Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh70 - V6.11 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

“I… I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know…” The girl panicked as she looked at Long Lan’s increasingly gloomy face. What should she do? How could she make amends?


At this moment, no one was in the mood to watch the excitement anymore. Although this Bai Zi looked healthy, everyone in Dragon Kingdom knew that there was no difference between him and a porcelain doll.


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If something really happened to Bai Zi today, the Flower Festival would turn into a bloody battlefield!


“Seventh Imperial Brother, forgive and forget!” Seeing the girl in fear, Long Ao spoke up to help her. He thought he would be appreciated, but instead, he saw her eyes filled with terror.


What… what was going on?



Even now, she still treated the dragon son as a plaything, fantasizing about getting Lin Zisheng. How could she possibly understand what Bai Zi meant to Dragon Kingdom?


“Lan, it’s okay, I’m not that weak.” Although he didn’t look great at the moment, he wouldn’t collapse with a gust of wind.


With one “It’s okay,” the people around couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling that Bai Zi was indeed open-minded.


“You’re not weak? Last time…” Long Lan said something that only they two could understand, and in an instant, Lin Zisheng’s face turned unsightly.


But because they were in public, Lin Zisheng still gave Long Lan face and didn’t say much, just chuckled.


However, this chuckle was like a bolt from the blue for Long Lan. At this moment, he realized that he had been too proud and forgotten that he had said everything outside, really making Zisheng angry.


This is bad; he probably would have to sleep in the study tonight.


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“Forget it, let’s go down.” After saying this, Long Lan pulled Lin Zisheng and walked to a nearby seat, looking around with a somewhat warning gaze.


For a moment, the previously lively Flower Festival became heavy and lifeless.


Joking aside, with his sharp gaze, who would dare to act recklessly here!


Even the girls who were excited about Long Lan’s appearance became listless now. There was no way around it; he was here, and nobody dared to approach.


Joking aside, Bai Zi was there. If anyone got too close and hurt dragon son, not even their lives would be enough to make up for it!

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“Don’t be like this, everyone. Today is the Flower Festival, and we all went out to have fun. Why make it so dull?” Long Ao encouraged everyone while greedily looking at Lin Zisheng.


This beautiful dragon son was soon going to be his; how could he not be happy? Of course, his happiness was not just because of Lin Zisheng’s outstanding appearance but also because of the status he represented.


Bai Zi was the chosen one by the will of heaven, the one to inherit the throne.


Now Long Ao understood that the relationship between Bai Zi and Long Lan was too harmonious. If he couldn’t create a rift between them, he wouldn’t have a chance to get Bai Zi!


Hearing Long Ao’s words, anger filled the hearts of the people present. What did he mean by that? Did he want them to go die?


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Many of these people knew about the things Long Ao had done and the grievances between him, Long Lan, and Bai Zi.


No one here was a fool, how could they so easily become pawns in someone else’s hands.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Lbkfnfg, ja atlr wbwfca, lo atfs kfgf ab mbcogbca tlw vlgfmais, la kbeivc’a kbgx. Ciatbeut Obcu Cb tjv ibra atf qbrlalbc bo atf Jgbkc Uglcmf, tf kjr ralii j qglcmf. Ktfgf kfgf ofk qfbqif qgfrfca ktb mbeiv wjamt tlw lc j oluta.


Vb, joafg Obcu Cb olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, atf jawbrqtfgf ribkis kjgwfv eq. Lbkfnfg, cb bcf jqqgbjmtfv Obcu Ojc; lcrafjv, atfs ujnf oibkfgr ab batfgr.


No joking around, if another pot of flowers triggered a negative reaction from Bai Zi, those people wouldn’t live to see tomorrow.


Therefore, shortly after, a very strange phenomenon occurred.


There were many people celebrating the Flower Festival, but it seemed like a vacuum around Long Lan. No man or woman dared to approach him, or rather, no man or woman had the courage to approach him.


“Seventh Imperial Brother, look, just look! This is the result of your ruthless actions towards the flowers. Today, on the Flower Festival, no girl is willing to give you flowers anymore.” Long Ao’s voice carried a hint of amusement and implication.


He hoped someone would understand the meaning behind his words and quickly come forward to offer flowers. The Emperor would arrive soon, and if the Emperor saw someone giving flowers to the Seventh Imperial Brother, he might bestow marriage upon them. Who could say whether there would be conflicts between the Seventh Imperial Brother and Bai Zi then?


As long as the bond between those two was not unbreakable, Long Ao had countless opportunities to sabotage it!


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However, at this moment, who was foolish enough? Everyone saw the almost ferocious appearance of the Seventh Imperial Prince just now. No one wanted to approach a tiger’s den!


As a result, Long Ao hinted for quite a while, but no one came forward to their side. Long Ao was furious at these cowardly people!


Thinking about it, Long Ao could only grit his teeth and signal someone not far away.


Before long, a man with a resemblance to Lin Zisheng approached slowly, holding a pot of flowers in his hands. His face bore a shy smile, and his eyes carried a hint of bashful meaning. It was evident to everyone what this man’s intentions were toward Long Lan.


“Seventh Imperial Prince, please accept these flowers.” When the man stood in front of Long Lan, he bowed gracefully, and adoration shone in his eyes, as if he were looking at his hero. “Please allow me to serve you.”


The fragrance of the flowers in the man’s hand was very faint and wouldn’t cause any discomfort to Lin Zisheng, but the person feeling uncomfortable now was Long Lan.


In Long Lan’s heart, Zisheng was his one and only treasure. However, now there was a man who looked so much like him standing in front of him, and that feeling was hard to put into words. It was as if his precious treasure had been copied into a crude replica, and that feeling made him want to kill!


“Get lost!” Long Lan’s temper was generally good, and he rarely lost his temper, but now he looked like a thunderstorm. His hand was already on the hilt of his sword at his waist, and no one knew when the sword might be unsheathed and pierce this man.


“I…” Yet, the man wasn’t giving up.


Actually, this person was prepared by Long Ao long ago, but there had never been an opportunity to use him as Long Lan had not been able to go out for a while.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Moreover, when Long Ao saw this man with a resemblance to Bai Zi, an evil thought arose in his mind. He had suppressed it until today.


But what surprised him was that Long Lan showed no interest in this person at all.


Could it be that he didn’t have feelings for Bai Zi? But looking at how he was always gentle towards Bai Zi, it didn’t seem like he had no feelings at all. Then why was there no reaction from him when he saw this man?


“It’s just a disgusting person, a flawed product. Only a blind fool would accept you!” Long Lan was usually very gentle, but once his limits were touched, he became uncompromising.


And Lin Zisheng was his limit. Now someone had touched this untouchable limit, so Long Lan’s aggressiveness immediately surfaced.


“Seventh Imperial Brother, you’re wrong to act like this. This person also has a sincere admiration for you. Why do you have to be so harsh?” Originally, they thought that after this man appeared, Long Lan would easily accept him. But they didn’t expect that Long Lan would have no reaction at all.


No, not no reaction at all; he did have a reaction, and that reaction was called disgust!


“Could it be that I said something wrong? Wanting to imitate Zisheng while exuding a worldly aura, how disgusting!” Although they didn’t know who this man was, Long Lan could sense a particular servant-like aura about him.


Such people were trained to serve others, but Long Lan didn’t need it!

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With his true treasure, how could he possibly need a useless imitation to stay by his side and disgust him!


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Seventh Imperial Brother!” Now even Long Ao’s face turned ugly. This person was his choice, and he was the one being cursed by Long Lan!


“Sixth Imperial Brother, if you like him, keep him for yourself. But this prince’s important person shouldn’t be defiled by such a thing!” Now Long Lan’s expression had become so terrible that no one in the vicinity dared to say a word.


“Long Lan, let’s not bother with these people.” Lin Zisheng let out a small yawn and looked at the man in front of them.


Indeed, he bore a resemblance to Lin Zisheng to some extent. If he had any evil intentions and couldn’t have Lin Zisheng, then he would indeed be a decent alternative.


However, Long Ao had miscalculated one thing. While it was true that Long Lan had special feelings for him, who could say he didn’t have feelings for someone else?

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If he never responded to Long Lan’s feelings, this would indeed be a good substitute, but once he did, it would be a kind of blasphemy.


“Alright, let’s go back. We don’t need to be bothered by these people all the time.” After saying this, Long Lan turned and left with Lin Zisheng, not even bothering to greet Long Ao, simply ignoring him.


This unreasonable behavior filled Long Ao’s heart with resentment. Damn it, damn it, damn it!


Everything had been going so smoothly, so why did it all fall apart when he showed that young man to Long Lan?


Thinking of this, Long Ao also left with a swing of his sleeve. Although today’s plan hadn’t succeeded, he would never give up. Bai Zi was within his grasp.


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After returning home, Long Lan ordered his shadow guards to investigate all the questionable actions Long Ao had done in the past. This time, he would teach that person an unforgettable lesson.


During this period, Long Lan had been too lenient, allowing Long Ao to get too close. The appearance of the man who resembled Lin Zisheng was a significant provocation for Long Lan.


Having his important treasure confronted with such a flawed copy, that feeling was something only those who experienced it would understand.


“Lan, now let’s do nothing and wait for him to face the consequences of his own actions.” Today’s events wouldn’t go unnoticed by the Emperor. The current Long Ao was no longer the favored prince he used to be.


Indeed, as Lin Zisheng had guessed, the next day, Long Ao faced punishment.


After that, Long Ao completely settled down. He knew the Emperor was now wary of him, and any misstep might result in his expulsion from the capital.


So, four months passed quickly, the weather turned hot, and the dragon brothers entered their first shedding period.


“Shedding period?” Long Lan heard this term for the first time and looked curiously at Lin Zisheng.


“Indeed, during the shedding period, the dragon scales and skin on their bodies will shed, and then they will grow even tougher new skin.” Although Lin Zisheng himself didn’t fully understand the details of the shedding period, he had memories related to it, as if it were an instinct.

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“But will there be any danger?” That was Long Lan’s primary concern. If there was any danger, he couldn’t just stand by!


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“It shouldn’t be dangerous, just a bit troublesome.” Saying this, Lin Zisheng sighed.




What could be so troublesome that even Lin Zisheng sighed?


“Yeah, it’s troublesome,” Long Lan saw the confusion in Lin Zisheng’s eyes and nodded affirmatively. “Of course, I don’t mean the shedding process itself is troublesome, but… the place we need to go is a bit troublesome.”


“Where do we need to go?” If Lin Zisheng considered it troublesome, it must be genuinely troublesome.


“Longqi Mountain, the Dragon Transformation Pool.”


In the understanding of most people, this place wasn’t particularly dangerous. However, for Lin Zisheng, it was a big problem because there were creatures he hated, the Devouring Dragons.

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Although these creatures were small in size, they were highly dangerous. Even true dragons, when faced with a large group of Devouring Dragons, could be devoured entirely.


While these Devouring Dragons were harmless to humans, they were dangerous to humans who have contracted with dragon sons because they could consume dragon aura.


“So, is it dangerous there?” After hearing Lin Zisheng’s explanation, Long Lan had upgraded the place from troublesome to dangerous.


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“Not necessarily because dragon sons have an instinctual sense of the Devouring Dragons. As long as we stay away from their nests, they won’t attack us.” However, this wasn’t absolute, as some Devouring Dragons roamed freely outside their nests.


“We can’t avoid going there?” Though Lin Zisheng’s explanation was straightforward, Long Lan could sense the danger behind his words.


Hearing this, Lin Zisheng shook his head. “A dragon son must shed their skin three times, and the first time has a fixed time frame. If we can’t make it to the designated location on time, it will be torment for the dragon son.”


Understanding Lin Zisheng’s words, Long Lan made up his mind. Even if he was worried, he couldn’t stop hin.


Of course, Long Lan decided to accompany Lin Zisheng on the journey. On the other hand, Long Ao completely refused to join Bai Yao on this adventure.


“That’s your own business. What does it have to do with me? Dream on if you think I’ll risk my life for you, even if you’re just some plaything. Not to mention, even if it were my mother, I wouldn’t go!” 


Upon hearing about such a dangerous place, Long Ao couldn’t possibly agree to go. Even if the one making the request was more than just a plaything, he still wouldn’t go!


“You can choose not to go, but don’t forget that we have a contract between us. Do you think the contract with the dragon offspring has no binding effect?” Bai Yao looked at Long Ao as if he had just discovered something amusing.


“Oh, by the way, there’s one thing I forgot to mention.” Bai Yao’s face carried an arrogant expression and a seductive smile to the extreme.


In an instant, Long Ao was captivated by the enchanting smile, but the next moment, his face turned pale upon hearing Bai Yao’s words.


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Because Bai Yao said, “The contract between us is one of shared life. As long as you don’t die, I can keep on living. But if I truly die, then your death date will come too!”


It was precisely because of this that Long Ao had no choice but to accompany Bai Yao on the journey. At this moment, they didn’t know that the ultimate destination of this path was a one-way road…

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