Wolf In The CageChapter 64

Even amidst the overwhelming pleasure that clouded his mind, Malon seemed to catch Sixx’s confession. He lightly kissed Sixx’s lips. The icy glaciers in his eyes had already melted uncontrollably. With a voice drained of strength, he responded. Love you…

“I love you too, Sixx…” VB3kdN

Malon’s love… Sixx couldn’t wait any longer and started moving. He recalled the confession he had forcibly taken from Malon on the movie theater rooftop. He felt an inexplicable urge to cry. Why does Malon love me so much? He was insanely happy but also insanely terrified. Even though he had longed for Malon’s love all his life, facing it pouring down like rain was suffocatingly frightening. Now he thought he understood why Malon had said he was scared. Love is not just sweet; it’s terrifying like a horror movie. To open your eyes and move forward despite being terrified requires courage.

Sixx gritted his teeth. Malon’s tight hole clamped down on him, making his mind turn white like sea foam. Each time he pulled back slightly and slammed back in, Malon’s body trembled. Sixx reached down and grabbed Malon’s already erect member, moving his hand quickly up and down. Malon’s writhing intensified.

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“…Ah, Sixx, please…!”

It was unclear if he wanted more or to stop. If only he could spend his whole life entwined with Malon like this. In this moment of contact, there was nothing to fear. Sixx placed his other hand over Malon’s and continued pushing his mate. The climax was approaching. It seemed to be the same for Malon, as a high-pitched moan escaped his tightly closed lips. JXkRoa

“Ma, Malon, I think I’m gonna, pull out—”

“Just do it, Sixx… Ha, it’s okay…!”

The amount he ejaculated was overwhelmingly more than an ordinary human. Initially, Sixx thought Malon produced little, but that wasn’t the case. Sixx’s volume was excessive. Sometimes, when he accidentally came inside Malon, Malon didn’t scold him but occasionally gagged, feeling queasy. But recently, Malon had said he was getting used to it, which was terrifying.

The feeling of your semen filling my belly gives me a strange sense of fulfillment…


Sixx recalled those words and sighed deeply. Malon seemed unaware of how dangerous such words were to an animal’s instincts. Hearing that made Sixx, as a werewolf, want to fill his mate’s insides with his seed every day. You are mine.

“Hic, Malon, you’re mine, right…?”

Even when Sixx questioned him in a tearful voice, Malon immediately nodded.

“Haa… Yes, I’m yours, Sixx…” IJFeSB

His voice was low and steady, without a hint of doubt, causing Sixx to feel something hot overflow inside him. He thrust his cock deep into Malon’s hole one last time while rubbing Malon’s penis tip hard to induce ejaculation. Malon, trapped under his arm, twisted his body, reaching climax.


“Ugh, haa, Malon…!”

Warm liquid spilled into his hand. Malon seemed to lose his balance post-climax, staggering. Sixx held him, wishing he could live inside him forever, and showered kisses on his nape. Despite struggling to catch his breath, Malon turned his head to respond with a kiss. Though their tongues didn’t tangle, their lips moved slowly and sensuously against each other. After what felt like an eternal moment, a wet sound signaled the end of the kiss. Reflected in Malon’s bright blue eyes was only Sixx, and no one else. 95Kdej

“…I love you, Sixx.”

Malon whispered to reassure Sixx. He was undoubtedly speaking the truth. His shallow breathing, warm gaze, and quickened heartbeat—all parts of Malon were declaring it. Sixx couldn’t hold back his tears any longer and began to cry. Seeing the round spots forming on the blanket, Malon realized that Sixx was crying and gently nudged him.

“Lay me down on my back.”

Sixx obediently followed his command and turned him over. Finally, he could see Malon’s face. Although he didn’t dislike other positions, he preferred this one because he could see Malon’s face clearly. However, he felt a bit embarrassed now, like a child who cried at every opportunity. Sixx lowered his head, trying to hide his tear-streaked face, but it was no use. Malon clicked his tongue and reached out to gently wipe away Sixx’s tears. EUP8WI

“I’ve always thought this, but I’m the one who wants to cry. Look at me.”

“…Hic, I love you, Malon… I love you more than anything in the world. You’re the only one for me…”

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“Oh, Sixx… It’s been a long time since we became mates, yet you still cry out of emotion during sex. It’s touching for me, but others would tease you if they knew.”

Despite the rebuke, Malon’s hand was tender as he brushed Sixx’s tear-drenched eyelashes. DagpM7

“Sometimes, your quick perception scares me. Or maybe, I’ve been pushing too hard?”

Sixx shook his head firmly.

“Absolutely not.”

“Haha, do you even understand what I’m saying?” Tb9Lnw

Sixx shook his head again, causing Malon to laugh even harder. Though he didn’t fully understand Malon’s intent, he was certain of one thing: Malon wouldn’t do anything wrong. Because he was Malon. Reading the resoluteness in Sixx’s eyes, Malon shook his head, unable to help himself, and gently tugged on Sixx’s soft cheek.

“I guess you’re not worried about the ghost in the woods anymore? Acting so boldly.”

“I am worried…”

Sixx whined, rubbing his nose against Malon’s neck. Each movement caused his penis, still inside Malon, to shift angles slightly, prodding the overly sensitive interior. Malon furrowed his brows but instead of telling him to pull out, he gently patted Sixx’s head. MDY4Wc

“Hm, I wonder if it’s okay to have sex while a ghost is watching.”

“Well, Malon, you kept…”

“What did I do?”

Malon feigned ignorance shamelessly. Sixx felt like jumping up in protest. How could he ask what he did? For the past four days, Malon had been driving him insane, behaving as if determined to erase Sixx’s reason. On the beach, in the garden, and even during the recent hot dog incident, similar scenes had unfolded. Each time, Sixx had tried to hold out, breaking into a sweat, but ultimately gave in to his desires. Perhaps he should have given up from the start. He felt a bit of regret, though seeing so much of sexy Malon seemed to make it worth it. Sixx brushed back Malon’s disheveled bangs with a smile. gjIRdk

“Thinking about it, it wouldn’t have made much difference even if you had stayed still.”

After all, he was always aroused when he saw Malon. Malon’s added seduction just intensified his excitement, but in the end, this outcome was inevitable. Just then, another sound came from the woods. This time, it was unmistakably footsteps. The sound of a two-legged creature walking. Sixx hugged Malon tightly. The footsteps echoed from deep within the forest, but he couldn’t shake his unease.

As Sixx’s body tensed up again, what was inside Malon also began to stir. Malon smiled slightly as if she had expected Sixx to react this way and said,

“Actually, there are condoms in the basket, but if I tell you to put one on now, it’s too late, right? The moment you pull out your cock, semen will spill out from behind.” va5Udo


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Really. They should be under the sandwich box.”

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Qtfc Vlzz oewyifv ecvfg atf rjcvklmt ybz pera lc mjrf, j yecmt bo mbcvbwr qbqqfv bea. Lf xcfk la. Zjibc tjv mifjgis yffc kjlalcu obg jc bqqbgaeclas ab tjnf rfz bearlvf. Vlzz’r mtffxr aegcfv gfv jujlc. Pc ygbjv vjsiluta, cba xcbklcu lo rbwfbcf wluta yf lc atf obgfra yftlcv atfw, atfs kfgf tjnlcu rfz bc j yijcxfa rqgfjv bea bc atf ugjrr. Ktf yglutacfrr wjvf Zjibc’r ybvs nlnlvis nlrlyif, ktlmt kjr clmf yea jirb bnfgktfiwlcuis ralweijalcu obg Vlzz. Lf rafjvlfv tlwrfio jcv qijmfv tlr tjcvr yfrlvf Zjibc’r tfjv. Zjibc mjgfrrfv Vlzz’r afcrf pjk wermifr jcv ktlrqfgfv,

“Shall we continue this at the pool next?” 7Mk4CP

“Malon, just tell me one thing. That forest over there…”


“Is there something in there? And you know what it is, don’t you?”

“I do.” LrTzYZ

Malon answered readily, not even denying it. Sixx closed his eyes tightly. He had a feeling there was something, even when he heard noises, but Malon didn’t seem to care at all. If he had known, he would have asked sooner.

“I actually thought about sneaking into the forest while you were asleep, but I remembered Bill saying I’d regret it. I didn’t want to do anything I’d regret on this vacation with you…”


“Yes?” DQodAH

“On the last day, you’ll know everything. So until then, don’t worry too much about that side. There’s plenty to focus on here, right? And if you don’t enjoy now, you’ll regret it later.”

“Why, why?”

“I’ve seen a lot of pathetic guys regret not enjoying themselves more.”

Malon laughed as he said these incomprehensible words, looking so sexy and beautiful that Sixx wondered if this was reality or a fantasy. Feeling like he was under a spell, Sixx nodded. s8WRtG

“So, do you prefer the pool or the beach?”

Sixx answered, “The pool, for now,” thinking to himself, Ghosts or whatever, let it be.

* * *

The last morning of his sweet week-long vacation with his beloved partner dawned. Sixx seriously contemplated as he spread marmalade jam on crispy toast. What would he say when people asked what he did during his vacation? They did various things, but what lingered in Sixx’s mind were the explicit activities he couldn’t possibly share. Even now, as he absently chewed on his bread, he felt he wouldn’t be in his right mind for a while. Sixx glanced at his partner, who was leisurely sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. qT9uJb

What had happened to Malon? He always enjoyed teasing Sixx, but he had never been this unrestrained. Over the past few days, Malon had been overwhelming, both in a good and bad way. What if he continued like this back at the Keiji mansion? The thought made Sixx’s heart race. Was it excitement or anxiety? He couldn’t tell. After a week of indulgence, it seemed his brain was fried with pleasure and not functioning properly. Even now, Sixx’s thoughts were drifting elsewhere.

For instance, if Malon suggested doing it one more time before leaving, where should they do it…?

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“…Yes, yes?” 5zhtpN

“I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but we don’t have much time. Hurry up and finish your food.”

Not much time? Sixx glanced at the clock. Did this resort have a check-out time? It didn’t seem likely they’d be kicked out this early in the morning… No, Malon probably wanted to do it one more time somewhere. Trying to calm his excited heart, Sixx stuffed the cold toast into his mouth. As soon as Sixx cleared his plate, Malon put down the newspaper and stood up from the table.

“Follow me.”

So assertive. Sixx bit his lip and followed him closely. Malon’s steps were leading to the bedroom. So, the last time would be in the bedroom… He understood Malon’s sentiment. Though they had been intimate in many places, there was nothing like the bedroom. Silently, Sixx nodded. qiBXt7

“Stand there.”

Malon positioned Sixx in front of the bed and began unbuttoning his shirt one button at a time, facing him directly. There was something romantic about taking it slow like this after their previous hurried encounters, and Sixx, with his cheeks flushed, looked down at Malon’s absorbed face. He raised his arms to help Malon remove his sleeves. What next? A soft kiss, as per the usual sequence? Malon smiled and asked,

“You noticed, didn’t you?”

Of course, I did. Sixx smiled back at him. IqdN0Z

“Great, I’m looking forward to it too. Now, close your eyes.”

Asking him to close his eyes for just a kiss felt contrary to Malon’s usual boldness. Yet, perhaps that was why it felt even more thrilling. Returning to such a sweet atmosphere on the last day wasn’t bad at all. Expecting the soft touch of Malon’s lips, Sixx closed his eyes tightly. Seeing Sixx waiting like a girl with closed eyes, Malon burst into laughter.

“Just a moment.”

Sixx waited as requested. But no matter how long he waited, Malon’s lips didn’t come closer. What was going on? Was Malon hesitating? That didn’t seem like him at all… Hmm? For some reason, Sixx heard Malon’s footsteps moving away. Then came the sound of a door creaking open. Only then did Sixx realize something was off from his expectations. YiC5Tn

“Sixx, open your eyes.”

Startled, Sixx opened his eyes. Malon didn’t look like he was going to kiss him at all.

“Malon, what’s this about…?”

“You thought you figured it out? Well, you’ll know soon enough. Hurry up and change. I’ll be back after changing too.” qzGU9y

Malon handed Sixx something he was holding and quickly disappeared into the dressing room. Sixx looked at the item he had been handed. It was… clothing. But not casual clothes—a white suit set. A very expensive-looking, fine suit. Sixx ran his hand over the white fabric. Smooth like silk. The size seemed tailored to fit him perfectly.

Baffled, Sixx started putting on the shirt. Thankfully, following Malon around had given him enough experience with formal wear that he could dress relatively easily. After putting on everything except the bow tie, Sixx looked at himself in the mirror. He looked serious, as if he were attending an important event. He had dressed like this once before when he accompanied Malon to a grand party. Maybe Malon was taking him to a nearby party… As Sixx was feeling slightly awkward in his unusual attire, Malon entered the room, dressed in a black suit. He looked as handsome as always but somehow even more striking.

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“…Hand me the bow tie.”

Malon looked Sixx up and down, a very satisfied smile on his face as he extended his hand. He tied the bow tie for Sixx. Upon closer inspection, Malon’s attire was also slightly different from usual. He had a bow tie around his neck, a perfectly fitting vest, a handkerchief neatly tucked into his chest pocket, and his jacket had sharper lines than usual. This outfit looked more like a tuxedo or formal wear than a regular suit… Whatever it was, it seemed like a significant party. 9dlx0H

“Alright, just need to fix your hair a bit.”

Malon took the wax he used and carefully styled Sixx’s curly hair. Malon had never gone to such lengths to dress Sixx up for any party they had attended before. This must be a really important event. The thought made Sixx swallow nervously, determined not to disgrace Malon’s name. Malon then looked in the mirror, tidied his own hair, and asked Sixx,

“What do you think, Sixx? Do I look alright?”

“Of course, Malon. You always look great.” 5NAlv

“That’s not enough. I want to look even better than usual.”


That seemed impossible because Malon always looked his best. But since it was his beloved partner’s wish, Sixx wanted to help. He adjusted Malon’s hair slightly to the right and loosened his bow tie just a bit. Apart from that… Oh. Sixx lightly kissed Malon on the cheek. With that, Malon became the most handsome man in the world.

“Hehe, it’s done. You look beautiful, Malon.” k20F91

“Well, you look very pretty too.”

Malon kissed Sixx’s cheek in return. It was time to go. Malon extended his hand. Sixx took Malon’s hand and they left the villa. He naturally thought they would head to the car, but Malon walked past it and continued walking. His gaze was fixed on the forbidden forest that had plunged Sixx into madness and irrationality over the past week.

“No way…”

“Of course, the destination is the scary forest where the ghosts live, Sixx. Where else?” rdIKH7

Malon said with a smile. Now that he mentioned it, Malon had said he would reveal all truths on the last day. Sixx had indeed been curious about what was in that forest, but he had no idea why they were dressed so formally to go there. Even upon reaching the edge of the forest, Malon did not stop. Sixx noticed grass patches that looked recently trampled. Someone had indeed been in the forest recently. Ghosts have no weight, so the intruders were definitely human. Not just one, but at least seven to ten people had entered this forest.

But who were they? And why had Malon let them?

Sixx’s questions grew with each step. And the tangled threads in his mind unraveled naturally when he saw the beautiful scene in the middle of the forest. There…

“Malon, what is this…?” Vb6L1

There was a wedding venue.

He didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but there was no other word to describe what he saw. In the open middle of the forest was a path lined with beautiful, lush flowers, delicate white cloths and ribbons hanging from trees, and a tall arch-shaped doorway standing prominently to one side. It was a typical wedding setup. Sixx slowly looked around the area, finally letting out a small exclamation. The more he looked, the more he admired the beauty and meticulousness. It was clear that every decoration was carefully chosen to blend perfectly with the surrounding forest.

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“Hmm, for something put together hastily, it looks pretty good. What do you think?”

“Hastily? Wait, what do you mean by that…?” qed2AF

“Haha, I remember you were terrified by the sounds of the ghosts working hard?”

“Wait, the sounds coming from the forest…”

“It would have been nice if it was prepared before we arrived, but unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time. Since we often visit the forest, I generously allowed them to work while we were resting.”

“So, people have been coming and going, setting this up all this time?” Y4s dS

“Yes, Sixx. Surely, you didn’t really think they were ghosts? What I didn’t consider was how keen your hearing is. You kept pricking up your ears, hearing sounds that I couldn’t.”

Sixx stared blankly around him. So the mysterious sounds from the forest were this. He honestly hadn’t imagined it… and had no idea how to react. His brain was completely overwhelmed. Marriage, the ceremony where humans pledge eternal love… Malon and I? Of course, he was already bonded with Malon, but this…

“Of course, I firmly told them not to step outside the forest, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Even if they had seen, it wouldn’t really matter. Malon added. But Sixx had no time to consider the possibility that his antisocial behavior might have become widely known. His heart was pounding wildly, as if someone was gripping it tightly, ready to burst. Malon noticed that Sixx was halfway to a panic attack and held his hand tightly. He gently comforted him. DTG6n1

“Why is my puppy so nervous? It’s just you and me here, Sixx. The ghosts all left yesterday.”

“It’s not that, I just… I really didn’t know. Marriage, I never even imagined…”

Sixx fidgeted with his fingers, unsure of what to do. Awkward sentences spilled out, and though his voice was trembling pathetically, he didn’t have the presence of mind to worry about it. He knew he should thank Malon, but simple words couldn’t convey all the emotions he felt. Malon hugged the trembling, frightened Sixx tightly.

“Haha, if I knew you’d be this surprised, I would have told you beforehand. Still, I thought I dropped plenty of hints. I assumed you’d notice at least some of them.” S16M5K


“The trouble we had finding a place to stay was because I was looking for somewhere with a space suitable for a wedding. If it was just a vacation, I wouldn’t have been so picky.”

Suddenly, the events of the past month came to mind. Malon’s dealings with that woman… so it was for this. He was trying to rent this place for our wedding. And I didn’t realize…

“…I wish you had told me. I had no idea…” 7zOalq

“As you know, I have a bit of a childish side. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Haha, well, you succeeded… Hrk…”

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Sixx finally couldn’t find the words to express all his feelings and ended up laughing and then suddenly sobbing. Malon, seemingly expecting his tears, gently shook his head as he started crying.

“Crying before the wedding makes you look like a bride being forced into marriage. That’s not the case, right, Sixx?” F1HBng

“Of course not…”

Malon’s thumb wiped away the tears gathering in his eyes, which only made Sixx cry harder.

“Don’t cry, Sixx. It’s a happy day, so why are you crying?”

“How could I not cry when I see something like this… Hic, I really didn’t know…” PmzIpw

“Oh no, don’t tell me you didn’t realize I threw myself a bachelor party for you.”

“A b-bachelor party?”

“Come on, Sixx, what do you think we’ve been doing for the past six days? You know there’s a tradition of having a bachelor party before getting married, right?”

“Y-yeah, I know that…” 7ayGdZ

Of course, Sixx knew that much. He had thought it ridiculous when Lorenzo, who didn’t even have a fiancée, was loudly planning an extravagant bachelor party out of the blue. He had talked about renting a big house with a pool, inviting all his friends, and hiring every stripper in the vicinity… It was a vulgar plan. Sixx had already made it clear that he had no intention of attending.

“Well, since you’re getting married at a relatively young age, I really wanted to throw one for you.”

“M-Malon, I don’t really want that…”

“Haha, Sixx, we already did. Even though I couldn’t bring your friends, I pride myself on making sure your body and mind had a good time instead of strippers… Or did I not? I’m starting to lose confidence. Maybe it was the lack of lap dances?” kYeEZQ

Sixx’s jaw dropped. The truth hit him like a ton of bricks, and the tears that had been stinging his eyes faded away. So, all those times Malon seduced him without warning, in all sorts of places… His face burned. That was my bachelor party? Sixx covered his face with his hands. It had been amazing, but he felt embarrassed by how eagerly he had indulged in it all, not realizing Malon’s thoughtful intention. His partner could be overly considerate sometimes.

“Seeing you turn red like a tomato, it seems you enjoyed it enough without the lap dances.”

“I’m not a tomato…”

And it was really, really good, of course… As Sixx confessed with his face still covered, Malon burst into laughter. As Sixx began to calm down from the various shocking truths, Malon firmly held his hand and led him to the white path where the arch stood. QSvbw5

“Shall we walk?”

Sixx nodded. Though there were no guests or officiant to celebrate their wedding, he didn’t feel lonely or sad at all. Just having Malon Cage walking beside him was more than enough. When they reached the arch and stood face to face under the bright sunlight filtering through the forest, Malon looked stunningly beautiful, almost too much to believe. Sixx, his cheeks flushed with happiness, held Malon’s hand tightly and cautiously asked,

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“…Malon, why the sudden wedding…?”

“Sixx, you mentioned feeling anxious before.” AOa5EJ

“Yes, I did…”

“Even though we performed the bonding ritual in the White Valley, the world we live in is the human world. I thought maybe your anxiety was because we hadn’t made a promise in the human way. It may not be as binding as the werewolves’ pact, but it still holds some significance. Honestly, I never thought I’d get married in my life…”


“I considered having a wedding in front of people, but I thought it would be better to ask your opinion first. If you want, we can have the grandest ceremony in Portland. But…” dG93mz

Malon smiled gently and caressed Sixx’s blushing cheek.

“With this, we are essentially married. Even though there’s no officiant, should we still ask?”

A black velvet case surprisingly emerged from Malon’s pocket. There was only one thing that could mean in this situation. Sixx felt like fainting again. There were limits to how much one could be shocked, and this was too much. Wedding rings… When Malon opened the case, two pairs of beautiful, silver rings were revealed. Malon took one out and asked in an exceedingly gentle voice,

“Although it’s a bit late, Sixx, will you accept me as your husband and lifelong partner?” JgKVvu

“Y-yes, yes, yes…”

Sixx squeezed his eyes shut to hold back his tears. Malon chuckled at the repeated ‘yes’ and slipped the wedding ring onto Sixx’s finger. Somehow, it fit his ring finger perfectly. Sixx extended his left hand with the ring, turning it this way and that. The design was simple yet elegant, very much like Malon. Malon handed Sixx the case with the remaining ring.

“Now you have to ask me.”

“Malon Cage…” UdmD5L

In his rush, Sixx’s voice cracked without clearing his throat. Ugh, Malon’s laughing… Making a mistake at such an important moment made him want to cry, but as Malon said, it was a good day. Sixx bit his lip, composed himself, and proposed to Malon.

“Ahem, Malon Cage, will you take Sixx as your one and only love and steadfast partner in life?”

“Yes, I will. But there’s one condition. Will you hear me out?”

“W-what is it?” DjkP1B

Sixx, about to place the ring on Malon’s finger, looked up in surprise.

“This is a human tradition, so even if you refuse, we’ll still be married. But, consider this, Sixx.”

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Sixx blinked in wide-eyed confusion. A human tradition?

“I thought it was because you grew up in a circus, but Derek told me that werewolves don’t originally have last names. However, humans often share a surname when they become family, so if you don’t mind—” lnTzmE

“Yes, Malon. Yes… Give me your name.”

This time, Sixx couldn’t hold back his tears. He slipped the ring onto Malon’s finger, then pulled him into a tight embrace and sobbed. What should he do? He had come so beautifully dressed, but all he had done was cry like a fool.

“Sixx, or rather, Sixx Cage. Since the marriage is now official, I can call you that, right?”

“Yes, Malon. I’m Sixx Cage.” A4zYbc

“I love you, Sixx. I can’t promise there won’t be any more anxiety in the future, but remember this: I am yours, and you are mine. I’ll remind myself of that whenever I feel anxious.”

“Malon, I love you too…”

Sixx kissed Malon passionately. His heart was ablaze with joy and love for his spouse, burning so intensely that it incinerated any lingering doubts and fears. As Malon said, those dark emotions might try to resurface in their hearts someday. But they didn’t need to be afraid now. They could reignite their love and burn away those doubts and fears. Sixx gripped the shoulders of his beloved partner, spouse, and mate tightly. Malon, seemingly sharing Sixx’s thoughts, smiled unwaveringly at him.

As long as they had each other, they had nothing to fear. VPz5Mi

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  1. I was wondering when they’d have a human wedding! Awe that was so touching 🥺 I love how Malon always thinks of everything, he’s so sweet with Sixx. Thank you so much for translating all of that, and for the mass update

  2. Awww they had a human wedding

    I’m so happy for them I’m shedding tears 😭😭😭

    Thanks for the update