao Lang beside him and then at Shi Dixuan, who had reverted to his cold demeanor. Though he didn’t understand their conversation just now, he vaguely grasped what Shi Dixuan intended to do.

He pursed his lips but remained silent.

These past few days, he had watched his father’s condition deteriorate, feeling helpless aside from being worried.

He was selfish; even though he knew that Shi Dixuan and he shared blood ties, and that if the technique failed, Shi Dixuan would also die, he still wasn’t willing to give up this opportunity. eUnFgf

As long as his father could live…

TL: Hi! I just want to let you know that I’m currently on my internship, so I might post an update later than the scheduled chapter per week. But I promise not to leave you hanging! We’re almost there guys, please bear with me! I love y’all! hehe💜😘

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  1. Thank You for the new chapter (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡ Good luck! ❤️