When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 56

With a new umbrella, Asta instantly threw the old one, which was almost deformed by his grip, into the trash bin. His action was so swift and efficient that Zhou Yuan couldn’t react in time.

Then, he opened the umbrella and silently stared at Zhou Yuan, waiting for the male zerg to come so they could go home together. dZ9DR0

Zhou Yuan walked up with a smile and followed Asta into the snowy scene.

The umbrella was very large, so the two zergs no longer had to walk shoulder to shoulder. Asta was also able to hold Zhou Yuan’s hand with their fingers interlocked.

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By this time, it was getting dark, the orange-yellow street lamps along the side of the road were lit, and the fine white snow was floating down from the sky, also taking on a warm color under the street lamps.

The trees planted along the street were cold-resistant. Some had almost completely shed their leaves, while others still retained a bit of green, not completely fallen, covered mostly by the snow, leaving just a hint of green at the edges. BR9vjX

The road to the helipad was not far, but this time, Asta was not in a hurry. Instead, it allowed the two zergs to quietly appreciate the snowy scenery.

Watching the snow with the zerg he liked was different.

When Zhou Yuan was not with Asta, he felt that the snow falling on him would be very cold, and the surrounding buildings, whether grey or white, even with snow, were very monotonous.

But with Asta, he would habitually look at Asta’s face. Asta was very pale, and his soft, beautiful white hair was even more eye-catching, like blending into the snow, becoming a sprite in the snow.


He randomly thought of the phrase “to grow old together with one’s love,” and couldn’t help but laugh thinking, Asta didn’t even need to be in the snow; he was already white-haired.

Only his hair was brown, and it needed to be covered in snow to become white.

The journey wasn’t long, and the two zergs soon returned home.

Because of the snowfall, Zhou Yuan didn’t cook but made steaming beef soup noodles instead to keep warm. NFaB8n

At night, Zhou Yuan turned on the heating. The two zergs still slept with separate blankets, but the heater was so warm that even just a thin cotton blanket was enough to sleep soundly.

However, by midnight, Zhou Yuan felt as though he was hugging a furnace, so hot that he was sweating all over.

He opened his eyes somewhat groggily, his first thought was that the heating was turned up too high. But when he reached for the light brain on the nightstand to check the time, he realized there was someone lying in his arms.

In that instant, all of Zhou Yuan’s sleepiness vanished. 53ucWt

Because of the snow, Zhou Yuan had closed the windows tightly and drawn the curtains, making the room dim, and he couldn’t see clearly who he was holding.

With some difficulty and care, he took the light brain from the nightstand and turned it on.

The light brain emitted a soft blue electronic light, and with this faint light, Zhou Yuan first saw a head of beautiful white hair.

The hair spread out on the bed like satin, and its owner was burying his face into Zhou Yuan’s neck, one hand clenched into a fist at his chest, the other arm imperiously wrapped around his waist. TE8gds

Seemingly feeling the light, Asta, who was in deep sleep, buried his face deeper into Zhou Yuan’s neck and fell back asleep with a huff.

Zhou Yuan was momentarily caught between laughter and tears, feeling somewhat complicated.

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He hadn’t expected Asta to cling to him like his tail when sleeping, curling up in his arms with a hint of insecurity.

Pc qrsmtbibus, atlr lr mjiifv jc ecmbcrmlber vfrlgf. j5RbJK

Ktf reymbcrmlber rmgfjwr obg mibrfcfrr, yea atf qfgrbc boafc vbfrc’a gfjilhf la, bg la’r reqqgfrrfv ys j tlutfg ifnfi bo gfjrbclcu, bcis ab jkjxfc ktfc gfjrbc ojiir jriffq, rtbealcu jcv vglnlcu atf ybvs ab vgjk mibrfg.

Ktfrf jgf atf wjclofrajalbcr bo ecmbcrmlber vfrlgfr.

Zhou Yuan didn’t feel unhappy; on the contrary, his heart was filled with emotion and joy.

On one hand, he really liked Asta’s closeness and affection, and on the other hand— sx4 fT

He wondered why it felt like he was hugging a furnace, so hot, it turned out to be the work of his clingy wife.

And indeed, the blanket was rather lonely on its own.

Although it was unbearably hot, Zhou Yuan had no intention of pushing Asta away. He reached for the remote control on the nightstand and turned down the heater a bit, adjusting it to a comfortable temperature before snuggling back under the blanket.

However, he hesitated for a moment on how to hold his wife, and after a few seconds, he somewhat awkwardly placed his hand on Asta’s waist and tightened his grip. D4bQco

The feeling of lying down was very distinct; Asta’s body temperature was higher than his, and the warm breath kept blowing on his neck, bringing a strange tingling sensation.

Zhou Yuan lay awake for a while, unable to sleep, until it was too late and he was too tired, and then he finally drifted off to sleep.

The next day, when the alarm clock woke him up, there was already nothing in his arms.

Zhou Yuan felt somewhat unrested, yawned, and then got out of bed to wash up. cluoDn

It wasn’t until the cold water hit his face that Zhou Yuan fully woke up, and then he suddenly realized something.

Did Asta know that he would roll into his arms in the middle of the night every day when he woke up?

But this thought only flashed through his mind for a moment. He didn’t send a message to ask; instead, he suppressed his doubts and got ready to go to work.


At the company, the game team had been assigned a bunch of tasks by Zhou Yuan the day before and was now busily making revisions and optimizations. After handing over the broadcAstas he had confirmed for cooperation to the PR manager, Zhou Yuan went down to check on the current situation with the shopping app team.

The construction of the shopping app was progressing quickly, and a preliminary product had already been launched. The employees, relying on Zhou Yuan’s experience from his previous life and his research on a second-hand flea market website in this life, had simulated a preliminary ecosystem for the app.

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However, because the express delivery chain behind the shopping app was starting from scratch, the progress was very slow at the moment.

Zhou Yuan’s original plan was to first build an express delivery chain serving the capital planet, then try to expand to the surrounding planets, and finally extend it to the entire interstellar space. WJdYk2

So, during this period, as Zhou Yuan’s right-hand man, Manager Kels, who was responsible for most of the management, began recruiting new employees in large numbers.

Almost every day, one or two new people would join, so that every time Zhou Yuan came to the fifth floor, he would see new faces.

Some of the female zergs that came were highly paid recruits by Kels, and some were recruited for their good abilities, but they all had one thing in common: they recognized Zhou Yuan’s face, and some were even his fans, coming specifically for him.

On his way to the office, Zhou Yuan passed through a long series of greetings and nodded in response to each one, only stopping once he closed the door behind him. wvahdZ

After a while, Kels arrived. He was holding a set of organized files, informed Zhou Yuan of the recent progress, and handed the files over to him.

Kels’ efficiency is truly high; the main cadres of the express delivery chain have been almost completely assembled by him, and recently, they have been planning the delivery routes and distribution points.

Kels’ proposal is to start with the central city of the capital as the first express action point, then establish a warehouse in each densely populated area with zerg employees, plan routes and carry out deliveries based on the warehouses, and then gradually expand to the surrounding areas once they become proficient.

Kels’ business ability really opened Zhou Yuan’s eyes. ZknOzN

Did his brother send him his right-hand man? With such capability, he could create his own business and succeed!

Zhou Yuan nodded in satisfaction and then asked Kels to prepare for a meeting to discuss the warehouse bases and routing issues.

In this meeting, Zhou Yuan also saw a familiar face, Kael.

Kael was poached from another company by Kels with a high salary. Although young, his business capabilities are quite impressive, and his work efficiency is high. J4LtTK

Several details were proposed by him, and they all showed his unique insights.

This meeting was somewhat long, lasting almost until the end of the morning work hours.

When the meeting was about to end, seeing that Zhou Yuan was about to leave, Kael quickly organized his documents and walked over to Zhou Yuan.

The face of the delicate sub-female was flushed with a shy blush as he spoke softly, “Your Excellency, are you going to have lunch? I know a restaurant nearby that tastes very good, may I take you there to try?” MqbgY

This was a straightforward invitation.

Zhou Yuan stopped in his tracks and looked at Kael, politely declining, “Sorry, I have to cook lunch for my queen at home, so I won’t be eating out.”

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As soon as these words were spoken, the employees who hadn’t walked far let out a small gasp of surprise.

Kael also widened his eyes, looking shocked. BxFveU

Zhou Yuan glanced at the time, saw it was getting late, and then nodded his farewell.

After he left, all the female zergs present let out surprised exclamations.

In the midst of these astonished discussions, Kael became even more determined to pursue Zhou Yuan.

He believed that it must be because his wealth wasn’t enough, which is why Zhou Yuan wasn’t interested in him. Next time, he would have to perform even better! F4nCuS

Because of the incident with Kael at noon, Zhou Yuan didn’t go to the fifth floor in the afternoon but went to do a field inspection with Kels.

On the way, fine snow began to fall intermittently from the sky again.

Ever since Asta got jealous and bought a new umbrella last time, Zhou Yuan had been carrying it with him. Now encountering snow, he was not flustered and smoothly opened the umbrella. 3zmAQk

Kels rushed out the door without an umbrella, but fortunately, he was able to buy one from a convenience store they passed by.

The two zergs conducted field inspections at seven or eight warehouse points before finally finishing work for the day.

After work, Zhou Yuan went to pick up Asta as usual, and on the way, he stopped by the supermarket to restock on vegetables, meat, and eggs.

The day went by as usual, but when it came time to sleep at night, Zhou Yuan looked at the two blankets on the bed and fell silent for a moment. UueFid

Asta had already climbed into bed, lying down obediently, ready to sleep. But seeing the male zerg standing by the bed motionless, he voiced his confusion, “Lord?”

Zhou Yuan snapped back to reality, having just remembered the incident from the morning.

He figured that since Asta woke up so early every day, he must know about rolling into his arms in the middle of the night.

But it was also possible that Asta could roll back out before waking up. TWCo3c

So after hesitating for a while, he asked, “Asta, do you like to roll around in your sleep?”

Just as he was about to sleep, Asta’s body suddenly stiffened. He shifted his gaze awkwardly for a moment before finally responding with a “hmm,” saying, “Not when marching.”

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Zhou Yuan caught the shiftiness in Asta’s gaze and felt more certain, then asked, “Asta, do you know that when you sleep with me, you roll into my arms in the middle of the night?”

Asta’s ears turned red, but he obediently replied, “Hmm.” yLk5FR

It seems that every morning when Asta wakes up, he is waking up in his arms.

Zhou Yuan smiled and asked, “Then, Asta, do you like sleeping in my arms? If you don’t like it, then I…”

Before he could finish speaking, Asta’s face was already flushed, his beautiful purple eyes intently focused on him, as if sparkling with light.

Zhou Yuan paused, then said, “… It seems there’s no helping it if you don’t like it.” 2sjAyg

Saying this, he sat on the bed, stroking Asta’s cheek, and said, “Asta, I want to hold you as we sleep.”

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