Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh69 - V6.10 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

“Long Lan, can’t you speak properly?” Feeling the warm body pressed against his own, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but tense up.


No way, every world has to be “ruined” over and over again. The body remembers everything!


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“Well, am I not speaking properly now?” Feeling his lover’s attitude softening slightly, Lin Zisheng knew that insulting his intelligence by not understanding his intentions would be a mistake. At this moment, he needed to coax him well so they could enjoy more in the future.


Feeling the shameless person clinging to him, Lin Zisheng sneered. He really wanted to push the person away, but first, his body, even though it had improved significantly after accepting the inheritance, was still weaker than an average person, especially compared to someone like Long Lan who practiced martial arts.


Secondly, he had been “ruined” since last night until now. Even if his physical abilities could match Long Lan’s, he probably wouldn’t have much strength left.



“Today, are you sleeping in the study, or am I?” Lin Zisheng didn’t waste any words and gave Long Lan only one choice, looking at him with utmost seriousness.


In an instant, Long Lan became serious. Being separated like this was definitely not good!


“Well, Zisheng, tell me, what’s the matter? I’m listening,” this time he only held Lin Zisheng in his arms without any further actions.


Lin Zisheng was satisfied with Long Lan’s understanding and nodded slowly, then said, “Be careful of Bai Yao. He will definitely not give up easily this time, and Long Ao’s words are not just a threat.”


Lin Zisheng knew the original development of this world and naturally understood what kind of person Bai Yao was. Once he decided on something, he wouldn’t easily let go.


“I know, but I won’t be easily tricked,” speaking of being tricked, Long Lan touched his nose and whispered in Lin Zisheng’s ear, “This time it was intentional, and it won’t happen again in the future.”


Hearing this, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help rolling his eyes. This calculating and cunning man!


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Zisheng, rest assured, everything I have will belong to you alone.” From the moment he first saw Zisheng, he knew that everything he had would belong to this person. Even though he looked like a child, it didn’t change how he felt.

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Lin Zisheng didn’t reply to this, but he also understood in his heart that this man was speaking from his heart. How could he not know what kind of person this man was?


“I understand, but it’s still better to be cautious.” After all, Bai Yao was a modern person, and there might be tricks that Long Lan, as a man from ancient times, couldn’t anticipate. He didn’t want his lover to be manipulated by others.


Seeing Lin Zisheng’s concerned look, Long Lan smiled. He knew his lover cared for him, and he couldn’t help but feel warm inside. He hugged Lin Zisheng tightly and gently kissed his cheek, his eyes filled with affection.


Of course, just a kiss on the cheek was not enough for Long Lan. As for whether they went all the way or not, well, looking at someone kneeling at the bedroom door early in the morning…


It seemed that the ending was already self-evident.


Time passed quickly, and a few months had gone by in the blink of an eye. Besides causing some trouble during the Lunar New Year, Bai Yao and Long Ao had been behaving well, which puzzled Lin Zisheng while also making him uneasy. Bai Yao was definitely not the type to behave.


So, even if he hadn’t done anything, he must be plotting something behind the scenes. Sometimes, open confrontations were not the real concern; he feared the hidden scheming.


“Zisheng, tomorrow is the Flower Festival. Shall we go out together?” Lin Zisheng rarely went out, and tomorrow was the Flower Festival, so Long Lan wanted to take him out. After all, Lin Zisheng’s identity had already been exposed, so he wasn’t afraid of anything anymore.

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“Let’s not go; there will be too many people, and… besides, isn’t it awkward for two men to celebrate the Flower Festival together?” 


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“Zisheng, come with me for a stroll. Tomorrow is annoying, and we rarely go out together, right?” Long Lan blinked at Lin Zisheng, his tone tinged with some grievances, as if he had been neglected by Lin Zisheng all along, making Lin Zisheng both amused and exasperated.


One couldn’t deny that in every world, his lover had a good grasp of his character. He knew that acting pitifully in front of him always worked, and Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but compromise.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Aera atlr bcmf.” Bcbklcu tf mbeivc’a yfjg la, Olc Ilrtfcu jugffv wbgf gfjvlis. Lbkfnfg, atfgf ralii cffvfv ab yf rbwf ugbecv geifr; batfgklrf, Obcu Ojc wluta vgju tlw bea jii atf alwf, jcv tf mbeivc’a tjcvif atja.


Pc ojma, Olc Ilrtfcu kjrc’a rbwfbcf ktb qjgalmeijgis ilxfv rajslcu lcvbbgr, yea tlr qtsrlmji mbcvlalbc lc atlr kbgiv wjvf la vloolmeia obg tlw ab fcujuf lc qtsrlmji jmalnlalfr.


For all the talk about Bai Zi, Lin Zisheng understood that Bai Zi was essentially a Long Zi with albinism. In ancient times, Bai Zi usually symbolized auspiciousness, and indeed, Bai Zi possessed greater abilities than ordinary Long Zi. However, having abilities didn’t mean he could disregard his weak body.


Seeing Lin Zisheng finally agree, Long Lan was naturally happy, but he also worried about his condition. Every time Lin Zisheng exerted himself even a little, he would turn pale, as if he were about to die. How could Long Lan not be concerned?


“Zisheng, if you really don’t want to go, then we…” He was about to suggest not going out after all. Although he loved having Zisheng by his side, he couldn’t ignore his well-being.


“It’s fine. My body is just a little weak, not on the brink of death.” Seeing Long Lan being so careful, Lin Zisheng couldn’t help but chuckle.


While the body of an ordinary Bai Zi was indeed very frail, surviving until the age of forty was already a miracle. However, Lin Zisheng was different. The inheritance of the true dragon not only enhanced his appearance but also extended his life. Though still weaker than an ordinary person, it was much better than before.


Hearing Lin Zisheng’s reply, Long Lan was still worried but didn’t say anything more about not going out.


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Actually, he had long wanted the whole world to know that he already had someone he loved by his side.


Currently, the emperor had not announced who the new crown prince would be, but many officials already knew that Long Lan was the reincarnation of the Star Emperor. Even if he wasn’t made the crown prince, he would undoubtedly become an emperor in the future. Many people had begun scheming to get their sons and daughters close to him, which annoyed Long Lan.


Even without Zisheng by his side, he had no good feelings for those sycophantic people!


As they would be going out tomorrow, Long Lan surprisingly didn’t bother Lin Zisheng and rested early. He had already prepared everything for tomorrow’s outing, so even if they went out, Zisheng wouldn’t be exhausted.


The next morning, Long Lan woke Lin Zisheng up early, arranged him in the carriage, and set out of the city together.


Upon reaching their destination, Long Lan jumped out of the carriage and saw people seemingly preparing to “surround” him. He coldly chuckled, extended his hand, and embraced the person in the carriage, carrying him down.


Seeing this scene, everything fell silent. Those who had planned to surround Long Lan seemed as if they were all paralyzed, standing quietly, watching as Long Lan embraced a youth from the carriage. His gentle demeanor was something they had never seen before, and for a moment, many people’s eyes were filled with envy.


“Seventh Prince, you’ve come.” Just as everyone was unsure how to interact with the Seventh Prince, one person stepped forward, greeted him, and looked at the person in Long Lan’s arms with great eagerness in their eyes.


This person is naturally Long Ao, and he still hasn’t given up on getting Lin Zisheng.


Of course, this desire to possess him is not because of love or genuine interest; it is for the significance that Bai Zi represents, the throne!


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In Long Ao’s mind, there is now an equation: getting Lin Zisheng equals becoming the new emperor!


“Sixth Prince.” Seeing the greedy look in the other’s eyes, Long Lan became even more cautious. During the previous Lunar New Year, Long Ao had tried to deceive and imprison Zisheng. If it weren’t for Zisheng’s extraordinary abilities, he might have succeeded by now.


“Seventh Prince, why are you so guarded against me?” While smiling, Long Ao approached Long Lan, or rather, the Bai Zi in Long Lan’s arms. “On such a day, doesn’t Seventh Prince know the significance of the Flower Festival? Doing this might make many young ladies sad.”


The Flower Festival in the Dragon Kingdom is similar in meaning to the Qixi Festival.


At the Flower Festival, women can present the most beautiful flowers they cultivate to the ones they like. If the person accepts, it signifies accepting their affection. Therefore, the Flower Festival is a perfect day for women to express their feelings.


Many present are daughters of government officials since their fathers or uncles hold positions in the court, and naturally, many know that Long Lan is the reincarnation of the Star Emperor.


Knowing who the future emperor will be, even if they can’t become the Empress, becoming a concubine would still be a good position. 


“Why should I care if they are sad?” Long Lan coldly sneered. These people had all been circling around Long Ao when he was crown prince. Since they want Long Ao, why pretend to be so heartbroken?


Long Ao was momentarily stunned. He had thought Long Lan was someone who would be gentle and considerate of women, but it seemed he had misunderstood. His elegant Seventh Prince seemed to be especially indifferent to women!


“Seventh Prince, this is…” 


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Of course, in this world, there are still many people who are unyielding in the face of adversity, especially since Long Lan has excellent looks and a personality that makes people want to conquer him. Many women, upon hearing his words, became even more determined to possess this man.


Being with him not only meant obtaining the highest position but also satisfying endless vanity. Such a fantastic opportunity was something anyone would desire!


“Cough, cough…” Suddenly, the scent of flowers made Lin Zisheng uncomfortable, and he couldn’t help but cough a couple of times, his face turning slightly pale.


In an instant, Lin Zisheng felt unwell. It was true; he was genuinely uncomfortable at the moment. However, he knew that in the eyes of others, he might appear spoiled and trying to manipulate the prince through his favor.


As expected, upon hearing Lin Zisheng’s cough, Long Lan became nervous.


Due to Lin Zisheng’s sensitivity to strong floral scents, Long Lan replaced the flowers in the garden with varieties that had a very light fragrance. But today was the Flower Festival, and all kinds of flowers were present, so it was only natural for Lin Zisheng to feel unwell.


In no time, his heart was filled with regret. If he had known, he wouldn’t have brought Zisheng out today. He could have let others know about their relationship anytime; why make Zisheng uncomfortable?


“Move your flowers away!” Long Lan’s tone had become severe, as the flowers placed there had caused Zisheng to cough several times, looking very uncomfortable.


“Seventh Prince, I…” The young girl was startled by Long Lan’s dark expression. For a moment, she didn’t know what to say. She only wanted to give the flowers she had grown to Long Lan, so why…


“Do you not understand what I said!?” Long Lan’s irritation grew upon seeing the girl’s lack of perception. He found these people not only fawning but also utterly ignorant!


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Thinking about this, Long Lan felt deeply regretful. He should have never come up with this idea to show Zisheng off. He felt foolish; why did he subject Zisheng to this discomfort?


“Wait, wait, please accept these flowers!” Even now, the girl acted as if she couldn’t comprehend Long Lan’s refusal. She was the daughter of the Prime Minister; even if the Seventh Prince was the reincarnation of the Star Emperor, her status was not inferior. Even if she couldn’t become his principal wife, becoming a concubine was not a problem!


“Get lost!” Watching the girl still offering the flowers, Long Lan was now annoyed. He looked at her with intense disgust and gestured with his hand, causing the girl’s flowers to fall to the ground.


The once beautifully grown flowers were now shattered on the ground, creating a pitiful scene. Instantly, tears welled up in the girl’s eyes.


She only admired the Seventh Prince, was that wrong? Why did he treat her like this?

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“Seventh Prince, aren’t you going overboard? If you reject her, that’s fine, but why did you have to throw her flowers?” On the Flower Festival, throwing away flowers given by women was a behavior that offended many.


No one had expected the usually gentle Seventh Prince to act this way.


“Reject her?” Hearing Long Ao’s words, Long Lan sneered. He felt that his continuous compromises had made the others look down on him. 


“Sixth Prince, didn’t I refuse her already? It’s her shameless act of pretending not to understand. Why should I leave her any face? You know, face is something earned on your own. If someone doesn’t cherish it, I’m willing to help her with that!”


Looking at the surrounding people, Long Lan’s tone was forceful, making everyone feel his displeasure, and all of it stemmed from the person in his arms.


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“Seventh Prince, are you treating others this way just for one person? Sooner or later, you will have three wives and four concubines. He will have to accept this reality eventually. Treating him with such favor will only make enemies for him.” The girl still refused to give up.


She wanted to become the empress and receive this man’s wholehearted love. When he held that person in his arms, he was so gentle and full of affection. She also wanted to be loved like that!


“Three wives and four concubines?” After hearing this, Long Lan chuckled and shook his head. “You are not this prince. What right do you have to discuss this prince’s future? This prince desires what he wants, and he doesn’t need you outsiders to lecture me!”


After saying this, Long Lan looked tenderly at Lin Zisheng in his arms. “Zisheng, let’s go back. You shouldn’t have been brought out today.”


“I’m not that weak; I just felt a little unwell for a moment.” As the floral scent disappeared, Lin Zisheng felt more comfortable. 


He lifted his head and glanced at the people around him before speaking to the person holding him. “Since we are here, let’s stay for a while.”


Though the recent events were not obvious, Lin Zisheng sensed a calculating undertone. He had no second thoughts about who the person behind this scheming was.


Now that Bai Yao had made a move, how could he not respond?


Upon hearing Lin Zisheng’s words, Long Lan sighed and chose to sit down. He instructed someone to collect the broken flowers and dispose of them far away. Anything that would make Zisheng uncomfortable should not be present.


“You, you’re actually a boy!?” The young girl had only seen a person being held by Long Lan, and he was so careful and tender with them that no one saw their face. So, everyone assumed it was a girl. But now, they discovered it was a boy.


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“I am a boy, so what? What has it got to do with you?” Lin Zisheng sighed as he glanced at the girl.


Another brainless young lady.


Hearing that the Prime Minister’s only daughter was excessively spoiled from a young age, and now seeing her, it seemed the rumors were true!


“You, you’re a boy, yet you dare to have improper relations with others!” The girl’s tone had become stern, and her gaze towards Lin Zisheng was full of disdain, as if she had seen something dirty.


Upon hearing the phrase “improper relations,” Lin Zisheng’s expression became subtle. Indeed, it seemed like he was currently in such a situation.


“Shut your mouth!” Lin Zisheng could overlook these things, but Long Lan couldn’t. His gaze towards the girl even carried a hint of killing intent. “What are you? The most important person to this prince is not someone like you who can speak without thinking.”




“Cold Miss, mind your words and know your audience. This person is not the improper one you imagined but rather the Dragon Son of the Seventh Prince.” Finally, Bai Yao, who had been watching from the side, couldn’t bear it anymore.


That person was so proud; how could he allow such a person to insult him!


Upon hearing this, the young girl froze.


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The other person was Long Lan’s Dragon Son, meaning he was Bai Zi. White Dragon Sons were physically weak, so the floral scent did indeed make him uncomfortable. Yet, she had said such hurtful words.


She… was in big trouble…

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