These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch30.3 - The Meaning of Waving

Translator: Deyonna

Watching the car drive out of the courtyard, Larry took the opportunity to slip into the clinic. He chuckled and asked Old Man Xu. Uxk659

“Hey, Mr. Xu, has Officer Yuan Ye’s exile order been lifted?”

The reason why Larry knew about the exile order was that he went to the clinic to get medicine that day and squeezed it out of Old Man Xu’s youngest apprentice.

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“You’re really. If you had mentioned how capable he was when I asked him to cover my brother’s shift back then, I would have had a good chat with him.”

Larry felt very vexed when he thought about his bad attitude towards Yuan Ye at that time, so these days, he just wandered outside but dared not come in. 953Kxo

“Hey, is he…?”

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask! Your loose tongue, it will inevitably rot and fall off one day!”

Old Man Xu’s tone was very cold. Larry touched his nose, feeling embarrassed, and muttered resentfully to himself as he walked away.

At the same time, the off-road vehicle had already driven onto the main road.



“Hold…hold on!!!”

The little octopus heard the voices of those few teenagers just now. He immediately turned around to look and found that they were actually chasing the car.

Some of them who couldn’t catch up got tired and simply stopped halfway. be5wKN

But one of them, who looked skinny and lean, surprisingly ran very fast, and even chased directly to the tail of the car.

“Wait for a moment! Wait… wait for a moment!”

The little octopus saw the other person holding something that looked like a big bunch of fruits, but he couldn’t recognize what fruit it was. He just felt it looked a bit like lychees.

Because the color looked very similar, large in size, but with a layer of slightly long fur on the surface. eYCVuF

Perhaps this is the evolved version of lychee?

The little octopus looked at the teenager gasping for air, his small face flushed red. He suddenly jumped down from Yuan Ye’s shoulder and opened the car window.


Yuan Ye didn’t react at first, but the next second, when a large bundle of fruits with branches and leaves was being shoved into the car window, he reacted. SzWZ4w

“For you!”

The young man’s brows furrowed, ready to grab the knife out of reflex, but at that moment, the back of his hand suddenly felt heavy.

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——It was the “little jellyfish” who jumped up.

The weight, light as a feather, pressed on the back of his hand, causing Yuan Ye’s movements to suddenly pause, unable to move again. 2rdctj

And in just a few short seconds, that large bundle of oddly shaped fruits, along with lush branches and leaves, was stuffed into his arms.

For a moment, the fragrant leaves mixed with the sweet sugary lychee scent filled his arms.

Yuan Ye: “……..”

“Thank you!” 3QWub

The skinny child was finally willing to slow down and gradually came to a stop. He was panting, waving frantically from behind, his mouth stretched into a broad grin.

“Decontamination officer—”

“…I’m not.”

Yuan Ye subconsciously retorted. B4dIaE

He quickly raised his head and glanced at Chen Xinyue’s gaze in the rearview mirror, using a cold expression to intimidate the other party.

Then he lowered his head and explained to “little jellyfish” on the back of his hand.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“He recognized it wrong.”

Mgbw atf yjmx bo tlr tjcv, atf ilaaif bmabqer mgjkifv eq tlr jgw bcab tlr rtbeivfg. Lf qblcafv j afcajmif ab atf yjmx, lcvlmjalcu Tejc Tf ab ibbx yjmx. wGTMS9

Ktf ybs ibbxfv yjmx, cba xcbklcu kts, jcv kjr revvfcis raeccfv.

Dfmjerf atfgf kfgf wjcs qfbqif rajcvlcu bc atf gbjv, vfcrfis qjmxfv, yea jr atf mjg vgbnf ojgatfg jcv ojgatfg, atf fzqgfrrlbcr bo atbrf qfbqif kfgf cb ibcufg nlrlyif.

But Yuan Ye could see that they were all waving.

—They were all waving to him enthusiastically. yqvWHu

……What does that mean?

Yuan Ye blinked slowly, then slowly withdrew his gaze and sat back up straight. He thought seriously for a while, but couldn’t come up with an accurate answer. He only felt some faint and fuzzy feelings.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, there’s one thing he can confirm. Those gestures did not represent dislike, nor do they represent hatred.

The young man looked down at the tree branch in his arms, which was full of lychees, and gradually found the answer. x kyu4

——It probably meant they wanted to send him something to eat.

At this moment, the little octopus jumped onto his thigh, then picked a bright red fruit from the branch and held it up high to Yuan Ye.


After a moment of silence, the young man finally asked. KsTw5x

“You want to eat this?”

The little octopus looked expectantly, nodding repeatedly.

Yuan Ye pursed his lips, as if compromising, and said, “Okay.”

He lowered the wooden board behind the front seat, using it as a makeshift small table. oz3Eci

Ye Yunfan was very familiar with this, almost identical to the small table behind the seat on a bullet train.

Yuan Ye set aside the large bunch of lychees with branches and leaves in his arms, picked a few, took out a pocket knife, and began to peel them.

Since wearing gloves can be inconvenient for performing delicate tasks, he usually carries a pocket knife with him.

The little octopus picked a few more and handed them to the wilted Jon in front. The curly-haired puppy’s injury hadn’t healed yet, and he was not in good spirits. He had not spoken since getting in the car until now. n2JQ45

However, unexpectedly receiving the feeding of the “little jellyfish”, he was obviously very pleasantly surprised.

“Thank…thank you!”

He looked cautiously at Yuan Ye, and only when he saw that the other party did not show any displeasure did he reach out and took it.

Chen Xinyue glanced at the rearview mirror, slowed down the speed a bit, and drove very steadily. SUuivB

It wasn’t until they had already driven away from the supply station that she spoke about the business at hand.

“Last night, I used the simple communicator in the car to preliminarily interpret the signal records and immediately verified that this was the recording chip inside Bard team’s signal car. Unfortunately, we currently lack the necessary equipment here, so I was unable to decrypt it accurately.”

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Talking about this point, there was not much regret on her face, but rather a calm expression. After all, having obtained the chip was considered very fortunate.

“It seems that we can only go to the sentinel tower or wait until we return to the main city to further unravel the secrets inside.” Sdv8UF


Yuan Ye casually responded, indicating that he understood. He peeled a lychee, shaved off the pit with the tip of the knife, and then handed the fruit flesh to the little guy.

The little octopus was originally sitting obediently on Yuan Ye’s thigh, but fearing that he might wet the other’s pants later, he simply climbed onto the small board.

He reached out his small tentacles, took the fruit from Yuan Ye’s hand, and started eating heartily. XabdEi

Sweet, and it really tastes like lychee!

Ye Yunfan felt secretly delighted.

The taste hasn’t changed much, it simply grew long hair after evolution.

Captain Chen was obviously already accustomed to Yuan Ye’s way of speaking and naturally continued the conversation. 6Pp5Fi

“Liang Kun sent a lot of supplies, including food, weapons, gasoline, and even gave us a car. These are enough for us to reach the T-06 sentinel tower for mid-way replenishment.”

There are a total of twelve giant sentinel towers within the human domain, named in the order of construction time, from T-1 to T-12.

The T-12 sentinel tower, guarded by Hu Changchuan, was located in the area closest to the border and was the last one to be built.

“However, perhaps due to what happened last night, Liang Kun himself did not appear. And the car given by Liang Kun was in the hands of Officer Hu Changchuan. Officer Hu said he had to return to the T-12 watchtower first. As a decontamination officer, he had some matters to hand over to the sentinels. He will catch up with us in about two days to meet up.” 0y9SJq

The main city and the T-12 sentinel tower are not in the same direction, but opposite. The supply station was located in the middle.

That’s why Hu Changchuan said he would come to catch up with them later.


Yuan Ye didn’t have Hu Changchuan in his mind at all. His attention was solely focused on peeling lychee, and he did it quickly and skillfully. VFyTcQ

This directly resulted in the little octopus using all six tentacles coiled around the lychee at the same time to eat, but it was unable to eat them all.

Ye Yunfan initially intended to savor the lychee slowly, but later he wolfed down the fruit, desperately trying to keep up with Yuan Ye’s speed of peeling.

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Once this guy peeled one, he stuffed it in once he finished, and the speed kept increasing. The little octopus really suspected that Yuan Ye was deliberately teasing him!

Just when the little octopus was tired of being fed, Yuan Ye suddenly took the initiative to speak up. 8LHSqd

“Change the route, go around from the west using the trail.”

His hands’ movements didn’t stop, and his tone was casual, as if he just mentioned it in passing.


Chen Xinyue fell silent for a moment, but she didn’t express any doubt, just nodded. z9ZJLm


Yuan Ye’s proactive speaking made the little octopus’ ears prick up instantly, and he keenly sensed the possible hidden meaning behind the words.

Either Yuan Ye sensed danger and wanted to avoid it, or he was acting according to the so-called plan and intended to start fishing.

Ye Yunfan felt that the possibility of it being the latter was more likely. SfCrbD

Just as he was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, a juicy and plump piece of lychee flesh was handed to his small tentacle again.


The little octopus stared at Yuan Ye with big eyes and puffed-up cheeks, really wanting to shout—

Can’t eat up anymore!!! LKrxqX


Yuan Ye noticed the little guy’s eyes were full of complaints, but he couldn’t understand that they were complaints. So, he lowered his head, leaned closer and asked.

“What… ngh!”

The little tentacle coiled around the juicy and plump lychee flesh was swiftly stuffed into the young man’s mouth. wSrX6h

Perhaps this kind of thing, which was unfamiliar at first but became familiar after repetition, made the little octopus’s actions very proficient. However, after successfully completing the reverse feeding, he immediately retracted his tentacle.

The suckers on the inner side of the tentacle brushed against the tip of the tongue, causing a numb and itchy sensation.

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Yuan Ye came back to his senses belatedly, then subconsciously covered his mouth. Even though it had happened once, he was still shocked by his lack of instinctive response to struggle.

But then, the young man tasted the sweet and juicy flesh of the lychee. afr8yw


With the unique scent of the juice spreading on the tip of his tongue, it made his throat unconsciously move.

He has eaten candies with a similar taste.

But this thing… is tastier than candies, much tastier. 6BE8iZ

As the little octopus looked into the young man’s stunned eyes, it seemed like there was a gradual twinkle of stars appearing.

So for the next twenty minutes—

Yuan Ye was peeling and eating lychees.

One for the little octopus, the next one peeled was for himself to eat. DdpY81

Ye Yunfan quickly grew tired of the greasiness and found it too sweet for his liking. He expressed his rejection, so Yuan Ye continued on his own.

The little octopus propped up his head, quietly watching him eat.

At this moment, Yuan Ye was like a hungry hamster, stuffing one lychee after another into his mouth. It was like how he used to stuff candies into his mouth one by one.

But it seems to be different. paztwP

At least this time, it was something he truly enjoyed eating.

Half an hour later, Yuan Ye finally finished indulging in lychees. He cleaned up all the rubbish and washed the knife and leather gloves with water.

The little octopus thought that the next journey would be a quiet and leisurely one, at least even if someone wanted to make a move in secret, they wouldn’t do it right after they had just left the supply station.

So Ye Yunfan decided to go back to his giant shell bed to sleep for a while. WaegMo

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Yuan Ye would hand him a small knife.

Ye Yunfan, who subconsciously received the small knife: “……..?”

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Then, Yuan Ye took out the shoulder bag hanging on the wall of the small house.

The next second, the white shoulder bag was hung onto the little octopus. It was made of latex material, waterproof even. It resembled the kind of shoulder bag that newsboys used to sell newspapers. msScae

It wouldn’t hang properly if he kept crouching, but once he stood up with his two little tentacles, it hung nicely.

The little octopus subconsciously grew a bit, just right.

Eh? Hold on.

Why does Yuan Ye want to give him a bag??? cXnL4d

Yuan Ye opened the bag, and the inner wall had several slots to secure knife handles.

“This should be just the right size to fit in.”


It turned out it was for storing knives. WAybP

The little octopus inserted the small knife he’s holding into the slot, finding that it fit perfectly and could even carry some other things.

For example, a lychee.

Yuan Ye is truly worthy of being a master of handicraft; he can even consider such meticulous details.

Ye Yunfan sighed inwardly. vXxmDf

“Take out the knife.”


The little octopus, who didn’t understand, took it out, and then he heard Yuan Ye say.

“Come, I will teach you how to use a knife.” 7dUhfK



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Forget it. Having more skills isn’t a bad thing.

So the little octopus raised the small knife in his hand, which was no longer than a finger, and prepared to receive the teaching seriously. Then, he saw Yuan Ye take out a toothpick. NRx5ym

A toothpick…

Ye Yunfan: “……”

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his octopus dignity had been insulted.


Translator's Note

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  1. Little Octopus should just be glad Yuan Ye didn’t take out his actual sword 😂

    Thanks for the update ╰(´︶`)╯

  2. Poor ye yunfan and his bruised octopus pride 😂 can’t wait for him to finally transform into human in front of yuan ye xD