When the Virtuous Male Lead Became a Scumbag Male Lord [Zergs]Chapter 54

When Zhou Yuan arrived, it was just the time for the military department to start work. The helipad was bustling with female soldiers. When Zhou Yuan disembarked, he immediately attracted the attention of all the female soldiers.

The female soldiers had already gotten used to Lord Dixia bringing meals to Marshal at noon and evening every day. Although they were still envious and jealous, they had developed a certain resistance. OAinrP

But what they never expected was that now the male zerg even included breakfast!!

Yuo, who came down after hearing the news, was also surprised. He looked at the wax plum and bottle in the male zerg’s hand and asked, “Your Excellency, what is this…?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The ears of the surrounding female soldiers perked up in unison.

“It’s cold, so I’m bringing some hot soup to warm Asta up,” said Zhou Yuan, lifting the thermos in his hand. wG7cIS

The female soldiers clenched their jaws.

Yuo: “And what about this flower?”

“It’s from the garden, it just bloomed, so I picked one for Asta,” said Zhou Yuan, unable to help revealing a smile. “I still don’t know if Asta likes it or not.”

“Crack,” was the sound of the female soldiers’ teeth shattering.


Yuo was also shown up, unable to help but burp.

Fortunately, the male zerg didn’t say anymore, otherwise Yuo reckoned he would die of overeating.

Zhou Yuan was already familiar with the way to Asta’s rest room. In no time, the two zergs arrived.

Inside the rest room, Asta was already there. Seeing Zhou Yuan arrive, he visibly showed a bit of happiness. tj0DnZ

Zhou Yuan stepped forward, handed the wax plum to Asta, and said with a smile, “Asta, the wax plums in the garden just bloomed today, so I picked one for you. Do you like it?”

Asta, somewhat surprised, took the wax plum, his ears quietly turning red, “Thank you, Lord, I like it very much.”

“Good, then.” Zhou Yuan put the thermos on the table, found a place to sit down nearby, opened the thermos, poured out the hot soup inside, and said, “The weather is getting colder. I made some lamb soup to warm you up.”

The lamb soup was clear, with only shredded white radishes, thinly sliced lamb, and green scallions and coriander visible, steaming hot. In such weather, just looking at it could make one feel warm. AFkn4Q

Asta carefully placed the wax plum on the sofa, without even a petal falling off, then took the soup Zhou Yuan handed over, thanked him, and took a small sip.

The lamb soup was very fresh, the scallions and coriander brought another excellent flavor to the soup, and the fine radish shreds, together with the soup, entered the mouth, both crispy and sweet.

With this sip, the warmth spread from the stomach to all the internal organs and limbs, making the whole body warm up, warming Asta’s cheeks to a soft pink hue.

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Craj’r fsfr ila eq, jcv tf delmxis olclrtfv atf rbeq lc tlr tjcvr lc akb ueiqr, atfc rjlv, “Ktlr lr rb vfilmlber!” Y0kPdH

Itbe Tejc rwlifv jcv rfgnfv Craj jcbatfg ybki.

Lbkfnfg, Craj vlv cba ajxf la yea ibbxfv ja Itbe Tejc: “Obgv, sbe vglcx abb.”

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Itbe Tejc, offilcu j yla mbiv bc tlr pbegcfs tfgf, vlv cba gfoerf jcv jirb rajgafv vglcxlcu.

After finishing, seeing Asta’s eyes shining brightly, he couldn’t help but reach out and gently rub them. 7pnMqX

Afterwards, the two zergs alternately finished the lamb soup in the thermos, feeling thoroughly warm and comfortable, dispelling even the chill of the sudden temperature drop.

After delivering the flower and soup, Zhou Yuan did not stay long, not wanting to interfere with Asta’s work, and quickly said goodbye.

Yuo, who escorted the male zerg back, held a white vase in his hand. Looking at Asta carefully holding the wax plum, as if afraid of dropping any petals, he felt a mix of a sense of ‘a child grown up beyond parental control’ and a sour envy.

He handed the vase filled with water to Asta and couldn’t help but mutter, “Lord Dixia is too good to you. This is the first time I’ve seen a male zerg give flowers to a female zerg.” CJPfyS

Asta took the vase and carefully arranged it, his ears turning red from Yuo’s words. He slightly pursed his lips and responded with a “Hmm.”

Yuo sighed with mixed feelings, looking at Asta as if seeing his own cabbage that runs away with the pig after being flirted with a few times, but eventually, he didn’t tease any further. Instead, he briefly explained to Asta how to care for the flowers in water.

Asta listened attentively, and finally placed the vase on his desk, so he could see it whenever he felt tired from reviewing documents.

After returning home, Zhou Yuan continued his effort to screen suitable hosts. Eventually, he compiled a list and sent it to the publicity department, instructing them to contact the hosts for quotations after work. ihx35T

In the meantime, Zhou Yuan also delivered lunch to Asta again, but this time he didn’t bring flowers. However, he heard from Yuo that Asta had placed the flowers he sent on his office desk.

Zhou Yuan silently estimated the wilting time of the wax plum as a vase decoration, planning to send another branch when the time was right.

By then, the red plums would also be about to bloom.

After finishing all the tasks, it was already afternoon. Zhou Yuan took out a thick quilt to wash and dry, replacing the thin quilt. RspUkY

After changing it, he went to the supermarket to buy some seasonal vegetables and meat, planning to make dumplings.

In Zhou Yuan’s previous region, there was a tradition of eating dumplings during the Winter Solstice. He had learned to make several types of meat fillings, so he made them all.

Zhou Yuan prepared a lot of each filling, but had only made about a hundred dumplings when it was almost time to pick up Asta. He stopped his work, tidied up the table, put a pot of water on to boil, ready to cook dumplings when he returned.

Before leaving, Zhou Yuan went to check on the garden and the greenhouse. udg70a

The original owner didn’t have much gardening skill. When Zhou Yuan arrived, the garden was filled with easy-to-maintain cheap flowers and weeds. Zhou Yuan didn’t mind; he carefully tended to them all, even keeping some of the good-looking weeds.

Only the wax plums were blooming vigorously in the garden, while the greenhouse housed small plants with tiny, adorable flowers.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

In the end, Zhou Yuan didn’t force the wax plums to bloom faster, leaving with some regret and boarding the aircraft.

By the time he arrived, Asta’s work was nearly finished. Zhou Yuan waited a bit longer before picking Asta up and heading home. RElGda

But the dinner that was ready and steaming at home, unlike what Zhou Yuan and Asta had planned, was not yet complete without the guests.

Zhou Yuan took Asta into the kitchen and personally taught him how to cook dumplings.

Zhou Yuan: “Asta, from now on, you can cook dumplings for breakfast yourself. The weather is too cold now, and the nutritional supplements are all stored in the fridge, which is too harsh on the stomach. Hey, wait, Asta, did you forget to add salt again?”

Cooking dumplings is easy, and Asta picked it up quickly, but he always forgot to add salt and MSG. bOkyed

Hearing this, Asta panicked a bit and scooped a spoonful of salt into it, amusing Zhou Yuan.

He reached out, holding Asta’s hastily flailing hand, guiding him to scoop the right amount of salt and MSG, and earnestly taught, “Asta, don’t rush. Take it slow.”

Since it was a hand-in-hand action, Zhou Yuan naturally came close to Asta’s back. The two zergs were of similar height, so when Zhou Yuan spoke, his warm breath sprayed on the back of Asta’s neck and the exposed earlobes, turning them a deep shade of red instantly.

Asta’s mind went blank, and his hand involuntarily stiffened. fEUJvd

Zhou Yuan, teaching seriously, hadn’t noticed Asta’s stiffness until the dumplings were almost ready to come out of the pot and realized the zerg he was half-hugging hadn’t spoken for a long time.

He slightly turned his head and saw Asta’s neck, ears, and cheeks were all flushed, his beautiful thin lips pressed together uncomfortably, his gaze drifting off somewhere.

Zhou Yuan then realized his actions might have been too intimate for Asta, and hurriedly stepped back. However, seeing Asta’s dazed look, he found it adorable and wanted to tease him.

He resisted the urge but eventually couldn’t help but pinch Asta’s cheek, his voice light with amusement, “Asta, what are you daydreaming about? Snap out of it.” RCxQfE

Awoken by this call, Asta came back to his senses, his face feeling hot. He dared not look at Zhou Yuan, just dumbly replied, “Lord, I’m here.”

Zhou Yuan: “Did you hear what I just taught you?”

Asta pursed his lips, slightly apologetically shaking his head, but due to Zhou Yuan pinching his face, he couldn’t shake his head too much.

It seemed like he just realized that the male zerg had pinched his face, his eyes widening a bit. kVGOoc

Zhou Yuan chuckled softly, releasing the grip on Asta’s face to rub his head instead, “Then I’ll teach you again, this time you have to learn well.”

Asta’s attention was immediately diverted, nodding very seriously.

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This time, Zhou Yuan didn’t teach by holding hands from start to finish. Instead, he first instructed verbally and only when Asta couldn’t grasp it, did he hold Asta’s hand to teach him, stepping back after teaching to ask if Asta understood.

If not, he explained even more in detail. TfxwaR

By the time Asta finally learned how to cook dumplings, the hundred or so dumplings had all been used up. Some were overcooked until the skins broke, turning the entire pot into a mushy mess, some stuck to the bottom of the pot with edges burnt, tasting burnt. Fortunately, Zhou Yuan had cooked a potful as a demonstration in advance, preventing them from having to eat all the failed attempts.

After the meal, Asta took the dishes in for washing, while Zhou Yuan took out the unused meat filling and dumpling wrappers to continue making dumplings.

Asta, who came out later, watched curiously for a few moments. He saw the male zerg’s hands skillfully bring the filled dumpling wrappers together, creating a plump and beautiful dumpling.

The male zerg even made several different shapes to differentiate the fillings of the dumplings, fascinating Asta. Z w6tk

However, knowing his hands were not as dexterous as the male zerg’s, he didn’t ask to try. Instead, he just watched curiously as Zhou Yuan made dumplings, occasionally helping to carefully place the finished dumplings into a box until Zhou Yuan used up all the filling.

By this time, it was already late, so Zhou Yuan and Asta cleaned up the table and went back to their room to bathe and sleep.

Actually, Asta’s estrus season had already passed, but since Asta didn’t mention it, Zhou Yuan also kept silent, tacitly continuing to share the same bed.

Days passed little by little with time, and the weather became colder and colder. The female zergs on the streets also wore warm coats and outerwear. D4Br7o

And on the day of the first snow, another piece of good news came from the border, accompanied by a video shot deep inside the territory of the alien beasts.

In the video, the alien beasts were collectively in an unusually excited turmoil, and some of the beasts even entered their estrus season prematurely.

The day this video arrived, Asta, along with several legion commanders and Vincent, presented it to the Council of Elders, requesting that a military conference be convened as soon as possible regarding this matter.

All Advanced Chapters Available!


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