When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 62

Zhou Yuan, as usual, got off work at that time point. As soon as he walked into the lobby, as expected, he saw Kate again.

From time to time, there were female zergs coming and going in the lobby. Zhou Yuan chose not to speak there but called Kate to a stairwell where there were hardly any zergs. CJu3tb

Fortunately, this time Zhou Yuan was also well-covered, and the female zergs bustling around did not realize it was him.

Only one zerg noticed, and it was Asta, who had gotten off work early, wanting to come over to pick up Zhou Yuan.

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At first, Kate thought he had finally made an impression on Zhou Yuan. He followed Zhou Yuan into the stairwell happily, his heart tumultuous, even beginning to think about how to invite His Excellency for a date during the annual leave.

But when the male zerg’s words fell, his happiness vanished in an instant. ntIBdu

Zhou Yuan said word by word: “Kate, in my life, there will only be one female zerg, Asta. Your affection for me is fruitless. Better give it up.”

First, Kate felt shock and loss, then disbelief. He tried to muster a smile and said: “Your Excellency, how could you possibly have only one female zerg? If you do not like me, there’s no need to say so.”

“I’m serious,” Zhou Yuan said, “I and Asta have sworn, in this life, there will only be him as my only zerg.”

Such words would be shocking and unconventional among the zerg race. Kate was filled with disbelief and deep jealousy.


He couldn’t help but retort, “Why? Is it because he is a Marshal, or the next head of the Andra family?”

Kate’s words were somewhat aggressive, and Zhou Yuan frowned, his expression turning cold.

Zhou Yuan said, “No, it’s not because of Asta, it’s because of me.”

“My views are different from yours. I don’t like polygyny. I dislike anyone coming between me and Asta, so I also won’t seek female servants or slaves. I only want Asta, regardless of whether he is the Marshal of the Alliance or the next head of the Andra family.” dduB0H

“Kate, you should look for other males. I’m not worth your effort. After this, I will also post a blog to express my determination.”

After this lengthy statement, Kate was stunned, looking as if his world had been turned upside down.

Zhou Yuan didn’t bother further, having said all that needed to be said, he turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door was opened, he saw Asta leaning his body to the side, pressing his ear against the door panel. GY93j

Asta also wrapped himself in a scarf of the same style as Zhou Yuan’s, but his hair was not fully pulled out from the scarf, rubbing into a small bulge at the back of his head, and his face was also covered by messy white hair.

Seeing the door open and making eye contact with Zhou Yuan, a flush instantly spread across his face.

Zhou Yuan also paused his steps upon exiting, not expecting that the main character of his just-spoken words was right outside the door, causing him to awkwardly dig his toes into the ground.

However, with a female zerg that he had just rejected still behind him, Zhou Yuan didn’t ask further but instead pulled Asta away. JE3GDZ

Asta, when pulled, did not resist, merely bowing his head slightly, using his hair to cover his flushed cheeks, though his eyes involuntarily fell on the hands that were clasped together, his heartbeat erratic.

Only after entering the aircraft did Zhou Yuan let go of Asta’s hand and activated the autopilot.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The two zergs sat facing each other, Zhou Yuan’s ears slightly red. After sitting down, Asta also remained silent, one hand silently covering his left chest, his face mostly hidden by hair and flushed.

It was Zhou Yuan who broke the silence first. He coughed and asked, “Asta, how come you are here?” Kv DpF

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Lww…?” Craj olgra ogbhf, atfc gfjmafv, ifaalcu atf tjcv atja kjr bc tlr mtfra ojii jcv lcafgaklcf klat atf batfg, aklralcu atfw abufatfg. Lf rjlv, “P, P kjcafv ab mbwf qlmx sbe eq.”

Qtfc tf rjlv atlr, tlr bglulcjiis mifjg nblmf mjgglfv j agfwyif, jcv tlr cfmx jcv atf alqr bo tlr fjgr, ktlmt kfgf mbnfgfv, kfgf jirb gfv.

Asta was still somewhat in a daze, his heart beating violently inside him, almost making him unable to hear what Zhou Yuan was saying.

Although he had heard Zhou Yuan say such things more than once and knew in his heart that Zhou Yuan belonged only to him, this time was different. VMqk0E

The last time, he was full of guard and suspicion until later, after Zhou Yuan opened up, he fully trusted him.

This time, it was the second time he heard it, and never before had he been so clearly aware of Zhou Yuan’s possessiveness and determination towards him.

A warm current uncontrollably surged in his heart, filled with sweet honey, swelling his entire heart.

“Cough, then you must have heard everything, right?” Zhou Yuan continued. BbsnAV

Although it was a question, Zhou Yuan was certain, he somewhat embarrassedly smiled and explained: “The one who was talking to me in the stairwell just now was Kate, the one I bought the umbrella with. He’s a die-hard fan of my super topic, determined to become my female servant. I originally wanted to handle it quietly, but didn’t expect you to catch us in the act.”

After finishing, Zhou Yuan noticed Asta’s intertwined hands, which were so tense that even the knuckles were somewhat pale.

Upon closer inspection, the areas of Asta that were covered by hair and a scarf were all flushed red.

Zhou Yuan paused, originally feeling somewhat embarrassed and awkward, but seeing Asta’s strong reaction, he couldn’t help but become concerned. He reached out to hold Asta’s hand, and with the other hand, he brushed aside Asta’s hair, asking worriedly, “Asta, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so red all over? Are you having an allergic reaction?” E8wagn

Asta felt the touch of Zhou Yuan’s palm accidentally brushing against his cheek, feeling as if a current had passed through him. He didn’t dare to look at Zhou Yuan and shook his head, saying softly, “Zhou Yuan, I’m fine.”

His heartbeat was still rapid and chaotic, which he managed to suppress somewhat after several deep breaths.

He asked, “Zhou Yuan, were the things you said to Kate true?”

Asta of course knew that what Zhou Yuan said was true, but he greedily wanted to hear it again. 0kb7ta

Although listening always made his heart race uncontrollably, such things were like an addiction, always causing Asta to lose control.

“Of course.” Zhou Yuan, after confirming there were no red spots on Asta’s body, realized that Asta was just shy. His heart instantly softened uncontrollably, and he couldn’t help but rub his head, affirming.

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“Mm.” Getting the expected answer, Asta was very happy inside, with the sweetness of honey seeming to overflow from his heart, flowing to all his limbs.

He pleasantly rubbed back against Zhou Yuan’s hand, and after a while, he spoke again, “Zhou Yuan, I also don’t like it when you have other zergs. I want to have you all to myself.” BYQqF0

Zhou Yuan’s fingers twitched, sometimes he felt Asta was overly direct, but undeniably, he liked it.

His lips involuntarily curved up, saying, “Okay.”

After a while, Zhou Yuan withdrew his hand, but Asta felt it was not enough. He was too happy and wanted to be closer to Zhou Yuan, so he made a request: “Zhou Yuan, I want a kiss.”

Saying this, those beautiful purple eyes stared straight at Zhou Yuan, filled with anticipation and joy. YIP9df

Being looked at like this, how could Zhou Yuan refuse?

His heart was both soft and warm as he leaned forward and kissed Asta on the forehead.

This kiss was light and gentle, carrying a moist and hot breath.

Asta savored it, then said, “I want more.” ZhneEc

Zhou Yuan lowered his head, seeing in Asta’s eyes a longing and insatiability that had not been there before. His throat tightened, and he leaned in for another kiss, this one much longer than the previous.

But for Asta, it still wasn’t enough. His voice carried an unperceived softness, “More.”

It was almost like coquetry.

This time, Zhou Yuan did not kiss again, but instead, his forehead rested against Asta’s, his clear, gentle blue eyes reflecting into Asta’s beautiful purple ones. QK1jGa

In their mutual gaze, both were filled with intense desire.

Not receiving a kiss, but being able to look into Zhou Yuan’s eyes like this was also good, Asta thought to himself.

But then he heard Zhou Yuan say, “Asta, there’s actually another way to kiss, called a French kiss.”

A flicker of confusion appeared in Asta’s eyes, but he quickly understood. dPKxcz

Zhou Yuan pressed his lips against Asta’s.

He made no move, instead watching Asta, giving him time to adjust.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Asta’s eyes suddenly widened for a moment, the honey in his heart tumultuously heating like flames, the warmth as if transferring from the point of their contact, from Zhou Yuan’s body to his own limbs, coloring his entire being a flushed red.

Zhou Yuan’s heart was also ablaze, tumultuously craving to engulf Asta entirely. He patiently counted to five in his heart before he began to move. 81dumQ

He first tenderly kissed and licked Asta’s lips, tracing the shape of Asta’s lips, and then cautiously explored between Asta’s lips.

Asta’s breathing was heavy, utterly disordered.

Zhou Yuan’s was too, but he had more experience than Asta and could still control his own pace.

He gently licked Asta’s teeth with the tip of his tongue, not missing a single spot, marking every reachable place with his scent, before slowly prying open Asta’s teeth and entwining his tongue with Asta’s. GN5UqZ

Zhou Yuan’s kissing technique was actually not that good; at this point, he didn’t know what else to do, only sucking incessantly at the tip of Asta’s tongue as if wanting to draw Asta’s tongue into his own mouth forcefully.

Asta felt his tongue root numbed by the sucking, his saliva plundered by Zhou Yuan, yet even so, Zhou Yuan seemed unsatisfied and continued to draw on it relentlessly.

Unable to help it, Asta whimpered, wanting to escape from Zhou Yuan’s entanglement, but the back of his head was pressed by Zhou Yuan, making it impossible to break free.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan quickly realized Asta’s discomfort, released Asta’s tongue, and started soothingly licking his palate and the base of his tongue instead. xV5CRI

Asta was soothed, but the continuous light licking made his teeth itch, an itch that seemed to penetrate to the marrow, exceedingly hard to bear.

He had no choice but to move his tongue, entwining it with Zhou Yuan’s, preventing him from licking his tongue root anymore.

In this back and forth play, they finally grasped the essence of kissing. Led by Zhou Yuan, Asta, though stumbling, cooperated, and they gradually found harmony.

Their distance was very close, so close that even their breaths intertwined with each other, inseparable. n6vcsE

Asta didn’t know when he closed his eyes, his cheeks and the corners of his eyes flushed, his eyebrows filled with intoxication and allure.

Zhou Yuan’s hands firmly locked onto the back of Asta’s head, his eyes pleasurably narrowed, taking in every bit of Asta’s expressions.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Zhou Yuan finally released Asta. Their breathing was heavy, their heartbeats buzzing loudly.

Asta felt his tongue had been numbed by Zhou Yuan’s sucking, stiff and unable to move, with a bit of the flushed tip showing, his face a patch of red, and when he opened his eyes, the corners were also flushed, his purple, crystal-like eyes watery, still carrying a bit of post-kiss confusion and daze. X2xLT8

Zhou Yuan’s breath was slightly disordered. Seeing that Asta hadn’t moved for quite a while, he couldn’t help but laugh a little, flicked Asta’s forehead, and said, “Asta, snap out of it.”

“Uh…” Asta subconsciously wanted to speak but almost bit his own tongue, quickly retracting his tongue with some pain.

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He covered his mouth for a while, and only after stuttering and mumbling, a muffled voice came out through his fingers: “Zhou Yuan, what is this?”

Zhou Yuan admitted that he found Asta adorable, chuckled softly, and reached out to rub the reddened corner of Asta’s eyes, saying, “I just told you, this is called a kiss.” eMgbHn


Asta was still a bit dazed, feeling Zhou Yuan’s movements, he subconsciously rubbed against him, and after a while, he slowly came to his senses.

His cheeks were burning as he recalled what had just happened, feeling that the kiss was too thrilling, even more intimate than sleeping close together with Zhou Yuan, so intimate that his limbs were still soft.

Asta shyly buried most of his face into the palm of Zhou Yuan’s hand, which was rubbing his eye corner, feeling hot and soft all over. YJVTe

Today, with a kiss, Zhou Yuan gained a soft, warm, and submissive Asta, who wouldn’t resist no matter how he was rubbed.

It wasn’t until the aircraft arrived at the villa’s entrance that Asta finally recovered. His steps were a bit floaty as Zhou Yuan led him off the aircraft and into the villa.

Zhou Yuan felt like he was leading a balloon as he placed Asta on the sofa, chuckling as he rubbed Asta’s head, asking if Asta still wanted to help in the kitchen.

Asta, afraid that he might instead interfere with Zhou Yuan later, shook his head in refusal. IOjwMd

So, Zhou Yuan went to the kitchen to cook by himself.

After the meal, Asta finally returned to his usual self, and he belatedly realized: his annual leave had arrived.

He could now plan dates with Zhou Yuan.

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