The Young Lord's Way OutChapter 30

A/N: The ko-fi extra chapter goal was met! Thank you to everyone who tipped!!

“What’d you do?” 7igxOV

The man’s voice shocked Ge Nianlan out of his skin. He turned to face him abruptly, heart hammering against his chest. He had to rest one hand on the door to ground himself as he stared back at the man, who acted like a veteran ghost that haunted these halls. It took Ge Nianlan a moment to regain his composure before he stepped away from the door and stopped in front of Baili Liuye.

“Why were you eavesdropping?” Ge Nianlan hissed.

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“I was not.”

“Then, how do you know that I did something?” Ge Nianlan asked. zsKMd7

Baili Liuye huffed. He turned on his heel and started walking away.

Ge Nianlan quickly followed. He circled around Baili Liuye as they walked. “Hey, answer me. You can’t just ask me a question like that and then not answer mine.”

“You didn’t answer me either.”

“I did. I said I didn’t do anything.”

qP0 oc

“I meant a truthful answer,” Baili Liuye said.

“If you answer me, then I’ll answer you.”

“Forget it. No matter what, I can’t control you anyway.”

Ge Nianlan pouted. “You’re my father. You should be learning how to control me.” Ab 3Pq

Baili Liuye found the thought amusing. Where else would one find a child on this earth that wished for a parent that controlled them? As if indulging him, Baili Liuye glanced at Ge Nianlan and said, “Fine. Then, tell me what you did in there.”

“I checked on Young Miss Yong,” Ge Nianlan said.

The boy never flinched when he lied. Baili Liuye smoothly moved his gaze away. “If you are going to continue lying, I don’t see the point in continuing this conversation.

Whenever Ge Nianlan faced Baili Liuye, he had the strange urge to be rebellious. He also knew he was being unreasonable. After another moment, Ge Nianlan asked, “Why do you want to know in the first place?” 590iKS

Baili Liuye’s steps slowed to a stop. He met Ge Nianlan’s intense gaze. There was a brief silence between father and son. He lifted his hand and let it lightly touch the crown of Ge Nianlan’s head before he pulled his hand back.

“I sensed a disturbance. But you look fine, so I won’t question you further,” Baili Liuye said.

Ge Nianlan looked at him skeptically. “What kind of disturbance?”

“Something told me you got hurt,” Baili Liuye said. zKx1b7

Ge Nianlan’s hand fidgeted under his sleeve. Was it just because he pricked himself?

“How would you know that?” Ge Nianlan asked.

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“…It’s too complicated to explain to you,” Baili Liuye said.

Ge Nianlan watched as the man started to walk off again. He ran after him. mS6FG

“Are you saying I’m dumb!?”

“I’m saying it’s too complicated.”

“You can still explain it! I’ll understand,” Ge Nianlan said confidently. “You might not know this, but I’m very smart.”

Baili Liuye glanced out at the moon. He thought about it for a moment before glancing at Ge Nianlan again. dD1cGe

“When a child of the Baili Clan is born, their parent can sense their wellbeing. If their emotions are negative or if they are hurt, then they will be alerted. It is instinct to want to run to their child and protect them when this happens,” Baili Liuye said.

Ge Nianlan slowly lowered his gaze. He found indignation welling up in his chest. His fists curled at his side.

“So, why didn’t you do so before?” Ge Nianlan softly asked.

The “before” Ge Nianlan referred to was the future that had yet to happen. Of course, Baili Liuye did not know this. Vge2S6

The man’s cold gaze inexplicably softened. His fingers twitched under his sleeve. He wanted to reach out to the boy again but found himself feeling as if he didn’t deserve to do so.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P mbeivc’a vb la yfobgf.”

“Qts cba?” Xf Rljcijc vfwjcvfv.

“P vbc’a xcbk. Dea P mbeivc’a olcv sbe,” Djlil Olesf rjlv. “P ibbxfv fnfgsktfgf jcv P mbeiv cfnfg olcv sbe.” BCREtF

Xf Rljcijc ofia jc jmtf ja atf yjmx bo tlr fsfr jcv j rbeglcu lc tlr cbrf. Lf delmxis aegcfv jkjs jcv rajgafv kjixlcu jujlc. Djlil Olesf gfwjlcfv ktfgf tf kjr obg j wbwfca. Lf abbx j vffq ygfjat jcv rlutfv. Lf obiibkfv atf ybs ja j vlrajcmf ecali atfs mbeiv tfjg atf yerailcu bo atf yjcdefa bcmf wbgf.

Ge Nianlan stopped and looked back at Baili Liuye. “Did you really look everywhere for me?”

Baili Liuye nodded.

Ge Nianlan averted his gaze and hummed quietly. Without another word, he continued forward and entered the banquet hall. 4KNGn8

“Where did you go all of a sudden?” Ye Mingxi whispered.

Baili Liuye glanced at him as he sat back down. “I had urgent business.”

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“…A number two?”

Baili Liuye glared at him. d3tcCz

Ye Mingxi awkwardly cleared his throat. “Then, was he okay?”

“He was fine.”

“But you don’t look fine.”

“You never know when to shut up, do you?” Baili Liuye asked as he filled his cup of wine. L9vDln

“What are you worried about? Mind sharing it with me?” Ye Mingxi asked.

Baili Liuye drained the cup. “Not here. Maybe later.”

Ye Mingxi hummed softly. He watched Baili Liuye drink. Although the man didn’t get drunk, he continued to refill his cup until the banquet dispersed.

The two men left the banquet hall and went to the guest rooms Ge Jinsheng had graced them with. Ye Mingxi’s eyes remained on Baili Liuye until the two were in their rooms. He opened his mouth to ask a question again but Baili Liuye opened the door to his room. He looked over his shoulder. dC Elh

“Aren’t you coming in?”

Ye Mingxi stiffened for a second. He quickly shook himself and followed Baili Liuye.

At the table was a tea set. Baili Liuye poured Ye Mingxi a cup of tea and set it down in front of the seat beside him. Only after Ye Mingxi sat down did Baili Liuye speak.

“Is it important for a child to receive love from their parents?” Baili Liuye asked. GkMdYf

Ye Mingxi fiddled with the teacup. “Why are you suddenly asking this?”

“In terms of human relationships, is a bond between a parent and a child important? Isn’t it enough for the parent to protect the child and make sure they aren’t harmed?” Baili Liuye asked.

“What do you personally think?” Ye Mingxi asked.

Baili Liuye met Ye Mingxi’s gaze. “Can’t you just answer me?” ZTSVqR

“Not until you give me your answer. You’ve been alive for so many years. I’m sure you have your own opinion on this, right?” Ye Mingxi said.

Baili Liuye lowered his gaze again. His lashes cast a soft shadow against his cheek as he fiddled with the teacup in his hand.

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“I’m not sure. I never had a parent. My shizun refused to treat me as her child.”

Ye Mingxi watched Baili Liuye for a moment before he sighed. “Liuye, in this world, nothing can be compared to a parents’ love. Many people try to find ways to replace it, but there isn’t any version of love that’s quite the same. A parents’ love for a child means safety and it means a promise. The promise is that no matter how the world has changed, and no matter what you have become, they will still love you, care for you, and protect you. Their love is unconditional because you are their child.” LZ6xTc

Baili Liuye frowned. “Nothing in this world is unconditional.”

Ye Mingxi chuckled. “That’s true. That’s why the world is full of horrible parents.”

Ye Mingxi reached out and twirled a lock of Baili Liuye’s hair around his finger. He slowly sank to his arm and looked up at the man silently. Even in the subtle glow of candle light, the beauty of the Dragon Tree Guardian was beyond human comprehension. When the pair of silvery eyes fell onto Ye Mingxi’s slouched form, the man’s elegant brows furrowed.

“So, it isn’t important?” KDqB0a

“If I were a parent, I would give my child all my affection as well as my protection,” Ye Mingxi said. He lightly kissed Baili Liuye’s hair. “Giving them affection will also help them mentally.”

Baili Liuye stiffened. He wanted to pull back, but the thought of having his hair yanked was unpleasant. He remained where he was with his eyes burning into Ye Mingxi’s hand.

“Did something happen with Yihong?” Ye Mingxi asked.

Baili Liuye placed a hand on Ye Mingxi’s hand. His brows furrowed tightly until the man released his hair. He let out a soft sigh. OHEYGq

“I’m just not sure how much care I should show towards him,” Baili Liuye said. “I may feel the way I do, but to him, I’m a stranger. Besides, he has so many people to love him here. If he doesn’t have me, then it wouldn’t have much of an impact on him, right?”

“You say that, but who was the person who was so frantic to send back a reply the same day he received Yihong’s first letter?” Ye Mingxi asked. He chuckled. “You acted so protective of Huai Zhen, but in truth, you care even more for Yihong.”

“…Do I?”

“You do,” Ye Mingxi said. His eyes were saddened. “If you didn’t care, why would you spend so long searching for him? If this was about the Dragon Tree, then you would have just tried to have another child.” K1TF8n

“How could that be the same? I knew he was still alive,” Baili Liuye said.

Ye Mingxi chuckled. He nodded along to Baili Liuye’s defensive response. He pretended like he didn’t remember those reddened eyes, when the man returned with an infant that wasn’t his. He also conveniently forgot the man who sat wordlessly in front of the Dragon Tree every day for the past decade, as if he were praying desperately for a sign.

“Well, if you want my opinion on this, then I’ll tell you,” Ye Mingxi said.

Baili Liuye looked at Ye Mingxi expectantly. Xj 4vL

“I think you should love him,” Ye Mingxi said. “A human can never receive too much love—there is only not enough love. Besides, you’re only asking me this question because you secretly want to get along with him too, right?”

Baili Liuye averted his gaze and refilled his teacup silently. Ye Mingxi chuckled and only shifted closer again.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Baili Liuye nudged Ye Mingxi back with his elbow. “You’re too close.” yeXQ a

“You didn’t answer me though.”

“I understand. Thank you.”

Ye Mingxi chuckled. He stood and looked away under Baili Liuye’s confused gaze. He wanted to leave, but the hand around his sleeve kept him from doing so. He stilled and looked back into the pools of moonlight, gazing up at him.

“What’s wrong?” kM1UAc

“Where are you going?” Baili Liuye asked.

Ye Mingxi smiled. “Where do you want me to go?”

Baili Liuye released Ye Mingxi. “Wherever you want to go. I’m not your wife.”

Ye Mingxi sat down again. “Then, I’ll stay where you are.” rgT4tA

“Suit yourself.”

“Can I come closer?” Ye Mingxi asked.

“If you want to,” Baili Liuye said.

“You know I always want to,” Ye Mingxi said. He silently observed Baili Liuye for a moment. “Are you still thinking about Hong’er?” plGO5F

“Hm? No. Right now, I’m thinking about,” Baili Liuye’s words trailed off. He looked at Ye Mingxi. His eyes traveled downwards.

Ye Mingxi sighed. “You only ever use me for my body.”

“That’s not true,” Baili Liuye said.

Ye Mingxi chuckled and stood up. “But you do like it too, don’t you?” tPMESY

Baili Liuye did not deny this accusation. He simply stood as well and took Ye Mingxi’s hand. “Set a sound proof array.”

The following day, Ge Nianlan wandered to the guest wing by himself. He looked around to make sure no one would stop him before he stepped through and casually strolled to the courtyard Baili Liuye and Ye Mingxi were staying in. As it was the same place as last time, Ge Nianlan knew his way around. He walked until he came to the rooms.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He lifted a hand and knocked on the door. He waited for a while until he heard the shuffling of covers. The door opened and Ye Mingxi looked at Ge Nianlan in surprise.

“Young Lord, what are you doing here?” oU9Fe7

Ge Nianlan stared at Ye Mingxi then glanced at the other door. “Is Lord Hanjing in the other room?”

Ye Mingxi hemmed and hawed for a while. “No. I slept in his room last night.”

Ge Nianlan craned his neck to look behind Ye Mingxi, but the man coincidentally leaned in the same direction. The boy paused and looked at the pavilion lord closer.

“Lord Weidan, were there a lot of mosquitos last night?” dDmZBT

“…Yes, we left the windows open.”

Ge Nianlan frowned. “This is why you shouldn’t sleep with your shirt off.”

“…Yes. It slipped my mind.”

“Then, Lord Hanjing…” g16xkR

“He stayed up late last night. He is quite fatigued,” Ye Mingxi said.

Ge Nianlan tilted his head. He thought cultivators were invincible. Perhaps it was just his father who was delicate? He did look like the type.

“Is he okay?”

“He just needs rest.” euD8PG

“Oh, alright,” Ge Nianlan mumbled.

“Is there a message you would like me to pass on?” Ye Mingxi asked.

“Are…you two leaving today?” Ge Nianlan asked.

Ye Mingxi nodded. “We couldn’t take much more time off.” 9dKcrJ

“Oh,” Ge Nianlan averted his gaze to hide his disappointment. “I wanted to tell him this myself…”

Ye Mingxi watched the boy curiously. He waffled back and forth before he finally sighed.

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“Tell…” Ge Nianlan mouthed the word ‘father’ before speaking normally again. “That I didn’t do anything bad last night. I promised Young Miss Yong that I would help her get revenge and, in exchange, she promised to help me with things pertaining to Black Mane Palace. That’s all. Um…and I got hurt because I accidentally touched a splinter.”

Ye Mingxi’s gaze softened. “Is that all you wanted to say?” 3dJWnR

Ge Nianlan nodded emphatically. He glanced inside again. “Um, also…tell him I’m sorry.”

“Why? Did you do something wrong?” Ye Mingxi chuckled.

Ge Nianlan shifted from one foot to the other. “I think I made him sad. I also decided on some things, so I don’t want to get on his bad side in any way. I figured I should apologize, so that we’re not awkward next time we meet.”

“I see. It takes a lot of courage to apologize first,” Ye Mingxi said. 0PO6hC

Ge Nianlan beamed. “I thought about it for a long time! I thought he just didn’t want me, but I realized that there might be some other reasons. I don’t know the full story, so I shouldn’t make my own assumptions. I should just take things at face value for now, right?”

Ye Mingxi nodded. “Young Lord, you are very understanding. I’m glad you could think this way.”

Ge Nianlan felt much better with his ego stroked. He rocked back and forth on his feet and tried to look in again. But, again, Ye Mingxi conveniently leaned sideways.

“Um…well, I’ll write to him later,” Ge Nianlan said. He looked at Ye Mingxi firmly. “Tell him that.” xGhdXu

“I will.”

“Then…bye. Have a safe trip back.”

“Take care,” Ye Mingxi said.

Only after the child left did Ye Mingxi breathe a sigh of relief. He closed the door and turned around to find Baili Yinghui watching him silently. The man smiled. aPBhmn

“Did you hear everything?”


“So…what do you think about your issue from last night now?” Ye Mingxi asked.

Baili Yinghui lowered his gaze. “I should give all my affection to him.” Ns8g52

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  1. “That’s why the world is full of horrible parents.” ahahha :’>