When A Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated Into The Original NovelCh5 - 100% Spring Medicine

Edited by Elanor

Xiao Kui was a disciple who entered the Sword Refining Pavilion with Zhangsun Zijun and Lu Ziyou. When children enter a new environment, their first instinct is not to set ambitious goals, but to seek out companionship—to avoid the loneliness that may span the entirety of their stay.

Among the youths of that batch of children, Zhangsun Zijun was undoubtedly the most outstanding. Even though he was reserved and reticent, even though he kept to himself, everyone knew of his unparalleled heavenly spirit root that was rarely seen in a hundred years. He had the innate bearing of a strong person, and so, for a time, he was the most popular disciple among the newcomers. Many sought to attach themselves to the strong, and Xiao Kui was also among them. kfSsoc

Yet Zhangsun Zijun had no interest in these mediocre people; his only interest lay in his own sword. After suffering rejection, the youths eventually gave up trying to befriend him. After all, though Zhangsun Zijun was strong, he wasn’t the only one.

The only person who was different was Xiao Kui.

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Most of the young disciples were still naive and innocent, without a cruel bone in their bodies. Xiao Kui, however, had a pragmatic nature due to his own unique circumstances. He knew he could only rely on the strong, and if someone refused to be of use to him, they became an obstacle to be eliminated.

In Xiao Kui’s eyes, Zhangsun Zijun’s aloofness and indifference was a mark of disdain, so he despised Zhangsun Zijun from the moment they met. Xiao Kui was the one who had colluded with the senior disciples to harm Zhangsun Zijun, framing him for trespassing into a forbidden area and violating sect rules. aU23IQ

The Heavenly Sword Sect’s Sect Leader Yu Ying, was a traditionalist sword cultivator, extremely strict in his adherence to sect rules. Even if Zhangsun Zijun was an unmatched talent– a prodigy, Xiao Kui’s scheme had left him with no choice but to expel Zhangsun Zijun from the Heavenly Sword Sect for the sake of maintaining discipline.

At the time, Elder Yao Budu of the Medicine Pavilion had protected Zhangsun Zijun at all costs, taking the blame upon himself. The Elder claimed he had ordered Zhangsun Zijun to enter the restricted area, and as punishment, he self-destructed a hundred years of his cultivation. He didn’t want to let go of Zhangsun Zijun’s talent, thus, Zhangsun Zijun was allowed to stay, taken in by the Medicine Pavilion to continue his cultivation.

In this conspiracy, Xiao Kui had technically claimed victory; he’d successfully driven Zhangsun Zijun out of the Sword Refining Pavilion, reducing him to an awkward position as a lowly disciple of the Medicine Pavilion. However, in Xiao Kui’s mind, his failure to completely drive Zhangsun Zijun out of the Heavenly Sword Sect was a hidden danger and had left a seed of concern in his heart. Whenever he found an opportunity, he made sure to harass Zhangsun Zijun.

These were the established settings within the original work. In the twisted world of fanfiction—


Lu Ziyao frowned. “Xiao shidi, we’re fellow disciples. How could you say such things?”

“Fellow disciples?” Xiao Kui scoffed. “Lu shixiong, being ‘fellow disciples’ with these lowly

Medicine Pavilion miscreants is a humiliation upon our Sword Refining Pavilion disciples. You had better watch out lest you let these bastards steal our sword techniques.”

Disciples from different pavilions cultivated different sword techniques and spells; the Sword Refining Pavilion’s techniques were the true essence of the Heavenly Sword Sect’s teachings. Wa5SZg

The handful of Sword Refining Pavilion disciples surrounding Xiao Kui sneered in unison. They were all favored children, and none spared a passing glance for the Medicine Pavilion’s disciples.

Lu Ziyao glanced anxiously at Zhangsun Zijun. “Zijun, don’t mind them,” he said quietly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tfa Itjcurec Ilpec rtbkfv cba fnfc atf rilutafra tlca bo fwyjggjrrwfca. Lf vlvc’a rqjgf atbrf Vkbgv Efolclcu Ujnlilbc vlrmlqifr jcs jaafcalbc, ibbxlcu ja atfw jr lo atfs kfgf cbatlcu wbgf atjc qfyyifr bc atf rlvf bo atf gbjv. Llr atlc ilqr qjgafv rilutais jr tf mbivis rqja bea bcf kbgv: “Dbglcu.”

Xiao Kui, enraged by Zhangsun Zijun’s arrogant attitude, said angrily, “Zhangsun Zijun, what did you just say?!” Ia7Z5P

Tsk tsk.” Zhangsun Zijun said casually, “Xiao Kui, give it up. No matter how hard you try, I will never like you.”

Everyone was stunned into silence.

Xiao Kui’s expression cracked. “Wh-what did you say?”

Zhangsun Zijun was too lazy to deal with these clowns and had no intention of entertaining the likes of Xiao Kui, he turned to leave. Pm6faE

“Stop right there!” Xiao Kui stomped his feet. “Zhangsun Zijun! You’d better explain yourself!”

“Explain myself? Sure. Stop knocking on my door in the middle of the night and stop crying to me about why I won’t give you a chance. I hate you—that’s all there is to it.”

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Whoa!” The disciples exploded, they immediately made a racket, surrounding the two juniors. Virtually everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect knew that Xiao Kui viewed Zhangsun Zijun as an eyesore, a thorn in his side—but this was the real story behind it?! Fuck! What a shocking revelation!

Xiao Kui nearly coughed up blood. “You! This is preposterous! You’re talking nonsense!” 0FRStN

His face turned red, the snickers and derisive glances of the crowd was making him lose face completely. He felt tongue tied, leaving him no way to explain himself. In a rage, he drew his sword, yelling, “Zhangsun Zijun, I challenge you to a fight!”

Before Lu Ziyao could block the sword strike, he saw Zhangsun Zijun flipped his palm, and a beam of sword light flashed, cleaving a deep gash in the ground between Xiao Kui and himself. The hard stones beneath them were smoothly split in two.

Xiao Kui shuddered in fear, utterly shocked. He hadn’t expected Zhangsun Zijun’s skills to improve so much while he was in the Medicine Pavilion. He instantly dared not act rashly.

Zhangsun Zijun’s cold gaze swept over Xiao Kui, and he uttered a single word: “Scram.” Then he turned and left. gibk K

Xiao Kui was furious, spitting blood—what’s so hateful about an arrogant person? The most hateful thing about him was, you couldn’t fucking beat him!

Thus, merely two hours later, the story of Xiao Kui, a disciple of the Sword Refining Pavilion, chasing after Zhangsun Zijun, a disciple of the Medicine Pavilion, with shameless persistence despite being resolutely rejected, had spread throughout the entirety of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

In the face of this unexpected, abrupt eight-year time jump, Zhangsun Zijun was at a loss; with nowhere to go, he decided to return to his room to sort out his thoughts. Lu Ziyao followed alongside him. Recalling the expression on Xiao Kui’s face that looked like he had eaten shit, Lu Ziyao grinned and couldn’t help but laugh.

While others might have taken Zhangsun Zijun’s words as gospel and were convinced—after all, Zhangsun Zijun had never been one to lie—it didn’t quite add up for Lu Ziyao, who could tell that Zhangsun Zijun was not in his right mind. Therefore, he didn’t believe what he had heard just now, however, Lu Ziyao did think that if Zhangsun Zijun’s mental illness meant he could humiliate Xiao Kui this thoroughly, then perhaps his malady wasn’t wholly without its benefits. 4bw8TS

Lu Ziyao asked, “Zhangsun shidi, in your current…state of mind, hm? How would you describe me?”

Lu Ziyao had already realized that Zhangsun Zijun hadn’t lost his memory, nor had he become an entirely different person. Rather, he simply held certain unique…views on certain matters.

Thus, he was curious: What did he become in his unique worldview?

Zhangsun Zijun glanced lazily at him. “You.” 6oMQP1

“Mm-hmm, what do you think of me?” Lu Ziyao looked at him expectantly.

“You’re great in every way.”

Lu Ziyao was overjoyed. So, in Zhangsun shidi’s eyes, he was truly a great person?

“Just don’t always stare at Xichen’s ass with such wanton desire,” Zhangsun Zijun added. “He’s the mother of my child.” Hmeu W

Lu Ziyao: “….” Okay, perhaps he really shouldn’t have asked this question.

On the way back to the disciple quarters, Zhangsun Zijun tried to piece together the events of eight years ago. If he had merely traveled through time, he could have accepted it as fate, no big deal. Eight years was a mere blink of an eye to cultivators, and he could have simply retraced his steps for eight years. But what really bothered him was that, aside from the time difference, some other things seemed different from what he remembered. Most vexing thing of all was that he didn’t know which things in his memory were different now.

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The two returned to their quarters and settled down for the night. Before long, footsteps and knocking sounded outside the door.

Zhangsun Zijun sighed in annoyance and turned over, rubbing his bulging crotch. This whole “flagpole standing” setting really bothered him. Life needed a bit of novelty and challenge; could they not occasionally let him guess who had arrived? Come to think of it, why was there such a strange phenomenon in which his body would have a physiological reaction whenever Yi Xichen was within a hundred meters of him? 31D4K7

Yi Xichen strode into the room before Zhangsun Zijun could even ask him to come in— considering the type of close friendship between them, barging in like this was entirely normal for him to do so.

Yi Xichen placed two medicinal pills on the table. “Shixiong, these are some new pills I’ve just refined. You…”

Before he could finish speaking, Zhangsun Zijun stood up, as if he had seen a ghost, and backed away three steps.

In that twisted fanfic world, the OOC Yi Xichen was given a bizarre setting of “every pill he refined has a 100% guarantee to being an aphrodisiac”. If Zhangsun Zijun were to consume one of his medicinal pills, he would become so virile that he could toss Yi Xichen seven days and nights without his pistol coming down. Gco9BE

—- Such a terrifying potent pill, Zhangsun Zijun had no desire to consume it at all! His waist was already quite sturdy; he certainly didn’t want to strengthen it further through vigorous exercise, thank you very much!

Yi Xichen hadn’t expected Zhangsun Zijun to reject his medicinal pills so vehemently. He was a disciple of the Medicine Pavilion, after all; though his alchemy skill was still inferior to that of a regular medicine cultivator, he could easily refine simple pills and elixirs. In order to quickly produce this Mind-Awakening pill, he had even risked a severe beating from Elder Yao Budu to pilfer several cattails herbs from his courtyard garden.

“I’m not taking your pills,” Zhangsun Zijun said with unwavering determination.

Yi Xichen stroked his chin. Zijun refused to take his medicinal pills? Was it possible that the pills he usually refined tasted terrible? No matter, these details were unimportant. What mattered was that Zijun would return to normal after consuming the Mind-Awakening pill. 6A3jca

Eh, what’s that on your ceiling?”

Zhangsun Zijun instinctively looked up in the direction Yi Xichen’s finger pointed, his mouth slightly agape.


Two medicinal pills were flicked into his open mouth, and he instinctively swallowed them. EcAOVm

Zhangsun Zijun: “….”

After a moment, Yi Xichen stared back at him with eyes full of hope. “Zijun, do you feel better now? Do you remember what year it is?”

Zhangsun Zijun’s gaze was profoundly resentful. “Yi Xichen.”

Mm-hm?” XweVI

“Do you really need to fuck that much?”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yi Xichen blinked, caught off guard.


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