Wolf In The CageChapter 40

Content Warning: Homophobia

This chapter contains instances of homophobia, including verbal abuse, discrimination, or other forms of prejudice against individuals based on their sexual orientation. Reader discretion is advised. This content may be distressing or triggering to some individuals. Please proceed with caution. hFr6Yz

“No, I wouldn’t have even thought about going there if it weren’t for Rasmus.”

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“Nah, I never thought I’d end up living outside and helping my kin. Plus, if you’re staggering like that, your condition seems more serious than I thought. Definitely better off not having cocktails, Sixx.”

He chuckled, throwing a joke. Sixx chuckled back, meeting his eyes. He was truly a trustworthy person. Just considering how humans typically treated their own kind, one could quickly realize how remarkable the kindness he bestowed upon Sixx simply for being of the same kin was. fvH1oD

“…Is the advice over now?” Malon asked, his voice sounding somewhat bitter.

Rasmus went inside the mansion for a moment and came back out. In his hand was a small glass bottle. He handed it to Sixx.

“What’s this?”

“A kind of stabilizer to temporarily calm the turmoil of the soul. I don’t know the exact ingredients or the manufacturing process. It’s a medicine made by the priest wolves for a tiny fraction of wolves in the White Valley who have passed adolescence and still have no mate. Since I’m currently mateless too, I have to drink it periodically. So, I usually drop by the valley to get some medicine. I don’t have much in stock right now, only one bottle. Still, it should be enough for the journey. And since the medicine is tailored for me, there might be side effects for you. It shouldn’t be a big deal to drink one bottle, but it’s better not to drink too much.”


“How often should I drink it?”

“About a sip every 2-3 days. And it’s better to stay in human form as much as possible during the journey. It can make the soul more unstable. Try to maintain your human form until you arrive at the valley.”

“Got it. Thank you, Rasmus.”

“No problem. Give my regards to the wolves when you get there.” BkDP8g

Sixx carefully tucked the glass bottle into his pouch. Seeing an observing human man nearby, Rasmus felt a bit awkward. He knew better than anyone how much affection a wolf poured onto someone they’ve taken a liking to. He didn’t know Malon Cage well, but at least he knew that he might not be Sixx’s best option. There was no end to nitpicking. Age, gender, occupation… Even his personality didn’t seem particularly pleasant. Surely Sixx had his reasons, but still, humans were hard to trust. In the end, Rasmus decided to add a little extra kindness to his gruffness.

“Sixx, want to go dip your feet in the pool? I’ll bring you some cola with lemon instead of a cocktail.”

“Oh, can I really?”

“You’ve been eyeing it since earlier. Dipping your feet should be fine.” lR7cOr

“Yes, thank you! Um, Malon won’t be dipping, right?”

Malon looked at Sixx with a gaze that seemed to ask what he was stating the obvious for. Since Sixx already knew the answer, he grabbed the cola Rasmus gave him and rushed to the pool. Meanwhile, the two remaining in the living room quietly observed Sixx sitting by the edge of the pool, with his white sneakers and socks tucked away. The first to speak was the human. He let out a deep sigh.

“So, what’s on your mind?”

Rasmus admired his quickness. Indeed, he was not your average human. 31zkmZ

“You knew we sent Sixx on purpose. Oh, did that make you not go to the pool?”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Just kidding. Yes, I have something to say to you separately. I hoped Sixx wouldn’t hear it.”

“I think I know what you’re going to say.” S0RK7c

“He’ll follow you blindly, won’t he? He won’t even consider leaving you. Seeing that you came here with him, you must have succumbed to that blind love eventually.”

“Just get to the point.”

“I know it sounds cruel. But if you’re not sure, you should end it first.”

Malon immediately understood what that meant. However, he couldn’t respond with agreement or refusal. He knew. The moment he heard Rasmus’s story earlier, his mind became tangled. nuFcpZ

“Of course, you should take him to the valley. But after that, you should make your own judgment.”

“Are you telling me to abandon Sixx?”

“I am, or… yes, Sixx probably thinks so. But you’re prepared for that level of hatred, aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes. Even if you’re not as blindly devoted as Sixx, you must have your own way of cherishing him.”

“…It seems so.” 1eTdfK

“Yes, I can see it. But humans fear the word ‘forever’, don’t they? I don’t blame you. It’s human nature. Besides, the lifespan of a werewolf is about 50 years longer than that of a human. In many ways, we’re not an ideal species to mate with humans.”

“50 years.”

Fifty years longer than me already… Malon asked Rasmus if he could smoke. Rasmus allowed him, saying, “Sure, as you wish.” He took a deep drag of the smoke.

“……That’s cruel.” 5BFr9M

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Pa lr.”

“P vbc’a vlrilxf tjnlcu Vlzz ys ws rlvf obg ilof. P’w jmaejiis tjqqs. Zjsyf j ofk wbcatr jub, P kbeiv tjnf rmboofv ja atja mfgfwbcs bg ktjafnfg la kjr. P vbc’a tjnf jcsbcf firf P kjca ab xffq ys ws rlvf jcskjs.”

“Qtfc P kbgxfv ecvfg Oemj, P tfjgv gewbgr jybea sbe. Ktfs rjlv sbe kfgf ilxf j vfwbc ktb bcis xcbkr wbcfs jcv qbkfg. Rb yibbv bg afjgr, qeaalcu sbeg qjgfcar jcv rlyilcur jrlvf.”

“That rumor isn’t entirely wrong.” PM0OKk

“It’s Sixx who changed you.”

“…If we assume I’ve changed, maybe.”

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“Then I can somewhat understand your attitude. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide, but let me tell you this first. There are many werewolves of Sixx’s age in the valley. It’s a bit late, but there are still wolves who haven’t found a mate yet. You don’t need to worry about Sixx not finding a mate after you leave. With Sixx’s appearance and personality, he’s quite likable among peers, isn’t he?”

“To an excessive extent.” 1g7GOs

The conversation ended there. That was enough. Malon called Sixx back. At the suggestion to leave, Sixx hugged Rasmus tightly, drops of water dripping from his raised eyebrows.

“Rasmus, thank you for helping me. I’ll visit you again after I return from the valley.”

“…Yeah, Sixx. Take care.”

Rasmus patted Sixx’s back. He exchanged nods with Malon. It felt uncomfortable, like doing something wrong to a child, but he had only given advice. The rest would be up to Malon Cage to decide. He quickly downed the lukewarm cocktail and plunged into the pool. As the splashes danced around him, rain fell around him. It3WpH


Back in Portland, Malon began preparations to leave immediately. There was no time to waste. They needed to find that White Valley before Sixx’s condition worsened. The departing group was small. Malon judged that it would be better to move quickly rather than dragging along multiple people and causing delays. Patrick could come along, but he couldn’t leave his position in the organization to Malon. Sixx apologized for not being of much help. It seemed even more so when Malon mentioned that he would continue driving. After Sixx drank the medicine Rasmus gave him, his fever subsided, but he still looked visibly drained, and his senses, which had been sharp before, were now dulled to the level of a sick human. Malon seated him in the passenger seat and took the wheel.

“Sixx, make sure you come back stronger.”

Patrick warmly bid them farewell. Now, even the residents of the mansion, who had become accustomed to Sixx’s presence, were the same. Although they didn’t exactly know why Sixx was sick, they sincerely hoped for his recovery, knowing how important Sixx was to their master. “Yes, thank you. I’ll be back,” Sixx said, bidding farewell to each of them before getting into the car. Malon initially drove north. Since they didn’t know the exact location, they had no choice but to head out onto the road blindly. J3ohe4

“Did you bring the medicine?”

“Yes. I put it in the glove box.”

All they had was a single bottle. They had to find the valley before anything else. Malon was anxious, but he tried not to show it to Sixx. If he appeared agitated, Sixx would only become more confused. Right now, reassuring Sixx was more important than anything else.

As they drove along the road, when it was time for a meal, they stopped at nearby restaurants to have a decent meal. Of course, the quality of the food served at such restaurants was far from satisfactory to Malon’s taste. The fact that one could have a meal for around five dollars hinted at the quality of the food. However, Sixx seemed to quite enjoy such cheap food. Coming to a diner and ordering lots of food with the kids used to be his childhood pleasure, he said excitedly. Malon thought of that damn Landon Pierce. Just thinking about that child predator made his blood boil. ofsF7K

“Well, now that you can do it, that’s good. Order whatever you want.”

“Wow, really?”

Sixx enthusiastically ordered food from the server who came to take their order, endlessly pointing at the menu. A Big Boy double cheeseburger with fries… Oh no, just give me the Big Boy combo set. And a plate of steak, a plate of Sunny’s fresh strawberry pie, and a chocolate fudge cake. Oh, do you have banana splits? Then please give me that too. It was unimaginable how much a patient could eat. The server carefully took the order and turned to Malon. And for you, sir? Malon ordered only bread and a cup of coffee. The sweetness made him sick, so just hearing what Sixx ordered made his tongue itch.

The server brought the coffee right away, and while waiting for Sixx’s order to come out, Malon quietly sipped his coffee. He could feel the gazes of the other customers in the restaurant from the moment they entered, but after Sixx placed his order, the stares became even more blatant. Malon knew how they would appear in others’ eyes. He and Sixx didn’t look like brothers, nor were they friends. Not only did they look different in age, but their attire and demeanor also didn’t match. Was there any other excuse to offer? Probably not. Innocent Sixx chatted eagerly, oblivious to the warm gazes of the people. Malon nodded vaguely in response. It was better that Sixx didn’t know. There were a few things he’d rather Sixx remain ignorant about. And Malon would do his best to be a breakwater for him. ifowW8

“Oh my! Malon, this is absolutely delicious.”

“Alright, enjoy. Eat plenty. I’m not sure how much farther we have to go,” Malon said as he sipped his lukewarm coffee and nibbled on bread that had been baked at least half a day ago, hoping that a better restaurant would await them next time. On the other side, Sixx was clearing his plate. Finally, when he took a bite of the banana split, his face lit up with joy.

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“Mmm, this is really the best. Malon, have you ever tried it?”

“No.” CqWUQw

“Would you like to try a bite? It’s really delicious.”

He wanted to refuse, but Sixx was already offering him a spoonful. He felt the stares of people shooting at them like arrows. He knew. It was unnecessary to attract attention by reluctantly eating that horribly sweet thing. Besides, he didn’t like people gossiping about him and Sixx. However, he disliked even more rejecting Sixx’s kind gesture with a glint in his eye. Malon opened his mouth. Soon, a cold, sweet lump entered his mouth.

“How is it? Do you want more?”

“…It’s a bit too sweet for my taste. I’ll pass to not spoil your enjoyment.” zldhTi

As he glanced around, he noticed that the onlookers were quickly turning away. It wasn’t funny, but Malon knew now wasn’t the right time to cause a scene.

After finishing their meal, they returned to the parking lot to continue their journey. Malon said he would smoke a cigarette and then come back, tossing the car keys to Sixx. Just as Sixx was about to get back into the car, someone grabbed his shoulder. Turning around, he saw a group of men who looked similar to Paul, the truck driver he had been close to in Chicago. Paul was a really nice guy, but these guys seemed different.

“He seemed like a pretty good guy. He even bought you ice cream.”

“How much did that bastard give you? Judging by his appearance, he seems quite wealthy. I may not be able to give you as much money, but I can fill your empty holes better. I’m damn big, you know. How about it, boy? Interested?” 6ry08h

The men chuckled among themselves. Sixx thought the filthy words were rotting his ears. He was tired of hearing about ‘boys’ from Luca. Now it didn’t really hurt anymore. He was glad Malon wasn’t here. Oh, please just leave me alone. As Sixx sighed, one of the men grabbed his wrist and squeezed his buttocks.

“Why so silent? Did you lose your hearing too? Despite that, your butt looks quite appetizing.”

“I’m not a prostitute. Stop it.”

When Sixx coldly retorted, they mocked him, chuckling. It seemed they wouldn’t leave peacefully. Damn, even if he weren’t hurt, this would be a fistfight… Malon didn’t show it, but since taking the medicine, he had felt drained of strength and couldn’t move as he used to. Still, he couldn’t just be bullied by these men. Sixx roughly pulled the man’s hand off him. uyqje8

“I don’t know why you’re bothering someone minding their own business, but I’ll call the police.”

Upon hearing this, the men burst into laughter, as if Sixx had just cracked a very funny joke. They jabbed their fingers painfully into Sixx’s shoulder, pushing him.

“Do you think the police will take the side of a local like me, or the side of a boy they’ve never seen before?”

Sixx stared at the man in front of him. He seemed to believe in numerical superiority, judging by his smaller size. These kinds of guys were everywhere, and Sixx had experienced them annoyingly often. 78knGh

“What? Answer me. Where do you get off talking nonsense about the cops when it comes to boys!”

“Stop it. You may not believe it, but I’m giving you advice for your own good―”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Yeah, Sixx. It’s better not to call the police. I’d rather deal with it myself.”

In the moment of crisis, Sixx’s prince charming appeared. However, if he intervened, there would inevitably be some blood and screams. This was why he had told him to stay calm. As he quietly sympathized with the men, Sixx held his breath. Malon simply slammed the head of the man closest to him into the trunk, breaking his nose, and then loudly shouted that he had broken his nose and threw him to his comrades. With a thud, they all fell to the ground. Was that all? Well, weak animals always tended to show off. With that snide remark, Malon calmly walked over and forcefully stomped on the hand of the man who had grabbed Sixx’s buttocks. With a loud thud, a groan erupted from his mouth. G7z6Lo

“Ahh! What the hell are you doing!”

“What? Such foul language.”

Wouldn’t it be insufficient to apologize now? Malon swatted his head without hesitation. The man couldn’t even scream and just whimpered. It seemed incredibly painful, but Malon wasn’t a merciful person. After dealing with each of the men in turn, he got back in the car, saying, “Well, now go whine to the cops,” and drove off again. Sixx hadn’t had to do anything during all this. It weighed heavily on his mind.

“Malon… I’m sorry.” urxH3Q

In the silence as Malon drove the car, Sixx apologized in a dejected tone.

“For what.”

“Those guys just now… I guess they thought I was an easy target and picked a fight. I’m sorry for bothering you with this.”

“Why should you apologize for that? Those jerks were the ones causing trouble for no reason.” Na8KPs

“But, still…”

“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. It’s already getting dark. Now we need to find a place to stay.”

After driving for about 30 more minutes, Malon turned the steering wheel when he saw a motel sign that read ‘Evening Star’. Knowing the level of motels on this roadside, Sixx felt an inexplicable sense of guilt. Malon, who had never stayed in a motel in his life, seemed to suffer because of him. Malon parked the car in the motel parking lot and left Sixx with a slow “come on” before heading into what looked like the office to check in. As soon as he rang the bell on the counter, a staff member appeared.

“Welcome. Just write your name in the register here.” FshkE9

The middle-aged man greeted him with a friendly smile. He seemed to be the owner of the motel. The register was clean, and there didn’t seem to be any other guests currently staying. Well, there weren’t any parked cars either. While Malon was writing his name, he felt a presence behind him. It was Sixx getting out of the car.

“Malon? Where should I take the luggage?”

“Just a moment. I haven’t received the key yet. Please give me one for a clean, smoking room.”

“…Are you two sharing a room?” TC U3c

However, instead of immediately handing over the key, the motel owner looked at them suspiciously. Malon immediately understood the meaning of that gaze. It was a hostile gaze. The man stared at him and Sixx as if he were wary of them.

“So what if we are? Is that a problem?”

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“If I’m mistaken, I’m truly sorry, but what’s the relationship between you two? The beds in my motel aren’t meant for homos to have sex on. You don’t seem like brothers, and you don’t even look like normal friends.”

“It seems like you’ve already decided on an answer, haven’t you?” yarCjM

“Yeah, because you two look like damn homos.”

The man’s tone quickly became arrogant and rude. Sixx glanced nervously at Malon. Malon sighed deeply. Why did things have to go wrong today? If it weren’t for the urgency of the situation, he would have neatly stuck that little bell on the man’s forehead.

“Are you saying homos can’t stay in this motel?”

“Yeah. Get out of my motel right now! Even if there are no guests, I won’t accept damn homos!” 0koFvj

“Huh, so you don’t even want the money homos would give you. You’ll regret this.”

“Damn, I won’t take your penny—”

Malon didn’t punch the man’s face; instead, he opened his wallet. Naturally, his money wasn’t just a small amount. The motel owner, who was about to rush out from behind the counter to chase them away, changed his attitude drastically when he saw the amount of money Malon handed over, and he nodded politely. “Oh, I’ll give you the best room.” Malon quickly grabbed the key the owner kindly offered and gestured to Sixx to leave.

*** ilEs2V

“I can’t believe this is supposed to be the best room. The water temperature is all over the place.”

After finishing his shower, Malon lightly dried his hair, leaving only one lamp next to the bed and turning off all the lights in the room. Sixx, who had showered first thanks to Malon’s consideration, was already drowsy from the impending sleep.

“You probably didn’t shower with cold water, Sixx. Are you feeling okay?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine…” U4stuI

He’s so tired his tongue is twisted. Sixx blinked slowly as he watched Malon lie down next to him. It was the first time he felt so heavy in his body. Even though Malon hadn’t been the one driving all day, it felt that way. He had always had a strong body that rarely caught a cold, but maybe it was due to his troubled soul or something. Malon looked at Sixx struggling with drowsiness and chuckled, stroking his head. Sixx still found it amazing that Malon was sleeping next to him. He wanted to hold onto that unbelievable happiness in his heart and go to sleep, but all the events of the day kept passing through his mind. He couldn’t just let it go like this. Eventually, he expressed the discomfort that had been lingering in a corner of his heart.

“Malon, there’s something I want to say before we sleep…”

“What is it? We need to sleep soon. If it’s not important, you can tell me tomorrow.”

“…I’m just sorry. I feel like you’re suffering too much because of me.” QAovE4

“Apologizing again, huh. I might not extend this kind of favor to just anyone, but you’re different. Besides, we don’t have anything urgent to do right now, and there’s plenty of time to take you to the valley. Even if I were busy, I would’ve made time. You’d do the same if I were sick. Am I wrong?”

“No, of course not!”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Then, accept my help as a matter of course.”

“I’ll try. And, besides that, there were all the disturbances today. Things that you wouldn’t have experienced if you were alone, Malon. Maybe it’s because I don’t fit in with you…” aQJ8gW

Malon knew that Sixx, who lacked confidence in himself, would think like that, but in reality, Malon saw the situation exactly the opposite. If Sixx were with his peers, like Lorenzo or Corbin, he would never have experienced such things. Malon knew how he appeared to others. In their eyes, it might seem like he was keeping Sixx around by forcing something out of him. It wasn’t just about appearances. All those awkward glances stemmed from the dangerous atmosphere and oppressive attitude that naturally emanated from Malon. The fault lay with him.

“That’s not true. You don’t need to pay attention to those things. Sixx, look at me.”


In the lamp light, innocent pumpkin-colored eyes gazed at him. Q9wdhJ

“Is it important to you what they think? No, it’s not. What’s important to you is me.”

“Y-yes. Of course, Malon is important.”

“Moreover, if we were to talk about this bed, I’d say we’ve already paid the price for ‘homo sex.’ It’s regrettable that we haven’t utilized it to its full extent. Even if you were in good health, you’d still be groaning in front of the owner.”

“M-Malon!” IuAvoJ

“I’m just kidding. But still, we should be able to keep quiet for a homo kiss.”

Malon stuck out his tongue and lightly brushed his lips. At that provocative sight, Sixx swallowed nervously. He knew too well how to excite Sixx. There was no moment he could resist kissing Malon when he begged like that. Sixx gently closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss him. Beyond his wet lips, he felt Malon’s warm body temperature. He always made Sixx’s heart ache, whether in a good or bad way.

“Come closer.”

At his words, Sixx squirmed closer to him. Wrapping his arms around his waist, he subtly opened Malon’s lips with his tongue, imagining the sensation of the soft skin beneath the thin fabric. With the sweet saliva, Malon’s plush tongue poured into Sixx’s mouth. The feeling of familiarity tingled through his head with pleasure. Sixx slid his leg between his. Malon, Malon… mNLgWF


As his firm thigh stimulated the space between his legs, he felt Malon twitch in his arms. His furrowed brows and forehead were sexy. The contrast of his black lashes against his white skin trembling was also beautiful. Sixx couldn’t resist. There was no such moment as not making Malon burn with desire. He remembered how ruthlessly he stomped the men who had troubled him during the day. He had done it only for Sixx. Yes, it was for Sixx’s well-being that he had abandoned the organization he had struggled so hard to obtain his whole life and embarked on this endless journey in this cheap motel. That fact pleased Sixx. And it tempted him. The sensation of tongues smoothly caressing each other. Sixx wished he could kiss him forever.


When he felt like he couldn’t breathe, Sixx gently pulled his hair to prevent it from hurting him. He released Malon’s lips obediently and instead hugged him tightly. The rhythmic heartbeat of the other person in his arms filled his head with anxiety and confusion. He heard Malon’s slightly faster breath in his ear. Ah… he let out a sweet sigh and gently stroked Sixx’s head. “It’s okay, Sixx. I’ll definitely take you there.” Sixx nodded. Whether kin or mate, there was only Malon for him. C82ZBy


They ran north again. They didn’t know the exact location, but Sixx’s intuition told him it was in the far north. They were currently crossing Washington state after leaving Oregon. They’d probably cross the border like this. The valley seemed to be in Canada. Unless it was in the Arctic. At Malon’s speculation, Sixx nodded. The valley was still far away. They had to run north, further north. They continued to stay at motels. Malon never let Sixx take the wheel even once. Despite Sixx’s persuasion that he was fine. Sixx followed Rasmus’s instructions and took the medicine every three days. At first, he doubted the efficacy of the colorless and odorless medicine, but by the third evening of taking it, when his body temperature began to rise, it seemed unmistakable. The medicine was now swirling around two-thirds of the illness. Following Rasmus’s advice, there was no transformation. Except for a few disputes, there was nothing to transform.

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Everything was going smoothly. Malon also suspected they would reach their destination soon. However, their plans took a completely new turn with just one incident. As they approached the border, Malon parked the car at a gas station. Since they couldn’t determine how much further they had to go, he filled the tank with gasoline and then stopped by the convenience store inside the gas station. The cashier briefly glanced at Malon as he entered and then returned his gaze to the magazine. It seemed like he had no interest in Malon at all. Malon chose a bottle of water, a pack of cigarettes (there were none of his usual brand, of course), and some simple snacks for Sixx. Through the store window, he saw Sixx waving at him from inside the car. Malon gave him a slight smile in acknowledgment. However, just then, a large truck slipped into his field of vision, blocking it.

Malon wiped his expression clean and placed the selected items on the counter. “That’s $15.70,” the cashier said, sounding annoyed. Just as Malon was about to take out his wallet, a loud noise came from outside. Bang! Before he could even check the source of the noise, men wearing black masks burst into the convenience store. They were armed with guns. They were robbers. Considering that this gas station was located in a remote area with only roads around, it seemed quite fitting for a crime. But why now, of all times that he decided to stop at the gas station. It was fucked up. They demanded cash from the cashier at gunpoint. They also pointed their guns at Malon. “You too, hands up!” lzeOJ6

“Hey, what’s this guy doing here? Didn’t you say you had no customers?”

“He must’ve come in the meantime. How would I know? Am I a fucking mind reader?”

“Oh, I guess that car belongs to this guy. Looks pretty nice, doesn’t it? It’s quite a rare model around these parts.”

Fuck, now even these assholes seemed like they were not worth the trouble. Malon barely suppressed his irritation welling up. If he were alone, he might not care, but he left Sixx alone outside. He couldn’t risk putting weakened Sixx in danger because of his anger. In the end, he slowly raised his hands while silently cursing inside. Sixx was hidden from view by the truck they brought. Did Sixx realize what was happening now? Malon became anxious with worry. The robbers, seemingly not considering the possibility of other customers in the store, discussed among themselves how to deal with Malon. aY56Gd

“What are you hesitating for? Let’s take everything this guy has while we’re at it.”


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  1. Although all the homophobia is frustrating, it’s nice that it doesn’t seem bother them too much, and that back at home no one cares