These Tentacles Are Eager to Stick Close!Ch26.4 - Little Octopus’ Key Operation

Translator: Deyonna

Chen Xinyue paused slightly, then quickly reacted, displaying a somewhat embarrassed yet slightly anxious expression. QnHvhy

“Yes, yes, yes, it’s a very rare evolved species, pink, about the size of a palm. It was squatting on his shoulder when we just came in.”

Saying this, she looked at Liu Shan, the person in charge.

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“Officer Liu, you must have seen it earlier; it’s especially cute.”

Liu Shan reacted quickly and soon remembered. jEGmdO

Indeed, that’s true.

Although evolved species are not few, most of them are large in size, fierce, and have a bad temper. The evolved species that are suitable as pets, like the small ones, are only easy to find in the main city.

Liu Shan had a deep impression. Moreover, with such good quality item like that pink jellyfish, the price is definitely not low.

Upon hearing this, Jon, whose face was deathly pale, held his stomach, finally breathed a sigh of relief.


“Yes, yes, yes, that little guy is extremely rare. We must search carefully for it.”

Saying this, he waved his hand, showing a warm expression.

“Quick, everyone, help Captain Chen search carefully.”

At this moment, Chen Xinyue immediately helped Jon up from the ground slowly. She did not reprimand him, but only gave him a worried and inquiring look. Jon shook his head and tried hard to open his mouth to show a bright yet ugly grin. LS 5Vm

When his lips parted, his mouth was full of blood.

Captain Chen’s eyes suddenly turned cold as she glanced at the man who had just kicked Jon, with murderous intent rising in her heart.

At the same time, Yuan Ye had already found the lost “little jellyfish,” hidden on the inner side of the front tire of the main control signal car. It seemed to be frightened, trembling and curled up, only showing half of its head.

With soppy round blue eyes, it stared at him without blinking, but it did not come closer. Hm3hiD

Yuan Ye’s heart constricted, and he immediately walked over in large strides. Previously, the “little jellyfish” had always been very proactive in climbing onto his body, but this time, it didn’t move.

“It’s here! It’s here!”

This time, someone shouted and reached out to grab it, but the “little jellyfish” panicked and hid, yet did not run.

Why didn’t it run away? 2WOjuk


Yuan Ye’s face suddenly became very gloomy.

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The man who kicked Jon just now took out a very sharp dagger and reached over from the other side, seemingly trying to pry it out.

“Fuck, this little thing is quite good at hiding.” hUEMsz


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cibcu klat atlr rbecv, Dfgclf kjr cb ibcufg lc atf rjwf qijmf. Lf kjr vlgfmais xlmxfv bea, gbiilcu jcv rilvlcu bc atf ugjnfi-mbnfgfv ugbecv. Pa abbx wbgf atjc afc wfafgr obg atf agfwfcvber obgmf ab vlrrlqjaf.

C ibcu yibbvrajlc lcrajcais jqqfjgfv bc atf ugbecv, ktlif Dfgclf ijs lc atf vlrajcmf, mbwqifafis rlifca jcv wbalbcifrr.

Thud! dgWMwa

A black boot stepped on the dagger, and countless white lines flashed by. The next second, the dagger and even the surrounding ground broke into pieces with a sound.


Four stationed signal cars sank into the ground, with almost half of the vehicle’s body buried.

Rumble— u460YG

Even in the mountain forests, a flock of frightened birds took flight in panic, trying to escape.


Jon was shocked to the extreme, even forgetting the captain’s gag order.

Chen Xinyue’s hair stood on end, and she subconsciously pulled Jon back several steps. As a mutant, her sharp intuition was frantically warning her, even making her consider the idea of running away. Bv0DU4

In that instant, Chen Xinyue suddenly understood Hu Changchuan. She understood the seemingly exaggerated actions of the other party and also understood the genuine fear that the other party felt towards Yuan Ye from their innermost being.

The former chief of decontamination officers…

Even though he committed a serious crime, Her Majesty the Queen only issued a banishment order. Apart from this, there was no other punishment.

For the first time, Chen Xinyue thoroughly understood what signifies behind this seemingly absurd rumor. hajl16

The surrounding military investigators had blank expressions, their body staggering, lips trembling, unable to utter a word.

The person in charge, Liu Shan, barely managed to stand firm. In the afternoon, he was specifically informed by the leader about a person carrying a long knife, but he never imagined that the other party would turn out to be such a terrifying individual.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But no one dared to speak.

Surrounded by countless fearful or panic-stricken gazes, Yuan Ye’s face showed no particular expression, or rather, he had become accustomed to it and no longer cared. BGWLIQ

The young man crouched down, somewhat anxiously searching for the little jellyfish hidden within the side of the tire.

At this time, Ye Yunfan also regained his senses from the shock.

Earth… earthquake…?

But it doesn’t quite seem like one. oL14nP

Without thinking too much, the little octopus suddenly saw those familiar heterochromatic eyes. His eyes lit up, and he immediately reached out two tentacles towards the young man.

Small waves~

Yuan Ye paused momentarily. After experiencing it once, he immediately understood the meaning of this gesture.

—It wanted him to hug. KNXozT

To hug…

The young man hesitated for a few moments, the slippery and sticky sensation still lingering on his right hand. However, he slowly extended both hands and gestured to embrace the “little jellyfish.”

The next second, the pink little tentacles wrapped around Yuan Ye’s fingertips, followed by the familiar soft and moist body quickly settling in the hollow of his palm.

Yuan Ye weighed it in his hand with a hint of wonder, finding that the “little jellyfish” seemed to have become slightly heavier. D4pMn0

But he didn’t mind. After a quick look to confirm that the little guy was unharmed, Yuan Ye’s expression improved significantly.

He stood up, ignored everyone’s gaze, and left directly.

However, this time Yuan Ye didn’t put the “little jellyfish” on his shoulder, but held it in his palm.

Chen Xinyue also finally came to her senses. She pulled Jon and, without saying much, quickly left, following behind Yuan Ye. 2Ga5iX

It wasn’t until the backs of the three had disappeared into the distance that Liu Shan finally managed to regain his breath.

“Squad… Squad Leader Liu…”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Someone swallowed hard, their voice trembling. Then another person crawled and ran to check on Bernie’s condition, so frightened that he subconsciously cried out.

“De…dead… he’s dead!” pj6d y

Liu Shan’s expression suddenly darkened, and he turned around and roared. “Shut up!”

In the afternoon, Team Leader Liang had already instructed to temporarily set aside the matter of the death gratuity. Before Chen Xinyue and the others left, no new issues were allowed to arise.

Especially, under no circumstances should they offend the person with the long knife; none of them can afford to offend him. And now, the outcome…

Liu Shan glanced at Bernie’s dead body, feeling angry and resentful to the point that his teeth itched. However, this matter still had to be suppressed. sHnwJX

He took a deep breath, coldly sweeping his eyes at the surroundings.

“Tonight’s events. No one is allowed to talk about it!”


At the same time, Yuan Ye and the other two had already returned to the car. RbDXW0

Chen Xinyue cautiously started the car, turned slowly, and tried to minimize the jolting.

Jon sat in the passenger seat, and even the seat belt was fastened by the captain. Every breath he took brought intense pain, so he could only keep his eyes closed and remain silent.

The curly-haired puppy had a deathly pale face, biting his lips tightly as if trying to endure the pain. Yuan Ye sat in the back seat, his eyes focused intently on the “little jellyfish” in his palm.

It didn’t run around cheerfully as usual, walking with its two shoes, nor did it lazily lie down to play. All its tentacles were retracted, tightly hugging its belly, curled up into a ball. belM2y

Yuan Ye didn’t understand what was wrong with it, but it was clear that something was not right in its condition. If he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have let it run around recklessly.

Yuan Ye did not realize that this was the first time he felt regret.

At this moment, no one said a word, and for a while, the atmosphere inside the car became heavy and stifling.

Chen Xinyue looked at Jon, who was barely breathing, with a slight redness in the corners of her eyes. She suddenly felt some regret for her impulsiveness. GJlH8n

Seemingly noticing Chen Xinyue’s gaze, Jon made an effort to appear relaxed.

“It’s… it’s alright, Captain. My luck has always been good.”

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Initially, he wanted to comfort Chen Xinyue, but after saying this, Jon suddenly realized that they had gone through so much trouble in the middle of the night but still hadn’t found the most important thing.

Saying his luck was good was clearly not right. 9svDUf

For example, shortly after he joined the team, all the team members sacrificed themselves. The curly-haired puppy’s mood immediately plummeted.

“I’m sorry, Captain, I… I’m too stupid, I didn’t find… cough cough… I didn’t find the thing, and I was discovered by someone…”

Jon felt very bad about himself, dragging everyone down again.

“I’ve caused trouble for you all…” GH3DfC


Captain Chen immediately interrupted him.

On the way back, she drove very slowly, even deliberately avoiding the bumpy sections of the road, trying to keep the car steady.

“If the thing wasn’t found, it wasn’t found. How is it your fault? In the main city, with so many big shots, can those guys still escape?” KBQaei

Chen Xinyue glanced at the dejected Jon, sighed, and reached out to rub his soft curly hair with one hand, her voice becoming particularly gentle.

“Don’t say anything for now. Rest well. Our seventh team only has the two of us left. You have to take care of yourself, you know?”


Jon was immediately moved to tears. ALr5WT

While Captain Chen was comforting the curly-haired puppy, the little octopus popped its head out of Yuan Ye’s hand. He looked out the window, trying to estimate how far they had traveled in his mind.

At this moment, Yuan Ye was in no mood to think about the chip. His brows were wrinkled, his gaze fixed on the “little jellyfish” without moving away.

Because he found that the little guy was indeed not injured, but he didn’t understand why the other party was acting so unusually.

So he kept staring at it, trying to figure out what this little guy was up to. Q2Yut

After a few minutes, the little octopus finally confirmed that they had traveled far from the temporary signal station and verified that the surrounding environment was safe.

It was only at this moment that he finally unfolded his small tentacles one by one, took out the metal piece hidden under his belly, and held it up high.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


The little octopus confidently put his hands on his hips. J4FjCD

Yuan Ye who was stunned: “……???”

Chen Xinyue, who happened to see it in the rearview mirror, was also stunned: “……!!!”

Following the captain’s gaze, Jon slowly turned his head to look over, turned sluggish for two seconds before suddenly exclaiming—

“Chi, chi, chi… Chip?!!!” c6ergq

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