The Two Proud Sky Dragons’ Shura FieldsCh126 - The hunt

He became Rong Jin again.

The Rong Jin who had returned to the Rong family. mSUMcE

Rong Jin was still the one despised by the entire Rong family, being secretly prepared to be sacrificed as a pawn, but Pei Ming, who had escaped from the slave traders with him, was nowhere to be found.

“I’ve become Rong Jin, so where did the real Rong Jin go?” Yue Xiuzhi murmured.

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“He’s dead.” the Heavenly Way’s voice suddenly echoed in his ear.

“Dead?” Yue Xiuzhi asked in surprise. calVdF

“A few days ago, the source world’s Heavenly Way tried to eliminate the main system. The main system, controlling several small worlds, attempted to retaliate. Although the source world’s Heavenly Way had the absolute advantage, some time and space disruptions occurred. In this world alone, hundreds like Rong Jin died from these disruptions.” the Heavenly Way explained.

“The body you’re using now is your original one; I’ve just cast an illusion on you. Rong Jin’s situation is special—his body was directly caught in a time rift.”

Yue Xiuzhi sighed and asked, “Then Rong Jin…”

“Don’t worry,” Heavenly Way said, “After all, they are my people. I saved their souls, and after nurturing them in the depths of time and space, I will put them into the cycle of reincarnation.”


“It’s a blessing in disguise.” Yue Xiuzhi said, lowering his eyes.

“I have one more thing to add.” the Heavenly Way suddenly said.

“What is it?” Yue Xiuzhi asked.

“You are not allowed to get acquainted with the son of fate.” Heavenly Way said slowly, “I will also tell the god of the other world about this matter.” u zFBV

“Why?” Yue Xiuzhi’s tone was slightly cold, but he didn’t get angry.

According to their original agreement, he couldn’t act too out of character for Rong Jin. Thus, technically, he couldn’t recognize A-Ming.

However, “not too out of character” was vague, giving Yue Xiuzhi and Pei Ming some room to maneuver. So the Heavenly Way’s emphasis wasn’t entirely redundant.

Still, the reason for this emphasis was unclear. OFoCn

“It’s simple. You are his pillar of support. If he recognizes you, he will subconsciously relax. He must realize that in the Demon World, he can only rely on himself.” the Heavenly Way explained.

Yue Xiuzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded, “Alright.”

The Heavenly Way’s reasoning was not unreasonable.

He then asked, “What about Pei Ming? Where did you send him?” 73CZWv

He couldn’t see anything, only hearing the increasingly faint and ethereal voice in his ear, “I won’t say for now. Anyway, I can’t confine him. He will come to find you himself.”

Then there was no more sound.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut tf kjr meglber jybea Ufl Zlcu’r ktfgfjybear, atfgf kjr cbatlcu tf mbeiv vb jybea la ja atf wbwfca. Lf mbeiv bcis obmer bc atf ajrx ja tjcv.

Lf tjv rqfca fluta sfjgr jr Ebcu Alc lc tlr qgfnlber ilof, rb tf cjaegjiis xcfk jybea jii atf wfrr lc atf Ebcu ojwlis. 2qAhLj

He was very impatient with these things. Originally, if someone really bothered him, he could kill the entire Rong family with one slap with his strength in the Transcendent Realm.

But now he was constrained by Rong Jin’s persona… returning to the fear of being controlled by the character’s personality.

Why did that damned Heavenly Way only learn the bad things, adopting such a terrible idea from the system!?

Now, he could only hope that people from the Rong family wouldn’t provoke him too much. o3cA4V

But according to Murphy’s Law, whatever you fear most will happen.

Just then, the door was kicked open, and a servant swaggered in.

This servant was dressed in fine silk, which was extremely rare and precious in the resource-scarce Demon World.

The reason a servant could afford such attire was that he was the personal attendant of Rong Jin’s younger brother. VIs8D5

Rong Jin was the eldest son of the Rong family, but he was born to a concubine. His younger brother, on the other hand, was born to Rong Jin’s father’s legitimate wife and grew up spoiled and pampered. Even his personal servant lived better than Rong Jin.

“Young master, the family head wants me to inform you that you’ll be accompanying the royal hunting trip tomorrow,” the servant shouted.

Yue Xiuzhi was momentarily stunned before he remembered that this so-called royal hunting trip was where the younger generation of the Demon World’s royal family went hunting. All major noble families had to send their offspring to accompany them, but because the royals were often bad-tempered, it was considered a tough task.

The hierarchy in the Demon World was very strict. Even though the Rong family was the top of the four great families, they had no real status in the eyes of the royals. Any displeasure could lead to beatings or scoldings, and the Rong family couldn’t do anything about it. WkUKi1

Previously, Rong Jin’s younger brother had always resisted this annual royal hunting trip, and once Rong Jin came back, he dumped all the responsibility on him.

As Rong Jin, Yue Xiuzhi had attended these hunting trips many times before. The royals would usually make things difficult for him, but it wasn’t unbearably harsh.

“Okay,” he nodded, then waved the servant away coldly, “You can go now.”

This cold demeanor was consistent with Rong Jin’s character. Rong Jin couldn’t resist the bullying but couldn’t accept it either, so he always responded coldly. 6E9sm2

The servant seemed dissatisfied with Rong Jin’s coldness but couldn’t lash out because of this simple matter, so he just snorted and left.

After the servant left, Yue Xiuzhi looked in the mirror and found that he now looked about twenty years old.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It seems he had about one or two years before being offered to the Demon Emperor. Yue Xiuzhi thought.

In his previous life as Rong Jin, he lived until he was twenty-six because Pei Ming protected him. Normally, the chosen one from the Rong family would be offered to the Demon Emperor at twenty-one or twenty-two and wouldn’t live past twenty-five. VaZ1nJ

If that guy Pei Xiaoming was slower in leveling up and killing monsters, Yue Xiuzhi would have a headache trying to stay alive without breaking character… Just thinking about it gave him a headache.

As dusk approached, a maid knocked and entered, carrying a plate of rice and some not-so-fresh vegetables.

At first, Yue Xiuzhi wondered, even if they didn’t care about Rong Jin, who was about to be sacrificed, did they have to treat him this poorly? Had the Rong family become so poor they couldn’t afford fresh food? A bit of food was trivial for such a noble family, right?

Later he learned that resources in the Demon World were indeed extremely scarce. These meals were hard to come by for ordinary families. Though the Rong family didn’t lack food, the servants were greedy and would secretly keep the good stuff for themselves. y37t9J

Yue Xiuzhi nodded to the maid and said, “You can leave now.”

The maid bowed and left.

Yue Xiuzhi pointed at the food, and the food on the plate disappeared.

He directly turned it into a powder that was hard to see with the naked eye, and it dissipated into the air. Zl251Q

He could live without food, so there was no need to settle for this.

Yue Xiuzhi meditated on the bed all night, and the next morning, a group of people came to dress and wash him.

Usually, Rong Jin didn’t receive such treatment. He had only a few sets of clothes and wore them in rotation as they were washed.

This time, because Yue Xiuzhi was going to the royal hunt, even though Rong Jin was usually neglected, he was now representing the Rong family’s dignity. If he dressed inappropriately, it would be seen as disrespect towards the royal family. rVC3ij

Despite this, it was well known that Rong Jin was not favored, so other nobles or royals wouldn’t think more highly of him just because he dressed well.

Yue Xiuzhi kept a blank expression as he let them prepare him, then he was stuffed into a carriage drawn by four fire horses.

The Demon World’s royal hunting ground was in the Great Void Mountain, a very dangerous place. If you go there without the protection of a powerhouse, you are basically dead.

However, the Demon World’s royals were highly talented, with generations of survival of the fittest, combined with fierce competition among their peers, those who stood out were truly the cream of the crop. T72XLB

This was why Rong Jin’s brother didn’t want to come. Even with protection, this dangerous place still scared him.

When Yue Xiuzhi got off the carriage, many nobles had already gathered in front of the mountain’s entrance, all waiting for the arrival of the royals. After disembarking, he walked to a corner, hoping that no one would come to bother him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, things didn’t go as he wished; there were always those who always seemed determined to provoke him.

“Rong Jin, did the Rong family send you again this year?” A young man dressed flamboyantly in a garish shade of purple sneered at Yue Xiuzhi. 1zhm 7

This was He Mingxun, the most outstanding youth of the He family. While Rong Jin’s younger brother was too afraid of the royal family’s bullying and the dangers of the Great Void Mountain to attend, He Mingxun had no such concerns.

His strength was exceptional, nearly reaching the Reunification Realm, so he had no fear of the Great Void Mountain. Additionally, in the Demon World, where the strong are respected, his remarkable abilities earned him the respect of the royal family.

He Mingxun…sigh, why are all the idiots named He, Yue Xiuzhi thought.

“You almost got bitten to death by a demon tiger last year, and you still dare to come this year?” He Mingxun laughed. vcZn81

Yue Xiuzhi: “…”

“How about you beg me a bit today, and I’ll save your life?” He Mingxun continued his one-man show, completely ignoring Yue Xiuzhi’s silence.

Based on Rong Jin’s personality, Yue Xiuzhi wouldn’t agree yet couldn’t resist, so he could only stay silent and let these idiots mock him to their heart’s content.

I really don’t know how these people are so idle and come here to mock him in a one-man show. KW8QgR

“Forget it, Mingxun. This silent blockhead wouldn’t utter a word even if you hit him ten times.” Someone in the crowd mocked, “Why bother with a piece of trash?”

Suddenly, a fiery red horse galloped over from a distance. A woman in red, stunningly beautiful, flicked her whip, wrapping it around Yue Xiuzhi’s waist and pulling him onto the horse.

He Mingxun, seeing his target being suddenly whisked away, was about to explode in anger. However, upon seeing who it was, he immediately held his tongue.

He hurriedly greeted her, “I respectfully greet the Holy Maiden!” vm12hn

In his heart, he wondered why the Holy Maiden, who was usually disinterested in these hunts and arrived late if at all, had come so early today, even before the royal family.

Yue Xiuzhi was startled when he was suddenly yanked onto the horse by a whip. He struggled to get down, but the person holding him had an iron grip. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t budge an inch.

Realizing he couldn’t overpower this person’s grip, Yue Xiuzhi used his own strength but found that the arm holding his waist was still motionless.

He immediately understood who this person was. Just as a surge of joy filled his heart, he heard He Mingxun address the person behind him as “Holy Maiden.” UwfOi5

He was taken aback and almost burst out laughing.

There was only one person He Mingxun would call Holy Maiden, the Demon World’s Holy Maiden. In the original story, she was also part of Pei Ming’s harem…though eventually she became a cannon fodder later.

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In the epic battle between Pei Ming and Shen Xing, she was directly chopped to death by Pei Ming because she loyally supported Shen Xing.

Author’s Note: Q1pYqF

Pei Ming: I want an explanation.

Stupid Author: (Hands out a piece of tape.jpg) VwMzOL

Pei Ming (death stare): Are you trying to play tricks on me again?

Stupid Author (trembling): …Don’t you think cross-dressing is cute? QAQ

Pei Ming (slams table in anger): It is cute! But it should be my wife wearing women’s clothing!

Stupid Author (whispering): Only cross-dressing gongs are cute… OCdPgt

Translator's Note

胶带jiāodài (tape) and 交代 jiāodài (explanation) are homophones, hence the joke

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  1. Thank you for the chapter !

    I think its the first time I see the gong cross-dressing, its refreshing ! 😆