The Young Lord's Way OutChapter 24

“No peeking,” Ge Nianlan said to the two people behind him. “If you peek, my wish won’t come true.”

Huai Zhen took a few steps back to write his own wish and Ge Jinsheng obediently closed his eyes. Ge Nianlan smiled, satisfied that the two people backed off. He turned back to his slip of paper and thought of many things he wanted to happen. For example, he wanted to live until old age. He also wanted many people to like him, so that he doesn’t die so horribly. He also wanted those he cared about to be safe and live a long life. But after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn’t settle on any of those wishes. sywWG

He sighed and finally wrote something down.

He took a step back to look at it and smiled to himself.

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“Happiness and good health to all those in Black Mane Palace”. It was a pretty fine wish, if you asked Ge Nianlan. It encompassed all the people he cared about and even Huai Zhen, who will one day become a member of Black Mane Palace!

“Are you done?” Huai Zhen asked. xisE5b

“Yup!” Ge Nianlan nodded.

The two boys walked up to the wishing tree. Ge Nianlan frowned slightly. He knew he couldn’t aim too high on the tree, but he wanted to at least be away from the cluster.

“Do you want me to throw it?” Ge Jinsheng asked.

Ge Nianlan shook his head. “If I don’t do it myself, then that means I’m not sincere enough.”


As he was trying to figure out the best angle, Huai Zhen lifted the two mandarins and threw them up into the tree. The boys held their breaths for a moment but when the wish didn’t come tumbling down, Ge Nianlan grinned.

“Nice throw!”

“It made it pretty high too,” Ge Jinsheng noted.

Huai Zhen smiled sheepishly. He turned to Ge Nianlan. “Your turn.” t3hdCw

Ge Nianlan took a deep breath and threw his wish up into the tree. It was a light toss. To be honest, if it even made it into the tree, then it was fine. However, against his expectations, the weights bumped against each other, hit the side of the tree, and came sliding back down to Ge Nianlan’s feet.

Silence settled between their small group.

“It’s okay, just try again,” Huai Zhen reassured him.

“Haha…y-yeah, I’ll try again,” Ge Nianlan said as he stooped down to pick up his wish. MNmbH

Despite how calm he looked on the surface, he was roaring away in his heart.

It was said that if your wish didn’t latch onto the tree, it meant that you were far too greedy and had asked for too much. But was this too much!? Was it just because it was the entirety of Black Mane Palace? But it wasn’t like he was asking for wealth and riches! This was purely good will! How could this rotten tree reject something so pure and innocent!?

On the second try, Ge Nianlan managed to get his wish onto one of the lowest branches of the tree. Because of how low the branch was, he was the only wish hanging there.

Huai Zhen patted Ge Nianlan on the back. “Do you want to write a second wish?” xCW746

Ge Nianlan shook his head. “Let’s head back. I’m getting sleepy.”

Huai Zhen looked at Ge Nianlan helplessly, then turned to Ge Jinsheng.

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Ge Jinsheng smiled. “You two head back with the others first. I still have some things I need to do.”

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Ge Nianlan glanced at Ge Jinsheng quizzically, but he was too tired to care anymore. He nodded and walked away with his head lowered. eh9nmE

Ycmf Xf Rljcijc jcv tlr ugbeq ifoa, Xf Alcrtfcu rabbv lc ilcf obg atf klrt qjqfg. Coafg tf jmdelgfv atf qjqfgr, tf rkloais kgbaf vbkc tlr klrt jcv abrrfv la eq atf agff. Llr klrt ijcvfv cfjg atf abq jcv rkecu atfgf obg j rfmbcv. Ktf Gfnli Obgv rwlifv ab tlwrfio lc rjalrojmalbc jcv aegcfv ab ifjnf.

While Ge Nianlan’s wish was left at the bottom, on the tree, there were two other wishes that sat far higher up and both read the same thing—“To Ge Nianlan’s happiness and health.”

The blood splattered at the feet of a beauty, dressed in luxurious pink robes. The woman’s eyes narrowed as the man continued to writhe until she pulled her arm back. The heart in her hand was still beating as the man collapsed to the ground, twitching from the leftover shock. She turned the heart in her grip in careful observation. Her eyes narrowed as she pressed her thumb into the heart. The heart slowly blackened, shriveled, and crumbled into dust.

“Corruption,” the woman sighed. She clicked her tongue and flicked her wrist. “Just who is behind it all?” u5IheK


The sharp expression on Zhao Cuihong’s face vanished. She looked over her shoulder as Jia Chiying walked over. Her smile faded slightly as she tried to hide her bloodied hand.

“Chiying, I thought you went to get food,” Zhao Cuihong said.

Jia Chiying held out his hand in silence until Zhao Cuihong reluctantly placed her hand in his. Jia Chiying took out his handkerchief and patiently wiped away the blood. YNufzd

“And I thought you said you were resting, but how come I found you in an alleyway instead of our inn room?” Jia Chiying asked.

Zhao Cuihong lightly coughed her throat. “The crows gave me intel, so I just wanted to check it out.”

Jia Chiying glanced at the man who had a hole through his chest. “What’d you find?”

“He’s the one we’ve been chasing after,” Zhao Cuihong said. “But he’s just a puppet.” 2MEdTK


Zhao Cuihong used her foot to nudge the man’s body. “You see? He’s rotting rapidly. He’s been dead for a while now. The heart in his chest was already corrupted by devil qi. Whoever can implant their energy like poison is no doubt a high-level master. However, in all of Yinxue Region, I only know His Excellency is able to do such a thing.”

Jia Chiying nodded as he burned his handkerchief. “Only those who have reached the status of Devil Lord are able to manipulate their Qi in this sort of way.”

“Then, there is someone plotting against His Excellency who has been hiding their abilities,” Zhao Cuihong said. XZ3uM

“We can’t stay here any longer,” Jia Chiying said. He took Zhao Cuihong’s arm. “Let’s head back.”

Zhao Cuihong sighed as she fixed her hair. “We’ve been at it for three months and we’ve even missed the Young Lord’s birthday, yet we’re going back emptyhanded! So frustrating.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jia Chiying patted Zhao Cuihong’s back. “It’s fine. We found a lot of crucial information though, haven’t we? We’re clearly dealing with a cowardly, high-level master.”

“If their level is this high, they’re allowed to be cowardly,” Zhao Cuihong said with a glance back at the man. She clicked her tongue. “Who do you think it could be?” stec1C

“Even the previous Palace Master did not have these abilities,” Jia Chiying said.

Zhao Cuihong fell silent. She shook her head. “Forget it, we better head back.”

In another week’s time, Zhao Cuihong and Jia Chiying were finally back at Black Mane Palace.

The first thing they did was go to Ge Jinsheng and report their findings. Once they finished, the entire study was silent. IpPtuM

“Did you try tracking the source of the energy?” Wen Yuqing asked.

Zhao Cuihong nodded. “We tried everything, but we couldn’t find it anywhere. That was why it took us nearly four months. When we found a trace, it turned out that it was just another puppet.”

“Interesting,” Nie Chenhui hummed. He turned to Ge Jinsheng. “Your Excellency, shall we mobilize the help of the Great Clans and Cardinal Lords as well?”

“Are you crazy?” Wen Yuqing asked. “If it’s someone with such great power, it is most likely people from the Three Great Clans or the Cardinal Lords.” uhrdbg

“I wouldn’t be so hasty to say so,” Nie Chenhui said. “If it were truly that, our Black Mane Palace would have already been flattened.”

Nie Chenhui sighed at the venomous glares from the Saints around him.

“I’m being honest. Everyone wants His Excellency’s head so that they could be the next master of the palace he’s built. Each of us Saints also have our own handful of enemies. There are many people who are allied with us who also want us dead,” Nie Chenhui said. He shrugged. “If any of them had this kind of ability, we would be dead already.”

“He’s right,” Ge Jinsheng said. He leaned back in his seat as his finger tapped the table top. His brow raised. “But there is another point that I am confused about.” msgdie

His eyes narrowed as they flooded crimson.

“If they are able to play these little tricks, why haven’t they directly attacked us yet?” Ge Jinsheng asked. He looked around at his aides. “Don’t you think it’s odd?”

“Perhaps they fear Your Excellency,” Guan Yongqin suggested.

Ge Jinsheng shook his head. “To be able to plant a cursed artifact within Black Mane Palace is already a feat. And, according to Lord Zhao, they’ve also managed to possess several people who can get close to Black Mane Palace, despite being outsiders. This person is intelligent and resourceful. With their skills, they would also be able to go toe to toe with me. They should have attacked us by now if that is what they are after.” YyKmIJ

“Could they be slowly chipping at our resources instead?” Wen Yuqing suggested. “Perhaps attacking the Young Lord wasn’t an accident, but thoroughly planned?”

“It would be impossible for an outside influence to touch my son without me knowing, so it couldn’t have been planned,” Ge Jinsheng said.

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“Then, Your Excellency, what shall we do?” Guan Yongqin asked.

“Since they’ve retreated, there is nothing we can do. For now, keep your eyes and ears out,” Ge Jinsheng ordered. He glanced at Nie Chenhui. “As Lord Zhao and Lord Jia are going to be far busier now with this on their hands, you are to watch the Young Lord and his companions with Ling Tong.” BpaF87

“What? Me?” Nie Chenhui’s eyes widened. He let out a hollow laugh. “Your Excellency, it is my honor to serve you—”

“Then, do so.”

“—However, I have another job of guarding the borders,” Nie Chenhui said. “I’m already tutoring the Young Lord in history and politics. I can’t possibly follow him around all day while taking care of my proper job, can I?”

“Are you saying that it is too difficult?” Ge Jinsheng asked. OpUfXW

Nie Chenhui slowly closed his mouth. He shook his head. “No. No, Your Excellency. This amount of work is perfect.”

“Good. You are all dismissed.”

The six Saints left Ge Jinsheng’s study.

When they were far enough away, Zhao Cuihong chuckled. 0qrgRx

Nie Chenhui glared at the man. “What?”

“Lucky you. You get to spend more time with the Young Lord,” Zhao Cuihong said.

“Don’t tease him, Cuihong. He’s going to cry,” Guan Yongqin said with a smirk on her face.

Nie Chenhui huffed irritably. “If only Old Luo was here. Then, he could teach and watch the kids instead. I’m not meant to be a teacher. I’m meant to lay around, like a pile of lazy bones.” dsIhqF

“If you’re wearing human skin, then you have to have responsibilities like a human,” Jia Chiying said.

Nie Chenhui placed a hand under his jaw and stroked it contemplatively. “Should I rip it off?”

“Please,” Wen Yuqing rolled her eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. It’s just watching them. They’re good kids—you should consider yourself lucky that it isn’t anyone spoiled.”

“Young Master Huai is definitely a good child,” Nie Chenhui said. “But I have my doubts about the Young Lord.” GpbZnE

“What are you saying?” Zhao Cuihong immediately interjected.

“He may be a little lazy, but he’s perfectly fine,” Wen Yuqing immediately defended.

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“Lord Nie, is this just because he dislikes you?” Jia Chiying added.

Nie Chenhui looked at Guan Yongqin, who met his gaze with a small shrug. swpFTC

“I have no qualms about the Young Lord. He listens to his father well.”

“What kind of medicine has he given you all to make you like him so much? Am I the only one who sees that he’s a little devil?” Nie Chenhui asked.

“Rich coming from someone who is a yao,” Wen Yuqing said.

Nie Chenhui watched, mouth agape, as the Saints dismissed him in various ways and walked away. He turned to his left. MCzGBU

“Ling Tong, you know what I’m talking about, right?”

Ling Tong glanced at Nie Chenhui and looked away.

He gasped. “Ling Tong, you can’t act like this too! We’re a team!”

“Don’t lump me together with the likes of you,” Ling Tong said. 1yPInv

“Oh, come on! Two yao in between a bunch of humans? If we’re not a team, then what are we?” Nie Chenhui asked as he threw an arm over Ling Tong’s shoulders.

The thirteen-year-old paused and looked at the teenager beside her.

Nie Chenhui slowly pulled his hand away and took a step back.

“First of all, devil cultivators are more demonic than human,” Ling Tong said. “Second of all, I’d rather be banished into the Eighteen Levels of Hell than to be a team with you.” HlLOFQ

Nie Chenhui watched, agape, as Ling Tong walked off and disappeared in a plume of shadows.

He laughed loudly and pointed in Ling Tong’s direction and swiped his hand through the air. He huffed and placed his hand on his hips before he glared ahead.

“Fine. Alright. I’ll watch that runt. I’ll watch him so closely that he won’t even find room to breathe!”


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  1. Nie Chenhui has been turned into a babysitter, I wonder if he or Nianlan will be more annoyed haha

    Thanks for the chapter ^^

  2. literally i was like “awwww the wish making was so cute– BLOOD!?” akxhakxj Zhao Cuihong should get covered in more blood, as a treat (esp with Jia Chiying wiping it away (๑˃ᴗ˂))