Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh72 - V6.13 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

Even a fool could sense that something was amiss between the two people. Bai Yao looked at Long Lan and Lin Zisheng in his arms, feeling an indescribable sense of frustration.


For a long time, he had sensed that there was something unusual between the two, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. After all, they were both men, and in ancient times, it was almost impossible for there to be feelings beyond friendship between men unless one side took the initiative.


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Just like in his past life, the relationship between Long Lan and Bai Zi, even after ascending to the throne as an emperor, was that of both master and friend, never crossing any boundaries.


But now, the relationship between these two people was obviously different from the past life. There was a sense of ambiguity in their every move.


Although Bai Zi’s body was a bit weaker than others, it wasn’t as if he would die from any small movement. However, seeing how Long Lan cherished the person in his arms, it seemed like every step taken could cause harm.



If he said there was no relationship between these two, Bai Yao wouldn’t believe it, no matter what.


But why would two men get involved with each other in ancient times…


No one could understand Bai Yao’s strange feelings now. Ha, the obsession from his past life and the obsession in the present had paired up, leaving a slightly sour sensation…


Of course, the current thoughts and feelings of Bai Yao were completely unknown to the loving couple, Long Lan and Lin Zisheng. 


Long Lan saw the possibility of Bai Yao being a threat to Lin Zisheng, while Lin Zisheng viewed Bai Yao as someone intent on destroying the world.


In the following days, both Lin Zisheng and Bai Yao became increasingly mentally exhausted. Especially Lin Zisheng, who might be talking one moment, but the next, he would fall into a deep sleep. He couldn’t be awakened easily, and his condition concerned Long Lan even more.


Even when Lin Zisheng was briefly awake and informed him that this was a normal reaction before shedding his skin, Long Lan still couldn’t be at ease.


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Finally, after reaching the edge of the forest, Lin Zisheng, who had been in deep sleep all along, woke up. Although he was awake, he still looked like he could doze off at any moment. His state didn’t seem good at all.


“Seventh Prince, there are dangers ahead. We should stick together, so we can watch out for each other when needed.” Although Long Ao was very unwilling to act together with these two, he had to compromise for the sake of his own safety.


So, Long Ao’s tone now carried a mix of arrogance and humiliation. He felt that teaming up with these two was entirely a favor he bestowed, seemingly forgetting that he was no longer the crown prince and lacked significant combat power. 


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf kjr wfgfis j rqfmljilra ja yflcu j yegvfc, rb ktja dejilolmjalbc vlv tf tjnf ab offi kgbcufv?


“Rb cffv. Ilrtfcu lr cba lc ubbv mbcvlalbc gluta cbk, jcv kf kbc’a vgju atf Vlzat Uglcmf vbkc.” Ciatbeut Obcu Ojc’r kbgvr kfgf jybea cba vgjuulcu Obcu Cb vbkc, jcsbcf klat mifjg fsfr mbeiv rff ktb kjr meggfcais atf yegvfc.


Upon hearing this, Long Ao’s face became extremely unsightly. He wasn’t an idiot and could naturally hear the disdain in Long Lan’s tone. Long Lan was clearly implying that Long Ao was the one dragging them down! 


But at this moment, he couldn’t say anything. If he said nothing, he would feel uncomfortable in his heart, but if he tried to explain, it wouldn’t just be discomfort he would feel, it would be a loss of face!

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Now, there was only one word in Long Ao’s heart: hatred!


As brothers, this person had repeatedly tarnished his reputation, leaving him, the elder prince, with no face left.


Clearly, Long Ao forgot that the one who truly didn’t consider the other as a brother was himself, not Long Lan. Although Long Lan didn’t like Long Ao, he had never taken any action against him. Although he wouldn’t admit that Long Ao was his brother, he had never laid a hand on him either.


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All along, it was Long Ao who was guarding against other princes. If it weren’t for the emperor above keeping him in check, who knows how many princes would still be alive now.


“Stop!” Seeing that Long Lan was really leaving, Long Ao became anxious, “Is this how you treat your elder brother!?”


“What’s the problem with my attitude?” Long Lan glanced at Long Ao, his face now stripped of any pretense, and unafraid, “Do you really consider us as brothers? Just think about the things you’ve done!”


With that said, Long Lan left with the drowsy Lin Zisheng in his arms.


After being brothers for so many years, Long Lan understood everything. He was certain that Long Ao’s calculations were not about how to cooperate and find a way out together but about using them as pawns to achieve his own goals.

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Long Ao’s selfishness was something Long Lan had seen over many years.


If he were alone today, he might have played along, but now Lin Zisheng was by his side, and his condition wasn’t good. Long Lan was genuinely worried that he might get hurt, so he wouldn’t take any risks at this time.


Watching Long Lan leave, Long Ao’s heart filled with anger, but he couldn’t stop him at this moment. He knew he wasn’t a match for Long Lan; his master who once taught him martial arts had said that Long Lan had the highest talent in martial arts among all the brothers.


“We’re leaving too!” After cursing Long Lan in his heart, Long Ao followed Bai Yao.


Bai Yao, on the other hand, looked in the direction the two had left, frowned deeply, and then turned away. He didn’t have time to waste; he had many things to do, and time might not be enough!


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After the two had left, Long Lan emerged from behind a nearby bush.


“Zisheng, why did you ask me to stay just now?” Actually, Long Lan had really intended to leave earlier, but after walking a few steps, Lin Zisheng asked him to hide. Long Lan had always trusted Lin Zisheng’s words, so he immediately hid behind a nearby tree after Lin Zisheng finished speaking.


“There were Devouring Dragons in the direction you were going, and there were a lot of them.” This was the reason Lin Zisheng had been forcing himself to stay awake. Although the danger level would increase after entering Dragon’s Rest Mountain, the real danger was in the forest.


Long Lan naturally believed Lin Zisheng’s words, and his face showed deep concern.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Although I’m really tired right now, I can still hold on. As long as we follow the direction I told you, there won’t be any danger.” Lin Zisheng was currently in the pre-molting stage, and apart from his perception ability, he had no other powers. He could only rely on Long Lan to walk them to their destination.


“Okay, I’ll believe you. Zisheng, I won’t let you get hurt.” Long Lan looked at Lin Zisheng with a serious expression, determined to protect the person he wanted to protect, even if he had to give it his all!


Lin Zisheng smiled and didn’t say anything, but his heart felt warm. Only when he faced this person could he truly experience the feeling of happiness.


“Alright, let’s go. We don’t have much time.” As the feeling of drowsiness grew stronger, if they continued to delay like this, Lin Zisheng wasn’t sure if he could find the Dragon Transformation Pool before falling into a deep sleep.


Hearing Lin Zisheng’s words, Long Lan also became nervous. The surroundings were now full of danger, and if Lin Zisheng fell asleep, he wouldn’t be able to judge whether it was safe or not.


He wasn’t afraid of death, but he was afraid that Lin Zisheng would get into trouble because of him.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Along the way, Long Lan didn’t say a word. He just carried Lin Zisheng in his arms and rushed desperately in the direction indicated by him.


Of course, there were dangers along the way that couldn’t be avoided entirely. They had to carefully avoid them. They even encountered the Devouring Dragons that Lin Zisheng had mentioned.


In Long Lan’s eyes, the so-called Devouring Dragons were more like insects than beasts. They looked like enlarged fleas, about the size of a fist, with incredibly fast speed. If it weren’t for Long Lan’s excellent martial arts skills combined with Lin Zisheng’s desperate assistance, they might not have made it through alive.


And so, after three days of non-stop traveling, they finally arrived at the peak of Dragon’s Rest Mountain.


Perhaps because this was once the habitat of real dragons, there was a strong dragon aura here. Although the Devouring Dragons fed on dragon energy, they didn’t dare to confront a real dragon.


Thus, after arriving here, Lin Zisheng and Long Lan were relatively safe. However, what surprised Long Lan was that Bai Yao was not here.


Bai Yao had been to Dragon’s Rest Mountain in his past life, and now his physical condition was much better than his own. He should have arrived at the Dragon Transformation Pool ahead of them, so why hadn’t they seen him yet?


“Zisheng?” Long Lan noticed that something seemed off with Lin Zisheng and became worried. Was there something wrong here?


Seeing Long Lan’s worried expression, Lin Zisheng shook his head. The issue wasn’t related to the Dragon Transformation Pool but something else. However, he didn’t elaborate. Instead, he pointed to a nearby location and said, “Lan, there, take me there.”


Long Lan carried Lin Zisheng to the spot he indicated, but as soon as they arrived, his face turned grim.


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It was because he saw a huge water pool. However, what troubled him wasn’t the pool itself but the water inside. As he approached Lin Zisheng, he felt a surging heat. The water in the pool was boiling!


“Zisheng, this…”


“Put me down.” Lin Zisheng turned to look at the worried man and smiled, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen. Wait for me here.”


With just one sentence, “Wait for me,” the concerned and somewhat bewildered man felt reassured. He watched as Lin Zisheng slowly stepped into the water, being submerged in the scalding pool.


Time passed, and the submerged figure still showed no reaction. If it weren’t for Lin Zisheng’s assurance to wait, Long Lan might have jumped into the water to rescue him. However, even with that assurance, he was still extremely anxious.


But then, a scene below pushed his worries to the extreme. He saw a white cloth floating up from the water, it was Lin Zisheng’s clothes!?


Seeing this, he completely lost control. He didn’t know why Lin Zisheng’s clothes would float up, nor did he want to know. His only thought now was to jump into the water and save him.


However, just before he could jump in, a dragon’s roar echoed through the sky…

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