Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh90 - V7.13 Proud and Indifferent White Lotus

Observing the Pope’s attitude, Salman was somewhat puzzled. Did he say something wrong? Why does the Pope appear this way?


“What’s wrong? Can’t you figure it out?” Seeing Salman’s confused expression, the Pope understood that he hadn’t grasped the essence of the matter yet. 


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“I might as well tell you, there was never an intention from the beginning to actually initiate a war. Not only is it unaffordable for vampires, but also for my church.”


This is the truth, there’s nothing that can’t be known.


However, this answer struck Salman hard. He had believed that no matter what, this time he could make Lance disappear from the Lord’s side. But now…



 The successive blows left Salman feeling disoriented. His body swayed involuntarily, and after a while, he managed to regain his composure, though his tone still carried urgency.


“Your Holiness, if you can’t do it, why did you agree in the first place!?”


“Agree?” Looking at Salman’s expression, the Pope sneered. This fool, blinded by emotions, had likely lost his rationality by now. 


“If you had told me from the beginning that your intention was to have the Church wage war, I wouldn’t have accepted your proposal!”

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This time, the Pope wasn’t lying. If Salman had been clear from the start that he was scheming for war, the Pope wouldn’t have agreed so readily.


Although he held opinions about Lance, those were insignificant compared to the destruction of the Church.


Instantly, Salman didn’t know what to say. Indeed, all of this had been his speculation. The Pope had never mentioned waging war with the vampires.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But weren’t they supposed to be natural enemies? Then why…

  T sRet

“True, the Church and vampires are enemies, but don’t forget one thing: even vampires were once children of God.” The Pope shook his head. Though he didn’t want to admit it, the original vampire Cain could indeed be considered a child of God, given that his parents were created by the Divine.


This revelation caught Salman off guard. While he was familiar with these references, hadn’t the tension and hostility between vampires and the Church persisted for years?


“Prince Salman, now it’s my turn to ask you some questions.” The Pope smiled, a sanctified smile that gave Salman an illusion as if this person bathed in divine light, radiating purity.


Salman nodded. He didn’t know what questions the Pope had in mind, but answering a question wasn’t a problem. Besides, he hadn’t given up hope yet. Since there might be future uses for the Church, he didn’t want to sour the relationship completely.


“Actually, Prince Salman, you must have known from the beginning that spreading those messages would lead to these results.” The Pope’s voice carried a touch of sigh, clearly having seen through Salman’s intentions.


From the start, Salman hadn’t genuinely intended to help the Church. He had used the Church to achieve his goals. What he hadn’t anticipated was that they wouldn’t buy into it at all.


“How… how is that possible? I just wanted to bring Father Brode back to the Church and return to Collinsburg.” Only by returning to Collinsburg, to the Lord’s side, would he have a chance to be with him.


Hearing this response, the Pope felt a mix of disdain and sympathy. 


Imagining the potential outcome for this person, he said with a hint of amusement, “Since Prince Salman still refuses to tell the truth at this point, then let those who truly want to hear the answer have a conversation.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Hearing the Pope’s words, Salman became wary. He didn’t know the exact meaning behind them, but a sense of unease crept over him.


He abruptly stood up, preparing to leave, but his head suddenly spun. If he didn’t realize he had been hit at this moment, then he truly had a problem.


“Why… are you doing this?” The foggy state of Salman’s mind prevented him from focusing, but he persisted in wanting an answer.


“I didn’t want to do this originally, but Prince Salman, even now, you’re lying and not cooperating. So, go meet the person who can make you cooperate.” The Pope’s voice sounded somewhat cheerful, and he seemed to say more afterward, but Salman couldn’t hear anything anymore.



When Salman woke up again, he found himself in a dark and damp space.


The air was filled with a nauseating moldy smell, and the room had no windows, only a door through which a faint yellow light seeped in.


It was incredibly quiet around him, except for occasional sounds that seemed like something running, followed by very faint squeaks.




This realization made Salman’s face turn ashen. He had a rough idea of where he was, a dungeon.


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After realizing his location, Salman couldn’t help but let his mind wander. Before he passed out, the person beside him was the Pope, indicating that all of this was the Pope’s doing. 


Damn it, he had helped the Pope so much, not receiving any gratitude in return, and now he was treated like this.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Cr tf kjr wfcajiis reypfmalcu atf Ubqf ab njglber abgaegfr, atf vbbg bqfcfv.


Ktf revvfc lcoiez bo iluta yilcvfv Vjiwjc’r fsfr obg j wbwfca. C ojwliljg sfa rbwfktja ecojwliljg wjif nblmf ajecalcuis ijeutfv lc tlr fjgr.


“Qtb jgf sbe!?” Lfjglcu atja ijeutafg, Vjiwjc’r fzqgfrrlbc aegcfv fzagfwfis euis. Lbk mbeiv j qglcmf ilxf tlw yf absfv klat ilxf atlr? Qtfc atf qfbqif ogbw atf Ljgijc Swqlgf mjwf ab gfrmef tlw, tf kbeiv wjxf regf ab wjxf atf Jtegmt qjs!

  iP H4M

“Who am I?” The person replied with a question, his tone tinged with amusement. As this person spoke, Salman found himself growing even more familiar with this voice!


“Who exactly are you? Don’t you know that kidnapping a noble is a serious crime!?” Indeed, in the Harlan Empire, kidnapping nobles and members of the royal family was tantamount to a death sentence.


However, everything changed when you weren’t in the Harlan Empire. Besides, Salman was merely a noble of the Harlan Empire.


“Heh, Prince, this isn’t the Harlan Empire. What kind of nobleman do you think you are?” There was a mocking tone, and that hint of disdain that only a prince could bring. In an instant, Salman guessed who this person was.


“Lance Brode!” If he still couldn’t guess who this person was at this point, his intelligence truly had limits. “It’s really you!”


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After a brief recovery, Salman’s eyes could now see everything around him. Indeed, the person who had just taunted him was Lance Brode!


“Prince, it’s an honor that you remember my voice. Truly.” While the words spoke of honor, the person’s eyes were filled with mockery and provocation. It was clear that Lance and Salman had a very difficult relationship.


Looking at this person before him, Salman understood something.


This person had once been a priest, and the one behind his manipulation was the Pope. If this was the case…


“Lance Brode, you were never sincere to the Lord. You just wanted to use him!” As Salman understood this, he felt a mix of satisfaction and indignation.


The Lord had treated this person so well, yet he had betrayed him. This person didn’t deserve to stand by the Lord’s side.


“Don’t overthink it. The person who made a deal with the Pope isn’t me, it’s your Lord.” Although Lance hated this title very much, using it now to provoke the person before him seemed like a good choice.


Sure enough, upon hearing this answer, Salman’s expression froze on his face. But in the next moment, a hidden sense of delight appeared in his eyes.


The Lord did care about him. If he didn’t care, how could he have exchanged him back from the Pope?


“Don’t overthink it. Your Lord bringing you here isn’t out of any reluctance,” at this point, Lance intentionally paused, relishing in Salman’s expression before slowly continuing, “He just doesn’t want those who betrayed him to have an easy time.”


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These words were like a bucket of ice-cold water in the middle of winter, poured over his head, chilling his heart.


“You’re lying, he would never harm me. It’s impossible!” Salman insisted, but deep down, a faint voice told him that the Lord might never forgive him now.


Watching the person unwilling to face reality, Lance shook his head. He walked to the door, then cheerfully said, “I’ll leave that person to you. Do whatever you want, life or death, it doesn’t matter.” With that said, Lance turned and left, ignoring the shouts from behind him as he briskly walked out of the dungeon.


Although he didn’t witness it, Salman could somewhat guess his fate.


Every living being has three inherent desires – hunger, lust, and the need for sleep. These are innate, and no one can escape them.


For vampires, alongside their enjoyment of feasting, their greatest pleasure was the act of making love. But due to their reclusive principles, they could only partake in the simple act of feeding. And now…


Well, call him despicable or shameless, he didn’t mind. The fate of anyone who dared to covet his lover would be the same.


Back in the room, looking at his sleeping lover on the bed, Lance’s tightly drawn face finally broke into a smile.


As long as this person was by his side, he wouldn’t do anything extreme. However, if this person were taken away by someone else, he thought that he would be capable of anything, no matter how catastrophic.


Holding the person in his arms, Lance let out a contented sigh.


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“Back?” Sensing the warmth pressed against his back, Erlande slowly opened his eyes, letting out a small yawn. “Is it all settled?”


Knowing how sensitive his lover was, after retrieving Salman from the Pope’s hands, Erlande had left him be. He wouldn’t interfere with whatever his lover wanted to do; after all, he was just an unrelated human. As long as his lover was happy.


“Yeah. Want to know how I handled it?” Lance looked at Erlande, asking with genuine interest.

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“I don’t want to know. I’ve said it before – whatever you do, I won’t ask.” It wasn’t a joke, it was a statement of trust and indulgence towards his lover.


Lance understood the implications in his words and his whole being radiated with brilliance. To have his beloved wholeheartedly trust him was a truly happy thing.


And so, the two embraced and slept, both wearing smiles of contentment.


The next morning, Lance left Collinsburg with Erlande, declaring it their “honeymoon.”


Who knew how many months this so-called honeymoon would actually last?


Of course, Lance would never admit that he was taking Erlande away because someone was always disturbing them!


As John had guessed, Lance and Erlande’s supposed honeymoon lasted over a decade. By the time they finally returned, many years had passed. During these ten-plus years, Lance had taken Erlande all around the world, even to places where ordinary humans couldn’t go.


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These years were the happiest period of Erlande’s life.


“If you still want to go out, I can take you to every corner of the world,” seeing the nostalgia in Erlande’s eyes, Lance leaned over and left a kiss on his cheek.


Ten years had left no mark on Erlande’s appearance, but the more unscathed he looked, the sadder Lance felt.


It was at this moment that he faced an immensely daunting question for the first time – lifespan.


Yes, for Lance and Erlande, there was nothing between them that posed an obstacle, be it their different races or anything else. None of that was an issue for the two of them.


However, there was one thing they couldn’t change, and that was lifespan. If Lance didn’t become a vampire, then the next step for the two of them would be to face separation through death.




As Lance called his name, before he could say the words that followed, Erlande shook his head in refusal.


“You know what I want to say.” Seeing his lover’s clear rejection, the words he had intended to say seemed to elude him.


“I know, but I can’t do that.” Even now, Erlande didn’t want Lance to experience the loneliness he had once endured.


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“But I want to be with you, forever!” As long as his lover was still in this world, he couldn’t bear to leave!


“You will be with me forever, I promise. Do you remember the contract we made when we got married?” Erlande had never wanted to reveal the nature of the contract to Lance, but it seemed necessary now.


Lance nodded, indicating he remembered. In fact, he was somewhat surprised. He had asked Erlande about the purpose of that contract before, but he had never received an answer. Now, what was this about?


“That contract is called a marriage pact, something that can only be signed between a human and a vampire, a shared life, a shared death.” From the moment they signed the marriage pact, their lives were bound together. When Lance left this world, it would also mark the end of his life.


Though Erlande’s explanation was simple, from his eyes, Lance had already understood the answer he wanted. Sighing, he decided not to bring up the initial embrace again.


Time always passed so quickly, never pausing for anyone.


In the blink of an eye, a century had gone by. Due to the Light Power within him, Lance still looked like a man in his thirties. Erlande remained the noble young man he was back then. Time had left no traces on them.


But some things were destined and unchangeable. Lance’s life had finally reached its end.


Looking at his lover lying in the graveyard, never to wake again, a pained expression crossed Erlande’s face.


He had thought that when Lance left, his life would also come to an end. Yet, he was caught off guard, although he could feel his power fading, it would still take time to truly end.


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“Master, you…” Seeing Erlande’s complexion grow even paler, John wanted to say something but didn’t know how to put it into words.


“John, you can go back. I want to be with him.” This was the last time he could be with him.


And so, Erlande sat in front of his tombstone for a day and a night. Finally, when the sun rose the next day, a smile appeared on Erlande’s face.


Slowly standing up, his body dispersed like fine sand, yet his face still held a smile.


Lance, I’ll join you now. In this lifetime, I don’t regret knowing you. I don’t regret forsaking eternity for you. It’s just a bit regrettable that our forever was so brief…



“Raising a child is the most annoying thing ever” (Side Story)


This story takes place on a day after their honeymoon. With Lance’s company, Erlande’s loneliness had significantly diminished, yet there were still moments when an underlying loneliness would unintentionally surface. It was something that troubled Lance to no end. QjVfIF


So, on this particular day, when Erlande was off inspecting their estate, Lance sought out John to ask if there was any solution to this.


Understanding Lance’s intent, John’s usual seriousness softened into a warm smile. “Please don’t worry, Master. It’s just that Master has been alone for too long. With your presence, he’ll gradually get better.” C5yr1Z


While Lance wasn’t entirely satisfied with this answer, he understood it might be the only way. So, the next morning, he took Erlande – just out of bed – to an orphanage.

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When they arrived, Erlande was completely taken aback. How did he not know that Lance had such a compassionate side? But then again, he didn’t really want to adopt a child, he was afraid Lance might accidentally harm the child. WHrsE2


Seeing Erlande’s expression, Lance knew exactly what he was thinking. Gritting his teeth, he said each word carefully, “Don’t worry, I won’t harm the child.”


Though he said that, Lance still cautiously selected the child they were going to adopt. nMuKcY


Over ten years old? NO!


Such a big child would definitely hinder their private moments, so absolutely not! 2Z8lRj


A boy? NO!


Lance had noticed that Erlande seemed to have an unparalleled allure for males. He believed even little pups would be drawn to him. So, definitely not. Abd1p6


After much consideration, Lance ultimately chose a babbling infant girl.


At first, when they brought the baby girl home, Lance felt like she was a little angel. Her presence brought even more smiles to Erlande’s face. Although she took up some of Erlande’s time, it was still within Lance’s tolerance. WYVgmA



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As time went on, Lance realized what a mistake he had made! gCFuX5


The moment the child learned to crawl, her first instinct was to crawl over and throw herself into Erlande’s arms!


Damn it, didn’t she know that was his exclusive spot!? vT59Sf


However, when faced with Erlande’s smile, Lance immediately wilted. He could only resentfully gaze at the little rascal who had occupied his rightful place in Erlande’s arms.


Of course, this was just the beginning, not the end! cjXd04


Thus began an enduring battle for Erlande’s affections between father and daughter.


“You brat, do you even know who he is!?” And so, the daily routine of bickering (and competing for attention) commenced again? SyPd89


“Old man, he’s obviously my daddy!” The little girl retorted without mercy.


Hmph, her daddy was exclusively hers. Whoever dared to steal him would face severe consequences! LSu6iQ


Lance: You little devil!

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So, it was a tit-for-tat situation. Despite Lance Broad, the priest, being immensely powerful, every time he faced his not-so-adorable daughter, he ended up suffering a crushing defeat. 3wsg U


“Darling, your daughter is bullying me.” Heh, if he couldn’t win, what else could he do!?


Saying this, Lance dove into Erlande’s arms, even putting on a tearful expression. Such a display from a grown man wouldn’t evoke anyone’s sympathy, yet Erlande found it unexpectedly endearing. He patted Lance’s head and then addressed their daughter, “Lulu, don’t bully your father.” QWNnAq


Lulu: Shameless little man!


And so, the father-daughter duo formed a bond, always at odds with each other. Though they’d maintain a “loving” appearance in front of Erlande, behind his back, they spared no effort in trying to undermine each other. augdD


Finally, after enduring two decades, Lulu grew up and found her own love interest.


However, on her wedding day, Lulu shocked everyone with a statement that left Lance seething, “Daddy, leave that old man and come with me!” qQnweA


Her audacious stance left onlookers’ mouths twitching. These two had been at each other’s throats for twenty years, and now that Lulu was getting married, she hadn’t forgotten to take her daddy away. 


What sort of deep-seated grudge did this father and daughter have!? e9RqW8


Of course, the ultimate result wasn’t Erlande leaving with Lulu, but Lulu being bundled up and thrown out of Collinsburg by Lance.

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Finally, with tranquility restored, Lance declared, “Raising a child is the most annoying thing ever!” y4Z8Y7


Especially when that child is a daddy’s girl, the annoyance becomes twofold!

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  1. That’s so cute😭‼️ Ngl if I had them as a erlande as a father I wld fight for his attention as well lol