When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 55

Fine snow fell from the sky, landing on skyscrapers, passing aircrafts, and on the shoulders and in the hair of pedestrians walking on the street.

Zhou Yuan held another meeting with the planning department and the game construction department to refine the game’s combat system, graphical details, and some zergs. yXEHRf

It must be said, the technological prowess of the zerg races on the internet is truly formidable. Even if Zhou Yuan proposed an idea they had never seen before, they could build a similar foundational framework within a few days.

And as meetings were held one after another, discussing, refining, fixing zergs, and optimizing the framework system, the current product was getting closer and closer to the card development game that Zhou Yuan had played in his previous life.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

By the time Zhou Yuan finished the meeting, two hours had passed. He glanced at the time, then had the manager of the publicity department send over a few streamers they had contacted, intending to review and confirm them that evening, before clocking out and going home to cook.

Upon leaving the office building, Zhou Yuan realized that it had started to snow heavily outside, and it had been for some time, as a thin layer of snow had already settled on the road. 0PQabe

Some of the snow had melted into water and seeped into the asphalt concrete road surface, only to be frozen into a layer of ice by the cold wind in the blink of an eye, just waiting for some unlucky person to come by and take a fall.

Zhou Yuan didn’t bring an umbrella, and he hesitated a bit as he watched the snow outside grow heavier.

He didn’t like the feeling of snow falling on him because it would quickly melt on his clothes, then get frozen by the cold wind into chunks of ice.

Especially when it landed on his head, it was extremely cold.

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Just as he was about to make a dash for the parking apron, a gentle voice came from behind him.

“Lord Dixia? Did you not bring an umbrella?”

Zhou Yuan turned around, and the speaker was a stranger to him, petite in stature, with a pretty face, appearing to be in him early twenties, like a young female intern who had just graduated.

“May I ask who you are?” Zhou Yuan carefully thought but did not recognize the face, inevitably asking. o 6Jdy

Seeing Zhou Yuan turn around, the young female’s face blushed with excitement, and his voice couldn’t hide his joy, “My lord, I am an employee of the software team’s operations department on the sixth floor. You don’t come down often, so you probably don’t recognize me. My name is Kael Enders.”

After introducing himself, Kael continued with the previous topic: “My lord, did you not bring an umbrella? I happen to have two foldable capsule umbrellas, let me lend you one.”

Kael said this as he took out two folded capsule umbrellas from the bag he was carrying.

The umbrella looked very new, with pretty folds and almost no wear, clearly indicating it hadn’t been used much since purchase. ZM4fs3

Zhou Yuan looked at the darkening sky outside, and as the fine snow grew heavier, he didn’t refuse but asked instead, “Thank you, how much for your umbrella? I’ll buy it.”

Kael’s blush deepened, and he waved his hands in a flustered manner, “No need, my lord, please consider this umbrella a gift from me.”

They had lingered at the doorway for quite some time, and due to Zhou Yuan’s status, many female zergs had noticed them, their glances sweeping over with a mix of gossip and envy.

Some female zergs even began to regret not bringing an umbrella themselves, thinking they could have used it as an excuse to talk to Lord Dixia. IMmd z

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Itbe Tejc ogbkcfv jcv fzqijlcfv ab Bjfi, “Vbggs, jrlvf ogbw ws deffc, Craj, P vb cba jmmfqa uloar ogbw batfg ofwjifr. Uifjrf, mbeiv sbe ulnf wf j qglmf?”

Fqbc tfjglcu atlr, atf wegweglcu jgbecv atfw rabqqfv obg j ofk rfmbcvr, jcv Bjfi’r qgfnlberis oiertfv mtffxr aegcfv rbwfktja qjif.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Bjfi kjr j ojc bo Itbe Tejc, jcv la kjr joafg ifjgclcu atja atf bkcfg bo atf mbwqjcs kjr Itbe Tejc atja tf tjv rklamtfv pbyr ab mbwf tfgf.

His goal was clear: to become Zhou Yuan’s female attendant or slave. Jl0ZM4

He thought that no matter how much a male zerg cherished his queen, faced with such a cute and petite subordinate female’s advances, he would hardly refuse. If he could just get into bed with him after some initial resistance, given Lord Dixia’s character, he would definitely let him become a female slave.

Unfortunately, after he arrived, he never found an opportunity to get close to Zhou Yuan. When he finally did, he didn’t expect the male zerg to say such a thing.

He forced a smile, not daring to go against the male zerg’s wishes, and obediently said, “Okay, okay, my lord, 14 star coins will do.”

Zhou Yuan scanned the code presented to him and transferred 14 star coins straightforwardly. dekhZt

Kael did not hesitate either; he handed the newest umbrella in his hand to Zhou Yuan.

After receiving it, Zhou Yuan politely thanked him and then stepped into the snowy scene with the umbrella.

It wasn’t until Zhou Yuan had walked away that the frozen silence among the female zergs exploded into chatter.

“Did I hear that wrong just now?? The lord said he wouldn’t accept gifts from other females except for the queen??!” 19sJd6

“I also suspect I heard wrong, but it’s impossible for a dozen zergs to all hear wrong, right? Wuu wuu wuu, I’m so envious…”

“What kind of love potion did the Marshal give the lord that he would reject advances from other zergs for him!!”


A female zerg familiar with Kael approached, touched the still dazed Kael, and asked with some worry, “Kael, are you okay?” 6wYKXp

“…I’m fine.” Kael came back to his senses, looked at his concerned friend, smiled, and said, “Who hasn’t been rejected by the lords? But I won’t give up!”

On the other side, Zhou Yuan took an aircraft to the military department.

Due to the incident at the entrance of the office building, Zhou Yuan arrived a bit late this time, and Yuo had already been waiting under the awning for a while.

Seeing Zhou Yuan’s aircraft arriving, he hurriedly approached, with fine snowflakes clinging to him all over. 9OQDhN

At that moment, Zhou Yuan was still holding the capsule umbrella, and feeling somewhat embarrassed, he asked, “Deputy Yuo, don’t you use an umbrella?”

“No need, my lord, this bit of snow is nothing,” Yuo said, noticing that Zhou Yuan hesitated to open the umbrella and added, “My lord, if you have an umbrella, please open it. The snow is somewhat cold for your body.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Only then did Zhou Yuan open the umbrella without feeling burdened, looking at Yuo beside him, whose appearance remained unchanged despite the snow melting and clinging to him again, and once again marveled at the formidable physique of the female zergs.

Upon reaching the rest area, Asta hadn’t come out yet, so Yuo explained that it was again an issue with the border line and the Council of Elders. VRJ f9

Yuo didn’t elaborate on the anomaly in the video, only mentioned that it was urgent, and the Marshal had already submitted the video. They were pressuring the Council of Elders by co-signing with several major legion commanders and Vincent, aiming to start the meeting sooner.

They were probably still busy now, and the end of work would also be delayed.

Zhou Yuan expressed his understanding, but couldn’t help feeling a bit of disgust towards the Council of Elders in his heart.

The military reports from the border line, even if not urgent, should be given priority, but because of some disagreement with Marshal Asta, they were deliberately suppressed. Unless pressured to a certain extent, they would not be attended to. m43rDb

Such behavior clearly disregards the lives of the military females fighting at the border and the zerg races living on the border planets.

It wasn’t until half an hour later that Asta finished work.

Seeing Asta’s cold face and the low air pressure around him when he arrived, Zhou Yuan roughly understood that the male zergs of the Council of Elders were being unreasonable again, and he tenderly touched Asta’s head with some pity.

The chill on Asta dissipated instantly with Zhou Yuan’s touch, only his lips were still unconsciously pursed. cMpIYA

Zhou Yuan then took Asta’s hand, interlocking their fingers tightly, and started to talk about some lighter topics.

The two zergs leisurely walked to the entrance of the military department building. By then, the snow outside had become denser, covering the ground in a beautiful white layer.

Just as Asta was about to walk into the snowy weather with practiced ease, Zhou Yuan pulled him back.

Zhou Yuan couldn’t bear the thought of his wife getting drenched in the snow, which would be uncomfortable once it melted inside the aircraft. TOs3zb

He opened the capsule umbrella he was holding and said to Asta, “Asta, don’t get wet from the snow, let’s walk together.”

The capsule umbrella was slightly small, barely enough for two zergs, and if there was wind, snowflakes would land on their shoulders.

Asta initially wanted to refuse, but as Zhou Yuan approached with the umbrella, he detected a faint scent that bore the territorial mark of another female.

This scent was very weak, possibly already dissipated a lot by the cold wind, and other females of lower rank might not be able to smell it, but Asta was an S-rank female, with a sense of smell much more sensitive than other females. v8SkgV

Upon closer inspection, he noticed slight wear and paint loss on the umbrella ribs, clearly indicating it wasn’t a newly purchased umbrella by a male zerg.

Asta’s expression subtly changed, his lips pressed even tighter, and his heart felt as if it was being squeezed, very uncomfortable.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He trusted the male zerg, but that didn’t stop him from feeling angry and jealous when he detected the scent of other zergs around him.

“Lord, why does this umbrella have the scent of another female?” Z1Md3U

“Hm? Does it?” Zhou Yuan was taken aback by the question. He sniffed at the umbrella, only detecting the cold scent of ice and snow in the air.

Seeing the male zerg lean in to smell closer, Asta quickly grabbed the handle of the umbrella and pulled it away.

Asta’s voice was somewhat deep: “Lord, the scent on this umbrella offends me.”

Zhou Yuan blinked, looking from the umbrella back to Asta. Asta’s grip on the handle was so strong that the area he was holding had slightly contracted. OYX8aF

Zhou Yuan suddenly got it—his wife’s nose was too sensitive, and now he was feeling jealous!

He found it somewhat amusing but held back his laughter, explaining, “Asta, I bought this from a company employee, and I even have the purchase record here. Please let go of the umbrella; this is the only one we have.”

Asta’s lips remained pursed, showing his unhappiness, but he obediently released his grip.

Zhou Yuan noticed that indeed, the area that had been gripped had become much thinner than the rest, indicating how strong Asta’s grip had been. Vdscdw

He reached out to rub Asta’s head and pulled up his payment record, saying, “I saw he had two umbrellas in his hand, so I bought one from him. With the snow so cold and the wind so strong, melting on the body is both cold and uncomfortable; having an umbrella would lessen our troubles.”

“I wouldn’t bear to see you get wet in the snow.”

With these words, Asta’s previously cold and low pressure instantly vanished without a trace, his ear tips turning red, but still with a hint of jealousy, he said, “Lord, this umbrella is damaged, let’s buy a new one.”

Looking at the “scars” on the umbrella handle, Zhou Yuan thought to himself that the damage was actually caused by Asta himself, but still suppressed a laugh and said, “Alright, but let’s make do with this one on our way there, and we’ll go buy a new one at the supermarket after we get on the aircraft, okay?” XO6GhI

“Okay.” Asta nodded, agreeing.

However, on the way to the aircraft, Asta insisted on holding the umbrella, so Zhou Yuan amusingly handed it over to him.

After arriving at the supermarket, Asta’s steps quickened, swiftly choosing a larger and more durable folding umbrella. The eagerness to replace the previous one was evident, amusing Zhou Yuan greatly.

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  1. Thank you so much for translating!

    Chapter numbers go from 55 to 57, could it be that there’s a missing chapter in-between?

  2. I think the fixing zergs part at the beginning of the chapter is referring to fixing computer bugs