Transmigrated into the School Idol’s Love Rival and LoverChapter 59

Su Xue could never forget how she fell in love with Chu Nan.

When she first entered Qilin High, she was enchanted by the students’ lavish spending and family backgrounds. The big shots frequently seen on TV and in the industry were regulars at the parent-teacher meetings here. Even dropping a bottle cap from the third floor of the teaching building could hit either a little princess or a little prince. 36n4Pu

Su Xue was admitted to Qilin based on her excellent grades. Before coming here, she was confident that she could outperform these second-generation rich kids solely based on her academic achievements.

But upon arriving at the school, she realized how naive her thoughts were. The second-generation rich kids weren’t as useless as they were portrayed in TV dramas. Due to the inequality of educational resources, they not only excelled academically but also possessed other skills.

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Su Xue worked hard to study and dance. Her dream was to graduate and settle abroad, becoming the envy of everyone in her family as “the child from someone else’s family.”

One day, Su Xue overheard her desk mate angrily calling her family, “I don’t want to go to France for university, I don’t want the house you arranged for me, and I don’t like the person you want me to marry!” MXaQxT

Since then, Su Xue knew that what she had been seeking all her life was to step on others and discard them like old shoes.

While others were born standing at the end point of life, she could only chase after them for the rest of her life.

Unwilling to accept this, Su Xue, who was both beautiful and hardworking, wondered why she should have a worse life than them.

From that moment on, Su Xue began to be adept at concealing her intentions, mingling among the students of Qilin High. She aimed to become the moonlight in boys’ hearts and the gentle and amiable senior sister in girls’ hearts.


She wanted to break into that circle.

The first time Su Xue saw Chu Nan was in a bar.

At that time, she had just softly rejected the pursuit of a rich classmate. Disappointed, he said it would be the last time, as he was going to get drunk tonight and forget about Su Xue completely by tomorrow.

How could Su Xue allow that? W5sS8r

She tenderly took care of the rich classmate in the bar, claiming that she didn’t want him to get hurt because of her.

The rich classmate reeked of alcohol, but Su Xue still smiled gently, asking him to drink less. Even when the rich classmate occasionally pretended to be crazy under the influence, touching her face, Su Xue didn’t say much.

Little did she know, the rich classmate, accustomed to having his way, after drinking a few bottles of alcohol, tried to force Su Xue to undress.

He cursed and said, “You’re just a woman, even if you’re highly regarded, you’re still the same in bed, nothing special compared to others.” 5wl1mZ

Everyone in the bar stopped and looked at the rich classmate going crazy.

Su Xue felt extremely embarrassed, but still forced a smile and said, “You’re drunk.”

“I’m not drunk! How long have I been chasing after you? If you don’t like me, why do you drink with me? You’re just playing hard to get!” The rich classmate shouted, “If you don’t undress today, you won’t be allowed to leave.”

Feeling extremely embarrassed, Su Xue felt like all her disguises had been exposed, and her hidden thoughts were laid bare for all to see. Ir3tYJ

But she still said, “You’re drunk. Let me… I’m just afraid you’ll get into trouble when you’re drunk.”

“You’re pretending better than you sing!” The rich classmate raged, “If you don’t undress today, you won’t be allowed to leave! Hey, it hurts…”

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It was at this moment that Chu Nan appeared. At that time, he was even younger and more aggressive, and his family hadn’t had the chance to suppress him too much.

Chu Nan’s eyes were icy, cutting like a knife as he pushed the rich classmate against the wall with ease, “Can’t even handle a drink properly. What, haven’t you seen a woman before?” jnkrA1

The rich classmate’s legs went weak, “Chu… Nan…”

Ju Ping said from behind, “Oh, we’re still classmates, this dog is too embarrassing.”

The rich classmate’s legs trembled, his tongue thick, and he was scared sober, “Chu Nan… You, you, you think just because your dad is… I won’t dare to hit you? I have connections in the bureau! If I flirt with my wife, can you control it?”

Chu Nan casually glanced at him, “You can date whoever you want, but if you dirty my ears in public, hitting you is a light punishment.” 8BxbWu

Chu Nan exuded the air of a ruthless bandit, “Besides bullying women, what else can you do?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf tjv jc fzqgfrrlbcifrr ojmf jr tf qertfv atf glmt mijrrwjaf jujlcra atf kjii, yjcufv tlw tjgv, atfc ugjyyfv tlr mibatfr, qeiifv tlw obgkjgv, jcv qertfv tlw yjmx jujlc.

Ktf glmt mijrrwjaf tjv cb ragfcuat ab oluta yjmx, yea Jte Rjc vlvc’a tjnf atf qjalfcmf ab abs klat tlw ilxf j mja jcv wberf.

Seeing that the rich classmate was completely frightened, Chu Nan let go, and the rich classmate slid down the wall. MNY1f5

“I hit you. You’re welcome to come find me anytime. If you take it out on someone else…” Chu Nan didn’t finish his sentence, he just reached out and patted the rich classmate on the shoulder.

The rich classmate felt like his shoulder was about to break, but he nodded in pain.

Chu Nan let go and left. Su Xue, standing nearby, said softly, “Thank you…”

Chu Nan remained silent, while Ju Ping said, “Thanking him won’t help. Can you thank him twice? Stay away from these places in the future.” 910RP7

Su Xue felt even more ashamed.

During this encounter, she remembered Chu Nan’s handsome face, his powerful strength, and the words from the rich classmate, “Don’t think your dad is…”

Chu Nan, born into wealth, was feared even by scum like the rich classmate.

Powerful, ruthless, aloof, and incredibly handsome. wNlFa3

He embodied everything Su Xue imagined in a dark horse prince.

From that moment on, Su Xue fell in love with Chu Nan. When she returned home, she sent a message to the rich classmate, still playing the game of pushing him away while welcoming him: “Today, you misunderstood. However, if my actions have caused your misunderstanding, from now on, let’s not contact each other again. I will remember your most sincere confession, and tonight’s hurt, let’s pretend it never happened.”

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Su Xue tried even harder to navigate the circles of Kirin High, only to become a better person, hoping to catch Chu Nan’s attention.

Unfortunately, Chu Nan was completely indifferent to her. MV69gS

Su Xue had to let go of her “goddess” facade and persistently sent love letters to Chu Nan, but to no avail.

Chu Nan actually liked someone like “Ran Yan,” and Su Xue couldn’t accept it.

The position of school flower belonged to her, and Chu Nan was also hers.

The thumbtack was just a small punishment. 69vK o

Su Xue felt a bit suffocated, infatuatedly looking at Chu Nan in front of her. Unfortunately, while Chu Nan once pushed away the rich classmate for her, now he was squeezing her neck for Ran Yan.

Chu Nan’s eyebrows furrowed, “You were the one who did the thumbtack.”

Su Xue seemed greatly wronged, “It wasn’t me, Chu Nan… I just noticed Ran Yan dancing despite her foot pain. Did she really want to beat me just because I looked at her a little longer?”

Chu Nan felt nauseated by her words. NapoXQ

Both were deceits, but Ran Yan’s deception amused him and made her seem cute, while Su Xue’s deceit was used as a means to cause harm.

“Is it because I don’t hit women that you dared to bully her repeatedly?” Chu Nan’s grip loosened.

Su Xue was no longer so afraid, “I really didn’t know, I didn’t leave any thumbtacks. Did Ran Yan tell you it was me? Although my dancing skills aren’t great, they’re still better than hers. I could have won against her openly…”

She just wanted to teach Ran Yan a lesson, this time it was a thumbtack, who knows what it would be next time. t59sYF

Su Xue said, “Chu Nan, I’m the one who loves you the most…”

Chu Nan looked impatient, Ruan Yan was still in the infirmary, and he didn’t know if he would misbehave again in his absence.

Chu Nan was annoyed by Ruan “Fairy” Yan, wishing he could watch over him 24 hours a day, not willing to spend time on Su Xue.

Su Xue was still pleading, “Chu Nan, you’re just confused by Ran Yan’s coquettishness. I’m the one who truly loves you. I can ignore her. Try to understand me, give me a chance? If you still don’t love me, I… am willing to step back.” He56Fa

Su Xue didn’t believe Chu Nan wouldn’t agree. What man doesn’t cheat?

She received a disgusted look from Chu Nan, “You’re really disgusting.”

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Without waiting for Su Xue to argue, Chu Nan grabbed her hair with one hand and pressed her face against the wall.

“To tell the truth, did you put the thumbtack?” Chu Nan’s eyes were full of hostility, and if Su Xue turned around, she would see that his expression was far more terrifying than before. VmDlu9

Before Su Xue could answer, Chu Nan grabbed her hair and slammed her face against the wall.

Su Xue screamed, “I… didn’t…”

Chu Nan bumped her again, repeating it about seven or eight times. Su Xue trembled all over, finally understanding the fear in the rich classmate’s heart.

When Chu Nan saw it was enough, he grabbed Su Xue’s bag and dumped it out. 4edaMY

Thumbtacks scattered all over the floor, sharp and dangerous.

Chu Nan said, “So you didn’t have time to dispose of them.”

That’s why he hurried to send Ruan Yan back to the infirmary and immediately came to find Su Xue.

Su Xue’s face was extremely pale. 9F6sxT

Chu Nan said, “Do you know why I asked you first? To see if you would lie?”

Su Xue shivered, “I really love you…”

Chu Nan curled his lips, his originally handsome face looking more intimidating than a devil’s: “Because I want to tell you, don’t take others for fools.”

He pointed to the thumbtacks on the ground and said lightly, “Step on them too.” v3p4Qg

Chu Nan thought for a moment, just stepping on them wouldn’t work; Ruan Yan was dancing cheerleading at the time.

Chu Nan said, “You step on them.”

Su Xue deliberately bought the sharpest and longest thumbtacks. She had imagined many times the scene of Ran Yan stepping on them, but now the tables had turned.

She dared not not step on them because Chu Nan was watching nearby. HxRd8s

After a few seconds, a sharp female voice sounded.

The thumbtack went in completely, and Chu Nan sneered.

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Ruan Yan cried so easily and was so cowardly, yet she didn’t even cry after stepping on the thumbtack. Su Xue, who brought it upon herself, was crying out in pain.

Ruan Yan was in the infirmary, his wound had been treated, but he looked indifferent, not happy at all. g7c0AH

Chu Nan was on a date with Su Xue… who knew what had happened.

Since Ruan Yan crossed over, he had never doubted the authenticity of that book.

Because he had a dream when he first crossed over, the scenes in the dream were from the book. It was after graduation, Chu Nan had become a real CEO, and Su Xue and others went to interview for the position of secretary. In the end, Su Xue was hired.

A strong intuition told Ruan Yan that the dream was real. isvme3

He couldn’t hear the voices in the dream, but according to the plot of the book, Chu Nan and Su Xue were playing the game of domineering CEO and secretary.

Ruan Yan’s eyes darkened. Chu Nan was really romantic.

In the future… if he could go back, he would also find a girl to spend his life with and play this kind of game.

After all, he was also a CEO. d2i5Yo

In the latter half of the dream, Chu Nan and Su Xue got married. Chu Nan’s expression remained as cold as ever, only when exchanging rings, did he gaze at the clouds in the sky.

From that look, Ruan Yan could see the intense and eternal love.

Ruan Yan lowered his eyes, he knew that Chu Nan and Ran Yan were just fooling around…

Chu Nan would give all the mature romance to Su Xue, and was just playing around with Ran Yan in their student days. TlWi4Q

In Ruan Yan’s dream, no matter how busy he was with work, Chu Nan would take Su Xue around the world.

Chu Nan seemed to be pursuing something, Ruan Yan sarcastically thought, probably pursuing happiness.

As a single person, reminiscing about these things was truly bitter.

In the dream, Chu Nan bought many castles and particularly liked visiting religious areas. bBZyK6

Perhaps because of his wealth, Chu Nan never visited any of those castles, and Su Xue couldn’t even stay in them.

Ruan Yan was now lying in the infirmary, already in pain from his foot, and now feeling worse.

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He thought, it must be because he was single and couldn’t stand seeing others happy as a couple.

Ruan Yan lowered his head to play with his phone. Chu Nan had left in a hurry, handing his phone to Ruan Yan to play with. nDGEbU

Ruan Yan glanced at the new Sudoku game on Chu Nan’s phone and couldn’t help but start playing.

Messages came in one after another.

Ruan Yan looked, they were from unknown numbers, but the tone was obviously Su Xue’s.

“Today’s events, I admit it. But Ruan Yan really doesn’t deserve you. Are you really indifferent to me?” 1dGrdi

“Just now, you felt my slender neck, my bare feet dancing in front of you. As long as you want, you can have me anytime.”

Ruan Yan: …

He hesitated for a moment and quickly closed the Sudoku game.

The meaning of Su Xue’s words was that Chu Nan had touched her just now? And even took off her shoes? t1oG56

This progress was too fast.

Ruan Yan’s current feeling was like accidentally seeing a loving scene between a husband and wife, very awkward. He felt like a voyeur.

He lowered his head, originally wanting to at least get through today, but it seemed like today wasn’t going to be possible anymore.

Ruan Yan thought, Chu Nan and Su Xue were going to get married in the future, and he couldn’t entangle himself with Chu Nan anymore. RBkm0w

Not for a day.

Enduring the pain, Ruan Yan put on his shoes and left the infirmary limping.

He had originally wanted to abandon his role as Chu Nan’s brother from now on, but upon reflection, Chu Nan had been good to him before.

Ruan Yan took out his phone and sent a text to Chu Nan: “Chu Nan, this is the last time I’ll message you. For some reason, I can’t resist Ruan Yan’s personality. I won’t appear again in the future, you two have no worries, don’t go looking for him again, don’t miss him.” zphwS

After some thought, Ruan Yan sent another message: “Farewell.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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