I Never Want to be a Younger Brother AgainChapter 74

The old man in black could never be a match for Shi Dixuan. In both human and beastmen expectant gazes, he was knocked to the ground by Shi Dixuan, spitting out a mouthful of blood and unable to get up for a long time.

Merely defeating him was not enough. XtxpvA

Just a few days ago, the beastmen figured out a way to check if the humans before them had ever committed unspeakable acts against the beasts. This could prevent them from indiscriminately killing innocent people, sparing those who had never come into contact with beast essence.

However, most cultivators with resources often had a few beast souls seeking vengeance behind them. If not for the scarcity of beasts in this world, the number of beast souls seeking vengeance on them would probably be several times higher.

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There were also some who lacked the ability to obtain beasts, but it didn’t mean they didn’t desire beast essence.

Only very few humans had no desire for their essence. 3lQjas

As a strong cultivator in the Tribulation Crossing, the old man had several times more beast souls seeking vengeance on him than others.

Shi Dixuan didn’t hold back at all. First, he crippled the old man’s cultivation…

With his cultivation crippled, the old man let out a sharp scream. The shrillness in that scream made all the humans present pale.

These people had high hopes for him, believing that he would definitely be able to defeat Shi Dixuan. They thought the beasts brought by Shi Dixuan would ultimately become theirs, providing them with an endless supply of essence.


But the old man was defeated too quickly.

So quickly that, in the blink of an eye, he was sitting on the ground, spitting out blood. Immediately after, Shi Dixuan crippled his cultivation.

And among them, there was no one left who could defeat Shi Dixuan.

The previous old man who looked at Shi Dixuan now had a gaze full of fear. zKU9TI

“Do you remember how many beast souls are seeking vengeance on you?” After crippling the old man, Shi Dixuan suddenly asked.

The old man wiped the blood from his mouth and did not answer, his eyes filled with venom and hatred as he stared at Shi Dixuan.

Seeing the venom in the old man’s eyes, Shi Dixuan curled his lips. He said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember. I’ll count them for you.” With that, he took out a knife from his storage ring. With a swift motion, the old man’s arms were neatly chopped off.

“Ah—” The old man let out another piercing scream. FdSqXn

The humans behind him all turned pale, retreating a step as they gazed at the old man’s severed arms.

The elderly man standing not far from the old man, his face ashen, steadied himself and looked at Shi Dixuan. “How can you be so cruel?” he accused.

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“Jgefi?” Vtl Glzejc rcffgfv. Lf kjnfv tlr tjcv abkjgvr tlr reybgvlcjafr. “Xb, gfrmef jii atf yfjrawfc lc atflg rfma. Ofa’r rff ktb vjgfr ab rabq er.”

“Tfr!” Huwn1a

Qlat Vtl Glzejc’r mbwwjcv, atf tewjcr mbeiv bcis kjamt tfiqifrris jr atf yfjrawfc tfjvfv vffqfg lcab atflg rfma. Vtl Glzejc atfc vfmlrlnfis vfilnfgfv jcbatfg ojaji yibk ab atf biv wjc, ktb, jigfjvs mglqqifv jcv jgwifrr, vlfv ogbw atlr olcji raglxf.

The elderly man behind him was both furious and terrified, trembling as he pointed at Shi Dixuan, “You… don’t get too complacent. Once we gather enough human cultivators, none of you beasts will escape!” His words were cut short by a scream as Shi Dixuan killed him too.

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This elder had killed many beasts, nearly as many as the old man.

With the sect leader and the grand elder both swiftly eliminated by Shi Dixuan, the remaining elders and disciples were silent and still, fearing Shi Dixuan might turn his blade on them next. jlABfR

However, they all bore the souls of avenged beasts to varying degrees.

Shi Dixuan quickly rescued many beasts from the sect. These beasts were barely alive, some even fed with maturing drugs to extract their essence prematurely, leaving them in a half-dead state.

Those who’re still conscious, upon being rescued, looked at Shi Dixuan with tear-filled eyes, trembling and emitting sounds akin to death wails.

They had thought they would never see the bright sunlight again, believing they would live their lives under human enslavement. i 8dbV

When their kind pushed open the heavy stone doors confining them, they initially thought the humans who tortured them had come again to extract their essence. They cowered in fear, hiding in the corners.

They never imagined it would be their kin coming to rescue them.

Standing at a distance, the man seemed godlike, clad in black, his face handsome. The beasts behind him were strong and healthy, showing no fear or hesitation in the face of their human oppressors. Instead, they looked at Shi Dixuan with admiration and unwavering confidence.

It was the kind of confidence that came from having one’s life completely in their own hands, free from the control of others. 4fr62d

Their faces were full of vitality, completely unlike the deathly pallor they had worn before.

One of the beasts, who had already taken human form, appeared as a young boy but had a head of white hair. He laughed heartily, saying, “Good, good, finally, our beast tribe will no longer be enslaved by these damned humans.” His previously ashen face now glowed with color. The beast next to him quickly moved to support him.

The white-haired youth showed signs of a last burst of energy before death!

He waved away the supporting hand of the beast next to him, his eyes locked onto a human not far away. He turned his head towards Shi Dixuan and shouted, “May I have that human?” fVBYaN

He had been a beast living in the mountains. His father was captured by humans, and he and his mother barely escaped, living in dependence on each other.

But in the end, he couldn’t escape the clutches of humans.

In front of him, humans killed his mother, skinned her alive, dismembered her, and roasted her flesh over a fire while he watched.

After bringing him back to their sect, they forced him to eat transformation grass. Q8Ml2A

Once he transformed into human form, they tormented him daily. He had long been a beast on the verge of death.

Now, with the chance to kill his enemy with his own hands, he would die content!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shi Dixuan looked at the white-haired beast, pressed his lips together, and silently threw the trembling human to the white-haired beast, handing him a knife.

The human in front of the white-haired beast was terrified, shouting, “No, no,” as he tried to crawl away, to escape. In his panic, he forgot he was a cultivator with spiritual power. SwM5sm

Shi Dixuan stood by, not intervening.

The white-haired beast took the knife and stabbed fiercely at the human. However, his body was too weakened, and even with this last burst of energy, he lacked strength.

The human dodged his knife.

The white-haired beast did not give up. Holding the knife, he continued to swing at the human with whatever strength his body could muster. tXCPcJ

Finally, the human was struck, albeit only in the thigh. He let out a scream, clutching his thigh, as blood gushed from the wound.

Although he didn’t kill the human, he at least injured him.

The white-haired beast had no strength left.

He looked at Shi Dixuan with a pleading gaze: “Help me kill him. Kill them all, all those humans who enslaved our kins. They deserve to die! They deserve to die!” He gritted his teeth as he spoke, and finally, his body collapsed softly to the ground. gCGuYd

With his last bit of strength used up, he ultimately passed away.

All the beasts present had reddened eyes. Shi Dixuan looked at the white-haired beast on the ground, then gently picked him up and handed him to a nearby beast, saying, “Take him back.” Back to the beast tribe’s place, where he could be properly buried.

Shi Dixuan then faced the humans, his eyes filled with unmistakable killing intent. He declared, “Kill! Leave none of the humans who have ever enslaved beasts!”

“Yes!” The beasts, having witnessed the death of the white-haired beast, were filled with rage and murderous intent. They raised their weapons and charged at the humans. 94 uzG

They feared neither death nor injury, only the thought of themselves and their comrades dying in humiliation under human enslavement.

The enmity between humans and beasts had been irreconcilable ever since humans had enslaved beasts for hundreds of years.

Whenever beasts had the chance to retaliate, they would relentlessly seek to reclaim the suffering their kind had endured for centuries.

This was karma, and no one could stop it. eVkPCy

No race was born to sacrifice for another.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Elsewhere, Lao lang, maintaining his human form, hurried along the road, not daring to pause for a moment.

He had studied numerous ancient texts and finally found a way to locate Yang Mu. 9myYzp

Having spent some time in that beast-taming bag, it had already been tainted with his scent. Now, he was using the method described in the ancient texts to locate the pouch.

Even if the beast-taming bag was stored inside Yang Mu’s storage ring, it could still be traced.

He had almost pinpointed Yang Mu’s location and was now rushing there.

Faster, he needed to be faster. 0VdxJs

Based on the timeline, Yang Mu had probably already turned into a beast.

Yang Mu was in a foul mood. After inexplicably transforming into a beast, he felt that familiar warm current in his lower abdomen again.

He knew very well what this warm current signified. RelH8z

Was he still unable to escape the fate of having a second child?

Yang Mu sighed and lay despondently on Xiao Bai’s lap.

“Father, when are we setting off?” Xiao Bai asked from the side. After hesitating for a moment, he added, “Although you have lost your cultivation and turned into a beast, my current cultivation level is still enough to protect you and Xiao Huang.”

Xiao Huang murmured softly from beside him, “I can protect myself. I don’t need your protection.” PfO5h6

Yang Mu shook his head. The outside world was in chaos. When he was a human with his cultivation, it was different. Now, without his cultivation and in beast form, how could he be at ease letting his son take him and Xiao Hang on the road?

He told Xiao Bai, “Let’s wait a bit longer. Maybe in two more days, I’ll be able to turn back into a human.”

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