The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura FieldsCh134 - Control

After a brief moment of shock, Shen Xing, who was being angrily stared at by everyone, didn’t become angry but instead laughed.

“Jiang Fu, now you are just a wisp of a soul. How much longer can you linger?” Shen Xing chuckled lightly, casting an unreadable glance around at the people. KMbhgR

Then, he turned his gaze to Pei Xiaoming, a dangerous smile spreading across his impossibly handsome face. “As for you, Pei Ming, challenging me so recklessly—how many lives do you have to waste so frivolously?”

“Shen Xing, do you really think I’m so foolish as to confront you without being prepared? Do you think I would do this just for a moment of satisfaction?” The Saintess’ remnant soul suddenly sneered.

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When Shen Xing entered the temple today, unexpected things happened one after another, but his expression remained unchanged.

But after hearing Jiang Fu’s words, he finally felt a hint of unease. J79 Ru

Jiang Fu was not a reckless person, but rather a terrifyingly intelligent woman.

Not wanting to delay any longer, Shen Xing instantly teleported in front of Pei Xiaoming, grabbing his throat and lifting him up forcefully. With his other hand, he formed a fist and swiftly punched Pei Xiaoming in the abdomen.

“A-Ming!” Yue Xiuzhi cried out, preparing to intervene.

But Pei Ming grabbed Yue Xiuzhi’s left hand, reassuring him, “Don’t worry, it’s fine.”


Indeed, just before Shen Xing could hit Pei Xiaoming, he suddenly felt excruciating pain in his heart, causing him to release Pei Xiaoming immediately, his face contorting in agony, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

However, Shen Xing was not an ordinary person. After a brief moment of losing control, he suppressed the intense pain and turned to the Saintess’ remnant soul, gritting his teeth. “Jiang Fu, what did you do?”

“My spiritual vein,” the Saintess’ remnant soul laughed, “I added something to it.”

“What did you add to that ‘spiritual vein’?” Yue Xiuzhi curiously asked his lover beside him. dte5EA

“Some energy that conflicts with Shen Xing… but it won’t kill him, it only buys us some time,” Pei Ming said.

What Pei Ming gave Shen Xing wasn’t a spiritual vein at all but a counterfeit he created.

It was not only practically useless but also extremely harmful.

He could have killed Shen Xing outright but feared that accidentally killing him would cause the Heavenly Way to give up and blame them. DS931C

After being released by Shen Xing, Pei Xiaoming coughed a few times while half-squatting on the ground, then stood up as if nothing had happened, though his gaze towards Shen Xing became increasingly cold.

The Saintess’ figure grew more and more indistinct. “Shen Xing, you’re right, I can’t hold on for much longer either.”

“But you won’t have it easy!” she shouted. As soon as she finished speaking, Shen Xing felt the pain in his heart intensify, forcing his body to uncontrollably squat and curl up.

In such a dire situation, Shen Xing could no longer stay there. He had to flee from the Temple with his followers. No one pursued him. The best outcome now was for the Demon Emperor to leave on his own. Chasing after him would mean a fierce battle with little chance of a good result. zH2Cw3

Meanwhile, the Saintess’ remnant soul had faded into a very faint avatar.

“Your Holiness the Saintess…” The great elder’s eyes were filled with sorrow.

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The Temple members also looked sadly at the increasingly indistinct figure of the Saintess.

“Saintess!” Pei Xiaoming, who had been silent since the appearance of the Saintess’ remnant soul, finally couldn’t help but step forward. “What about Rong Jin after you’re gone?” Yd0mig

“A-Jin…” the Saintess murmured.

“I failed him…” Her voice grew fainter until the remnant soul finally dissipated.

Pei Xiaoming’s eyes were wide with grief, but he could only watch her disappear.

He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes deep with sorrow. pxun9T

Yue Xiuzhi approached and gently hugged him.

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But Pei Ming couldn’t see or feel anything.

Tef Wlehtl rlutfv jcv gfaegcfv ab Ufl Zlcu’r rlvf, tlr fzqgfrrlbc lcmgfvlyis mbwqilmjafv.

Qtfc Zlcu Tef vlrjqqfjgfv, sbe wera tjnf yffc fnfc wbgf tfjgaygbxfc… W1dHVb

Pa rffwfv Ufl Zlcu ecvfgrabbv ktja Tef Wlehtl kjr atlcxlcu. Lf aegcfv, qlcclcu tlr ibnfg jujlcra atf kjii, atflg obgftfjvr abemtlcu.

“Gbc’a atlcx jybea la, la’r jii lc atf qjra… bxjs?”

“Just like we’re deceiving this kid now, you know it’s for his own good.” He gently reassured his lover.

Yue Xiuzhi, however, turned his head aside with a bitter smile, saying, “But it’s all under the guise of being for his own good, without respecting his choices…” ldBTix

Pei Ming turned his lover’s head back, their eyes locking. He sighed, “You always want everything to be perfect… but if we don’t do this, what will happen to him?”

“He’s a god. Reincarnating repeatedly is his path to becoming a god. If he’s killed this time, he’ll face the same in his next life. You must understand, a moment of leniency is no good for him.”

“Just like me.” he said.

He hugged his lover tightly, saying, “Don’t think about it anymore. To me, it’s all worth it.” APSNvJ

“I had over six hundred years of a dull life, feeling no joy or sorrow, not even knowing the meaning of living or existing. But finally, by being with you, I began to look forward to the next six thousand years, sixty thousand years…”


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Shen Xing absorbed the Saintess’ “spiritual veins”, and the incompatible material flowed throughout his body, especially his heart veins, which felt like cracking pain every day. Despite this, Shen Xing did not want to let go of the Temple and Pei Xiaoming, his two major threats. However, any attempt to harm the Temple or Pei Xiaoming would result in his heart pain multiplying tenfold or a hundredfold.

This was due to the Saintess’ lingering obsession. d2mSi8

Consequently, Shen Xing had to temporarily set aside his vendetta against the Temple and focus on removing the antagonistic substance from his body and opening a passage to the Spiritual World. But Pei Xiaoming would do everything in his power to prevent Shen Xing from opening that passage. Therefore, the period during which Shen Xing was recovering from his injuries was Pei Xiaoming’s last opportunity.


But what good would it do to stop Shen Xing?

Pei Xiaoming sometimes pondered whether stopping him this time meant he could prevent it forever. The root of the issue was the barrenness of the Demon World. Now that he was in the Demon World, if he wanted to prevent a war between the Spiritual and Demon worlds, the entire Demon World would be his enemy. This conflict was irreconcilable; the Spiritual World and the Demon World were not about right or wrong but about different stances. XQ6NvL

As Pei Xiaoming was contemplating these issues, a white avatar appeared before him.

“Pei Ming, you once told me that only a god with emotions could lead the world to development,” said Heavenly Way. “But now you can’t even ensure the world’s safety, let alone its development.”

“I once agreed with your philosophy, but now even you have wavered.”

“You know I haven’t wavered,” Pei Xiaoming turned to Heavenly Way, his tone calm but undeniably resolute. “Just as you haven’t wavered either.” bep TW


At this point, achieving an immediate balance of resources between the Spiritual and Demon Worlds was nearly impossible.

The Spiritual World had sustained its vast resources for millions of years, and suddenly balancing it with the Demon World would be unacceptable to those in the Spiritual World.

Moreover, Pei Xiaoming couldn’t simply tell the people of the Demon World that launching a war to seize resources would result in widespread devastation and losses for both worlds; it would be laughable to them. TYzuIp

He could only first stand from the perspective of the Demon World and stabilize it.

“Shizun once taught me the Art of Heaven Interpretation. Over the years, I’ve only grasped its basics and become complacent with mere predictions… But I’ve seen someone whose words could command the laws of the world,” Pei Xiaoming said, sitting cross-legged in a secret room, eyes closed.

“My current cultivation is no less than his, so why can’t I do the same?” he asked himself, repeatedly practicing the Art of Heaven Interpretation in his mind.

The rules of the world were omnipresent: the sound of the wind in his ears followed the rules of wind, and the flow of Demonic Qi within him followed the rules of Qi. WVabBZ

He chanted and tried over and over, yet remained perplexed.

Days passed, and outside the secret room, people began relaying messages: “Sir, the Demon Emperor is about to open the passage to the Spiritual World. You must come out!”

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No, I can’t come out… not yet. tmvMkx

The urgency of those outside grew, but Pei Xiaoming’s mind became increasingly serene.

“He’s truly talented,” Pei Ming said, watching through a water mirror with Yue Xiuzhi at another location.

The mirror reflected Pei Xiaoming’s actions.

“I only mastered the rules after becoming a god, but he has only reached the Transcendence Realm as a spiritual cultivator,” Pei Ming said. DAnlMz

“Will he succeed?” Yue Xiuzhi asked, eyes filled with concern.

“Who knows?” Pei Ming shrugged. “Even if he comprehends the rules, using them with a mortal body…”


It’s nearly impossible to survive. 8hRfHr

If he truly couldn’t hold on, Pei Ming thought, he’d save his soul and prevent him from reincarnating. This would breach his agreement with Heavenly Way, but when someone is on the brink of death, agreements don’t matter.

But… it’s not entirely impossible.

It all depends on his fate.

Pei Xiaoming was unaware that his every move was being watched by his Shizun. I249e

At this moment, his mind and heart were both empty, yet they felt full, noisy, chaotic, trying to tell him something…

The sounds grew clearer, eventually merging into one.

It was a vast, majestic Sanskrit chant…

It felt as if golden pages were being inscribed in his mind. He wanted to read the words on the pages; he even wanted to pick up the book, but the pain in his mind was excruciating. pj8Fgc

The loud noises outside signaled the imminent opening of the passage.

He repeatedly tried to grasp the book, but every attempt brought searing pain like a fire burning his entire body.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Despite his calm exterior, Pei Xiaoming could sense his right arm.

A moment ago, he felt as if a fierce fire had engulfed his entire body, especially his right arm, which the flames seemed to devour. 5V0p1K

Pei Ming saw Pei Xiaoming’s face contort in pain through the water mirror and knew that the punishment of the rules had begun.

On edge, Pei Ming was ready to rescue Pei Xiaoming’s soul at any moment.

Trying to wield the rules with a mortal body would scorch one’s soul as if burned by fire.

I am a god; these should be within my control! 3MX qe

Pei Xiaoming steeled himself and grabbed the golden book.

Immediately, searing flames penetrated his bones, burning his soul.

Pei Ming’s expression changed, and in the next instant, he appeared in the secret room, reaching out to save Pei Xiaoming.

But his hand grasped nothing. LDNAt0


Pei Xiaoming’s primordial spirit was gone.

Pei Ming frowned. He didn’t believe Pei Xiaoming’s spirit had been burned away. First, the punishment from the rules wouldn’t be so swift. Second, the Heavenly Way might allow Pei Xiaoming’s body to die, but it wouldn’t let his spirit be destroyed. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even be able to reincarnate.

After a moment’s thought, Pei Ming relaxed. 9LU4aj

—The kid succeeded.

At that moment, Pei Xiaoming’s primordial spirit had entered the depths of time and space.

It was his first time there.

The magnificent universe, the dazzling stars, and on the horizon, it seemed as though golden rules were being written. kjLqlr

“You arrived here so early,” Heavenly Way said to him from beside him.

Pei Xiaoming ignored him and flew to the horizon, attempting to touch the golden rules.

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This time, the rules didn’t repel him but jumped gracefully, as if composing a melody solely for Pei Xiaoming.

He became entranced, slowly flying and touching the rules one by one. 1Y7s9X

But suddenly, time and space trembled.

“The passage is about to open; you must leave now,” Heavenly Way said, waving his hand and sending Pei Xiaoming’s spirit back down.

At that moment, no one noticed that because his Child of Fate had comprehended the rules, the Heavenly Way’s figure became a bit clearer.

When Pei Xiaoming opened his eyes again, he was back in his body. W4lAym

His cultivation, which had been stuck in the Reunification Realm for so long, suddenly broke through the barriers like a flood, and a beam of light shot up from him.

Thunder started gathering in the sky with immense momentum. Just as others were speculating who was undergoing tribulation, Pei Xiaoming pointed a finger, and the thunder tribulation instantly dissipated.

Without stopping, he rushed to the rift.

The rift was surrounded by an enormous formation, created by the lives of 999 people. One person stood at the center of the formation, using its power to open the rift. IH6oUJ

Thunder roared in the sky, and the rift had already opened a hole.

The water mirror’s view followed Pei Xiaoming to the rift and Yue Xiuzhi sighed upon seeing the formation.

He could save these people… but it wasn’t allowed by the Heavenly Way.

Shen Xing noticed Pei Xiaoming’s arrival immediately. 4YRhWu

“Pei Ming, since you’re here, I won’t have to waste effort to kill you,” Shen Xing said, leaping into the air and confronting Pei Xiaoming.

Pei Xiaoming ignored him and pointed at the formation again. It instantly vanished as if erased by a great force.

The rift in the sky, losing its pull like a spring, rapidly closed, and the hole disappeared instantly.

Seeing the formation disappear, Shen Xing’s face darkened. IDVRCk

He had spent years preparing this form

ation, only for Pei Xiaoming to effortlessly wipe it out.

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“Today, you will die!”


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  1. As someone who works digitally, I feel Shen Xing. Imagine, it’s like a pig teammate modifying the shared document you took actual years to write, and “accidentally” erasing it from existence… all the while gods and demons made sure you don’t have a backup copy.

    I mean, murder is the least you can expect here.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!