These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch27.2 - The Candy Was Poisonous?!

Translator: Deyonna

The road back was different from the one they had traveled on the way, resulting in a different scenery. As the little octopus looked out of the car window, it suddenly saw a bright red light in the distance. TBgacd

It was exceptionally conspicuous in the pitch-black night.

What’s that? A fire?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The little octopus extended its head slightly and peered outside. Feeling a bit stuffy in the car, Yuan Ye opened the window slightly.

Soon, he caught a whiff of a not-so-pleasant smell. T7wfr3

The smell of blood, along with the smell of charred flesh.

After a few seconds of being stunned, Ye Yunfan realized what it was. At that moment, Yuan Ye also noticed his gaze, and the young man suddenly spoke in a low voice.

“That’s the crematorium.”

All the deceased will be cremated in that place.


Due to the high number of deaths this time, the fire never goes out day and night.

The car gradually approached, and the originally quiet night became filled with noise and human voices. Some individuals were burning the belongings of the deceased, others were sobbing softly, and some were directing the delivery of firewood.

Busy and bustling, yet filled with sorrowful mourning.

Ye Yunfan stared blankly. qLODH9

He saw the tall wooden platform erected, with human bodies faintly visible in the firelight.

Further up is the pitch-black sky, burned in the chest, oozing out clumps after clumps of blood-red flesh-like clouds.

Countless sparks fluttered in the hot air, then suddenly extinguished, disappearing into the distance carried by the wind.

The cheapness of human life in this world suddenly took on a tangible representation in Ye Yunfan’s mind, just like the firewood and logs being burned at this moment. X8 4Fd

At the same time, a man and a woman on the hillside hundreds of meters away were overlooking this scene from a high vantage point.

The woman, around twenty-seven or twenty-eight, had shoulder-length hair, large round eyes, a straight nose, and a sweet face.

However, at this moment, her brows were tightly furrowed, showing a hint of anxiety.

“Wei Jing, do you think they got hold of it?” pfZR3J

The man named Wei Jing was wearing a tank top, showcasing his wheat-colored skin and strong muscles. He frowned, took a puff of his cigarette, and exhaled a wisp of smoke.

“I have planted two spies.”

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As he spoke, he casually pointed in the direction of the temporary signal tower with the hand holding the cigarette.

“That idiot named Bernie got himself killed. Luckily, there is another one. His name is Liu Shan. That guy said they searched all the signal cars and found nothing. However, there is actually something unusual.” qrWlE2

The man in the tank top said this as he rubbed his chin.

“They said the chief is keeping a small evolved species as a pet, and this time it seems like he killed Bernie to find that little thing. It’s really hard to tell; he once killed a noble young lady, and now he has a noble young lady’s hobby.”

Tu Shanshan did not care about these details; she was focused on the chip, even walking around pensively.

“But there’s no solid evidence to prove that they haven’t found it. It’s better to be safe than sorry… What does Liang Kun say about this?” twik2u

“What can he say? That guy is as slippery as a loach, not offending either side. But he’s quite a character… With just a word from him, those hundreds of lives, those people would jump into the sea like dumplings to feed the monsters.”

The man clicked his tongue.

“Laundering money with lives. In the end, it’s washed thoroughly clean.”

“It’s just a pity that card, Zhang Nan. I quite liked his skill. I was even thinking of taking him to the main city to see the beautiful face of Her Royal Highness, The Princess, who knows…” 6i XWp

Beside him, Tu Shanshan’s eyes suddenly turn cold. “If you want to die, just say it.”

Wei Jing gave a suggestive laugh and then shrugged his shoulders.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Well, it’s his bad luck. It was supposed to be a simple task, and they even assigned a special military investigation team to assist him. Unfortunately, he ran into that madman, Yuan Ye.”

“Qtja’r atf erf bo ajixlcu jybea atbrf atlcur cbk!” g Ipv9

Ktf mbcrajca rfayjmxr bo atf wlrrlbc wjvf Ke Vtjcrtjc nfgs ogeragjafv.

“Ktf bgvfgr ogbw jybnf tjnf mbwf vbkc; atf lwqbgajca jrrfa wera yf gfaglfnfv, jcv atja kbwjc regcjwfv Jtfc jirb cffvr ab yf vfjia klat.”

Ktf wjc rcffgfv.

“Qtja’r atf erf lo rtf’r vfjv? Ktf atlcur rtf xcbkr, cbk Tejc Tf xcbkr abb. Po atfs gfjiis kjca ab rlifcmf rbwfbcf, atfs rtbeiv xlii atja mtlfo.” 37pUaw

Tu Shanshan looked at him and sneered. “Can you?”

The man very much shrugged his shoulders like a bachelor.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You’re kidding me. If there was a way to kill Yuan Ye, we wouldn’t be sitting here like quails chatting nonsense.”

He rubbed the black stubble on his chin and furrowed his brow slightly. xlqCPJ

“Speaking of which, that guy has always been a lone wolf in the past. Why is he meddling so much this time?”

“Let’s go.”

Tu Shanshan obviously didn’t want to say much to him. She covered her mouth and nose, gesturing towards the departing off-road vehicle.

“They have gone far.” bzaYKg

Obviously, there was no point in staying here. She didn’t want to keep smelling the scent of burning bodies.


More than half an hour later—

Chen Xinyue parked the car in front of the temporary clinic. 3KWuqG

She didn’t even bother to say a word to Yuan Ye and immediately picked up Jon from the passenger seat, rushing inside to find the doctor.

Yuan Ye also got out of the car. Glancing at the sky, he estimated that there were still three to four hours until dawn. He then turned and headed towards the small dirt path, making his way up the mountain back to the small wooden house.

Half of the wall that collapsed was temporarily patched up with wooden boards, most likely repaired by Old Man Xu. Although it was somewhat unstable, it was better than nothing.

Yuan Ye put down his knife and immediately went to wash his hands. Dj0K9C

The little octopus lay on his shoulder, stretching his head to look at Yuan Ye’s hand. He noticed that the red marks on the other party’s wrist had vanished completely, leaving no trace behind.


Could it be that it’s not an allergy?

Or was it simply not severe, so he recovered too quickly? EmISWy

The little octopus scratched its head.

Yuan Ye changed into a pair of clean gloves. He took a basin and filled it with clean spring water. Ye Yunfan was very familiar with this process; he took off his shoes and naturally jumped in to bathe.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


A pink flower bloomed up in the water. k6uMXd

The young man then picked up the small leather shoes he had taken off, cleaned them with water, and neatly placed them aside.

Tomorrow morning… No, it should be this morning. He will leave, so he needed to tidy up some things.

After settling the “little jellyfish” down to take a bath, Yuan Ye turned and went back to the bedroom. He pulled out a dark brown leather trunk from under the bed and opened it.

He first packed the most important metal medicine box, followed by the medicines, and then neatly folded clothes. UjP c5

On the other side, the freshly washed little octopus crawled out of the basin, shook off the water from his body, put on his shoes, and ran over.

He wanted to eat a midnight snack.

However, he didn’t expect to find Yuan Ye packing his luggage as soon as he entered.

Ye Yunfan was slightly stunned but quickly realized that Yuan Ye had to leave this morning. He ran over, a bit curious, and peered his head into the trunk to look around, examining its contents. V7GeQo

The little octopus saw the familiar metal medicine box containing the food he couldn’t eat. Then there were leather suspenders, belts, clean shirts, trousers, and other clothes.

There were also many, many gloves—latex, cotton, leather—more than the number of clothes, all in black and white colors.

The little octopus looked up at Yuan Ye, who was packing his things.

Sure enough… this guy certainly is a glovecon. BclvkW

He suddenly felt like counting how many pairs of gloves Yuan Ye actually had, so the little octopus extended its tentacle, flipped over a pair of gloves, and then looked at Yuan Ye.

—Conveying a look of request to see.

At this moment, Yuan Ye glanced at it and did not stop it.

After all, there was nothing much to see, especially considering it was just a “little jellyfish” with the intelligence of a three-year-old. CQscFA

Ye Yunfan had a strong understanding; he knew that the look in the other’s eyes just now meant permission.

It’s like when your cat at home rummages through your luggage; as long as it doesn’t scratch or bite things, most people won’t sternly stop it.

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Ye Yunfan counted pair by pair.

At that time, the little tentacle suddenly hooked onto something that was pressed at the bottom. It seemed to be a white cotton edge, with a texture different from the previous pairs of gloves. tPgoQz


This glove seems a bit big.

The little octopus hooked onto the edge, wanting to pull it out to see. At the same time, Yuan Ye casually glanced over at that moment.

“…!!!” ANTF8k

Almost immediately, he took a big stride over and pressed his hand firmly to prevent the little tentacle from pulling it out.

The little octopus raised his head, somewhat surprised by Yuan Ye’s overly intense reaction, but still inexplicably pulled back his tentacle.

“…Don’t pull it.”

Oh. 3BkxOG

The little octopus was a bit puzzled, but it still withdrew its tentacle and backed away.

Yuan Ye’s face remained expressionless as he quickly tidied up the leather trunk, paying particular attention to pressing down hard on the area the little octopus had rummaged through earlier.

Ye Yunfan noticed that Yuan Ye’s actions were extremely unusual, a bit anxious and frantic, as if he had just stumbled upon some personal secret that no one should see.

A personal secret? EeAqdI

He carefully recalled the item he had inadvertently discovered just now, and it seemed… to be something like intimate clothing.


The clever little octopus suddenly had a moment of enlightenment.

This… This is because he hasn’t been human for too long and forgot about it. Lf7duB

Ah, it’s really embarrassing.

The little octopus felt more and more embarrassed, so embarrassed that he wanted to dig his tentacles into the ground.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He felt that it might not be suitable for him and Yuan Ye to stay in the same room at the moment. Quietly slipping out, he planned to go to the kitchen to look for a midnight snack.

Before leaving, Ye Yunfan took the small knives that Yuan Ye had personally made for him. qWgFZK

He thought it might come in handy in the kitchen.

—And sure enough, it did come in handy!

On the way back, Ye Yunfan noticed a black bird that looked like a crow. It had somehow entered the house and was looking around, seemingly searching for something.

However, the bird had two heads, with blood-red pupils, giving it a strange and abnormal appearance. ktVYq8

At first glance, it looks…



[Eat meat!] M2rJ0I

[Eat meat!]

The little tentacles were extremely excited.

Is this going to be his midnight snack?!

Ye Yunfan was also excited; he had just thought about having a midnight snack, and now the midnight snack was served right at his doorstep. What a stroke of luck! MCODHZ

Moreover, with Yuan Ye in the room behind him, Ye Yunfan felt supported and confident, not the least bit afraid.

The little octopus held the small knives, activated his camouflage skill, and with his heart pounding madly, he approached on tiptoes.

He thought of the situation. If he went back to get Yuan Ye now, and the midnight snack ran away, what would he do then?

So he decided to try it on his own first. If he couldn’t handle it and made some noise, Yuan Ye would immediately come out and chop this creature in half. GU8XcY

The bedroom in the house was lit, while the outside hallway had only a faint moonlight, which posed no problem for the little octopus with excellent vision.

The two-headed black bird took a few steps, sensing potential danger. It stopped vigilantly, tilted its heads, and searched the dimly lit room but found nothing.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The midnight snack was cautious, and the little octopus wanting to eat a midnight snack was even more cautious. He shrank himself to the smallest size, almost as small as a child’s palm, and silently approached, calculating in his mind where the first stab should land.

Because birds have limited attack methods, relying mainly on either their sharp beaks or their claws. RFS0Uj

Ye Yunfan is aware of his single-digit defense value, making his first strike crucial. So he must immediately render the opponent immobile.

The little octopus quickly formulated a complete midnight snack plan. After mentally simulating repeatedly and confirming that everything was fine, he immediately launched a lightning-fast attack and incapacitated the opponent.


The sharp knife pierced directly through the left side of the bird’s neck. dh3n6i

At the same time, the other head of the bird immediately let out a sharp and mournful cry. The little octopus struck with precision, without hesitation, immediately wrapping its tentacles around the opponent’s feathers and climbing onto the back of the two-headed bird, perfectly avoiding the opponent’s reflexive attack.

Immediately, Yuan Ye inside the room heard the commotion and appeared almost instantly.

His first reaction, however, was not to grab the knife and chop up the little octopus’ midnight snack, but to step forward and stomp on the black bird that was flapping wildly and attempting to attack the little octopus.

“Come back.” LjgE5i

This sentence was directed at the little octopus, who was about to stab with the second knife.


Ye Yunfan was stunned.

He looked at the midnight snack, who was now as quiet as a chicken in an instant, and then at Yuan Ye, who showed no signs of murderous intent. D7dNnz

A line flashed through his mind in an instant.

That’s right, Yuan Ye’s senses are extremely sharp. How could he not notice that a strange bird had entered the house?


Ye Yunfan tapped his head, realizing that he had been impulsively driven by the gluttony of the little tentacles. vaQ6xW

So, the little octopus disdainfully shook off the feathers on its body, jumped down from the black bird that was not a midnight snack, and flew straight into the basin to take a bath.

Watching that, Yuan Ye frowned, equally and somewhat disdainfully lifted his foot.

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Still, in a frightened state, the two-headed black bird could only suffer, pulling out the knife from its neck on its own and throwing it on the ground. At this moment, one of its heads rolled its eyes, huffing angrily a few times, and breathing heavily, while the other head was huddled up, resembling a quail.

“Lord Yuan…Yuan Ye…” R6E 83

Translator’s Corner: I created an album for the fan arts of this novel. Browse it here if you’re interested.

Translator's Note


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