The Young Lord's Way OutChapter 28

Recently, Ge Nianlan had taken up the hobby of boating. When the sun was about to set, he’d bring along a picnic basket, hop onto the boat, and push it out into the lake. Then, he’d lay there and stare at the stars above. Sometimes, Huai Zhen or Na Yongkai would follow. Other times, it was just himself. Only in the middle of the lake could he be truly alone, without Ling Tong watching him.

Tonight, Ge Nianlan had done the same thing. He silently ate the steamed buns as the boat floated about. Like this, he felt like he could fall asleep and have a dreamless slumber. The world was at peace. Everything was balanced. Nothing could destroy this moment. 1359DR

Ge Nianlan propped himself up for a moment and looked around. He breathed a sigh of relief and settled down again.

Thankfully, nothing came to destroy the moment.

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He lifted the steamed bun back up to his lips. If this was his life after he survived past the age of twenty, then he wouldn’t really mind. Drifting in the waters, with simple steamed buns to eat; traveling the world, wandering without a second thought. It wasn’t bad. In fact, Ge Nianlan much preferred this over the life of immortals that was constantly discussed.

His hand lowered to his chest as he focused on the bright moon up above. Huai Zhen’s birthday was already a month away. Then, he would be twelve. And after another few months, they would be separated for an entire year. UQ21Vh

Ge Nianlan wondered if he had done enough. Would Huai Zhen carry his kindness or would it be easily extinguished again, by the cruelty he constantly faced in Yunkong Pavilion? And when he left for Yunkong Pavilion himself, in two years, will his actions now be enough to cushion the inevitable reveal?

Ge Nianlan didn’t like these thoughts.

He sat up and glanced at the flute resting not too far away. He picked it up and leaned against the side of the boat.

When sorrow takes over, the best thing to do was to play a tune.


The sorrowful song traveled past the lake and into the rest of the sect. Disciples wondered what was on the player’s mind. Huai Zhen and Na Yongkai, who were getting ready for bed, both glanced at each other. The Saints, who were still working at this hour, glanced out their windows. And Ge Jinsheng, who was actually not too far away, silently furrowed his brows.

“Someone so young shouldn’t carry such sorrow,” Ge Jinsheng said.

Jia Chiying hummed. He glanced at his uncle. “He may look young, but he’s technically lived a full lifetime already, right?”

That was another curse of the artifact. It gave one illusions so real, that it would seem like an entire life had flashed before one’s eyes. It would perpetually haunt the receiver until they couldn’t distinguish from reality or illusion anymore, thus driving them insane. LXKB1R

“What else can I do for him?” Ge Jinsheng asked.

Jia Chiying didn’t know what to say. Ge Jinsheng chuckled to himself and shook his head.

“The all-powerful Devil Lord can hold up the sky with one hand, but when it comes to helping his own child, he’s as powerless as a grain of sand,” Ge Jinsheng said.

The pair listened in silence for a moment longer before Ge Jinsheng turned his back to the lake and started to head back. Jia Chiying hesitated, his gaze lingering on the small boat that floated listlessly over the lake. He averted his gaze and followed Ge Jinsheng in as well. BigQAI

There was little that the adults could do for Ge Nianlan, but when the boy’s birthday rolled around once again, the grand banquet expressed all the affection that they had for him.

Ge Nianlan, however, was fatigued by the amount of attention he was receiving.

In the Yinxue Region, fifteen was the age when one became an adult, but twelve was the age when one debuted in society. At this banquet, the Four Cardinal Lords and representatives of the Three Great Clans would be there. Knowing this for the past few weeks made Ge Nianlan’s stomach churn.

As he sat in front of the vanity and allowed his three maids to fuss over him, he wanted to throw up. n0wGF1

“Are you okay?”

Ge Nianlan opened his eyes and looked at Huai Zhen and Na Yongkai. He offered a smile. “Just splendid.”

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Na Yongkai pinched Huai Zhen’s sleeve as they worriedly watched Ge Nianlan.

“Young Lord, you should be excited,” Zhang Yao said as she pulled Ge Nianlan’s hair up. “There are so many people to wish you well on your birthday.” lAroXf

Ge Nianlan laughed hollowly. “I am very excited.”

Huai Zhen watched his friend hesitantly, but said nothing.

Once Ge Nianlan was fully dressed, the maids took their leave.

Ge Nianlan sighed and glanced in the mirror. RMds8Z

During grand events or ceremonies, it was customary to wear red eyeliner. Looking at himself now, he thought that he still looked quite kind. If it were his original face with this makeup, he was sure he would like a complete villain.

There was a light knock on the door. Then, Luo Qianwu’s voice followed. “Young Lord, the banquet is about to start.”

Ge Nianlan groaned.

Huai Zhen hesitated. “You really don’t want to go out?” t06caW

Ge Nianlan pouted and looked up at Huai Zhen. “If I didn’t have to, then I wouldn’t.”

Huai Zhen averted his gaze for a moment. “Um…this was supposed to be a surprise, but my shizun and the Pavilion Master are also here.”

Ge Nianlan immediately straightened. His expression lit up. “Really?”

Huai Zhen nodded. nG714X

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xf Rljcijc rabbv jcv abbx Rj Tbcuxjl jcv Lejl Itfc’r tjcvr. “Ktja’r ugfja! P kbc’a tjnf ab vfji klat atbrf akb-ojmfv wbcufgr lo P’w cfza ab atfw. Ofa’r teggs bea.”

Ca atf yjcdefa tjii, Tf Zlcuzl jcv Djlil Olesf rja ja atf ajyif bo tbcbg, yfrlvf Xf Alcrtfcu. Tf Zlcuzl kjr oeii bo rwlifr jr tf rqbxf ab Xf Alcrtfcu, yea Djlil Olesf’r jaafcalbc kjr mifjgis firfktfgf.

The Lords of the Four Cardinal Directions and the Three Great Clans rarely showed their faces anywhere. It was odd that they had come today, but anyone could tell that they were waiting for a chance to get close to the Young Lord. Thinking of this, Baili Liuye was somewhat disgusted. What right did they have to get close to the next guardian of the Dragon Tree?

As Baili Liuye scanned the crowd, his gaze fell on the Yong Clan representative, not too far away. The man sat with a straight back, as if there was a rod taped to his back. Behind him were several servants and disciples. Beside him was a small child, most likely no older than thirteen. The child had her head down the entire time. Her hands were tightly clasping her knees and she barely even lifted her head when the man beside her offered her food. Baili Liuye’s eyes narrowed. He wanted to observe this odd scene further, but the man suddenly looked up. C4 6UR

Baili Liuye offered a small nod before looking away.

Yong Yuanchun’s eyes narrowed. He looked away as well and glanced down at the girl beside him. He clicked his tongue. The little girl flinched.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Sit properly, will you?” Yong Yuanchun hissed.

The girl trembled as she tried to straighten her posture. EjVFQ1

“And eat. If you don’t eat, others will be suspicious.”

The little girl lowered her head and quickly started eating.

“Announce the arrival of the Young Lord and his companions, Young Masters Huai and Na!”

The large double doors opened, revealing the star of the party. fIbdqh

Ge Jinsheng lifted his gaze and watched Ge Nianlan walk down to bow before him.


“Mn. Today is your birthday,” Ge Jinsheng said with a warm smile. He held out his hand. “Come up.”

Ge Nianlan left Huai Zhen and Na Yongkai’s side. He resisted the urge to look at Baili Liuye as he marched up the steps. Each step felt taller and more difficult than the next. He could feel the eyes of those hundreds of people boring into his back. Each was like a knife, digging ever so deeper. A cold sweat formed around his neck. His hands were clammy. He couldn’t help but think about how every one of these people would be rejoicing in his death in the future. And there were many of them who sided with Huai Zhen and had a hand in his death. HoackE

Ge Jinsheng clasped Ge Nianlan around the shoulder and turned him to face the audience.

Ge Nianlan kept a calm expression as Ge Jinsheng started his speech. His eyes slowly scanned the audience.

Somehow, he recognized the faces of the people he did not remember. There was the Beiwang, Xiwang, Nanwang, and Dongwang. Then, there was the right-hand man of the Ge Clan; the eldest son of the Bai Clan; and the Yong Clan leader’s brother. However, as Ge Nianlan went down the line, testing his new knowledge, his eyes stopped on the little girl, who was looking up at him with sparkling eyes.

Ge Nianlan’s own eyes widened in shock. sk7LQx

This was Yong Chenyu—Ge Nianlan’s nominal fiancée and the bastard child of the Yong Clan.

The speech was over before Ge Nianlan came back to his senses. And after the speech, the atmosphere was a lot more casual.

Ge Nianlan greeted a few of the lords who came to say hi, but the moment he was able to, he bolted for Ye Mingxi and Baili Liuye’s table.

Huai Zhen had brought Na Yongkai with him and the pair were not sitting around, eating fruits that Ye Mingxi cut up. The group were surprised as Ge Nianlan slid over to them and sat down. The big smile on his face was clearly not faked and any pleasantry he had given to the others had been thrown out the window. r jXIB

“Lord Weidan, I want some too,” Ge Nianlan said with his mouth wide open.

Ye Mingxi looked at him in shock before he burst into laughter. He put a slice of peach into Ge Nianlan’s mouth. “Alright, birthday boy. Here you are.”

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Ge Nianlan hummed happily and met Baili Liuye’s cold gaze.

“Where are your manners?” WSM3Bj

Ge Nianlan pouted. “I used them up.”

Instead of scolding him, Baili Liuye merely shook his head and turned back to his wine. For that, Ge Nianlan felt comforted.

“Is it okay to run off like this?” Huai Zhen asked. “I’m sure there’s a lot of people itching to talk to you.”

“More like a lot of people itching to rub shoulders with me,” Ge Nianlan grumbled. He crawled behind the group of people and leaned back against Huai Zhen. “I’d rather not talk to them. If there is actually someone important, Father will call for me. I’d rather spend my time with people who actually care.” JMw5DG

“Everyone is here to give you well-wishes, Young Lord,” Ye Mingxi said.

Ge Nianlan pouted. He leaned his cheek against Huai Zhen’s arm and whispered. “Lord Weidan, you’re an adult. You know why they’re here.”

Ye Mingxi chuckled and fed Ge Nianlan another slice of peach.

“Don’t feed him. You’re spoiling him,” Baili Liuye said. gd ZHy

Ge Nianlan pouted. “It’s my birthday though.”

Baili Liuye raised a brow. The silent message reached Ge Nianlan loud and clear: You know that it isn’t.

Ge Nianlan looked back at him with his own message: Then, when is it?

The father-son duo silently glared at each other until Ye Mingxi broke the silence. wvdCfA

“Alright, alright. It’s just feeding him some peaches. How could that be spoiling him?” Ye Mingxi said.

Huai Zhen glanced at his shizun curiously. Baili Liuye was not the type of person to butt into other people’s business. It was rather odd for him to speak up over something so trivial.

Ge Nianlan looked away from Baili Liuye and crawled over to Huai Zhen’s lap. Just as he was about to speak, he found himself being tugged up by the scruff of his clothes.

“Why?” Ge Nianlan hissed. Kf1XeO

“Get off of my disciple,” Baili Liuye warned.

The pair fell into another glaring contest. Huai Zhen quickly grabbed Ge Nianlan’s arms and looked at Baili Liuye.

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Shizun, it’s okay. He does this often.”

Often?” Baili Liuye repeated. ZsgDGz

Huai Zhen suddenly felt as if he had said the wrong thing. “Um, what I mean is…it does not make this disciple uncomfortable.”

“Huh.” Baili Liuye looked at Ge Nianlan. “You sure can do it.”

Ge Nianlan gulped. He wiggled back over to Huai Zhen and hid slightly behind him. “I haven’t done anything.”

Baili Liuye glared at the boy until Ye Mingxi tugged him back. “Alright, alright. What’s wrong with you? They’re just good friends.” NOCkIy

Baili Liuye hummed. “I believe it.”

Ge Nianlan watched Baili Liuye skeptically.

Why did this guy act like he knew everything about him? They wrote letters often, but before that, they had barely spent any time together! He was normally very good and obedient, okay? Whatever Baili Liuye thought he would do to his dear disciple would simply not happen.

Ge Nianlan settled back down and managed to stay hidden for an hour before a shadow fell over them. He looked up and found that it was the strange man from earlier. At his side was the tiny, trembling girl. JgjsN5

“Oh, Young Lord? You were hiding here?” Yong Yuanchun stilled. His smile swiftly returned as he greeted the immortal lords and the young lord. “It is an honor to meet you all.”

Ye Mingxi stood with a smile and held out his wine cup. “The honor is all ours.”

Yong Yuanchun glanced at Huai Zhen. “Is this the child who has been staying in Black Mane Palace?”

“He is,” Ye Mingxi said. He guided Huai Zhen up. “This is Huai Zhen. Lord Hanjing’s only disciple.” dyjlUL

“I see. I’m glad we made it out today then. If not, we would have missed the chance to meet these outstanding individuals. Isn’t that right, Chenyu?”

The little girl glanced at the group and hummed softly.

Yong Yuanchun’s eyes narrowed before he chuckled. “My apologies. This niece of mine is very timid.”

Ge Nianlan silently observed the duo. DfqEyO

He didn’t remember much about Yong Chenyu. He only knew that she was the bastard child of the head of the Yong Clan. She was the black sheep and she was bullied by everyone—including the servants. All things considered, she was quite similar to Huai Zhen. Except, she never turned evil and she didn’t have the chance to destroy the world.

Her ending was…death, right?

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After surviving further than Ge Nianlan, Yong Chenyu died in the crossfire.

That was the kind of person this girl was—pitiful and unremarkable. e4t23z

Yong Chenyu glanced up and met Ge Nianlan’s gaze. She blushed and quickly turned away.

Seeing this, Yong Yuanchun smiled.

“Young Lord, since you two are similar in age, could I trouble you to look after my niece for a moment while I talk to the others?” Yong Yuanchun asked.

“So, you know that it is trouble,” Ge Nianlan said. W72MK6

Yong Yuanchun’s smile stiffened.

Baili Liuye glanced at the girl and back at Yong Yuanchun. “Lord Yong, we will watch her.”

Yong Yuanchun laughed awkwardly and pushed his niece forward. “That’s good. Many thanks, Lord Immortal.”

The man turned and left, leaving the shivering lamb in a den of wolves. 24xLvd

Ge Nianlan scoffed and sat back down. Huai Zhen frowned disapprovingly at him and turned to Yong Chenyu.

“Young Miss Yong, please take a seat.”

Yong Chenyu sat down near Ge Nianlan. She glanced at the boy several times before the boy met her eyes.

“What is it?” whCaQp

“N-nothing,” Yong Chenyu quickly stuttered.

Ge Nianlan watched Yong Chenyu for a moment before pulling his gaze away.

The thing he hated most in this world was being used. He didn’t like the slimy look in Yong Yuanchun’s eyes. He was clearly trying to figure out a way to attach his niece to him. However, this wasn’t Yong Chenyu’s fault. Perhaps, only through the engagement, was Yong Chenyu allowed to experience some semblance of a normal life.

Ge Nianlan let out a soft sigh. He stood. vXNe2r

“Where are you going?” Huai Zhen asked.

“I wanna go to the gardens.” He looked at the three children. “Are you three coming?”

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Yong Chenyu’s eyes widened. “M-me too?”

“…Yeah,” Ge Nianlan grumbled. T2JZXV

Ye Mingxi chuckled. “Go ahead. When Lord Yong comes back, we’ll tell him where you went, Young Miss Yong.”

Yong Chenyu nodded. She started to push herself up, but was stunned to find two hands in front of her. She looked up at Huai Zhen and Ge Nianlan. The two boys glanced at each other. Ge Nianlan immediately pulled his hand back.

“If you want to help her, then you help her,” Ge Nianlan said.

After all, the less involvement he has with her the better. He didn’t want to be saddled with a fiancée. 0XS4Uz

“You help her,” Huai Zhen said as he pulled his hand back as well.

Yong Chenyu glanced between the two of them in confusion. Just as she was about to get up herself, another hand grasped her elbow and helped her up. She turned to find Na Yongkai’s smiling face. Her face slowly heated up.

The four children snuck out of the banquet hall with Ge Nianlan’s help. Only once they were out in the garden did Ge Nianlan breathe a loud sigh of relief. He flopped on the ground and reached for his hair, only for Huai Zhen and Na Yongkai to pounce on him and tug his hands away.

“What are you two doing?” iYdJBF

“We should be asking you what you’re doing,” Huai Zhen said with a click of his tongue.

Na Yongkai nodded.

“This hair stuff is heavy!” Ge Nianlan groaned. He pulled his arms back to his side. “This is why I hate events like this. There’s so many crowds and so many people.”

“It’s the first time those in the alliance have seen you,” Huai Zhen reasoned. BayJMs

“Who cares?” Ge Nianlan asked as he flopped against the tree trunk. “Is there something interesting to see? What am I? A demonic beast?”

Ge Nianlan glanced at Yong Chenyu, who was still standing a ways away. He sighed.

“Young Miss Yong, if you stand so far, people are going to think we’re bullying you.

Yong Chenyu quickly jogged over. However, as she moved, her dress, that was a bit too big on her, was caught under her foot. The three children watched as she fell to the ground, face first. BQLkXT

Silence settled over the gardens. Then, a soft sniffle.

Ge Nianlan immediately stood on his knees. “H-hey, are you okay?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The sniffle was followed by a tiny whimper.

Ge Nianlan was frozen stiff. What do they do? He looked at the other two. YvrVkg

Huai Zhen and Na Yongkai were equally still.

The tiny whimper turned into a suppressed sob.

The three children were utterly stupefied.

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Translator's Note

勇原春; Yǒng Yuánchūn

Translator's Note

勇臣羽; Yǒng Chényǔ

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