Wolf In The CageChapter 42

Content Warning: B*sti*lity

This chapter contains explicit depictions of bestiality, including sexual acts involving animals. Reader discretion is advised. This content may be distressing or triggering to some individuals. Please proceed with caution or you can skip the chapter to a brief summary of what happened in this chapter below.


Sixx and Malon continued to ascend the hilly mountain. However, Sixx’s potion wore off, leaving him weakened. Despite Malon’s offer to carry him on his back, the heavy rain and exhaustion caused both of them to black out. When Malon regained consciousness, he found Sixx transformed into his animal form, driven by primal instincts. Attempting to awaken him, Malon noticed Sixx responding slightly to his commands but remaining trapped in his wolf consciousness. In an attempt to bring him back to his human state, Malon tried to alleviate his sexual frustration. After a rough encounter, Malon blacked out, only to awaken and find Sixx returned to his human form, visibly concerned about the bruises left by his animalistic self.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

As they got closer to the valley, Sixx’s directions became more specific. However, at the same time, Sixx’s condition deteriorated rapidly. The fierce fever that had been suppressed since taking Rasmus’s medicine once again dominated Sixx’s body, and he gradually lost control over it. PfH4ys

Malon felt his heart being scratched whenever Sixx whimpered and scratched the leather seat. Even though he must have been in agony, Sixx hardly showed it. Instead, when Malon asked if he was okay, he replied nonchalantly, “Of course,” with an unbeatable casual tone, accompanied by a sunny smile as a bonus.

Malon realized there was nothing he could do. While Sixx tried to smile, Malon couldn’t ignore his efforts. Every time they stopped at a gas station or motel, Malon had to be especially vigilant. This was because Sixx, who couldn’t fully control his body, kept trying to reveal his wolf form.

Watching Sixx sleep deeply on a cheap mattress, Malon couldn’t sleep. Sixx’s body was as hot as a fireball. Can I save you? Even though Malon knew that Sixx’s illness had nothing to do with him, somehow it felt like his fault. With everything in life interconnected, perhaps this was also a consequence of his countless misdeeds…



They reached the foothills of the long mountain range that extended north from western Alberta, Canada. Malon suspected that the territory of the werewolves would be deep in the mountains where human feet rarely touched. Now they had to proceed on foot.

Malon found a store selling trekking gear and parked the car in front of it. He picked up some camping gear and canned food, then brought them to the counter. The owner, with a somewhat concerned look, asked Malon if he had any hiking experience. He didn’t seem to think Malon looked like someone who would enjoy the mountains very much.

Although he didn’t answer, the owner muttered to himself. Malon didn’t want to climb the rugged mountains either, but he had no choice.

“Is it very rough?” Malon asked. SiOYnB

Hearing that, the owner replied, “It depends on where you aim to go. If you’re here for nature tourism, it might be better to go to Banff National Park, even if it’s a bit further away. The trails are much better maintained there, and it’s safer because many people visit. There are also fewer wild animals.”

“Tourism isn’t really the purpose. But, do you know if there’s a place to rest in the mountains?”

“Hmm, there’s not really a suitable place. There might be a few old barns that were used in the past and then abandoned…”

The owner marked the location of the barns on the map. “Thank you.” 8qTtwe

Malon thanked the owner lightly, who was still looking at him with a somewhat uneasy expression, and left the store.

“Sixx, we need to leave now.”

Malon, who was ready to enter the mountains, forcibly lifted Sixx, who was gazing into space with unusually dull eyes due to the intense heat, and began to walk into the mountains.

There were no people around, just trees and grass everywhere. Everything was going very smoothly. Malon smirked inwardly. It was fantastically dramatic, with a patient in the rugged mountains. However, it was impossible to rush due to Sixx’s illness. 3ukD5p

In fact, it wouldn’t have been strange if Sixx collapsed at any moment, so Malon kept a worried eye on Sixx’s condition. However, Sixx walked silently without a word of complaint.

“Shall we take a break?”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

How long had they been walking? Not far ahead, a large rock came into view. At Malon’s suggestion, Sixx nodded and almost collapsed as soon as they reached the rock. It must have been exhausting.

Without panicking, Malon sat beside him and gently rested Sixx’s head on his shoulder. He could feel Sixx’s shoulder quickly becoming damp with sweat. Sixx’s breath was rough and hot. J6j8cE

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Malon suddenly wondered if coming to the mountains was the best choice. There must have been a slightly better way, but he hadn’t thought of it due to his foolishness. Malon sighed. Feeling so powerless was a first for him. He thought he had everything. Money, power, loyalty, connections… But in front of the sudden illness, all of that became meaningless.

Cwbcu jii atf atlcur tf tjv, cbatlcu mbeiv tfiq Vlzz. Tfr, cbatlcu ja jii.

“Vlzz, jcsalwf sbe offi algfv, pera afii wf. Qf mjc ajxf j ygfjx.”

“Tfjt, bxjs… Zjibc, jgf sbe bxjs?” gqStlo

“P’w qgbyjyis yfaafg boo atjc sbe. Rb cffv ab kbggs jybea wf.”

“Dea ralii…”

Snfc lc atlr rajaf, tf kbgglfr jybea tlwrfio, cba batfgr. Lbk obbilrt.

“And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to tell me. I brought a lot of stuff.” sNPt1U

“Thank you, Malon. I’m really lucky to have you.”

Sixx seemed to smile brightly. Somehow, Malon felt his heart sink at that smile.

After resting for a while, they started walking again. Thankfully, it wasn’t winter. If the road had been covered in snow, they would have had to exert themselves even to take a step.

As the sun set, Malon found a suitable place to settle down and prepared for the night. Sixx blinked sleepily, watching him. He looks like a child again. Malon chuckled. He vividly remembered Sixx’s childhood. He had been so small and skinny. In fact, back then, he hadn’t treated Sixx kindly. To be precise, he had tried to be kind but ultimately failed. He threatened Sixx and exercised violence. Bitterly, that was the truth. Yet Sixx didn’t hate him; instead, he left behind a single flower and departed. LVEydC

Malon still couldn’t forget the moment when the young Sixx confessed his love to him. At that time, he couldn’t accept the fact that Sixx loved him. Love? He thought it was an absurd idea. However, in Sixx’s innocent pumpkin-colored eyes, there was clearly some emotion. It was sincere. Malon realized it and was shocked. It was unbelievable. Sixx’s love didn’t fit into his logic. People desire someone who has something they don’t. Malon believed Sixx followed him because he could provide what Sixx had lacked all this time—things like a safe place to sleep, good meals, and educational opportunities. So he tried to hold onto Sixx by promising to provide those things. However, Sixx rejected all those things for love.

At that moment, one logic that had firmly supported his world shattered. And it was shattered by the confession of a twelve-year-old boy. He couldn’t possibly accept the possibility that the boy’s love was real. So he grabbed the boy’s head and forced him to deny the love. But Sixx refused. Despite seeming to listen to anything, Sixx was a stubborn child who never gave up his beliefs on the most crucial matters. Yes, he had been like that since then. Maybe he had feared Sixx’s blind love from that time. And maybe he hadn’t wanted to admit that he, too, harbored some emotion for it. But now, he regretted how he had treated Sixx. Of course, he couldn’t accept a twelve-year-old’s confession, but he could have rejected him more kindly. Perhaps Sixx would never blame him for it. Yet, nothing changed. After Sixx left with just a single flower, Malon planned to visit him soon with the circus. It was obvious where he had gone, and Malon had no intention of letting Sixx go. However, he had thought to give him a little freedom before that.

But soon, Sixx disappeared. Surprisingly, he had raided the ringmaster’s safe and fled with other members. When he first heard the news, he laughed bitterly. He had thought the daring lad was strange, but he never imagined he would cause such a big incident. He had to completely revise his plans. Since more competitors were emerging, he first used the police to withdraw the arrest warrant and made sure that the ringmaster Pierce could no longer find him. Since Sixx wasn’t even registered at birth, finding him wasn’t easy. So instead, he tracked down the members who had fled with him. At the same time, he fought with Luca for control of the organization. Luca even resorted to a strategic marriage to strengthen his power. The result was Marina. Malon didn’t particularly like the child, but she wasn’t afraid of him and followed him well. From her behavior, Malon thought of Sixx. Perhaps he had fallen for him since then. He was foolishly believing and following the small and delicate creature he didn’t know well. He couldn’t help but not dislike those things… Yes, Sixx always had a significant influence on his life, directly or indirectly. And as time went on, the extent of it deepened. He felt fear in it. That’s why he had denied love before.

“Malon? Are you listening to me?” Lr cUX

“…Of course. Why, Sixx?”

“It might be a bit sudden, but I’m really grateful… for everything.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Under the pale moonlight, Sixx’s faint smile seemed more mysterious than ever. Malon once again realized that he wasn’t human at that moment. He was too pure and beautiful to be human. He made Malon unable to deny love anymore. He begged to understand his fear and to keep him by his side. Malon succumbed to his temptation, knowing it shouldn’t be so.

“It’s enough to say thanks for now, Sixx.” OmWujn

“No, it’s not. Regardless of the outcome, I won’t forget what you’ve done.”

Malon felt his resolve wavering and clenched his fist. And he said, “Yes.” That was all he could do. Sixx smiled quietly.

“Good night,” he said.

*** Kn8xRM

They continued their hike. Sixx’s speech dwindled as just walking became harder for him. The most desperate thing was not knowing how much deeper they had to go. The mountains were vast. From the main stem of the vast Rocky Mountains, the mountains stretched to cover nearly a third of Alberta. Seeing Sixx falter ahead, Malon quickly grabbed his arm. To make matters worse, the sky was overcast as if it would pour rain at any moment. Rain in this situation, really, it seemed like misfortune upon misfortune. Malon spread out the map and traced the location of the barn the shopkeeper had pointed out. No matter what happened, they had to arrive there before it rained. Walking would become even more difficult if it rained.

However, before they could reach the barn, a heavy rain began pouring from the sky. The condition of the ground deteriorated rapidly. Everything became slippery, and it felt like the ground was grabbing onto their ankles.


They couldn’t see ahead properly because of the pouring rain. Sixx seemed to stumble and fall. Oh no! Malon ran and grabbed Sixx. It was fortunate that he didn’t tumble down, but his ankle didn’t look good at all. It seemed severely sprained. Malon supported him and helped him stand up. Fortunately, there was a relatively flat path ahead. Just a little bit more, and they would reach the barn. Malon crouched down in front of the limping Sixx. 3Moh7X

“Get on, Sixx.”

“Malon… I’m okay, I can walk.”

“No, moving quickly is better now. The longer we delay, the harder it’ll be to walk.”

In the pouring rain, they stood still as if time had frozen. No one spoke. Perhaps they couldn’t hear each other because of the sound of rain. Malon didn’t step back. Eventually, weight rested on his back. Sixx was lifted by him. Malon carried him forward. Despite the cold rain, Sixx’s body felt unusually warm. Even in this cold rain, Sixx’s body was boiling hot. Carrying Sixx wasn’t easy. But somehow, Malon didn’t feel him as heavy. Perhaps it was because Sixx was completely relying on him. 8 aXHU

“Malon, thank you…”

Sixx whispered in his ear in a faint voice. Malon nodded. After walking for a few minutes, the outline of a building began to appear beyond the heavy rain. It was the abandoned barn the owner had mentioned. Malon felt relieved. Fortunately, the door wasn’t locked. Although it was an old barn, there was plenty of soft hay inside, and the rain hardly leaked in. Malon arranged the hay to make a place for Sixx to lie down and brought him there. Luckily, there were spare clothes in the bag that hadn’t gotten wet. While he changed clothes, Sixx writhed in agony with a fever. Although he knew it wouldn’t help, Malon wished he had brought some fever medicine. All he could do was give him water to drink and pat his shoulders, planting false hope that he would be okay. After suffering for a few hours, Sixx fell asleep. Malon soon fell asleep too.


Malon heard a strange sound in his half-awake state. The sound wasn’t loud, but he usually didn’t sleep deeply, and he was more sleepy than usual because of the pressure to take care of Sixx. He was sure. A large animal was wandering around the barn. He could guess its size from the sound of its footsteps. Did a wild animal invade while I was asleep? However, to get inside, it would have had to break down the door. But Malon didn’t remember hearing the sound of the door being broken at all. If such a loud noise had occurred, he would surely have woken up. Thud, thud. The sound of the animal’s footsteps was getting closer. F9OnXl

All the clues pointed in one direction. It was Sixx. No, to be precise, it was Sixx transformed into a wolf. Malon had never feared Sixx turning into a wolf, not even once. Even though he had turned into a wolf, he was still Sixx inside, except for being much larger in size, he was no different from a puppy. He wagged his bushy tail wildly at Malon, perked up his ears whenever he moved, forgot about his size, and begged Malon to play with him by rushing towards him. In other words, apart from a slight change in appearance, he was still perfectly Sixx. However, recently, Sixx had been afraid that the wolf’s soul was trying to dominate his body. That is, when Sixx usually turned into a wolf, he was perfectly in control of his body. But now, it was different as Sixx was losing his sanity. Rasmus had clearly advised Sixx not to transform into a wolf. Sixx should have remembered that. There was no way Sixx, who hadn’t transformed even in dire situations, would suddenly transform into a wolf voluntarily. Sixx had surrendered. In other words, the wolf wandering around the barn now was nothing more than a creature closer to an animal instinctually than the usual Sixx who obediently followed him.

Malon pondered what to do. Should he try to talk to him? There’s a chance Sixx could regain his senses and regain control of his body. However, he didn’t want to provoke the beast for no reason. Anyway, that was Sixx’s body. Although he had a gun, he couldn’t shoot Sixx. Not until he attacked him, if he ever did. Malon felt his breath quickening. Should he run away? But then he lifted his head. Despite Sixx having injured his foot, it didn’t seem possible for an ordinary human to escape from a wolf. And where would he run away leaving Sixx behind? Earlier, Sixx had clearly felt that the white valley was nearby. He didn’t want to retreat with the destination right in front of him. The conclusion was clear. Somehow, he had to bring Sixx back to being human again.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Eventually, Malon got up. The sound of rain couldn’t be heard from outside. Instead, the white moonlight streamed in through a small window above the barn, illuminating the barn floor. As the hay rustled, the wolf turned its head. Brilliant amber eyes gleamed. Inside them, only the instincts of a beast swirled like waves. Malon confirmed Sixx’s defeat. No, at least his sanity was defeated. The beast slowly moved, observing Malon’s movements as if weighing whether he would become his enemy or not. Malon raised both hands to show he had no intention of attacking. Then he realized. That was a gesture that would only be taken advantage of by a human. He regretted not reading the book Patrick had brought. Suddenly, the wolf pounced on him like lightning.

“Ugh!” YnsOLK

With the sudden weight on his upper body, Malon fell backward. The wolf was on top of him. Was touching the wolf a sign of threat? Fortunately, the wolf didn’t attack him. Instead, seeming interested in Malon, he placed his large paw on Malon’s chest and sniffed, wagging his tail. Malon remained still, as this giant creature, unlike any normal wolf, could easily swallow his head in one gulp. Eventually, the beautiful eyes of the wolf met his own. Was Sixx sleeping behind them? If so, he had to wake him up.

“……Sixx. Can you hear me?”

The wolf blinked once, hesitatingly. Malon felt a pang of desperation.

“Sixx, can you understand me?” DjTAYW

It was impossible to tell if the creature staring at him was the wolf or Sixx. Suddenly, the wolf stuck out its tongue and licked his face from chin to forehead. In an instant, his face was soaked. Just as Malon opened his mouth again to call his name, the wolf’s tongue delved inside his mouth. It was unlike any human tongue in volume and length. Malon desperately tried to push the wolf away, but it didn’t budge an inch. Since Sixx had never behaved aggressively like this, Malon realized once again that this was different from the Sixx he knew. And at the same time, he felt something hard continuously hitting his leg. Only after the wolf’s mouth had been thoroughly licked did Malon finally confirm its identity. And he was shocked. The wolf’s red member was erect and swaying in the air. Could that even be possible? Malon was at a loss for words.

“…Just wait a moment. This is getting a bit too much.”

He shifted his elbow to slide his body back. At that moment, the wolf growled threateningly. It seemed to think Malon was resisting. It instantly emitted a fierce atmosphere. The sharp, flashing fangs were certainly threatening, but more than anything, cold sweat ran down Malon’s spine because of the presence wriggling below. It was beyond what he could handle. Although Sixx’s wasn’t a size he could laugh off as a joke, the wolf’s was on a different level. No matter how much he pushed back, it was impossible to insert it without seeing blood. If he were to be raped by it, he would be in a terrible state. Even disregarding the pain he would have to endure, it would be difficult for him to use his body if he got injured now. If he got hurt, there would be no one to take Sixx to the valley.

“…Wait, just listen to me for a moment.” NtPa3F

Malon’s attempt to speak to the wolf might seem ridiculous, but it was all he could do. However, perhaps irritated by his attempts to stop it, the wolf forcefully struck his shoulder with its forepaw, knocking him backward. It didn’t seem like a very forceful blow, but he almost flew backward. Fortunately, there was hay behind him, which softened the impact to some extent, but the pain that followed was akin to being hit on the shoulder with a club. The wolf’s pawing was incomparable to a human fist. Malon clenched his shoulder and groaned, suspecting that at least his bones must have been bruised. As he lay there, the thing that had fallen on him fiercely erected its swollen member against his body. It seemed to pay no heed to whether Malon groaned in pain or not. Even that was so different from the Sixx he knew.

Ugh, for God’s sake… Malon bit back a curse. More than the condition of his shoulder, he was more worried about the heavy sensation felt over his clothes. No matter how much the essence was Sixx, he couldn’t engage in bestiality. He was a human. Mixing up the concept of calling him Sixx or not and merging bodies was impossible for him. However, it seemed intent on satisfying its desires one way or another, rubbing its grotesque member against Malon’s body and smearing him with sticky fluid. It seemed that he had no choice but to cooperate in some way to survive. Malon suppressed the pain and spoke again in the calmest voice possible.

“Sixx, or maybe I shouldn’t call you Sixx…”

Grrr. The gleaming pumpkin-colored eyes of the beast glared at him. Malon did his best to express that he meant no harm, and eventually the beast slowly retracted its fangs. Malon reached out to it. Good boy, Sixx… he coaxed the beast. It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. As he whispered softly, surprisingly, the beast lowered its head to allow Malon to stroke it. Malon sighed with relief as he gently petted its head in a way Sixx particularly liked. At least Sixx’s body would remember his touch. No, he hoped it would. He stroked the beast while cautiously removing his clothes. They didn’t have many spare clothes, and if they tore, it would be troublesome. The now gentler creature approached Malon more and more. Its movements had some resemblance to Sixx’s, urging him for more affection, asking to be touched more. Malon became completely immersed as he was buried in the beast’s thick fur. It felt like wearing a fur coat. OX ETs

Damn, I feel like I’ve become a savage. However, at the same time, he felt a strange excitement rising within him. After all, its body was that of Sixx, whom he usually cuddled. Malon gently brushed aside the white fur with his lips colliding with its snout. He didn’t know how wolves mated; he could only hope it understood his sincerity. He felt the hard penis of the wolf continue to hit his belly, oozing liquid. Malon lowered his hands and grabbed it with both hands. It was too big to handle with just one hand. As the wolf leaped and clawed at his forearm, Malon suddenly groaned softly at the sudden pain, but thankfully didn’t let go of what he held. He quickly moved his hands up and down the length of it. A boiling whimper emanated from the wolf’s throat. In his hands, it writhed like a separate creature, enjoying Malon’s caress. Malon bit his lip and continued to stroke it until his arms felt numb. Damn, it doesn’t stop leaking.

Come to think of it, that Sixx fellow, he used to endure this even when he was human. Horrified at the thought that this might be the future, Malon, who concentrated on attacking the tip of the penis, felt the wolf’s body start to tremble. As a result, he lost his grip, and the wolf, as if waiting for that moment, ejaculated all over Malon’s body. A huge amount of white liquid splattered, covering his entire body. As if marked by territory, Malon was covered from head to toe in semen. A pungent smell pierced his nostrils. He wiped the ejaculate from his cheek with the back of his hand and chuckled bitterly. It was a moment of realization that he was truly dealing with a beast in heat. And it seemed there was still a long way to go.

The wolf continued to exhale hot breaths, still staring at Malon with intense eyes. Fuck, I hope it’s not trying to initiate penetration. Malon gritted his teeth and cautiously assessed the situation. Even if he couldn’t lift his arm tomorrow, it was better to manually extract semen several times than to let it penetrate. However, its gaze was distinctly displeased. Had it already become accustomed to the stimulation? Since they couldn’t converse, Malon could only gauge its thoughts through small movements. Somehow, he felt like it understood his words. It wasn’t an ordinary animal; it might understand human speech to some extent.

“……I know you’re not into this kind of thing. But if I let you do it behind me, I won’t be able to help you. I’m sure I won’t be able to walk for days. Instead, I’ll satisfy you in a similar way.” The creature blinked, staring intently at Malon. He lay there and then pressed their thighs together. He couldn’t let it penetrate, but he planned to slide it between his thighs and rub it. It wouldn’t be as tight as being penetrated from behind, but the friction would still add something. Malon breathed heavily. Whether it was from losing blood or not, his head felt dizzy. As the wolf mounted him, Malon grabbed its member and guided it between his thighs. It looked down at him. W50YAX

“I’d appreciate it if you could endure this. It won’t be fully satisfying, but I’ll do my best.” It snorted. It seemed reluctant, but it was giving in this time. Malon chuckled. Yeah, you’re a good boy. Eventually, it began to forcefully thrust into the gap between Malon’s thighs. It was a vigorous movement that made his body tremble. Malon grimaced and barely held onto some straw. The penis was so hard, it felt like a hot iron rod thrusting between his legs. The sensation in the flesh of his inner thighs was fading away due to the intense friction. He once suggested mating to Sixx when he was in heat, but now he realized he couldn’t dare to call this mating. True mating was exactly this. It was a behavior akin to that of a beast, seeking stimulation solely to ejaculate. It wasn’t something possible in human relationships. The wolf licked his upper body with its tongue and then bit his shoulder. It probably wouldn’t hurt much elsewhere, but unfortunately, that was the same spot where it had struck Malon earlier. The pain that came was beyond imagination.


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However, he forced himself to swallow the scream, fearing to startle the wolf. His bones rang. He felt like he was going to lose consciousness, but not yet. He couldn’t faint and leave that thing alone. In the process of the wolf thrusting its member, Malon’s own was half-erect. It wasn’t because Malon was mentally aroused, but purely a physiological response. The sound of the wolf growling was heard. Doesn’t it feel bad? Although he couldn’t feel his legs anymore, Malon put more pressure on his thighs to squeeze between them. The wolf’s saliva dripped onto his face. A drop of saliva was almost like a coin. The hot breath between its jaws made it difficult for Malon to breathe.

“Haah……” ueg6Ra

His stomach was already covered in transparent liquid, reflecting the moonlight as it shimmered. Malon was glad no one was watching. If it were the medieval times, he would have been stoned and chased out of the village for giving himself to a beast. He wasn’t particularly more moral than others, but somehow, whenever he was with Sixx, he found himself in situations that tested his conscience as a human being. What would his subordinates say if they saw this? They would probably be disappointed and criticize him. They would say it’s dirty and disgusting to associate with beasts. However, even if that were the case, Malon had no intention of letting go of this beast. No matter how irrational it seemed, this was still Sixx. He would leave it alone to do as it pleased, just as he always did. Malon gradually felt heat enveloping his body. Yes, this beast was Sixx. Thinking so, everything looked different. Even the grotesque thing thrusting between his legs was part of Sixx. Malon gasped for breath as he continued to kiss the wolf while brushing aside its white fur.

“……Hoo, ha……”


Gasping for breath, Malon tapped its black nose lightly, as if disappointed, it withdrew its snout. Between his legs, the head of the red penis was seen repeatedly entering and exiting. Perhaps this level of stimulation wasn’t enough to trigger ejaculation. Malon paused it for a moment and changed positions. He made it sit down, then, like a dog, he lay down on all fours, taking hold of its member again. And then, he took it into his mouth. Judging from the sound of whimpering from above, it was definitely being stimulated on this side. Instead of swallowing it entirely, he only swallowed part of it, including just the glans, but his mouth was already so full that even breathing became difficult. It was a service Sixx had never done even when he was human, to do it at this timing. Malon chuckled inwardly, thinking Sixx would resent him when he found out later. 6L47Q2


He didn’t know how to suck a dick, but he didn’t even know how to take it from behind. Somehow, he remembered how Sixx used to lick it. He had to do something. The pungent smell of the beast, different from the warm smell Sixx usually emanated, overwhelmed his sense of smell. Fortunately, it seemed content just watching Malon move. He felt the large pumpkin-colored pupils scrutinizing him. There was no way to know what it was thinking. Maybe it thought of him as delicious food. However, before being devoured, it needed to relieve its heat. With that thought in mind, Malon sucked on its genitalia with all his heart. It probably wasn’t a graceful movement. Nevertheless, the wolf snorted excitedly. The sound of its throat bubbling again was heard. Its sharp claws scratched the ground. Malon suppressed the urge to retch. The beast’s hard glans relentlessly jabbed at his vulnerable throat. Fortunately, the wolf didn’t forcefully thrust it in. If it did, he might not have known his throat would tear. To finish quickly, Malon sucked as hard as he could. The accelerated heartbeat of the beast echoed in his head.


Thump, thump. The blood-filled penis, pulsating wildly, was preparing to ejaculate. Malon gently nibbled on it without causing pain. An immediate response came. The wolf howled, and then, hot liquid poured out from its throat. trCef1


“……Khek, gulp, gulp……”


He tried to swallow it, but it was impossible without a jaw. In the end, he coughed it out. The semen he hadn’t completely swallowed splattered on his face and upper body. Perhaps because it was an animal, the smell of semen was definitely different from that of a human. It was much thicker and more intense. He felt lucky there was no mirror here. He didn’t want to see himself covered in beast semen. Damn it, I’ll have to wash in the river when it gets light. Malon wiped off only the parts he could roughly wipe with straw. The wolf was silently watching him as he did so. Malon guessed it wasn’t satisfied yet. Damn it, it’s too much of an effort… Malon sighed. There were no fatal injuries, but his body was in bad shape. His shoulder was injured, blood flowed from wounds on his forearm, and his thighs, which had been penetrated by the erect penis, were bruised as if they had been hit. There were also scratches and marks all over his body. Malon cautiously glanced at the wolf. It seemed to stop demanding mating, as if reflecting on its actions. Instead, it pushed Malon with its snout to lie on the straw. Then, it wrapped Malon’s still half-erect penis with its long tongue. qNT9k5


“Wait, stop, Sixx…!”

Seeing its large muzzle swallowing his penis, Malon felt fear for the first time. However, it seemed that it had no intention of spitting out Malon’s penis. Sharp teeth grazed his penis every time its tongue moved, sending shivers down his spine. Trembling, he bit down on it. If it bit him by mistake, he’d have to say goodbye to his penis forever. However, soon he found a strange excitement mingled with his fear. Perhaps he was mistaking fear for excitement. However, the wolf’s tongue was undoubtedly larger and longer than a human’s, and it ravished his penis more freely. Maybe it even used its tongue in the same way Malon had done earlier. If that were true, the wolf was surprisingly perceptive. Gripping its white fur with both hands, Malon let out a faint moan. His exhausted body couldn’t endure the stimulation for long. He ended up ejaculating helplessly inside the wolf’s mouth. After ejaculating, the wolf lost interest in his member and spit it out. Malon knew it wouldn’t intentionally harm his member, but only then did all the tension in his body dissipate. His breath slowed down significantly. Soon, drowsiness began to overwhelm him like madness. He couldn’t know what the wolf would do next. If it wanted more, it would wake him up. Malon couldn’t even think of a better excuse and lost consciousness rather than falling asleep.

*** nWvq1f

It’s raining. The rainwater poured from the sky, moistening Malon’s cheeks. Strange, it seemed like the rain had stopped before he fell asleep… If it rained again, it would cause further delays in their journey, and even in his drowsiness, Malon felt uneasy. Damn it, can’t the heavens help a bit more? However, he noticed another strange thing. The rain was warm. Did warm rain fall in this area? Of course not. Malon opened his eyes. Sure enough, Sixx was sobbing. Tears streamed down his face. Although Sixx crying wasn’t an unpleasant sight, it was still heart-wrenching. Malon wiped his wet cheek. Unfortunately, his eyes were swollen from crying.

“Malon, I’m sorry… I-I hurt you again…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sixx, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re hurt… I saw it before dressing you. I, I turned into a wolf and did it all. There’s blood on your shoulder, bruises, still bleeding from your arms, thighs, and like that… I’m sorry…” B jbEp

Sixx couldn’t finish his sentence and burst into tears again. Where did all that water come from? Malon tried to sit up but took a short breath. Right, his shoulder wasn’t okay. The bandage wrapped around his arm was undoubtedly Sixx’s handiwork. Last night it was dark, so he didn’t think he was seriously injured, but seeing his nakedness under the bright sunlight might have been a bit shocking for Sixx. There might have been a lot of bruises. However, Malon didn’t really think it was a serious injury. Of course, from Sixx’s perspective, what he did was hurtful, so he must have been upset. He wanted to comfort him and say it was okay, but his arm wouldn’t move properly.


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  1. That was… um… yeah!… moving past that, I really hope Sixx can get cured soon! Poor sixx… 🤕 Thank you for the chapters!!! ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Honesyly, If I saw this irl, I would be traumatised for life. Malon has suffered too much😭😭😭 Idk why my dumbass thought I could handle this