I Never Want to be a Younger Brother AgainChapter 73

In front of him, the seemingly very young beast was still immersed in sleep. Although Xiao Bai felt a bit reluctant, he had to wake it.

Watching as the beast lifted its head, its eyes still hazy, Xiao Bai gently called out in a questioning tone, “Father?” dD MtN

The beast let out a soft hum.

Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang: “…”

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When Yang Mu finally awoke from his drowsiness and saw his son’s face magnified before him, he was momentarily stunned. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a faint whimpering sound.

Yang Mu was silent for a while. When he tried to speak again, what came out was still a sound somewhat like the cry of a newborn puppy. nGtbrA

He reached out his hand, and what appeared before him was a fluffy little white paw, with a touch of pink on the palm.

Unwilling to accept this, Yang Mu barked at Xiao Bai again.

Being of the same beast race, even though Yang Mu was no longer human, Xiao Bai could still understand what Yang Mu was trying to say.

Silently, Xiao Bai picked up Yang Mu and walked over to a bronze mirror in the room.


Even in the cultivation era, ancient bronze mirrors were not as clear as modern ones.

The bronze mirror in this room was of poor quality, its surface yellowed and reflecting a blurry image.

But even a blurred reflection was enough to show Yang Mu’s current state.

His entire body was covered in white fur, forming a small, fluffy bundle that looked quite cute. BH1yST

At this moment, Yang Mu was being held steadily in Xiao Bai’s arms, his face full of confusion. The bronze mirror was dim, revealing only a vague outline, but Yang Mu could tell that he now looked like a small white dog with somewhat pointy ears.

What in the world was going on…

The unusual changes in his body over the past few days had been a warning that he was turning into a beast. Although his body still felt somewhat feverish, it was much better than before.

Yang Mu couldn’t help but want to cover his forehead with his paw. uPR3wt

This truly was life imitating drama—or, for him now, beast-life imitating drama.

Having lived most of his life in Elder Yang’s shell, sharing a bed with a man, having children, and now being told he wasn’t human but a beastmaninstead? What was the suffering of these past years all for? Feeling somewhat powerless, Yang Mu lay in Xiao Bai’s arms, speechless and unwilling to speak.

He had no idea what was going on.

Xiao Bai carefully held his father. Although he also didn’t understand the current situation, seeing his father close his eyes and lie in his arms, he refrained from questioning him. 4h9i b

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

After resting for a while earlier, Yang Mu, now lying in Xiao Bai’s arms, soon fell asleep again.

Wljb Djl rja lc j mtjlg, tbivlcu atf riffqlcu Tjcu Ze, jogjlv ab wbnf obg ofjg bo vlraegylcu tlr ojatfg’r gfra.

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Wljb Lejcu, wfjcktlif, kjamtfv Tjcu Ze klat meglbrlas. Llr tjcvr lamtfv ab abemt Tjcu Ze’r oeg, yea j mbiv uijgf ogbw Wljb Djl wjvf tlw reqqgfrr atf eguf.

Coafg j ktlif, Wljb Lejcu mbeivc’a tfiq yea jrx, “Qtja’r ublcu bc klat Tjcu Ze? Qts vlv tf revvfcis aegc lcab j yfjrawjc? Qjrc’a tf tewjc?” W1VUM4

Hearing Xiao Huang’s question, Xiao Bai looked down at his father, curled up in his arms and sleeping soundly. He shook his head lightly and said, “I don’t know either.”

Xiao Huang then asked, “What should we do next?” They had set out to flee, to get away from both humans and other beasts. Who would have thought Yang Mu would inexplicably turn into a beast himself?

With Yang Mu now deeply asleep, they didn’t want to disturb him. But who knew how long Yang Mu would sleep? Traveling with Yang Mu transformed into a beast was inconvenient.

They didn’t have a beast-taming bag, only Yang Mu did. But that bag had already been imprinted by Yang Mu, and their cultivation levels weren’t high enough to remove the imprint and use it. They couldn’t possibly have Yang Mu put himself into the beast-taming bag. An1XDE

Xiao Bai sighed and said, “Let’s wait until Father wakes up, then we can discuss it.”

Yang Mu slept for a full day before waking up from his dream.

As he opened his eyes, his vision was still blurry. He blinked forcefully a few times before the light and shadows before his eyes gradually became clear. ceRV1N

“Father, you’re awake?” Xiao Bai asked softly from the side.

Yang Mu replied, “Hmm,” but what came out was a whimper like a little puppy.

Hearing this sound from himself, Yang Mu’s body stiffened slightly. He had no choice but to accept the fact that he had become a beast.

He tried to channel his energy, only to find that while his spiritual power from near the Nascent Soul stage was still there, he couldn’t use it at all… dq8JoB

Yang Mu was now completely stunned.

Becoming a beastman was something he could tolerate, but without being able to use any of his cultivation, how could he protect Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang on their journey?

Yang Mu took a deep breath, unable to suppress his increasingly agitated emotions.

However, now that he had become a beast, the strange fragrance he used to emit had vanished without a trace. HYRohC

Despite his emotional turmoil, he couldn’t smell even a hint of that peculiar scent anymore.

This was the only bit of good news for Yang Mu.

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No longer having to constantly suppress his emotions lifted his spirits slightly, but they quickly sank again.

He told Xiao Bai, “I am now like an ordinary person without any cultivation… a beastman.” bpBISc

Xiao Bai was taken aback. Xiao Huang, poking Xiao Bai with his finger, asked, “What is Yang Mu saying?”

“You can’t understand?” Xiao Bai asked.

Xiao Huang shook his head innocently.

Xiao Bai and Yang Mu exchanged a glance. r9mIX

Though both were of the beast race, Xiao Bai could understand Yang Mu, but Xiao Huang could not.

With no other beastmen around, Yang Mu couldn’t determine whether it was just Xiao Huang who couldn’t understand him, or if only Xiao Bai could.

Yang Mu gestured for Xiao Bai to relay what he had just said to Xiao Huang.

Nodding, Xiao Bai told Xiao Huang, “Father says he has no cultivation anymore.” PZC fE

Xiao Huang looked shocked and worried. “What do we do now?” he asked, the concern evident in his voice.

Xiao Bai, trying to stay calm, said, “Let’s wait for Father to recover more, then we can decide our next steps.”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Huang’s eyes widened in disbelief. He looked at Yang Mu, then at Xiao Bai, and asked, “Is it because he turned into a beastman?”

Yang Mu barked twice at Xiao Bai, who then conveyed Yang Mu’s meaning, “Father says it’s possible.” uQqhCd

Xiao Huang gritted his teeth and patted his chest, “No worries, I’ll protect you both.”

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes dramatically at Xiao Huang.

Given Xiao Huang’s level of cultivation, he couldn’t even defeat Xiao Bai, yet he wanted to protect both him and their father?

In contrast to his son’s reactions, Yang Mu felt deeply touched. iwnCRt

In his time of difficulty, having Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang by his side was truly a blessing.

However… Yang Mu suddenly barked twice at Xiao Huang.

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Xiao Huang looked at Xiao Bai, “What did Yang Mu say?”

Xiao Bai replied, “Father says you should focus on protecting yourself first.” H3F nT

Xiao Huang: “…”


“Shi Dixuan, do you truly believe our human race has no strong fighters left?”

In front of a sect, Shi Dixuan stood dressed in black, accompanied by both transformed and untransformed beastmean of considerable cultivation. DJkH9E

Not far from him stood an elderly man, behind whom was a group of humans with fearful expressions.

Upon hearing the elder’s words, Shi Dixuan’s expression remained indifferent. “Then let the strong fighters you speak of come forth.”

The elder’s eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness as he signaled to a middle-aged man beside him. The middle-aged man glanced at Shi Dixuan, then quickly hurried away.

Shi Dixuan did not stop him. jrEO95

Soon, a black-robed elder, who appeared to be in fine spirits and exuding an air of transcendence, flew in swiftly on a sword.

He was the strongest elder in the sect, with a cultivation level in the mid-stage of the Tribulation Crossing. Given time, he could reach the Great Transcendence and ascend to Immortality.

The black-robed elder had been deep in cultivation when he was disturbed by the sect members.

Though he was extremely annoyed at being interrupted, he did not show his anger. He understood that unless the sect was facing imminent destruction, they would never dare to disturb him. YP86Oi

He inquired about the situation from the person who woke him.

The middle-aged man quickly explained the current events in a few sentences.

The black-robed elder was astonished. The subjugation of the beastmen had existed since he was at the Golden Core stage, a situation unchanged for centuries. The beastmen had never had a chance to rise.

Now, there was a strong beastman capable of threatening their sect? 2h5xZs

Flying swiftly on his sword, the black-robed elder hurried to the plaza.

Upon arriving at the plaza, he immediately spotted the leader described by the middle-aged man. Squinting, he observed Shi Dixuan. Dressed in black, Shi Dixuan’s robe fluttered without wind, his handsome face devoid of expression. His gaze at the humans was as if he were looking at a group of corpses.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The longer the black-robed elder scrutinized Shi Dixuan, the more shocked he became.

He couldn’t discern this beast’s cultivation level? 8PtCyA

Could it be that this beast was more powerful than him?

While the black-robed elder’s mind raced with uncertainty, Shi Dixuan had no patience for talking. He glanced at the elder who had spoken earlier and said, “Is he the so-called human expert you mentioned?”

Without waiting for a reply, Shi Dixuan sneered and quickly moved forward, engaging the black-robed elder in combat.

He had no time for idle chatter with these humans. The longer this took, the greater the danger to Yang Mu. If they delayed until Yang Mu went into labor, it would be too late. tASc6x

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  1. I hope Yang Mu can return to his tribe and the author doesn’t force a HE with SDX. SDX is a failure both as a romantic interest and a father. Yang Mu was right to be angry when SDX started checking his pulse everyday, they really do treat him like a sow. They hate humans for treating them as a tool for cultivation, but they don’t have an issue treating Yang Mu like a baby factory. It’s so hypocritical and repulsive.

    • I hate to break it to you, but according to the spoilers I have seen, NON MAJOR-SPOILERS

      looks like it’s a extreme possibility SDX and Yang Mu are going to be together, but I saw nothing on Yang Mu’s tribe though…