The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura FieldsCh128 - Rescue

After the royal hunt ended, the news that “the Holy Maiden had taken a liking to the useless eldest son of the Rong family” spread like wildfire among the nobility and royalty.

While everyone secretly disdained this freeloading behavior—especially in the Demon World where power was paramount and such self-degradation was looked down upon—they dared not offend the Holy Maiden. Thus, their attitudes towards Yue Xiuzhi underwent a complete turnaround. d Ff6Y

Prominent nobles like He Mingxun could still sneer at Yue Xiuzhi when the Holy Maiden was not around, but the Rong family members began to treat him with utmost respect.

Yue Xiuzhi’s small, shabby courtyard was soon replaced with a large mansion, his attendants increased significantly, and his daily meals improved drastically in quality.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

While Yue Xiuzhi appreciated the benefits of freeloading, he found it curious that the title of Holy Maiden held such sway. After subtly probing a few servants, he learned that since he had broken the restriction, the Holy Maiden’s cultivation had broken through to the Transcendence Realm a month ago.

Currently, there were few openly acknowledged Transcendence Realm powerhouses in the Demon World: the Demon Emperor Shen Xing, the Great Elder Zhu Xiuzhu, and now, the Holy Maiden. rduszU

Consequently, her already high status was elevated even further.

As he ate a meal with distinct Demon World characteristics, Yue Xiuzhi lamented the Heavenly Way’s unfairness.

While he had been assigned a pitiful character without a mother or a caring father, Pei Ming had been given such a privileged identity.

He turned his head and thought, if he could become the “Holy Maiden”. . . . . .


Forget it, Rong Jin’s identity was quite suitable for him.

A few days later, the “Holy Maiden” made a grand display of bringing Yue Xiuzhi into her palace, causing yet another uproar. Initially, the head of the Rong family had not been too concerned when he heard that the Holy Maiden fancied his eldest son. He assumed it was a temporary whim; after all, the Holy Maiden had seen countless fine men, so how could she suddenly be devoted to his useless eldest son?

At most, she was attracted to his looks.

He instructed servants to improve Yue Xiuzhi’s treatment, thinking that as long as the Holy Maiden wasn’t tired of his son, he should give her some face. The Rong family had no shortage of money, after all. 3r1idX

But when the Holy Maiden brought his son into her palace, he began to worry.

Looking at the Holy Maiden’s attitude, it didn’t seem like she merely acting on a whim.

But Rong Jin was intended to be a gift to the Demon Emperor. If he didn’t offer up Rong Jin, he’d have to offer his second son… But if he did offer Rong Jin, he’d incur the Holy Maiden’s wrath.

Offending a Transcendence Realm powerhouse was something the Rong family couldn’t afford. 4ZIEoc

The head of the Rong family spent his days in anxiety until the Holy Maiden announced her intention to marry Rong Jin, at which point he could no longer sit still.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Rbk? Dfakffc Ebcu Alc jcv atf Lbis Zjlvfc?” Tef Wlehtl rja bc atf yfv, aegclcu ab ibbx ja tlr ibnfg klat j meglber fzqgfrrlbc.

“Qts cba?” Qlat atf Lbis Zjlvfc’r raecclcu ojmf, Ufl Zlcu gjlrfv jc fsfygbk, wjxlcu tfg mtjgwlcu afwqfgjwfca ibbx j yla wbgf tfgblm. japlGo

” It should take several years for us to return to my world, right? I don’t think I can wait that long, so let’s have a ceremony first to satisfy my craving for now,” Pei Ming said.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Tef Wlehtl mbeivc’a tfiq yea ijeut. “Ktfgf’r fnfc remt j atlcu jr ‘tjnlcu j mfgfwbcs obg fcpbswfca’?”

“After all, even if it’s between Rong Jin and the Holy Maiden, it’s really just you and me. There’s no need to get hung up on the details,” Pei Ming said as he walked to the bedside and sat next to Yue Xiuzhi, unable to resist holding and playing with his hand. THniVv

“I’m not hung up… If you don’t care about your current identity, why should I?” Yue Xiuzhi replied, letting Pei Ming toy with his fingers.

He was just afraid that Pei Ming would feel awkward marrying him as a woman—at least as seen by the outside world.But since Pei Ming didn’t mind, he naturally had nothing to worry about.

Then Yue Xiuzhi remembered what Pei Ming had promised him earlier. Now, in this situation, Pei Ming had truly become his “wife”… Thinking about this, he felt a surge of warmth in his heart.

“Actually, there’s another important consideration: by getting married, neither the Rong family nor the Demon Emperor can force you to become a sacrificial pawn,” Pei Ming lowered his gaze, looking at their intertwined hands, and added, “This is also the best method that doesn’t go against our personalities.” W1 vRo

Although they didn’t fear the Demon Emperor and the Rong family, they couldn’t completely break ties with them. Otherwise, acting impulsively and killing them would break the rules set by the Heavenly Way.

“That’s true,” Yue Xiuzhi nodded.

Pei Ming had his subordinates spread the news, and soon, the message that the Holy Maiden was going to marry the eldest son of the Rong family spread like wildfire throughout the entire Demon City.

Everyone was shocked. OZWghv

No one could believe that the Holy Maiden had fallen so deeply. Some were astonished, some scorned, some were curious… and some were jealous.

The Holy Maiden was extremely beautiful and highly skilled, with countless admirers in the Demon World. But the previous Holy Maiden had always been proud and unattainable, and no one had ever caught her eye. Although people felt regret, they felt that although the Holy Maiden looked down on them, she also looked down on others, so they felt comforted.

They didn’t expect a pretty face to suddenly appear and capture the Holy Maiden’s heart instantly.

Aside from the envy, jealousy, and resentment of these suitors, the head of the Rong family was the first to visit the Holy Maiden upon hearing the news. Oh3TSl

The Holy Maiden looked young and beautiful, appearing no more than eighteen years old, but she could not really be that young if she achieved the Transcendent Realm…  Otherwise, neither Pei Ming nor Pei Xiao Ming would be considered geniuses—as Pei Ming reached the Transcendence Realm at twenty-five.

The Holy Maiden was actually several hundred years old and had seen multiple Demon Emperors come and go. Naturally, she knew about the Rong family’s tradition of offering someone with a fleeting beauty talent to the Demon Emperor each generation.

The Rong family head got straight to the point upon arrival, stating that Rong Jin was the chosen one to be offered to the Demon Emperor.

His words were firm, but his eyes couldn’t help but dart toward the beautiful woman sitting at the head of the table. HuVKGM

She casually sipped her tea, seemingly unaware of his presence. After taking a sip, she nonchalantly said, “As far as I know, doesn’t your Rong family have another person with the instant Ronghua talent?”

The Rong family head’s face darkened. “But he is the heir to my family…”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“That doesn’t concern me,” the Holy Maiden said, placing her teacup on the table with a soft clink that made the Rong family head’s heart tremble.

She looked up, her tone gentle yet undeniably firm, “Master Rong, do you truly not know what’s more important: your family heir or the Holy Maiden’s husband?” Qux2cd

Yue Xiuzhi, listening from the shadows, almost burst out laughing. His lover was truly adapting to this new role… and even seemed to be enjoying it.

These words, which Yue Xiuzhi found amusing, were like a thunderbolt to the Rong family head.

He quickly apologized and left the Holy Maiden’s palace with a grim expression.

In fact, Yue Xiuzhi and Pei Ming began inquiring about He Ruxian and Feng Lan’s whereabouts as soon as they arrived in the Demon World. pBWnE4

Yue Xiuzhi wasn’t sure how he felt, having not heard any news about them. Although he comforted himself by thinking: ‘No news is good news,’ he couldn’t help feeling anxious.

Fortunately, a few nights before their wedding, Pei Ming managed to find out about their situation.

They were in the forbidden Demon Prison of the Demon World—known as the strictest prison in the realm. Shen Xing didn’t kill them because he intended to use them to open a passage between the Spiritual and Demon Worlds.

Initially, he wanted to extract their spiritual essence to refine into elixirs. However, after Ming Mie Peak and Sage’s Walk failed to open the passage, Shen Xing had to find another solution. He couldn’t just give up on this big fat sheep called Spiritual world. He couldn’t bear it no matter what. FdNpYa

So he decided to use these captured individuals from the Spiritual world as sacrifices. This would enable him to directly open the passage from the Demon world to the Spiritual world, without anyone from the Spiritual world contributing.

However, this sacrifice required 999 individuals from the Spiritual world. They couldn’t be ordinary people; they had to be above the ninth stage of spiritual development, with ninety in the saint realm and nine in the Reunification Realm or above.

The passage from the Demon world to the Spiritual world was highly unstable. Combined with increasingly strict defenses in the spiritual realm, they hadn’t yet gathered all 999 individuals.

It was fortunate they hadn’t gathered them all yet. Otherwise, He Ruxian and Feng Lan would have waited in vain for their rescue, Yue Xiuzhi thought. mGOj3o

Since they had found their location and the Heavenly Way allowed them to disregard conventions in this matter, rescuing them, as Pei Ming had said, would be as easy as turning one’s hand.

In their residence, after waiting for a quarter of an hour, Yue Xiuzhi saw a beautiful and petite Holy Maiden carrying two ragged but unusually tall men appear before him.

This scene appeared somewhat scary.

He Ruxian and Feng Lan, who were originally resigned to despair and quietly awaiting death in the forbidden Demon Prison, suddenly found themselves arrested and carried away without even a chance to ask questions. SuQmnJ

Their minds were still struggling to comprehend what was happening.

“Who are you…?” They finally had a chance to speak.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“How are their injuries?” Yue Xiuzhi didn’t answer He Ruxian and Feng Lan’s question but turned to ask Pei Ming instead.

The author has something to say: fdh2dV

Previous chapter — Shifu Daddy: Why are all idiots named He? (referring to He Mingxun and He Huai here.)

This chapter — He Ruxian: …… (caught in the crossfire after lying down)

Let’s talk about that Demon Emperor Shen Xing:

Shen Xing: Why am I named Shen Xing? Isn’t that name too similar to Mr. Shen? Wasn’t I originally named Jiang Xing?

Stupid author: Initially, you were called Jiang Xing!

Shen Xing: And then?

Stupid author: Later, I had such a strong impression of Mr. Shen that I kept mixing you up. Eventually, I used Word to tally it up and found that “Shen Xing” appeared more frequently than “Jiang Xing”. It was easier to change everything to “Shen Xing” rather than “Jiang Xing”, so I settled on Shen Xing for you! MhwO9k

Shen Xing: …… Do villains have no rights?

Stupid author: That’s right.

Translator's Note

to satisfy a craving / to get a kick out of sth / gratifying / immensely enjoyable / satisfying / fulfilling

Translator's Note


protagonist of President Shen always Top Up Money

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