Wolf In The CageChapter 39

Rumors that the new boss of the Cage family had taken a male lover spread like wildfire throughout Portland. People were astonished for various reasons upon hearing the news. Firstly, it was shocking enough that ‘the Malon Cage,’ who had never officially had a lover, now had someone he liked enough to bring into his mansion. What made it even more sensational was that this lover was a man more than ten years younger than him. Typically, Italians are known for their strong adherence to Catholicism and thus have a conservative nature. They are generally unaccepting of homosexuality, although some powerful individuals with unique tastes have been known to take same-sex lovers. However, they usually covered it up with various excuses: an adopted son, a student, a secretary, or a child’s tutor. Occasionally, such relationships were exposed, leading to fierce criticism from rivals.

Malon Cage, however, was different. He didn’t even bother to use such obvious excuses. This was, in a way, a display of his confidence. It was a declaration that no one could dethrone him just because of his lover’s gender. In reality, there was no one in Portland’s underworld who could challenge Malon Cage’s position. His long-time rival, his half-brother, had been completely defeated in a power struggle and exiled under the pretext of health reasons, while their father had been imprisoned for years without seeing the light of day, thanks to Malon’s intervention. ZU0xPc

Yes, to Malon Cage, such rumors were hardly a significant problem. The real problem was…

“Sixx, your tail is showing.” 

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sixx, tuck in your ears.” 

“Sixx, tell Madam Isabella to get you a new pillow. This one’s all torn up.” DeBZdK

“…Sixx, I told you not to do this when we have guests.”

Even as a huge man suddenly barged into the drawing room and started licking his face, Malon calmly scolded him. The more astonished party seemed to be Malon’s business partner, who watched the bizarre scene with wide eyes. Malon felt relieved; from this angle, the man wouldn’t be able to see Sixx’s abnormally large tongue. After covering Malon’s face in slobber with his huge tongue, Sixx desperately licked at his lips as if begging to be let in. Knowing that opening his lips would result in the tongue invading his mouth wildly, Malon kept his lips firmly shut.

It was more like being forcibly licked than a kiss, and it was one of the sudden symptoms Sixx had developed over the past few weeks. Patrick, who had bought a book called Everything About Wolves from a bookstore, informed Malon, “When a wolf licks the inside of your mouth, it’s a sign that it’s seeking approval.” Malon didn’t mind granting such approval, but to an outsider unaware of the situation, it would look like an unexpected deep kiss between men. To avoid this, Malon pinched Sixx’s cheek and pulled it hard. Sixx followed his hand with a whimper. At that moment, Cynthia burst into the drawing room, shocked.

“Sixx!” Seeing Sixx with his cheek pinched, she screamed in horror. He must have slipped away while she was momentarily distracted. Malon handed Sixx over to her.


“Pour some cold water over his head. Make sure he wakes up.”

Reluctantly, she dragged Sixx, who was gazing at Malon with pleading eyes, out of the drawing room. Malon sighed and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the slobber off his face.

“I apologize. My friend has some bad sleeping habits.”

“…That’s a sleeping habit?” Dg94rU

“Yes. Now, let’s continue our conversation. What conditions did you want to add?”

The other person seemed to want to ask more about the bizarre scene that had just unfolded, but realizing that Malon wasn’t keen on the subject, he quietly returned to the original topic. He’s quite perceptive. It might be worth working with him. After sending off his guest and turning around, Malon saw Sixx, finally back to his senses, running towards him with teary eyes. He knew exactly what Sixx was going to say: apologies.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…! I must be going crazy… I didn’t mess up the deal, did I? Malon, I’m really sorry…”

“Once is enough for an apology. And no, it didn’t affect the deal at all.” 3Re6Bx

“But I was a distraction. I didn’t mean to be such a nuisance…”

Sixx looked miserable. This was Malon’s biggest problem right now. Sixx, his wolf, was sick. If he were an ordinary human, an illness wouldn’t be such a big issue unless it was incurable. If you’re sick, you get treatment. The problem was that nobody knew why Sixx was sick. No doctor who examined him could diagnose his illness. Malon understood. Since Sixx was half-wolf, he was bound to be different from humans. The symptoms were as follows: Sixx used to be able to transform into a wolf at will. Recently, however, he lost control over his body, causing parts of him to randomly shift into wolf form. His behavior would also become wolf-like when his mental strength waned—such as right after waking up or when he was exhausted. When he regained his senses, he would tearfully apologize profusely. This wasn’t a major issue most of the time, but incidents like today, where he acted that way in front of others, were problematic. Therefore, Malon ordered his servants to stand guard outside Sixx’s bedroom until he woke up on meeting days.

Malon generally didn’t let Sixx leave the mansion and could manage his antics within its walls. Moreover, Malon found some of Sixx’s behaviors quite endearing and didn’t mind them. He would have continued to tolerate them if they hadn’t become more frequent and severe.

The worsening symptoms manifested as a terrible fever, similar to when Sixx first experienced his rut. Physical intimacy seemed to briefly alleviate the fever, but it would return after a few days, with the intervals growing shorter. Eventually, Malon had to seek another solution. He hypothesized that perhaps the issue arose because he and Sixx were different species. Maybe Sixx, being non-human, couldn’t fully relieve his pent-up desires with Malon. It was a possibility. However, Malon knew little about werewolves other than Sixx and had no intention of allowing Sixx to mate with another werewolf, even if he found one. Yfw6pu

But he also couldn’t leave Sixx like this. If left unchecked, Sixx might fully transform into a wolf. Malon petted the large wolf that whimpered and pounced on him. Besides its size and lingering wildness, a wolf was much like a large dog. Sixx loved nothing more than to pounce and play with him. Although Sixx’s size made it somewhat difficult, Malon found it adorable. As a child, Malon’s favorite animal was the wolf simply because they were cool. Now, he liked them for a different reason: they were loyal and cute.

“Come on, Sixx, change back to human now. It’s time to eat.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“If we’re late for dinner, Madam Isabella will scold us.” Malon urged Sixx by tapping the wolf’s rump, which had once again transformed. Sixx promptly turned back into a human and grabbed the clothes left on a tree stump to put them on. Thud! There was a loud noise. Malon, who was walking ahead, turned around in surprise. Sixx had collapsed next to the stump.

“Sixx!!” a7NpsI

Malon hurriedly ran over and touched his forehead. It was unbelievably hot. Malon wasn’t a doctor, but he knew that a fever that high could have serious effects on the brain.

Malon quickly carried him back to the mansion and called for a doctor. It would be useless; he knew that. But he couldn’t bear to do nothing. The doctor kept repeating that they should go to a larger hospital.

“Damn it!”

Malon pounded the wall in frustration, cursing under his breath. The nightmare from a few months ago was repeating itself. He was once again at risk of losing Sixx. This time, it wasn’t his fault. He knew that, but it still felt like it was. Why hadn’t he anticipated this? The first heat had passed smoothly, so he thought it would always be like that. He had been complacent. He should have searched the entire country to find another like Sixx. Then, another werewolf came to Malon’s mind. Now that he thought about it, the hitman Luca Pellegrino used to employ was also a werewolf. He had heard the hitman had quit. Where did he go? Should he send a messenger to Luca and ask if he knew the hitman’s current whereabouts? Malon hated the idea of asking Luca for help more than anything, but in this situation, it seemed like the only option. epIX7j

“Mr. Cage.”

Just as Malon resolved to contact Luca, Cynthia called him. Sixx had woken up and was looking for him. Malon stubbed out the cigarette he was smoking and headed to the bedroom. Sixx was sitting up against the headboard. His cheeks were flushed and sweat was pouring down his face, like a child with a severe cold.


“Sixx, lie down. I’ll have someone bring you some soup.” DQeczh

“No, it’s okay. You must have been really worried. I’m sorry.”

“…No, it’s not okay. We really need to find a solution. If we don’t, your condition will get worse. You mentioned that the hitman who fought with you and Enzo at their house was a werewolf, right? I’m thinking of contacting Luca to track him down. Since he’s of your kind, he might know something.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“You’re going to find Rasmus?”

Lf weaafgfv kfjxis. Zjibc cbvvfv. Tfr, atfs cffvfv atlr Ejrwer ues. JmdYVA

“…Tbe vbc’a cffv ab mbcajma Oemj. P xcbk ktfgf tf lr.”


“Lbk mbeiv P tjnf obgubaafc? Lf abiv wf ab mbwf ab tlw lo P fnfg tjv j qgbyifw. Pa kjr jr lo tf xcfk rbwfatlcu kbeiv tjqqfc. P xcbk tlr jvvgfrr. Pa’r lc Ojcmjrafg, Jjilobgclj.”

Malon sprang to his feet. He finally felt like he had found a breakthrough. California wasn’t too far. It would take half a day of driving, but that distance was nothing if it meant he could make Sixx better. Though he initially intended to go alone, Sixx persuaded Malon that it was better if he went along to speak with Rasmus. “If I stay here, my condition won’t improve anyway,” Sixx argued. Despite his reservations about taking a sick person on such a journey, Malon eventually gave in and had Sixx sit in the passenger seat. Patrick would manage the organization in their absence. With that, they set off towards Lancaster, California. 9mQrpY


“This must be the place, Sixx.”

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If Sixx’s memory was accurate, this was Rasmus’s hideout. However, Malon felt a bit confused as the mansion before them didn’t fit the image of a hideout. It was too large and conspicuous. It looked more like a Hollywood star’s villa than a hitman’s refuge. Sixx, too, seemed surprised as he recited the address.

“Should we ring the doorbell?” 1wNCGS

Sixx pressed the doorbell. They waited, but there was no response. Damn it, keeping a sick person standing like this? Malon cursed Rasmus, even though the owner of the house couldn’t possibly know about their sudden visit or Sixx’s condition. In truth, Malon didn’t trust Rasmus. How could he trust a man with a history of working under Luca? Moreover, it was suspicious that Rasmus had given Sixx his address, telling him to come if he ever had a problem. Rasmus was stronger than Sixx. If Sixx had come alone, he might have been overpowered and eliminated without anyone knowing. Malon touched the gun hidden in his coat, ready to use it if Rasmus showed any suspicious behavior. But there was no response at all. Malon inspected the gate, contemplating breaking it open with his gun if the lock was weak. Then he realized something surprising.

“…The door is open.”

He gently pushed, and the gate swung open without resistance. What the hell? Was this a display of confidence that he could fend off any intruder? Feeling a bit deflated, he walked inside. The garden was overgrown, like a jungle. He hid Sixx behind him and cautiously walked across the lawn. Nearby, he heard a strange noise, like fabric being torn roughly. He drew his gun.

“Malon…!” NVZQ6A

Sixx tried to stop him from behind, but Malon replied, “Better safe than sorry.” As he said, he didn’t trust this Rasmus guy.

Crunch, crunch.

The sound was getting closer. Malon realized it was the sound of chewing. An animal, not a human, was tearing something apart and chewing it. A silhouette loomed through the bushes. Malon unlocked his gun. It wasn’t a human but a huge, ferocious wolf!

Without hesitation, Malon aimed his gun at the beast. Was this the owner of the house? Or another werewolf? The wolf was tearing flesh from an unidentifiable animal with its sharp teeth, chewing it noisily as if it were a delicacy. Its muzzle was drenched in blood, creating a stark contrast with its piercing blue eyes, making the scene even more terrifying. The beast, sensing their presence, lifted its head. Its eyes, inscrutable, stared at them. Malon tightened his finger on the trigger, ready for the wolf to pounce at any moment. But then, Sixx suddenly leaped out from behind him. EOAvmk


“Damn it, Sixx!”

Malon urgently tried to grab him, but Sixx was already closer to the beast. The wolf put down its meal and started striding towards them. Malon cursed. If Sixx, already sick, got hurt here, he would never forgive himself. The beast, observing Malon holding Sixx, soon transformed into a human.

“Sixx, get back.” 7UOH D

Malon Cage had never feared another human. He couldn’t handle a wolf in a physical fight, but a human, even a hitman, didn’t scare him. Sixx seemed slightly panicked as Malon pushed him away. This hesitation only fueled Malon’s irritation.

“Step aside. I’ll deal with him.”

“Ma-Malon! No!”

“….” S7XcjO

Facing Rasmus after pushing Sixx away, Malon immediately understood why Sixx had tried to shield him. The man was completely naked. Of course, it was natural for a werewolf to be naked after transforming back into a human, but Sixx, being shy, always quickly dressed after changing back. Malon had forgotten this. However, unlike Sixx, the man seemed entirely unbothered by his nudity, casually walking inside. Malon, having seen the man’s entire body, felt like scrubbing his eyes out. He thought he was used to seeing a naked body because of Sixx, but it seemed he was only comfortable because it was Sixx.

Sixx, looking dejected, hung his head low. Feeling a sudden concern, Malon grabbed him.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sixx, are you feeling worse? If so, go back to the car.”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just… you saw it too, Malon.” SYJcDr

“…Ah. Unfortunately, I did see it. Damn, I don’t think I’ll forget it even in my dreams.”

Sixx’s expression grew even darker. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

“Did you really see everything? Even down there?”

“Yes, I did. With something like a stick hanging down there, how could I not see it? Maybe it’s a characteristic of the werewolf species…” koqbaO

As he clucked his tongue and recalled that unpleasant memory, Sixx suddenly clung to him.

“…Sixx? Are you really okay?”

“Someday, mine will be like that too. Just wait a little longer.”

“What?” Ko7lEs

Once again, Malon thought he couldn’t follow this kid’s train of thought. What would be like that? Your dick? Sixx nodded to his bewildered question. …I have no complaints about yours, Sixx. As he tried to comfort him despite his confusion, Sixx shook his head. But I’m worried you might change your mind after seeing something like that. Malon still didn’t understand. Change my mind? About what?

“Mine is light-colored and smooth, not impressive at all…”

It seemed that Sixx had an inferiority complex about his pink dick. Faced with this unexpected complaint, Malon was at a loss for words. Sure, the color and shape were as he described, but the size and thickness were nothing to joke about. Yet, greedy Sixx seemed to want even more. Considering how much it had been used and remained the same color, it probably wouldn’t change in the future. Besides, Malon wasn’t someone who fell for others based on how impressive their dick was. Despite numerous things to criticize, Malon remembered Sixx was a patient. He patted his back.

“Someday, it’ll be as you want, Sixx.” CFEUeX

Sixx nodded, sniffling. What kind of conversation is this, standing in someone else’s garden… Malon sighed. Just then, the man reappeared, now wearing swim trunks and a Hawaiian shirt covered with flamingos and pineapples. Just by looking at him, it was clear he was on vacation.

“What on earth are you doing out here instead of following me in?”

“Rasmus, hello! Long time no see.”

“Yeah. Looks like you’ve finally run into some trouble. Come on in. Let’s sit and talk.” 6ycJ D

They followed the man inside. Unexpectedly, the first thing they encountered wasn’t the building but a wide swimming pool that looked refreshing just to look at. Sunbeds and large towels were scattered around its edge. Rasmus pushed them aside and opened the front door. The interior was spacious and comfortable. They were led to a living room with a clear view of the pool through the windows. As they sat on the sofa, staring out, Rasmus brought them drinks. In the tall glass, there was a slice of orange…

“Giving a cocktail to a patient? Sixx, you shouldn’t drink that since you’re sick.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“It’s a very light drink with barely any alcohol. He won’t die from just drinking this,” Rasmus interjected, causing Malon’s expression to darken instantly. He glared at Rasmus as if to say, “Who are you to interfere?”

But Rasmus didn’t back down. Though they hadn’t exchanged a single word yet, sparks seemed to fly between them, prompting Sixx to intervene hastily. dQFNpM

“W-wait a minute. You two haven’t even introduced yourselves yet. Let me—”

“What do you know about Sixx to act so familiar?” Of course, Sixx’s attempt at mediation failed spectacularly. He fought back the urge to cry.

“I know enough. I told him to come here because I anticipated his symptoms.”

“Oh, so you predicted that Sixx would get sick. Then you could have warned him in advance instead of making a sick person travel all the way to California.” LHG45d

“Malon Cage, is it? I didn’t know you cared so much about Sixx. Someone who cares wouldn’t have put Sixx in danger. Your half-brother tried to kill him because of you.”

“Oh, are you bringing up your former master now? I didn’t think you’d bring that up first.”

“He wasn’t my master. We had a contract; I didn’t serve him.”

“Oh, I must have been mistaken because you wagging your tail for money made you look like a lapdog.” UIOa8o

Rasmus slammed his glass down on the living room table and stood up abruptly, ready to pounce on Malon. But Malon, unfazed even under the werewolf’s threat, just laughed.

“Why don’t you tell me something I don’t know? I didn’t come all the way here to squabble with you.”

“If it weren’t for Sixx, I wouldn’t have let a ruffian like you set foot in my house.”

“Since when have you known Sixx to be saying ‘Sixx’ this and ‘Sixx’ that? It’s getting on my nerves.” HNIEg9

“You wouldn’t understand as a mere human, but there’s a connection among us werewolves.”

At this sarcastic remark, Malon could no longer hold back and stood up as well. The stark contrast between Malon’s impeccably neat suit, despite the hot weather, and Rasmus’s completely vacation-appropriate attire made the two look even more opposed. They glared at each other fiercely, as if about to throw punches, or in Malon’s case, perhaps bullets. Sixx broke into a cold sweat. This isn’t what I wanted…!

“W-wait, hold on, just…”

As Sixx tried to get up to intervene, he suddenly felt a dizzying sensation rising from his toes, causing him to stumble. Sixx! Malon urgently grabbed him and helped him back onto the sofa. Sixx, look at me. Are you okay? I KNX3

“I’m-I’m fine… But please, don’t fight…”

Malon, who was on the verge of snapping back with a ‘this is all your fault,’ finally sat down with a displeased expression at Sixx’s earnest plea. Rasmus, also seemingly repentant, took his seat again with a sigh. Both seemed to want to settle their differences but were holding back for Sixx’s sake.

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“Let me explain Sixx’s condition briefly. Though it seems you might already have some idea, Sixx has recently been suffering from sudden illness. I’m not sure if ‘illness’ is the right word, but he’s been experiencing severe fevers and frequent partial transformations into his wolf form, which he can’t control. It started out mildly but has been getting worse. Do you know what this might be?”

“…Of course. It’s something I expected. First, I think I need to explain a bit about our species. Sixx, you should listen too, since you probably don’t know this. The species you call werewolves are wolves that live in a place known as the White Valley. Most of our kind are born, live, and die within that valley, rarely interacting with humans. Cases like Sixx and myself are very rare.” 1lOd2m

“White Valley? Never heard of such a place.”

“Of course not. We don’t use human place names. Sixx grew up among humans and has lost much of his wolf instincts, but the wolves of the valley are different. Their animalistic nature is deeply ingrained. Still, Sixx shares the same bloodline with us. He follows our life cycle.”

“…Life cycle?”

“The most important event in a wolf’s life is finding a mate. You might have heard that wolves are known for mating for life, dedicating themselves entirely to one partner. It’s the same for us. Most werewolves meet their mate upon reaching adulthood and spend their lives with them.” 1BG6qs

“Is it really that important?”

“Yes. It’s far more significant than human marriage. We never betray our partner. Once we find our mate, the unstable parts of our soul, caught between human and wolf, finally find balance. By interacting with their mate, they can keep their soul stable. That’s why finding a mate is so crucial for us.”

“The soul… That sounds rather unscientific to me.”

“The very existence of werewolves is unscientific, isn’t it? It’s extremely rare for a werewolf to live without a mate. Now that Sixx has reached adulthood, he needs a mate. All his current symptoms are due to the lack of one.” 6E4 U0

“Alright, I understand. So, how does one find this mate?”

“The process itself is simple. You just need to perform a ritual to bind your souls together. Well, I’m not a priestly wolf, so I can’t explain the exact mechanism of that ritual… The biggest issue is that the ritual can only take place in the valley.”

“So, Sixx has to go to the valley to perform the ritual?”

“Yes. Sixx needs to find a mate as soon as possible to stabilize his soul. Malon Cage, the fact that you’ve come all the way here with Sixx suggests that you’re willing to become his mate, am I correct?” 5TLYRX

At Rasmus’s solemn question, Sixx felt his heart sink. He glanced nervously at Malon. In truth, he wasn’t sure. Being a lifelong mate seemed like too big of a responsibility for him. Fortunately, Malon nodded.


“Are you sure about this? As I mentioned earlier, accepting a mate is very significant for us. It carries a weight of meaning and responsibility far beyond human marriage. Let me get straight to the point. Most wolves cannot survive if they lose their mate.”

“What do you mean?” ce8ZUd

“If a wolf’s lifelong mate dies, the lone wolf often falls into despair and may even go mad. The stable soul that the mate provides completely collapses.”

“So, if Sixx and I become mates, does that mean he’ll die when I do?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Yes. And while wolves never betray their mates, humans can betray theirs. Malon, I’m not saying you’ll definitely betray Sixx, but you know the saying about humans. I’ve heard stories of wolves who were mates with humans, only to suffer greatly and die after being betrayed. Both you and Sixx need to think carefully about this. Especially you, Sixx.”

“No, it has to be Malon. There’s no need to think about it.” 9CZtdz

“Sixx, don’t be so hasty in your response. Can you trust that person? It’s a matter of your life. It would be best to be cautious.”

“I don’t care about anyone else. If you have a mate, you’d understand my feelings, wouldn’t you?”

“…Yeah, I know. My mate is already dead.”

At that revelation, Sixx’s eyes widened in surprise. D-Dead? Rasmus nodded. He was a rare case who survived after losing his mate. Thanks to that, when he lived in the White Valley, he was famous among the wolves there. Everyone knew him as the wolf who survived after losing his mate. He still remembered the white gazes that looked at him with surprise. Perhaps it was his paranoia, but he couldn’t bear it. Maybe that’s why he wanted to leave the valley and live elsewhere. Rasmus looked at the young wolf in front of him. Wolves and humans forming a bond happened maybe once every hundred years. Sixx would likely be treated as an oddity too. Mt8qSc

“Well, it’s not something I can explain in detail. So, yes, I understand how you must be feeling. In that case, go with that person to find the valley and undergo the ritual.”

“You’ve been talking about the valley all this time, but where the hell is this valley?”

“Oh, that’s also a problem. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you where the valley is located. It’s a fundamental rule among us not to reveal the location of the valley to outsiders. Even if it’s for Sixx’s sake, I can’t just mark it on a map. It’s our longstanding rule.”

“So, how the hell are we supposed to find it then? Are you suggesting we ask around?” 8L4lgm

“No, even if you ask around, you won’t find it. There’s another way. If Sixx has inherited the bloodline of our tribe, then he can surely do it. Sixx, listen to me carefully. Although you may not have consciously realized it before, any wolf can naturally sense their origins. In human terms, it’s like intuition, you know? Sixx, have you ever felt anything like that?”

“Intuition. I mostly felt it when I was about to fight…”

“Yeah, it usually becomes most acute when your life is in danger. But even if there’s no immediate threat, it doesn’t disappear. It stays within you. Trust that feeling and follow it. It will guide you to where the valley is.”

Rasmus’s explanation was incredibly vague, but somehow it felt like it could work. My origin. Where could that be? Sixx entrusted everything to his instincts and took a deep breath. The voice-like sensation came again. North, it’s to the north. The White Valley is to the north. Sixx opened his eyes again. ZPI9aS

“The valley is… to the north.”

Malon looked surprised, raising an eyebrow slightly, but Rasmus nodded as if he had expected it.

“That’s right. Right now, you may only vaguely sense the direction because you’re far away from the valley, but as you get closer, you’ll feel more and more certain. Can you find your way there?”

Sixx felt like he could. Since he didn’t know the exact location, traveling by plane or train wouldn’t be feasible, but if he used a car, he might be able to find the valley within a short time. While Malon wasn’t entirely satisfied with this method, he tacitly agreed that it was better not to violate their rules by seeking help from that side. At least they got a solution. Malon sighed. Rasmus seemed slightly apologetic. hGwcBD

“I’m sorry I wasn’t much help.”


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When Malon says something like a stick, the stick he means is like a thick stick used for hitting animals. In short, he’s saying Rasmus is quite thick in girth. 0Ll4eb

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  1. This makes me wonder if Sixx’s mom mated with a human. I love that Malon hasn’t tried to hide their relationship and embraces everything that comes along with Sixx. Kinda sad we didn’t spend a lot of time with Rasmus, I wanted him to be like a mentor. As always, thank you for the translations!

  2. Awww Sixx’s animalistic behavior was so cuteee and Malon indulging it too 🥰🥰 and now it’s time for them to get married 😈 Thank you for the chapter!!! ❤️