Those Years When We Killed the White LotusCh66 - V6.07 Skilled in Disguising White Lotus

When the group arrived at the queen’s palace, they discovered that the situation was even more serious than they had imagined. The entire palace had collapsed, and no one could accurately say how many people inside the palace had survived.


Long Lan searched for a way to enter the ruins, feeling that Zisheng was inside, alive beneath the debris.


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Driven by overwhelming joy, Long Lan desperately dug at the edges of the ruins, hoping to find the person buried somewhere underneath.


Seeing this, no one could persuade him to give up. A handsome young man standing beside the emperor couldn’t bear it and spoke up, “Your Majesty, please order the Imperial Guards to dig here.”


Everyone present understood that if nobody stopped Long Lan now, his hands would likely end up seriously injured.



Upon witnessing this scene, the emperor shook his head helplessly, preparing to order the Imperial Guards to dig. But just before he gave the command, he felt a slight tremor, and right after everyone dispersed, the main hall collapsed completely. 


At that moment, in the central transparent area of the hall, three people emerged: the queen, the crown prince, and Long Lan’s Bai Zi, Lin Zisheng.


“What is happening? Wasn’t Zisheng weak? Why…” Seeing this scene, many were shocked. They had thought that Zisheng would be in grave danger in such a situation, but not only was he unharmed, the other two individuals were also unhurt.


“Zisheng was just weak, not as useless as everyone imagined.” The young man next to the emperor approached Lin Zisheng with a gentle tone, trying to console him. “It’s okay now, you’re safe.”


As if responding to the man’s words, Lin Zisheng slowly lifted his head, causing everyone to gasp in shock.


Those who had seen Zisheng before knew that he was exceptionally cute, but now all that cuteness was gone, replaced by a fierce and ferocious appearance. Large parts of his once clear little face were now covered in black marks. Though they didn’t know what caused those marks, they gave off an ominous feeling. His previously clear violet eyes were now gray, resembling low-quality glass beads.


“What… What happened?” The handsome man seemed equally startled, taking a step back and angrily looking at the two people behind Lin Zisheng. “It’s you! Did you bring an evil sorcerer to force a contract?”


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Though outsiders might be puzzled by Lin Zisheng’s appearance, the handsome man, as a descendant of dragons, could sense a very strange aura emanating from him.


“Yes, it’s the Binding Contract,” the queen declared boldly, knowing that her life was short anyway. She took pleasure in seeing those people uncomfortable. “So what? Now, Bai Zi has become the Contracted Dragon of the Crown Prince. Who can deny the Crown Prince’s identity now?”


“Oh, do you really think Bai Zi could be bound by the Binding Contract?”


“How is it possible for it not to succeed? If it didn’t succeed, how could Bai Zi protect us?” She said, holding Long Ao’s hand while showing the contract mark on his back. “The contract mark has appeared; how could it not be successful?”


The queen didn’t care if the people present knew what she had done. As long as the Crown Prince’s contract was genuine, what did she have to fear?


“Hehe, this gray and twisted dragon mark, who would believe it’s a genuine contract mark?” Indeed, a light-colored contract mark had appeared on Long Ao’s back, but it wasn’t white, it was gray. Moreover, the dragon mark didn’t seem to stretch smoothly like a typical contract mark but appeared twisted and somewhat fierce.


Long Lan didn’t pay any attention to their words. All he knew was that Zisheng had been forcibly contracted, and now, Zisheng might not even recognize him anymore.

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Zisheng…” Long Lan looked at Lin Zisheng with a heartache. Would all of this have happened if he hadn’t brought him to the palace without any regard for the consequences?


“Seventh Prince, don’t go near him. After Bai Zi is forcibly contracted, he becomes aggressive, attacking anyone who approaches him.” That’s why he stayed at a distance, as he felt it just a moment ago. If he had taken one step forward, he would have been attacked.


It was as if Long Lan didn’t hear him at all. In fact, he didn’t care. As long as he could get close to Sheng, what did it matter if he was attacked?


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Long Lan!” The emperor felt like his youngest son had gone mad. Was he willing to risk his own life for Bai Zi?


Contrary to everyone’s expectations, when Long Lan approached, Lin Zisheng didn’t attack. Instead, he took a step back, his fingertips gathering powerful energy. However, his other hand held the attacking hand, and everyone could see that his instincts told him to attack, but his willpower overcame that instinct to protect his master.


“Zisheng, I’m here to take you home. I came late.” Long Lan reached out his left hand to touch Lin Zisheng. A white little dragon slowly roamed on the back of his hand, though it had lost its usual liveliness, it was still “alive.”


“This can’t be, it’s simply a miracle…” The handsome man was utterly astonished. Every Bai Zi inherited power when they hatched. He knew a bit about Bai Zis, so he was aware that Bai Zi would lose control during a forced contract.


But he didn’t know that this loss of control could be controlled. In order to protect someone, Bai Zi managed to restrain his own instincts. How close must the bond between Bai Zi and the Imperial Star be for him to overcome his instincts and not harm that person?


At this moment, Long Ao finally snapped out of it. He looked at the dragon mark on his hand, and seeing that Lin Zisheng refused to let Long Lan get close, how could he not understand that the forced contract had succeeded? Even if the other party was unwilling, Bai Zi would be his!


And that Long Lan liked Bai Zi, right? Now, let him die at Bai Zi’s hands!


“Kill him!” Seeing Long Lan defenseless, Long Ao saw an opportunity. The Seventh Prince was quite clever, never letting his guard down in front of anyone, making it not an easy task to kill him. But now, Long Lan was completely defenseless in front of Bai Zi. It was an opportunity!


After hearing his voice, Lin Zisheng visibly trembled. The black patterns on his face became even more pronounced, and the gray in his eyes intensified. The hand that was restraining himself seemed to lose its strength; he could hurt Long Lan at any moment.


“Rebel!” Hearing Long Ao’s order, the emperor was utterly shocked. He had always taught his sons to be respectful and affectionate toward each other, and now his once most beloved son was commanding a Bai Zi, whom he had forcibly contracted, to kill his own brother!


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“Father, how can you say such a thing? I’m helping you, aren’t you unable to make up your mind on who should inherit the throne?” Long Ao looked at Bai Zi, whom he could command, with a sense of pride. 


“If I kill all my brothers and sisters, leaving only me as the heir, won’t you pass the throne to me?”


The people around gasped in shock at his words. How ruthless must one be to contemplate such a thing? Killing all of his siblings, how could he even think of doing that!?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Efyfi, gfyfi!” Ktf fwqfgbg gfugfaafv yfrabklcu atf alaif bo Jgbkc Uglcmf eqbc atlr qfgrbc. Lbk mbeiv rbwfbcf klat remt mtjgjmafg yfmbwf atf geifg bo j cjalbc?


“Djl Il, xlii tlw!” Qlat Djl Il lc tlr tjcvr, atf ktbif kbgiv kbeiv yf tlr!


Lbkfnfg, ktja tf vlvc’a fzqfma kjr atja ktfc tf lrrefv atf mbwwjcv jujlc, Olc Ilrtfcu aegcfv tlr tfjv ab ibbx ja tlw. Ktbeut atf yijmx qjaafgcr bc tlr ojmf lcafcrlolfv, tlr gluta fsf aegcfv nlbifa, lcvlmjalcu tf tjv gfujlcfv mbcrmlbercfrr!


“You, die!” Even though he was controlled by the forced contract, he still resisted Long Ao’s command to some extent. The feeling of being out of control made him furious, so the person in front of him became his enemy!


“No, no, how is this possible!” Seeing Lin Zisheng facing him, Long Ao was utterly stunned. He didn’t know whether he should kill Long Lan at this moment. Why was he turning against him!?


Driven by anger, Lin Zisheng’s power erupted without restraint. Although the dragon energy in his body, due to his royal bloodline, partially blocked Lin Zisheng’s attack, it eventually broke through and left a burnt black hole in his shoulder. His right arm hung lifelessly on the side, clearly crippled.


After the attack, it seemed Lin Zisheng had exhausted all his strength, and he fainted in Long Lan’s embrace. Witnessing this scene, everyone present didn’t know what to say, feeling amazed at the strength of a Bai Zi.


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Duke Qingguo naturally saw this scene as well, reaffirming his choice. Indeed, choosing the Seventh Prince was the way forward. After what his daughter had done, the Luo family wouldn’t be able to protect him. 


Moreover, the Crown Prince had just been about to commit a great offense. If His Majesty the Emperor pardoned him, then there would be a real problem.


“Prince, prince, what happened to you? Don’t scare your mother!” Seeing Long Ao lying on the ground like this, Luo Yao’s heart filled with fear. She only had one year to live, and she needed her son to ascend the throne so that she could search for various rare herbs and elixirs to extend her life. If something happened to her son, what would she do?


“It’s his own fault. Bai Zi was never so easy to control.” The handsome man looked at Long Ao lying on the ground without any sympathy, only endless disgust. He believed that such a person deserved this fate!


Glancing at the Seventh Prince standing by, carefully cradling Lin Zisheng in his arms, the handsome man nodded. Indeed, he was the Emperor’s Star; only such a person could gain Bai Zi’s recognition.


“Shut up, shut up, shut up! It’s all your fault, all your fault!” The Empress was on the brink of madness. Her hopes were all pinned on her son, and now that he had encountered such a huge problem, she didn’t know what to do!


“The Empress has lost her virtue, send her to the cold palace.” Seeing the mad woman on the ground, the Emperor announced this decision without any psychological burden. Her son wanted the lives of all his siblings; how could he have thought of such a thing if not for someone instigating him from behind?


“No, I won’t go! I am the Empress, I am the Empress!” Even as she was being dragged away, the Empress kept shouting. She had truly gone mad and couldn’t face the reality of being sent to the cold palace.


“As for the Crown Prince, take good care of him. Although he has already lost an arm, I won’t pursue his responsibility any further. However, I will abolish his position as Crown Prince!” The current Long Ao was unworthy and incapable of sitting on the throne as the Crown Prince. It was wishful thinking!


“Father, now that everything is settled, I want to take Zisheng back. His condition is not good.” Although he didn’t know what had happened to Lin Zisheng, the increasingly weak breaths clearly told Long Lan that his condition was critical. Delaying any further could be life-threatening.


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The Emperor also understood Bai Zi’s weakness. At this moment, although he had many things to say to Long Lan, he simply waved his hand to let him leave. If he delayed any longer, it would be heartless, and moreover, The Dragon Kingdom can’t afford to lose a Dragon Child now.


“Thank you, Father.” Holding the unconscious Lin Zisheng, Long Lan almost flew straight back to his residence. He had activated his light skill to the utmost, yet even after returning home, Lin Zisheng’s complexion worsened significantly.


“Get someone, summon Divine Doctor Park!” Doctor Park was the divine physician Long Lan kept in his residence. Usually, there was no reason to bother him for minor matters. If he was called, it meant something serious had happened. Therefore, upon hearing Long Lan’s command, he rushed to the east courtyard to see him.


“What’s the matter with His Highness today?” Upon hearing the Seventh Prince’s summons, Divine Doctor Park hurried over. Although he didn’t know what had happened, if it was enough to delay important matters, he wouldn’t dare to stay in the Seventh Prince’s residence.


“Divine Doctor Park, please check on Zisheng. Is his condition serious or not?”


Upon hearing Long Lan’s words, Divine Doctor Park also became nervous. He had examined Lin Zisheng’s body before and naturally knew his true identity. Being a citizen of the Dragon Realm, he was naturally cautious with Bai Zi. Learning today that Bai Zi encountered something adverse, how could he not be worried!


“When Doctor Park, the divine physician, saw Lin Zisheng in Long Lan’s arms, he was utterly shocked. He never expected to witness such a thing in his lifetime.


He hesitated, then asked, “May I dare to inquire, Your Highness, why Bai Zi ended up like this?” 


Though they looked alike, Divine Doctor Park didn’t know much about those people. He had some guesses, but he wasn’t certain if he should get involved or learn more about the situation.


“Even I am unaware. Father said that this is the result of a forced contract.” Long Lan hated Long Ao now; he used such despicable means to obtain Zisheng, causing him immense pain.


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“That seems to be the case,” Divine Doctor Park exhaled, feeling a chill. Although he anticipated this outcome, knowing the truth made it even more complicated.


Not saying much now, Divine Doctor Park extended his hand and placed his fingers on Lin Zisheng’s wrist. As time passed, his expression grew increasingly grim, suggesting something bad was happening.


Afterward, he sighed and lifted Lin Zisheng’s eyelids, looking at the gray and purple irises. Frowning deeper, he lightly tapped the table, seemingly contemplating something. Long Lan didn’t dare to disturb him and watched the doctor’s expression carefully, trying to discern Lin Zisheng’s current condition.


After a while, Divine Doctor Park took out a small jade bowl from a box and pricked Lin Zisheng’s fingertip, letting a drop of blood fall into the bowl. He then added various unknown-colored liquids that seemed corrosive, emitting a sizzling sound with a foul odor.


Finally, after half an hour of busy work, Divine Doctor Park fell silent, looking at Lin Zisheng with complex eyes.


“Bai Zi’s condition is not good, but not terrible either,” Divine Doctor Park originally thought that after this ordeal, Lin Zisheng might be near death. However, after a series of examinations, he found that Bai Zi’s condition wasn’t as dire as he imagined. 


“I thought Bai Zi might not make it through this, but it seems he’ll be fine. Did Your Highness have any adventures during this time?”


If it weren’t for some extraordinary experience, Bai Zi would have perished long ago, unable to endure until now.


“A while ago, I went to Dragon Island with my elder brother, and Zisheng received the true dragon’s inheritance,” Long Lan replied, as it was the only adventure he could think of that could explain Lin Zisheng’s presence in the city.


Hearing this, Divine Doctor Park nodded to himself, confirming his suspicions. “Since he received the true dragon’s inheritance, Seventh Prince, you don’t need to worry. Although Bai Zi’s body may be weak now, it won’t be life-threatening. For now, we can’t do anything; we can only wait for Bai Zi to wake up.”


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Only when Lin Zisheng regains consciousness can they slowly resolve the issue of the forced contract.


Forced contracts are troublesome; if they don’t solve it while the person is conscious, anyone approaching them would be attacked. 


“Divine Doctor Park don’t worry. Since we have thought of a solution, there’s no need to rush.” Long Lan feared that Lin Zisheng might be summoned back by Long Ao while in a coma, but knowing that Long Ao was severely injured today gave him some relief.

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“Since Your Highness understands, I’ll take my leave and think about how to resolve this.” Forced contracts can be unbound, but not everyone can do it. So, he’ll go back and plan carefully for the delicate situation ahead.


“Doctor, please.” With the answers he sought, Long Lan no longer worried. He escorted Lin Zisheng back to his room to rest, as he couldn’t be at ease without seeing Lin Zisheng.


Unknown to Long Lan, Lin Zisheng was now trapped in a peculiar dream.


“001, where is this place? How can we leave?” Lin Zisheng looked around, unimpressed by the idyllic surroundings. Having been a fox in the previous world, he had a profound understanding of illusions; there was no way he wouldn’t recognize that everything here was an illusion.


[Host, this is probably the aftermath of the forced contract. Although you weren’t successfully contracted, the consequences still occur.] Because 001 killed the virus in the previous world, it gained quite a few points. Instead of hoarding all the points, it saved half of them and used the other half to exchange various information for Lin Zisheng.


Of course, 001 didn’t tell Lin Zisheng about this; just as Lin Zisheng was willing to undertake the seemingly meaningless long-term task for it, 001 was also willing to sacrifice for Lin Zisheng.


“Aftermath? What’s that? Why don’t I know?” Lin Zisheng frowned, feeling uncomfortable with this lack of control.


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[In the original story, Bai Zi wasn’t forcibly contracted, so the Host naturally wouldn’t know about these things. I obtained the information from the main system.] 001 disclosed everything it had acquired to Lin Zisheng. 


[Even if the forced contract succeeds, it won’t be perfect. The bond between the dragon and the master will never be as strong as a direct contract. So, to make the bond between the master and dragon more stable, after the contract, the master will repeatedly contract with the dragon in dreams until the dragon gets accustomed to this type of contract.] It was like a full-scale invasion, and the level of security was no worse than a direct contract.


After hearing all this, Lin Zisheng’s face turned pale. He had to deal with Long Ao and deal with such nauseating matters?


[However, Host, don’t worry. This world also has its benefits.] 001 emitted cunning laughter. 


[In this world, the one with higher spiritual power prevails. Now that you want to crush Long Ao, there’s absolutely no problem. Once you control this space, you can torture the Crown Prince repeatedly. Isn’t that great?] 


Although encountering Long Ao here wasn’t a pleasant thing, there were still advantages, at least he could seek revenge. For the petty-minded Lin Zisheng, it was simply perfect!


“Very well, indeed. Then we’ll wait for the Crown Prince to arrive!” Sure enough, not long after, Long Ao entered this world. When he saw Lin Zisheng, his face contorted with a smile filled with pleasure and cruelty. The storm in his eyes seemed to want to tear Lin Zisheng apart!


“Bai Zi, you’ve indeed appeared here. That person didn’t lie. As a mere toy, you dare defy your master. You really don’t want to live!” Because that person mentioned this, Long Ao believed that he could do anything in this qualified world. So, he wanted to make the dragon fear him before forming the contract, ensuring the dragon wouldn’t betray the contract.


Hearing this, Lin Zisheng’s lips curved into a shallow smile. This person really lacked brains. Did he truly think this was his world, and he could do whatever he pleased?


“Weak and sickly Bai Zi, do you think you stand a chance to escape?” Long Ao’s eyes were filled with delight. He would never forget the harm this person caused him. Now that he had the chance, he wanted this toy to pay the price!


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He lifted his leg and kicked toward Lin Zisheng’s abdomen. In the outside world, he worried about potentially killing the dragon or facing a counterattack, but in this world, he had no such concerns. This was his world, and although the dragon would be disciplined here, he wouldn’t lose his life.


“Why should I run?”


As Long Ao’s leg stopped mid-air, Lin Zisheng’s mouth curved into a faint smile. The smile looked extraordinary on his delicate and cute face, momentarily distracting the Crown Prince. But the next moment, Long Ao found that he couldn’t move at all. What’s going on!?


“Your Highness, do you really think this is your domain, and you can act as you please?” Looking at Long Ao’s ridiculous expression, Lin Zisheng found it incredibly amusing. He was indeed a pitiable person, now pinned in this situation.


“No, this… How could this be possible!?” Long Ao wasn’t stupid; he understood the implications of Lin Zisheng’s words. However, he would rather feign ignorance to avoid a major blow.


Why did his world become Lin Zisheng’s world?


“This world was always like this, survival of the fittest. I’m stronger than you, so naturally, I can have this world. Meanwhile, you can only be controlled by me on the side.” 


Suddenly, a mischievous smile appeared on Lin Zisheng’s face. “Your Highness, I’ve just thought of some fun things. Do you want to play with me?”


Though Lin Zisheng asked this, he had no intention of cooperating with Long Ao. As long as he wanted to play, even if Long Ao was forced, he would still have to play along!


“No, no, I won’t play. Let me go!” Now Long Ao understood the gap between himself and Bai Zi. Although he was unwilling to give up, he knew he was no match for Bai Zi. To obtain Bai Zi, he would need a different approach!


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“Want to leave? Sure, as long as you can free yourself, then leave. If not, stay here and play with me, okay?” Saying this, a hint of laughter appeared in the violet eyes, but it was mostly mocking!


“No, mmm…” Lin Zisheng’s gaze successfully silenced him. He remained frozen in a bizarre posture, like an insect specimen on display!


Watching Long Ao’s predicament, Lin Zisheng smiled and let out a small yawn. He didn’t rush to speak. Sometimes giving direct orders to a person is liberating, but Lin Zisheng had no intention of letting Long Ao off the hook now!


“001, what do you think? What game should we play? We have rare leisure time.” Glancing lazily at the cat floating in mid-air, its drowsy expression made Lin Zisheng’s bones ache. Although 001 wasn’t human, it couldn’t withstand such a gaze. The cat’s fur bristled.


[Host, you’ve already made up your mind. I find your ideas quite amusing.] 001 quickly praised. Though Lin Zisheng appeared relaxed, his current demeanor indicated one thing: he was unhappy, extremely unhappy. Anyone who provoked him now was in for trouble!


“In that case…” Lin Zisheng chuckled softly and said, “Hmm, give yourself ten slaps, no, five on each side. Slap yourself hard!” His eyes were filled with anger as he looked at Long Ao.


Lin Zisheng hated nothing more than others trying to control his freedom. And now, this person not only did it without hesitation, but he also wanted to completely enslave him, in his dreams!


“No, I don’t want to…”


Long Ao said, but his hand completely ignored his command and delivered a harsh slap to his own face. Half of his face swelled up, looking particularly miserable. However, Lin Zisheng didn’t show any sympathy, just a faint look, without stopping or giving new orders.


In truth, this slap didn’t really hurt Long Ao, but it was a different kind of humiliation. Slapping himself hard in front of the person he intended to enslave was a disgrace he couldn’t accept!


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“Do you feel humiliated? Of course, you can seek revenge on me, as long as you have the ability!” Lin Zisheng’s face still carried a light smile, but this smile frightened Long Ao. It wasn’t a smile any human could possess; this person was a devil.

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“Alright, I believe the Crown Prince must be enjoying this. Let’s play something else.” As he said this, the smile on Lin Zisheng’s face became even more intense, but it also made people feel uneasy.


[Host, our activities for today must come to an end. Based on the Crown Prince’s mental power, we can only enjoy playtime for half an hour, or one hour. After that, his mental power will no longer sustain it, and he will be ejected.] After saying this, Long Ao in front of Lin Zisheng disappeared, leaving him feeling regretful.


Of course, this regret turned into excitement when it came back the next night. Lin Zisheng pondered on how to enhance Long Ao’s mental power, allowing him to stay in this world for a longer period.


Long Ao: Little devil, I was wrong, I really was wrong, spare me↜(ψ`∇´)ψ


That’s how Lin Zisheng spent his days, acting foolish during the day to resist the forced contract and enjoying playful evenings with the Crown Prince.


Of course, only Lin Zisheng was having a good time; as for the Crown Prince, he was completely on the receiving end of the torment. Every day, he suffered and felt miserable, and as time went on, the Crown Prince noticed that his time being tormented in this world was getting longer.

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In his heart, the Crown Prince was suffering, but he couldn’t express it.


However, all good things come to an end, and finally, one month later, Doctor Park successfully developed a method to help Lin Zisheng resist the forced contract.


It was all thanks to the strand of hair left behind by Lin Zisheng. It was only discovered after half a month had passed, and by then, it had transformed into a dragon whisker. 


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When Divine Doctor Park saw this dragon whisker, he considered it a treasure. He knew that one of the things needed to deal with the forced contract was the dragon whisker. Initially, he wondered how to find it, but he unexpectedly stumbled upon it so quickly.


Now, Doctor Park even suspected that Bai Zi had thought of this possibility from the beginning, which was why he came up with a solution so early on.


Finally, after one month, Long Lan met Lin Zisheng again, this time, Lin Zisheng was conscious.


Zisheng?” Long Lan felt a bit nervous as he looked at the no longer dull pupils. Had Zisheng really recovered?


Looking at him like this, Lin Zisheng smiled and nodded, indicating that he was now awake.


Zisheng, talk to me, please?” One month of time had pushed Long Lan to the edge of his endurance. Although he could see this person every time, he received no response to his words or mental calls. It was as if there was only a person present, while his soul had long gone away.


“Lan?” Hearing Long Lan’s words, Lin Zisheng blinked and then tilted his head, softly calling out his name.


This “Lan” caused Long Lan to shiver, and he found Lin Zisheng’s gaze even deeper. He liked it when this person called his name.


“Call it again, please?”


“Lan.” Lin Zisheng willingly fulfilled Long Lan’s request, gently calling out his name once more.


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Suddenly, Lin Zisheng seemed to understand why Long Lan repeatedly asked him to call his name. It was because he still didn’t feel secure.


Realizing this, Lin Zisheng extended his arms and hugged Long Lan’s neck, wearing a gentle smile on his face. He whispered in Long Lan’s ear, “Lan, Lan, Lan, I’m back. I’m here, don’t worry, I won’t go anywhere.”


“I will only be where you are, only in the places you can see.”

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