Wolf In The CageChapter 43

“It’s not as serious as it looks. If anything, I was relieved that you listened well. I expected something like this from the moment I left. It really doesn’t matter―”

“Ah, it doesn’t matter? Then, if I had forced you against your will, would that have been okay? Malon, I attacked someone I love… That’s enough. Whether it’s a small or big injury doesn’t matter.” cLBmth

Sixx’s voice trembled with sorrow. While it might have been trivial to Malon, it wasn’t to Sixx. Malon couldn’t find the right words to say. It was true that Sixx had attacked him, and if it had shocked Sixx itself, then what could it do… Damn it. Malon clenched his fists. He didn’t know how to comfort others. It would have been much easier if it were a threat or negotiation. But he had never felt the need to soothe or persuade someone gently in his life. He wanted to comfort Sixx, but he didn’t know how.

“I’m a monster… A terrible monster that hurts people.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


However, he couldn’t easily dismiss those words. Malon knew that Sixx didn’t like being turned into a wolf very much. Except when Malon demanded it, Sixx rarely expressed a desire to transform. Perhaps it was because he had heard countless derogatory remarks while in the circus. Those rumors were like thorns stuck in Sixx’s mind, eroding his self-esteem. A monster. Thinking about how many times Sixx had heard that word and heard it again, Malon was angry. Despite following him and liking him so much, Sixx didn’t listen when Malon praised Sixx’s transformation or said it was cool. Yeah, it was distrust. WGhICF

“Why would you say that? You’re not a monster. It was an accident, remember?”

“But I don’t know when I might hurt you again. That’s what a monster is, isn’t it? Am I not a monster compared to others? I had to protect you, not hurt you like yesterday…”

And Sixx cried again. Tears flowed down his cheeks and fell to the ground. His cheeks and nose were reddened, like a child who had been playing outside. This time, Malon succeeded in lifting his painful arm. He stroked Sixx’s head firmly.

“Listen to me, Sixx. I like you when you turn into a wolf. And you’ve protected me by turning into a wolf before. Do you remember the day when the hitman came? You subdued him by turning into a wolf.”


“Y-Yes, I remember.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Po la kfgfc’a obg sbe, P wluta tjnf vlfv atja vjs. Snfc lo P vlvc’a vlf, P kbeiv tjnf yffc rfglberis lcpegfv ja ifjra. Po atja tjv tjqqfcfv, P kbeiv tjnf fcvfv eq lc ws ojatfg’r bg Oemj’r tjcvr rbbcfg bg ijafg. Tbe rjnfv ws ilof.”

“P-P vbc’a xcbk lo P’v ub atja ojg…”

“But it’s true. And so is my insomnia. That’s—” d3MICz

Suddenly noticing Malon’s interruption, Sixx also sensed something amiss and quickly assumed a defensive posture, tears still hanging in his eyes. The sound of someone approaching the warehouse reached them. It wasn’t just one person. From the sound of the footsteps alone… No, was it even a human approaching in the first place? Malon reached under the straw and grabbed the gun. Sixx, rolling his eyes around, prepared to move at any moment. Seeing him like that, it seemed that letting him release his sexual tension yesterday had helped him somewhat.

Thud! Something hit the barn door. The barn door was locked from the inside by Malon with a latch. It seemed like someone was trying to force the door open, but suddenly, it became quiet outside, and then knocking was heard. Thud, thud. However, the sound of knocking was a bit different from the sound of a human knocking with their fists. Malon had a gut feeling. It was a beast that had knocked on the door. And beasts that had enough intelligence to knock.

“Your kin, Sixx.”

Sixx’s eyes widened. He muttered Malon’s words to himself. Kin… Sixx had mentioned a white valley nearby. Malon didn’t know how they knew, but they had obviously found out about Sixx being here and had come themselves. However, how they would emerge was still unknown. Sixx and Malon were clearly outsiders. There was no guarantee they would come out friendly. isnhVm

“Go and open the door. But step back immediately if I signal.”

Since they would have to ask for their help anyway, it might have been a good thing however you thought about it. They no longer needed to wander around the valley. But Malon wasn’t going to let his guard down until the last moment. If they showed any sign of harming Sixx, he would shoot them anytime. Sixx nodded, and as instructed by Malon, cautiously approached the door and lowered the latch. As the door slid open, along with the intense sunlight that stung the eyes, the pack of wolves revealed themselves. Of course, their giant size made it clear they weren’t ordinary wolves like Sixx. They were werewolves.


And in the midst of that pack, a man walked in. Although his form was human, Malon soon realized that he too was a werewolf. He appeared to be in a similar age range as Antonio Cage, but much healthier and more energetic. The difference was immediately felt in his gait and demeanor. He would probably be the one representing the pack of wolves. qCDHOd


“It’s you who came here, so please state your purpose first.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“You’re quite vigilant. Just as I heard.”

“Just as you heard?” Cw4Tcu

“We heard the howling of the wolves last night. We can distinguish whether it’s from our kin or ordinary wolves just from that sound. That sound was undoubtedly the former. Moreover, ordinary wolves don’t inhabit these mountains.”

Indeed, that’s what happened. Malon speculated that after he passed out, the lone wolf remaining howled. Those who understood the sound went to explore its origin and stumbled upon this barn.

“It seems you know about us. Did you hear from Rasmus?”

“Yes. I spoke with Rasmus. He said visitors would come. He didn’t explain in detail, but since the valley is so deeply hidden, I thought you might need our help. Sorry for the delay. My name is Aleric.” OF3azA

“…Malon Cage. Human. And this is Sixx, a werewolf.”

“I understand. I heard from Rasmus. It’s a bit awkward to keep talking here. We’ll escort you to the White Valley. However, there’s something I’d like to ask for your understanding…”

“What is it?”

“We’re quite cautious about the valley’s location being known to outsiders. It’s a long tradition to only share the location with the wolves of the valley. Even though your wolf friend is one of them, you’re a bit of a problem. I’m sorry, but if you could sleep for a while, we’ll take you to the valley.” 7SKyXE

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve prepared a sleeping potion. I’ll put it down while you’re sleeping.”

“Wait, Malon! No! We don’t even know who these people really are—”

“It’s okay, Sixx. If they wanted to harm us, they would have attacked last night. They wouldn’t have waited until daylight. Besides, our health isn’t great right now, so it’s not a bad offer. Don’t worry, Sixx.” DCgHs9

And Sixx needed their help. There was no point in antagonizing them for no reason. Malon was willing to take some risks to achieve their goal. In fact, as long as they didn’t touch Sixx, it was okay. Sixx still looked at him with a worried expression, but Malon nodded firmly. It’s okay, Sixx. Aleric approached and handed him a vial of potion.

“See you in the valley.”

Aleric smiled slyly. Malon drank the potion without hesitation. Its effects quickly took hold. His vision became blurry. Malon! Sixx hurriedly ran to support him. Seeing his drooping eyelashes made him smile. To anyone watching, it might have seemed like he was being dragged away. Sixx, you should stop crying now. He wanted to say that, but he couldn’t open his mouth. In fact, he couldn’t do anything except blink his eyes. Oh dear… The process of the potion taking control of his body and dragging him into sleep always made him uncomfortable. The last thing he saw was pumpkin-colored irises.

the last chapter was genuinely difficult to translate :(( if you’re uncomfortable, please feel free to skip! that aside, thank you all for reading and the comments. i have so much fun reading them, because it feels i’m rereading the novel with you all haha WDRlmb

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  1. I’m nervous but excited to meet the wolves! I hope we learn about Sixx’s mom and why she left him with the circus. Don’t apologize! Thank you for diligently translating everything for us🥰

  2. Hope the village arc goes well (but I have a hunch that it might not be the case 😂)

    And also, you did a great job translating these!💕 Thank you so much for the chapters🙏

  3. I’m excited to know more about the wolves. I hope it goes smoothly so that Malon could finally relax after everything that happened on the way.

    💕Thank you for the chapter💕

  4. Translator, you’re our wolf pack leader don’t apologize!! ❤️ (ouch, that hurt me a bit typing that but it was the best analogy I could make in this context…) You’re work is awesome and I appreciate you very much 😋 Now, I just hope Sixx can be cured of his ailments (and Malon too!) and then Cage and him can get married then live happily every after with them riding off into the sunset… oh how I wish LOL again, thank you for your hard work 🥰

  5. Thanks very much for the chapter, poor Malon he really loves Sixx only he could manage all these challenges just for hos wolve.