There's no way I could like youCh1 - It’s none of my business

Qiu Ci canceled his plans for the past few days and went abroad.


Because his little sweetheart is finally entering the marriage hall.


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She will walk with him down the long aisle, and he will hand her over to someone else.


The man had no expression on his face as he stared at the groom in front of him in a suit and leather shoes: “If you dare to treat her badly, I guarantee you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”


Those who knew Qiu Ci knew that he always kept his word.



Facing the threat, the groom wasn’t afraid either. He curved his lips and said, “Young master Qiu, you can rest assured. From now on, Shanshan is mine for the rest of my life. Who else would I spoil if not her?”


Yu Shan laughed lightly behind her veil, “Alright, A Ci, do you still want me to get married?”


Threatening her husband like this in front of her, not afraid that he would refuse to marry on the spot.


Qiu Ci snorted softly, holding back his breath, and said after a while, “If you’re bullied, come back. The Qiu family, and I, will always be your solid support.”


He had been protecting her since she was young, for more than twenty years. Now that this man named Mu Feng appeared, maybe she didn’t need him anymore.


Because they had already held a wedding domestically, this wedding was very simple. They only invited close friends who they often interacted with. Among the guests, he represented the most important family member for Yu Shan.

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There were also a few people at the table who were friends of the groom.


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They had been paying attention to Qiu Ci since he entered, trying to guess his identity because he looked exactly like the actor Zuo Xun. But no one dared to confirm easily because the actor Zuo Xun was polite and courteous on camera, treating everyone with kindness. But the man in front of them, with his hair combed back, had a cold face the whole time, looking scary.


A few minutes later, the groom and bride came over to toast.


“Sorry for being late.”

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A deep voice cut in as everyone raised their glasses.


“President Mu, I thought you wouldn’t make it.”


The groom was pleasantly surprised to see the newcomer, who was a friend he had met during his overseas studies. This friend had been busy with company matters recently, making it difficult to meet up.


“Of course, I had to come to your wedding,” the man said in a low voice.

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“Shanshan, this is a friend I met while studying abroad, his name is…” Mu Feng introduced to his wife.


“Mu Yu, I know him,” Yu Shan took over.


“You two know each other?” Mu Feng was surprised; he had never mentioned Mu Yu to Yu Shan.


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“Yeah,” Yu Shan glanced at A Ci, who remained unchanged.


“Then Qiu Ci must know him too?”


Mu Yu, who arrived late, looked at the man opposite him with a heavy gaze, his lips pressed together, his fingers holding the wine glass were trembling slightly.


The moment he saw the real person, his silent heart began to beat rapidly again.


He heard the handsome man in a suit lazily respond, “Forgot, my memory’s not good.Maybe I’ve met him before.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ze Te’r tfjga revvfcis ofia rbeg jcv ylaafg. Qfii, fnfg rlcmf tf rjk tlw atja vjs, atlr wjc’r tfjga jcv fsfr kfgf oeii bo Te Vtjc. Lbk mbeiv tf gfwfwyfg atlr ybbxkbgw ktb kjr jikjsr vfrqlrfv ys tlw?


Ktf ugbbw qgbyjyis rfcrfv atf jkxkjgv jawbrqtfgf jcv vlvc’a mbcalcef atf abqlm.


As the atmosphere thickened, Qiu Ci felt suffocated.


He walked to a place shaded by greenery, wanting to take out a cigarette, but then remembered he had quit smoking for a month or two, and only carried gum with him.


A pair of shiny black leather shoes appeared in his line of sight. He looked up, and the owner of the shoes was quietly watching him.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The traces of time had made this man much colder, clearly belonging to the ranks of successful people. He was no longer the shy nerd who blushed when spoken to.


“Qiu Ci.”


He called him. His voice had changed too, deep and magnetic.


Qiu Ci suddenly felt the air quality around him worsen and wanted to walk somewhere else to find fresh air.


“A Ci.”


Qiu Ci paused for a few seconds, then continued walking forward.


“Master Ci.”


This one had a hint of fluctuation, not the respectful tone he usually heard, but someone teasing, using a nasal tone, obediently calling him “Master Ci” in his ear.


—My dear Master Ci, you’re going to kill me soon.


A smirk crept onto Qiu Ci’s lips, not a pleasant one, but one tinged with sarcasm.


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Damn, is this guy out of his mind?


Haven’t seen each other for years, and he already knows how to play this seduction game. How shameless can he be?


Too bad, He has matured, he doesn’t fall for this anymore.


Mu Yu stood still, silently watching the man leave without turning back.


He lowered his eyelids, fingertips clenched.

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Just seeing this person turn around always reminded him of some unpleasant memories.


Qiu Ci returned to his residence.


His room is by the sea, with a pool outside the back door, allowing him to swim in the pool while gazing at the sea.


Qiu Ci swam a few laps in the pool, then rested on a lounge chair, sunglasses perched on his nose, eyes closed in contemplation.

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At this moment, he faintly heard a noise behind him, and soon a person walked out. Seeing someone was already occupying the lounge chair, and realizing it was Qiu Ci, the person couldn’t help but freeze in place.


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Damn it! Why does it have to be so coincidental?


Recognizing the person, Qiu Ci felt unhappy.


He clearly remembered the neighboring unit was occupied by a family of three. How did it turn into this nerd Mu Yu coming from there?


Qiu Ci didn’t believe for a second that no one had meddled in this.


Thinking of Yu Shan’s gaze at him earlier, Qiu Ci knew it must have been her doing this little scheme.

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That annoying brat, when I’m so good to her, all she knows is to trick me.


Qiu Ci felt annoyed, but he didn’t move, keeping his sunglasses on and treating the other person as if he were invisible.


Mu Yu also didn’t expect the room he had been assigned to be right next to Qiu Ci’s.



When he came to his senses, he boldly stared at Qiu Ci lying on the lounge chair, wearing only shorts to sunbathe. eFPWRp


After staring for a while, his throat felt dry, but he couldn’t bear to look away.

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His A Ci, the more he looked, the more his heart raced. ZSqA1h


Just like back then, just a glance at the Qiu family, and he left a shadow of a teenage boy named Qiu Ci in his heart.


Qiu Ci, with his eyes closed, also knew that someone shamelessly stared at him. RxKo4n


The intense gaze was unabashed, impossible to ignore. So he couldn’t take it anymore and took off his sunglasses, giving a cold look, as if saying, “Aren’t you leaving yet?”


The two locked eyes, not far apart. Qiu Ci could see the passion in the man’s eyes, like a blazing fire, just waiting to come over and burn together with him. fWiJ G


The other party was also wearing shorts, presumably wanting to come out for a swim. Qiu Ci even witnessed Mu Yu’s physical reaction.


In the past, Qiu Ci would have teased Mu Yu with a wild and playful look, tilting his chin and saying, “Little nerd, aren’t you embarrassed? Seeing me makes you so thirsty, hmm?” zuFx7r


Then, he would tease him mercilessly.


However, now he simply gave him a disdainful glance and returned to his room. quegVf


Before leaving, Qiu Ci’s disdainful chuckle floated lightly into Mu Yu’s ears, and he looked down to see the truth, his ears turning red.

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Quietly, he thought to himself, this couldn’t be blamed on him. rZ6m24


He watched the sliding glass door closed, the heavy blackout curtains blocking his view. His thoughts drifted, recalling various grievances from the past.


He really missed him, everywhere. AaCKf3


But ACi had never thought of him. Qiu Ci only had eyes for Yu Shan , while Mu Yu only wanted Qiu Ci.


The first thing Qiu Ci did when he entered the room was to call that ungrateful little sweetheart. s4cGBI


“Did you deliberately arrange the rooms?”


“What?” the person on the other end pretended to be innocent. zPyh1d


“Are you trying to mess with me?” Qiu Ci unwrapped a piece of gum and put it in his mouth.


He was craving a cigarette, but there was none to smoke, feeling truly annoyed. ZLVWnG


“How could I? I wouldn’t dare mess with Master Qiu. Otherwise, wouldn’t you make me regret it?” Yu Shan teased on the phone, waving her hand at her clueless husband, signaling him to leave.

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In case A Ci and she started arguing, she might accidentally say something she shouldn’t, and if A Ci found out someone else had heard it, he’d get angry again. af9Hwp



Qiu Ci has always had a bad temper since he was young, everyone knows that, and they always accommodate him.


“What you’re doing is meaningless,” Qiu Ci sat down on the couch, his legs casually resting on the coffee table.


His black shirt was just draped on him, water droplets sliding down his muscular contours.


“Whether it’s meaningful or not depends on you,” Yu Shan on the other side said meaningfully, “When you see him, do you really feel nothing?”


Qiu Ci squinted, tapping his fingers on the couch,thinking of the man’s foolish gaze just now, a smile on his lips, “Really, I don’t feel anything.”


“You, you’re still the same as before…”


Before Yu Shan could finish her sentence, Qiu Ci interrupted bluntly, “I want to change rooms, right now, or I’ll book a ticket back home.”


“That’s no fun at all.”


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“You try it, then you’ll know if it’s fun or not.”


“Okay, okay, I’ll help you change.”


Yu Shan was quick in her actions. After Qiu Ci got the room change confirmation, he stood up and buttoned his shirt.


Remembering his newly bought sunglasses left outside, he pushed the door open and went out, picking up the sunglasses on the lounge chair. As he was about to leave, his gaze swept to the next door.


When he snapped out of it, the person was already standing at the door. He didn’t know if it was fate playing tricks on him, but this damn door opened just in time.


The person who opened the door seemed surprised to see him. After a moment of hesitation, his face flushed red.


He stuttered, “A-A Ci.”


Qiu Ci caught a faint, intriguing scent, coupled with someone’s guilty behavior, and he understood what the person had just been doing in the room.


Seeing his face reflected in the glass, with a playful smile at the corner of his mouth, Qiu Ci’s expression immediately became indifferent.


Seeing Qiu Ci about to leave, Mu Yu subconsciously grabbed him. When Qiu Ci shot him a cold glance, he sheepishly let go.


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Summoning all his courage, he reached out for him again.


“My mind was filled with thoughts of you just now, I’ve always—”


Qiu Ci remained expressionless, swatting his hand away, “None of my business.”


Damn it! Screw you, then.




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  1. Ohhhh the atmosphere of this story is pretty heavy, just the first chapter and I’m already feeling the angst😭