Wolf In The CageChapter 62

“And you light my morning sky, with burning love…”

Sixx hummed along to the song playing on the radio. As he extended one hand out the car window, he felt the cool breeze wrap around his fingers. If they weren’t in the car, he might have danced with excitement. Instead, Sixx bobbed his body to the rhythm of the song. The weather was simply perfect: a clear sky without a cloud, a blazing sun, and his handsome, stylish lover driving with dark sunglasses on. To top it all off, they were headed to a luxurious resort in California. The resort had a pool that Sixx loved, a beach right in front, a garden, and a forest behind it. Best of all, they had exclusive access to all these places. 5qRsVT

“The weather’s nice,” his partner commented, sounding equally delighted. It was their first long trip away from the mansion since the incident in the White Valley. Malon must be excited too, even if not as much as he was. Sixx was willing to bet the soft-serve ice cream they had eaten at the last stop that Malon was just as thrilled. As the car stopped at a red light, Sixx made eye contact with a dog being walked nearby. When he waved, the dog began barking furiously at him. Soon, the car zoomed off again, and Malon clicked his tongue.

“That guy’s not very nice to his own kind.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Malon, I’m a wolf, not a dog.”

Though wolves and dogs are in the same family, there was a clear distinction. Sixx sometimes suspected that Malon viewed him as a big dog, but he had no way to prove it. He could only keep reminding him. Malon raised an eyebrow as if to say he understood. “We’re almost there,” he said. Soon, a massive gate appeared before Sixx’s eyes. As Sixx looked around in amazement, Malon pressed a small button next to the gate. FOZPfY

A sound indicated the speaker turning on. Before the person on the other end could ask who it was, Malon spoke up.

“We have a reservation for today.”

The gate slowly opened. Even after it opened, they had to drive a bit further to reach the entrance. As they parked, a man who appeared to be the caretaker approached and extended his hand. His name was Bill. He kept glancing playfully between Malon and Sixx as he explained the resort’s layout and rules, jokingly saying he was handing over the resort to them.

“That’s the main villa. It’s huge, right? I sometimes get lost in there when I check around. You should find almost everything you need there. Over there is the pool, which I cleaned and refilled yesterday.”


“Wow, thank you!”

It must have been quite a task to clean such a large pool, so Sixx thanked him, making Bill very happy.

“Haha, no problem! If you need anything during your stay, just call, and I’ll get it for you. Down those stone steps is the beach. The view is stunning. Did you say you were from Portland? I can assure you, you won’t find a beach like this anywhere else in the vast United States.”

“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it before coming. I’m really looking forward to it!” NZyCdB

“Haha, whatever you’re expecting, it’ll be better! Outside that door are the garden and yard. They say lying on the grass under the trees, feeling the breeze, is like paradise. Oh, by the way…”

Bill suddenly turned towards them, giving a somewhat sly smile and winking.

“The beach and garden are all well-managed, so you won’t have to worry about running into anyone. Enjoy your time to the fullest. You’ve got to enjoy life while you’re young, right? Haha!”

Enjoy to the fullest…what? Even under the hot sun, Sixx’s cheeks flushed. Embarrassing images quickly filled his mind. While he had come with some expectations, doing anything like that outdoors was…! Sixx shook his head vigorously to dispel the impure thoughts. Bill seemed startled by Sixx’s sudden, dog-like shaking and took a small step back. aV8 Me

“Well then…” Bill clapped his hands.

“It looks like that covers everything. I’ve left the keys and any necessary information on the table in the villa. Now, I’ll be on my way. So—”

“Wait a moment, what about that forest?”

Malon, who had been silently listening to Bill’s explanations, sharply pointed his gaze at the forest to the right of the villa. Bill, seeming to have almost forgotten, exclaimed, “Oh, my goodness. I nearly forgot to mention it. You must never go into that forest.” DfSHd5

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Why not?”

Vlzz jrxfv, fsfr klvf. Dlii gfrqbcvfv klat j wlrmtlfnber rwlif.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Ktfgf jgf atlcur lc atfgf sbe rtbeivc’a rff. P uejgjcaff sbe’ii gfugfa la lo sbe vb.”

“Ktlcur kf rtbeivc’a rff?” WhGNs2

Pa ofia ilxf atf yfulcclcu bo j tbggbg wbnlf Vlzz tjv rffc. Cc bwlcber offilcu mgfqa bnfg tlw. Lf delmxis wbnfv mibrfg ab Zjibc, ktb rmboofv yea mbeivc’a vfcs Vlzz’r ofjg. Dlii, cbalmlcu atf lcafgjmalbc, mtemxifv jcv gfqfjafv tlr kjgclcu.

“Yes, so you must absolutely stay out of the forest. Everywhere else is fine, but the forest is off-limits. We can’t be responsible for anything that happens if you go in there.”

“Is something living in there?”

“Haha, worried about werewolves? No, there’s nothing dangerous like that. As long as you stay out of the forest, you’ll have a very safe week.” 2NqecA

If it’s not werewolves, then what? Despite Bill’s reassurances, Sixx, already spooked, clung tightly to Malon’s sleeve. He wasn’t afraid of tangible threats like guns or knives, but ghosts or spirits left him overly anxious because there was no guarantee he could fight and win against such things. Malon, seeing Sixx’s pale face, shook his head in exasperation and sent Bill away, who still seemed unfazed by the forbidden forest. Malon’s courage was impressive. Sixx realized he needed to be brave too. He vowed to himself, I need to protect Malon.

“Don’t worry, Malon. Whatever’s in there, I’ll protect you.”

“Haha, you’re the one who needs to stop worrying, Sixx. He just wanted to scare you because you were so spooked. And he did say nothing would happen as long as we don’t go in the forest. It’s probably just not properly maintained, so they’re keeping it off-limits.”

Malon’s reasoning sounded plausible. Feeling reassured, Sixx began exploring the resort. It was probably the most luxurious place he’d ever stayed. While it didn’t match the size of the Cage mansion, it was still impressively large. Doors seemed endless as he opened them. Malon watched him explore with a satisfied smile. oI8gz7

“I’m glad you like it.”

Seeing Malon’s smile, Sixx realized again that Malon had rented this place for him. He felt a twinge of guilt for having lashed out about Malon’s previous incident with a woman. Despite the luxury of the resort, he hoped Malon would never do such a thing again. Sixx knew he’d be content living in a dusty attic with Malon for the rest of his life.

“Of course, the end doesn’t justify the means,” Malon added, as if reading Sixx’s thoughts, with a shrug. Yes, Sixx knew Malon wouldn’t repeat his mistake. He ran over and showered Malon’s lips with kisses.

“Malon, thank you for bringing me here. This place is amazing.” CkFI3A

Malon nodded. Sixx eagerly unloaded their luggage from the car and carried it all into the villa. He couldn’t wait to have fun. Seeing Sixx constantly glancing at the pool while unpacking, Malon laughed and urged him to go enjoy himself, saying he would handle the rest. However, Sixx shook his head. He didn’t want to act like a child and play alone; he had come to spend time with Malon. Seeing Sixx’s resolute expression, Malon didn’t insist further.

Eventually, they finished unpacking together and changed into their swimsuits side by side. Malon, again not intending to get into the water, grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and a newspaper before heading outside.


In contrast, Sixx, excited by the sight of the pool, ran and leapt into the water from a distance. Clear water splashed high into the air. As Sixx swam joyfully, Malon settled on a sunbed under a parasol. Malon rarely wore shorts, so seeing his bare legs was a rare sight. Beautiful. Sixx admired Malon’s long, white legs before amusing himself by diving deep until he touched the bottom of the pool. Then, noticing a beach ball at one end of the pool, he tossed it toward Malon. Malon, with impressive reflexes, caught the fast-flying ball. Realizing Sixx wanted to play, Malon set aside his newspaper and tossed the ball back to him. JRbcGX

“Not bad, Sixx.”

Malon seemed impressed by Sixx’s agility in the water. Playing catch itself was a familiar game they often played in the forest. The only differences were the location—now in the water—and Sixx being in his human form, which posed a significant handicap. However, Sixx’s competitive spirit was ignited, and he enthusiastically swam around, catching the ball.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Sixx shouted as he barely managed to catch a ball that flew a bit too far. The ball didn’t make it to Malon’s sunbed, landing instead at the pool’s edge and floating on the water’s surface. ta97MK

“Hehe, I missed.”

Sixx scratched his cheek awkwardly. Malon sighed and got up. As he bent over the pool to retrieve the ball, a sudden arm from the water grabbed his leg and pulled him in. Malon lost his balance and splashed into the pool.

“…You missed the ball on purpose, didn’t you, Sixx?”

Malon surfaced and squinted at Sixx. hYNUyA

“Of course.”

Sixx grinned widely. Malon, having nothing to say to Sixx’s straightforward admission, rubbed his face a bit roughly and pushed back the wet black hair that had fallen over his forehead. Malon, soaked, looked undeniably sexy. Beads of water formed on his eyebrows, unable to cross the ridge of his pronounced T-zone. His smooth, wet skin and shoulders, reflecting the sunlight, captivated Sixx. Sensing Sixx’s intense gaze, Malon smiled mischievously and wrapped his legs around Sixx’s firm waist. Despite being in the cold water for a while, the parts of Sixx’s body in contact with Malon’s began to feel scorching hot. Sixx exhaled sharply and grabbed Malon’s waist with both hands.

“…You’re cold, Sixx…”

Malon’s eyes, lightly glaring at Sixx, were full of intent. Droplets clung to his wet black eyelashes. Sixx pushed Malon against the pool wall and pressed his lips to his. Though everything was cold and slippery, Malon’s mouth felt like boiling lava. The stark contrast further disoriented Sixx’s already scattered senses. Malon wrapped his arms around Sixx’s neck, pulling him closer, seemingly wanting to deepen their kiss. Sixx, panting, sucked on Malon’s tongue. zSAY6b

“…Mmph, Si…ix.”

Out of breath, Malon called his name in a pleading tone. Sixx licked Malon’s reddened lips sensually from the persistent friction. The water no longer felt cold. As he pushed his hips forward, pressing his lower body tightly between Malon’s legs, he could feel Malon’s arousal through the stiff fabric of the swimsuit. Malon showed no signs of resistance. Instead, he gave Sixx a subtle smile, as if to say, “Go ahead, try.”

Damn, he’s so sexy…! Flushed red from Malon’s blatant seduction, Sixx panted as he licked the water droplet from Malon’s chin. Malon whispered softly into his ear.

“Sixx…” cj8JbK

It drove him crazy. The shivers that started at his ear spread all over his body. Sixx showered Malon’s water-splashed collarbone with hot kisses. He was internally conflicted. Is this okay? There’s no one around, but they were still outside… Sixx had no experience with outdoor sex. There’s a reason public indecency laws exist. Bill’s voice echoed in his mind, telling him to have a good time. Sure, he planned to enjoy himself, but should they be acting like animals so soon after arriving at the resort? Half-animal though he was, he still lived in human society…

“Sixx, why do you keep glancing around? Afraid someone might see us?”

“N-no, it’s just that we’re outside…”

“Even if we are, it’s just the two of us here, you know that.” t73yi2

Malon urged him on with a seductive gaze. Sixx swallowed hard. It wasn’t his imagination; Malon was more aggressive and uninhibited than usual. As a result, Sixx’s already fragile self-control was reaching its breaking point. After serious internal conflict, Sixx came to a conclusion. His precious partner wanted him more than anything in the world. Compared to that, societal judgment was irrelevant! Let them criticize all they want. Sixx squeezed his eyes shut and lunged at Malon. He pulled at Malon’s swimsuit, about to free his aroused member—


Chrysanthemum Garden.

A heavy sound startled Sixx, making him spin around. The source was the forest behind them. Weren’t they alone? Unless a tree had fallen, what could that sound have been? Sixx blinked and looked at Malon.

“What?” UOwNin

Malon seemed unfazed, as if he hadn’t heard the noise. A chill ran down Sixx’s spine.

“Didn’t you hear that? There was a sound from the forest!”

“I heard it. Probably just a tree falling.”

Malon didn’t seem to care at all. But why would a tree fall on its own? The excitement-induced fog in Sixx’s mind lifted, replaced by a creeping dread. The pool water suddenly felt freezing. Sixx shivered. Maybe something was out there in the forest. Noticing Sixx’s reaction, Malon clicked his tongue. Let’s get out. He said. qNzbSK

“Huh? But…”

“You’ll catch a cold. And it seems like you haven’t fully calmed down yet.”

Malon made a suggestive remark and effortlessly lifted himself out of the pool. Stunned, Sixx followed and squatted beside the pool. A soft towel was tossed over him. As he dried his wet hair and body, he trailed after Malon back to the villa.

* * * MYO GQ

After wasting time rolling around in bed and taking a hot shower, evening had come. He was hungry. Although they could call a chef to prepare a meal, Malon offered to grill a steak himself. Despite rarely cooking due to the household staff, Malon was quite skilled. Whenever they were alone in the mansion, Malon occasionally made simple dishes that never failed to elicit admiration.

Sixx became Malon’s sous-chef for the day, preparing ingredients as per his instructions. Malon looked exceptionally handsome in a black apron standing in front of the cooking utensils, making Sixx completely forget about the strange noise and the forest. Soon, the aroma of the cooking steak filled the air. Malon told Sixx that it was almost ready and to go ahead and wait. With a candle lit on the table and soft classical music playing in the background—Malon’s preference—the scene rivaled that of an upscale downtown restaurant.

Of course, the most significant contribution to the romantic atmosphere was the handsome man in front of him. Malon set down a neatly plated dish before Sixx and poured red wine, having surely checked the alcohol content beforehand. As Sixx cut into the steak, he kept sneaking glances at Malon. Would there ever come a time when he wouldn’t look so incredibly handsome? Despite seeing that face every day, the change in setting made Malon look even more striking. Malon, aware of Sixx’s unwavering gaze, smiled slightly, causing Sixx’s heart to race.

“Eat first, Sixx.” KnztCv

“Yes, I should eat…”

The word “first” carried an unsettling connotation. Sixx mumbled an answer as he chewed on a piece of steak. Cooked to his preferred rare, the meat was perfect, with juices blending with blood oozing out with each bite. His wonderful spouse was incredibly considerate.

“This is delicious, Malon. Whenever I cook, I always burn the outside and get scolded by Madam Isabella.”

“Haha, still?” hEmkHA

Malon laughed beautifully. Sixx couldn’t tell if the saliva pooling in his mouth was for his spouse or the perfectly cooked rare steak. Even the clinking of the silverware against the plate sounded strange. Yeah, I should eat. I need to eat…

“Sixx, is that the shirt you bought on our trip to the city?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Oh, this? Yes. I thought it fit perfectly when I bought it, but after moving around in it, it seems a bit tight. It’s not too uncomfortable, so I decided to keep wearing it.”

About a week ago, Sixx had joined Matilda and Cory on a shopping trip to the department store. Unable to resist the insistence of the shop assistant, he tried on a popular new shirt. The assistant lavished praise on him, saying it looked made for him. Although not swayed by the flattery, Matilda and Cory insisted on buying the shirt as a thank-you for joining them. Despite his protests, there was no stopping them, and Sixx returned with a shopping bag. This was the first time he was wearing it in front of Malon. Malon hummed and scanned him up and down before smiling. gmA0Ia

“It looks great on you, Sixx. The snug fit actually makes it quite sexy.”

Sexy… Sixx was momentarily dazed, wondering if this was Malon’s subtle provocation. Probably not, since Malon had told him to eat first. Sixx cut a large piece of steak and put it in his mouth. Despite the steak’s deliciousness, he was too distracted to fully enjoy it. Nevertheless, he steadfastly continued eating. Unlike Sixx, who was diligently clearing his plate, Malon leisurely cut his steak and continued to comment on Sixx’s new shirt.

“No, really. The way it outlines your body makes me think you shouldn’t wear it in front of others… Oh, Sixx.”

Barely ten minutes into the meal, Sixx’s plate was clean. After downing a glass of water, Sixx stood up and approached Malon. As Malon had suggested, he had finished eating. Although one plate of steak was not enough to fill him, that wasn’t important now. He had finished Malon’s meal and now craved something else. Malon smiled, as if he found Sixx’s sudden approach somewhat troubling, but he didn’t seem surprised. Sixx grabbed Malon’s arm and pulled him close to his chest. nmcYXO

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