When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 57

After these words were said, Asta’s face had turned as red as if it were dripping with blood, and it felt scalding hot when Zhou Yuan’s hand touched it.

Covered with a quilt, Asta originally looked up and gazed at Zhou Yuan, his head now slightly drooped, and his eyelashes also lowered. His face was already small, and with this gesture, it seemed like most of his face had shrunk into Zhou Yuan’s hand, revealing endless shyness. NTfenh


His voice was very soft, but his heartbeat was very fast and urgent, as if it was going to break through his flesh and jump out of his chest.

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The sound was so loud that it was frightening, so much so that for those few seconds, all he could hear beside his ear was that fast and urgent heartbeat, making Asta worry if the male zerg could also hear his heartbeat?

His mind involuntarily recalled the knowledge taught in mating classes. 1de5NY

Such mating classes are mandatory from middle school for female zergs and continue until graduation from college for female zergs.

In order not to fail the class and lose credits, even the rebellious Asta had to check in every day, enduring two hours in the classroom.

More or less, he also heard much related knowledge.

For example, when a male zerg says it wants to sleep holding a female zerg, it actually wants to mate with the female zerg.


The lord of his house hasn’t marked him yet…

If it’s a lord, what position would he like?

The professor said that male zergs are relatively weaker in stamina and later on rely on the female zergs to move.

For teaching purposes, the professor even invited a model to perform live, instructing the female zergs where and how to move to give the male zerg the greatest pleasure. Xtqwu8

Since this course accounted for a significant portion of the final exam, Asta listened seriously for once, so he still remembers some key points now.

It’s just that he has never practiced it and doesn’t know if the lord would be satisfied…

Moreover, the border has been unrestful lately, and Asta hasn’t planned on conceiving eggs before the war, wondering if the male zerg would mind not being able to ejaculate inside…

Should he discuss it with the male zerg before starting? HvX5q3

Zhou Yuan didn’t know that his seemingly shy and blushing wife actually had a mind full of racy thoughts. He tidied up the extra quilt and put it in the wardrobe before removing his wrist computer and getting into bed.

As soon as he got in and their shoulders touched, Zhou Yuan felt a very obvious shiver from Asta.

Zhou Yuan paused for a moment, not expecting Asta to be so sensitive. He turned to face Asta. Asta was also lying on his side facing Zhou Yuan, half of his face buried in the soft pillow, and there was not a single spot on his body that wasn’t blushing. The moment he made eye contact with Zhou Yuan, he instinctively averted his gaze.

My own wife is too shy, Zhou Yuan let out a sweet sigh, completely unaware that half of this was thanks to his wife’s naughty thoughts. axhmdi

Zhou Yuan adjusted his position and said in a comforting tone, “Asta, don’t be so nervous.”

As he spoke, he even reached out to wipe away the fine sweat beading on Asta’s forehead.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But Asta shivered again from the touch, feeling as if he was electrified, all tingly and numb.

Seeing the male zerg’s hand getting closer to him, Asta’s heartbeat became even more urgent and rapid, almost breaking free from the constraints of his body and crashing into Zhou Yuan. X3facz

But the anticipated action did not happen.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The male zerg simply placed his hand on his waist, pulling him into his embrace, his chin resting on his hair whorl, and said, “Turn off the lights.”

Ktf rwjga nblmf-mbcagbiifv iluta rklamtfv boo klat j “milmx,” jcv atf gbbw qiecufv lcab vjgxcfrr.

Craj: ??? te8VkK

Ktfgf kjr bcis bcf atbeuta lc Craj’r wlcv: Qts aegc boo atf ilutar???

Jbeiv la yf atfs jgf ublcu ab vb la lc atf vjgx??

Dea la’r rb vjgx, mjc tf olcv atf qijmf ab fcafg?

Asta thought with concern. 8AiwDb

Zhou Yuan had no idea what Asta was thinking. He had been running around with Kels all afternoon, visiting places, and was already tired.

Now, holding his cute, beautiful, fragrant, and soft wife, sleepiness rushed over him quickly, and the entire zerg felt somewhat drowsy.

Feeling the breath of his wife in his arms a bit chaotic, Zhou Yuan gently patted Asta’s back and said, “Asta, good night.”

After saying that, he closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. PqTOn1

Asta was stunned listening to Zhou Yuan’s long breaths.

Asta: …

Asta: ??!

Sleeping, he fell asleep?? WqabOg

The male zerg actually fell asleep?!

They’re not doing it??

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Why aren’t they doing it??!

Asta felt the tingling sensation from the contact gradually disappear, and the burning heat also cooled down. rn9b8R

He looked at the Adam’s apple hidden in the dim light, gritted his teeth, and for a moment, he wanted to pounce and bite it to express his dissatisfaction.

But in the end, listening to Zhou Yuan’s long breaths and feeling the warm body temperature from skin contact, he held back.

Just that a question kept circling in his mind: Why did the male zerg say he would hold him but then didn’t do anything?!

This question troubled Asta so much that he couldn’t sleep for a long time. B7EJm9

In plain language, he had insomnia.

Until the early hours of the morning, when Asta couldn’t come up with an answer no matter how hard he thought, he finally fiercely closed his eyes, curled up in Zhou Yuan’s arms, and fell asleep.

The next day at five o’clock, having slept only a few hours, Asta woke up due to his biological clock.

He wriggled out from Zhou Yuan’s embrace and, seeing the male zerg sleeping soundly with a handsome sleeping face, remembered last night’s events and ground his teeth a bit angrily. m0Jb3k

Having slept, he was actually much calmer than last night.

If the male zerg really wanted to do it last night, he would definitely have brought up the point of “not being able to ejaculate inside,” which would only provoke the male zerg’s dissatisfaction.

Fairly speaking, Asta didn’t want such a situation to occur.

But rationality is one thing, and the fact that the male zerg said he would hold him but really just held him still made him angry. gQzCqZ

Asta’s teeth grinding grew louder.

He remembered how the male zerg would always pinch his face when he wasn’t paying attention, and a dangerous thought arose in his mind.

He stretched out his hands towards Zhou Yuan’s sleeping face, rubbing it vigorously, then pinched it a bit.

But unexpectedly, the skin under his hands turned red instantly, scaring Asta into quickly releasing his grip, carefully observing Zhou Yuan. ZiNTOa

Zhou Yuan was sleeping soundly, his slightly curled brown hair becoming a bit frizzy from Asta’s rubbing, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes tightly closed, with a faint smile on his lips, and his fair and handsome face, however, was flushed with red.

Asta rubbed the red mark somewhat guiltily.

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Fortunately, the male zerg wakes up late every day, so by the time he wakes up, the red mark should have faded.

After this incident, Asta didn’t dare to delay any longer, he carefully climbed out of bed, afraid of waking up the male zerg, and even his washing up was done cautiously. GpHMeo

It was only after he went downstairs that he felt a sigh of relief.

Then he swiftly prepared dumplings, quickly ate a few bites, boarded the aircraft, and arrived at the military department.

By then, he was only a few minutes slower than usual.

The landing pad was still devoid of any zerg, the snow that had fallen yesterday afternoon was cleared away by the staff, leaving only a thin layer of ice. ti9Gx1

Asta stepped on the thin ice and entered the military department, making his way to his own office.

At this time, it was not yet Yuo’s time to go to work. Asta, as a zerg, sat on a chair, with a plain white vase on the table next to him, in which a white and a red plum branch sent by Zhou Yuan were inserted, standing out in this monotonous office.

Asta’s gaze was unconsciously attracted to it, but soon moved away. He suppressed the chaotic thoughts about male zergs in his mind and began to focus on his work.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Yuo clocked in for work on time. T0Wxds

But this time, as soon as he entered his own office, Asta called him away.

When Yuo came in, the aura around Asta was somewhat heavy, which made Yuo feel heavy too. He gave a military salute and said, “I’ve seen the Marshal, sir. What do you need me to do, please command.”

Asta pondered for a long time, then said with a slightly furrowed brow, “Yuo, last night my lord said he wanted to hold me in his sleep, but he did not mate with me.”

Yuo: “…Ah?” Is that all? eSop2T

He thought there was some significant task for him, but it turned out to be just this.

No, for Asta, it indeed was a big deal, after all, if the lord is not willing to touch his queen, doesn’t it mean Asta has fallen out of favor?

Yuo’s expression became serious in an instant, switching to Asta’s emotional advisor, “Asta, has Lord Dixia been good to you recently?”

“Just the same as before.” Asta said, and began to list the good things Zhou Yuan did for him: “The lord still brings me food every day, makes meals for me, wraps the dumplings with my favorite fillings at night, sends me flowers he grows every week, pats my head when I’m unhappy, and makes my favorite dishes…” YEDblC

Yuo couldn’t help but let out a full burp, interrupting, “Stop, stop, I know how much Lord Dixia dotes on you, shut up.”

Asta obediently shut his mouth, silently watching Yuo.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yuo changed the subject: “Then, think about it, has there been anything unusual about Lord Dixia recently, or something wrong?”

After pondering for a while, Asta slowly said, “Yes.” cmqFBL

“The day before yesterday, when the lord came to pick me up, he brought an umbrella that he bought from an employee at his company, which had the scent of a female zerg on it, so I threw it away.”

Yuo also remembered that umbrella, but he didn’t expect Asta to actually throw it away because it had the scent of another female zerg on it.

Isn’t this possessiveness a bit too obvious??

He couldn’t help but ask in astonishment, “Threw it away?! You actually threw it away?!… What did the lord say?” YKFPOW

“I bought a new umbrella for the lord, and the lord didn’t say anything,” Asta said, adding, “But the lord held my hand.”

Yuo: …

He once again marveled, Lord Dixia really has a good temperament.

Otherwise, with Asta’s personality, he would have been neglected to death by other male zergs long ago. yOadA4

“So it seems, the lord’s feelings for you are still as deep as ever,” Yuo’s expression softened, “Or, Asta, have you considered that the lord also knows the urgency of the war, afraid that you would go into battle carrying zerg eggs, so he just simply wanted to hold you in sleep?”

“Last time you went into heat, His Excellency also because of this, endured the whole heat period without laying a hand on you.”

Mentioning going into heat, Asta was reminded of his own shameless tail hook, and couldn’t help but blush at the tips of his ears.

But Yuo’s words indeed opened up Asta’s thoughts. ZgJY5E

He had indeed not considered this possibility. But thinking about it carefully, this is also what sets the lord apart from other males.

Other males only think of using various methods to suppress the females, enslave them, and abuse them.

Only his lord chooses to respect his preferences, support his work, always consult his opinion before doing anything, make concessions, always care for his mood, tolerate his personality, and is willing to have only him as his female for life.

Thinking about it, Asta’s ears blushed even more. Dl8 UT

His lord, is the most unique male in the world, and belongs only to him.

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