Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh71 - V6.12 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

Although Long Ao agreed, he still felt extremely unwilling. Why should he be threatened by such a thing?


But now he has no other choice because he is no longer the beloved prince of the emperor. If he loses his dragon son now, the emperor will despise him even more!


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Now, he can’t afford to take risks!


In fact, Bai Yao had no intention of making Long Ao do anything for him. He understood that Long Ao, the useless guy, was only a burden and had no other use.


However, now he needs Long Ao to cover up his upcoming actions.



In his previous life, he had been to Longqi Mountain and knew of something that no one else knew. That thing could play a significant role in his plan. So, no matter how dangerous it is, he must go to Longqi Mountain.


While here, Long Lan and Lin Zisheng were preparing for things they might need, doing their best to protect themselves and each other from harm.


Finally, after a few days, both parties were ready to go to Longqi Mountain. Although the atmosphere was not harmonious, they set off together.


Long Lan and Lin Zisheng were riding on a batch of horses, with Lin Zisheng being embraced by Long Lan. He kept yawning and looked extremely pitiful, as if he hadn’t slept well at all.


Seeing his pitiful appearance, Bai Yao’s eyes widened. He had seen the arrogant and aloof Bai Zi before, but he had never seen him look so tender, which made his heart inexplicably warm.


“Keep staring, and this prince won’t mind plucking your eyeballs out!” Long Lan’s cold voice sounded in his ears, making Bai Yao shiver.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Geglcu atlr qfglbv, Obcu Ojc mifjgis rjk ktja kjr tjqqfclcu. Djl Tjb rffwfv ab tjnf vfnfibqfv rbwf lwqgbqfg offilcur abkjgvr Olc Ilrtfcu. Snfgs alwf tf ibbxfv ja Ilrtfcu, la kjr klat j qjrrlbcjaf ibbx atja wjvf Obcu Ojc jytbg tlw.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Srqfmljiis veglcu atf Mibkfg Mfralnji ijra alwf, atfgf kjr j wjc ktb rffwfv ab yf atf bcf Djl Tjb tjv obecv!


“Seventh Prince, ” looking at Long Lan, Bai Yao felt that his obsession with this man had long disappeared, replaced by an obsession with someone else, “you are making things difficult for yourself.”


Looking at the person in Long Lan’s arms, Bai Yao felt like he was going crazy. Even though their appearances were completely dissimilar, there was nothing that looked similar to the person in his heart. 


But for some reason, every time the other person looked at him with disdain in his eyes, Bai Yao could somehow overlap that person with the one in his heart, making him unable to resist the desire to submit.


He knew his current state was not right, but he couldn’t change it.


“Shush, be quiet!” After being tormented last night, Lin Zisheng really wanted to sleep for a while, but this person just wouldn’t stop talking about something. Although the voice wasn’t loud, it still kept him from falling asleep.


Upon hearing Lin Zisheng’s voice, Long Lan slightly froze, and then the cold aura around him vanished, replaced by a warm and gentle aura.


“Alright, you sleep, I won’t disturb you.” After weighing his options in his heart, he realized that Zisheng was more important. As for Bai Yao, he could look as much as he wanted. After all, no matter how much he looked, Zisheng would never become his!


He adjusted Lin Zisheng more comfortably in his embrace, which made Bai Yao grind his teeth, feeling an unsettling sensation in his heart.


What exactly is the relationship between these two people?!


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Like that, the group managed to get along without issues.


During the first two days, Bai Yao and Long Lan would argue a bit, but as time passed, Bai Yao also quieted down and appeared drowsy while riding on the horse every day.


“Zisheng, wake up and eat something.” Over the past few days, Lin Zisheng had been looking drowsy most of the time, and he had indeed fallen asleep for a good portion of it.


Although Lin Zisheng said it was normal, Long Lan still felt a bit worried. Fortunately, now Bai Yao also appeared drowsy, which made him believe Lin Zisheng’s words.


“Mmm…” Hearing his words, Lin Zisheng slowly opened his eyes, looking a bit confused. He opened his mouth and ate the food handed to him.


They fed each other, finishing their dinner that way.


After dinner, Lin Zisheng seemed to have more energy. He looked at the surrounding scenery, calculated the time in his mind, and then looked at Long Lan. “Starting from today, be more cautious. We have already entered the range of Longqi Mountain.”


Dragon sons could indeed sense the presence of the Devouring Dragon Beast, but now that Lin Zisheng was struggling to stay awake, it became difficult to guard against the Devouring Dragon Beast.


“Is this Longqi Mountain?” Originally, they thought it was a mountain, but they didn’t expect that they had already entered Longqi Mountain while still on the plain.


“Longqi Mountain is an extensive mountain range, and its range is enormous. We have already entered Longqi Mountain now.” Although Lin Zisheng was still very drowsy, he forced himself to be alert and introduced everything about the place to Long Lan.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“After entering Longqi Mountain, no matter what we see, we need to be on high alert,” Lin Zisheng yawned and continued with a slightly muffled voice, “this place is very dangerous, and anything inconspicuous can pose lethal threats. In Longqi Mountain, it’s either you devour others or others devour you.”


After saying these words, Lin Zisheng couldn’t bear the sleepiness anymore and dozed off.


However, his words stayed with Long Lan, though he didn’t quite understand what he meant by “either you devour others or others devour you.”


Not far away, Bai Yao was also about to fall asleep while listening to Lin Zisheng’s words. His heart was filled with jealousy. Even though there was a master-servant relationship between them, it still seemed too intimate.


Thinking like this, Bai Yao slowly fell asleep, and as for Long Ao, he had gone to sleep much earlier during the rest.


Like that, he didn’t know what happened in the middle of the night. Suddenly, Bai Yao woke up and saw an unbelievable scene.


The person who was always aloof and superior was now being held in the arms of another man, being kissed freely.

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Bai Yao could feel that Lin Zisheng wasn’t awake yet, which meant he wasn’t doing this willingly, but being taken advantage of by that despicable person, Long Lan!?


Thinking of this, Bai Yao walked over angrily, preparing to pull Long Lan away. However, before he could get close to Lin Zisheng, the person who was soundly asleep suddenly opened his eyes, devoid of any confusion after waking up, displaying complete clarity.


“You…” You weren’t asleep?


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Glancing at Bai Yao, Lin Zisheng found that he wasn’t a dangerous person, and then he snuggled back into Long Lan’s arms and fell back into a deep and comfortable sleep. As for Bai Yao?


He had already been disregarded.

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