The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch4 - My wife is the smartest

[Wait, isn’t he the one with Wisdom 3, huh?]

[How could any player even think that? Is there seriously nothing wrong with his brain?] WbslKp

[I think this one is more mentally retarded than the other!!]

[I believe it is those 5 luck points that made him believe he could pull it off himself!]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[I’ve watched loads of live streams, and I’ve never seen anyone so eager to get themselves killed. In fact, nobody in the top ten on the endless ranking would dare to say something like that!]

[I just hopped in from next door, why is there a player with such low wisdom here? His wisdom is only 3? He’s even lower than the little fool next door, whom I just watched!!!] nhdRaP

[Is there a mentally challenged player next door too? Can you explain more about it?]

[Oh, you didn’t know? The little mentally challenged player next door has a wisdom score of 7, and his skill is called Landlord’s Silly Son! That guy didn’t even know how lucky he was, but he somehow got on well with Big Boss R.]

[What! Boss R?]

[Isn’t that something? If I had known that Big Brother R was into guys, I would’ve fallen for him too! Even though you couldn’t see what they were up to in the room during the live stream, the marks on the little guy’s body were like, tsk tsk.]


[Hey, wake up, fool! That mentally challenged guy dared to provoke the boss, would you? Why don’t you try it if you want to so badly? If you dare, ‘R’ boss could be yours!]

[What kind of boss is he? Just a coward who got a fancy item and hid his real identity, too scared to even show his face.]

[Oh, seeing how lively you guys are chatting, R isn’t dead yet? But it’s just a matter of time. The longer you live, the closer you are to death.]


“Keep introducing yourself, no need to waste time.” Wen Qingxue noticed that the new players were distracted by the barrage of messages in front of them. She frowned a bit and continued, “The details of the dungeon will only appear after the identity card is announced. You wouldn’t want to enter the dungeon without any information, right?”

Upon hearing this, the delicate girl carrying a pink bag quickly spoke up “Lin Qiyue, my identity is “Girlfriend”, and my skills rely on people.”

After saying that, she immediately raised her hand and poked the handsome guy standing next to her.

Before the other party could speak, many mean comments popped up in front of her, like “rich people always die early” and similar ones. It was clear that the viewers and players of the live stream still harbored resentment towards the wealthy, even after entering the game. oaCTRV

Lin Qiyue didn’t pay much attention. After all, there had always been people jealous of her wealth before entering this strange game.

But then she looked up and noticed something floating out of the white bubbles.

As she looked up, she saw something floating out of the white bubbles. Her heart raced, and a strong sense of unease enveloped her.

She couldn’t understand why, but unlike the white text of other players or the black text of the live stream, her introduction text was actually outlined with a layer of golden light! G2lIsR

Not only that, the skill line showed Kind-hearted across nine lifetimes rely on hundreds of millions of people, while the personal value displayed ‘luck value: 100’. ”

Looking at the text she felt uneasy, Lin Qiyue tightly grasped the hem of the man next to her, her movements very skillful.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The barrage was like water boiling in a pot, completely boiling over!

Jbecaifrr wfrrjufr mgbkvfv atf ktlaf rqjmf, klat fnfc wbgf qbeglcu lc mgjhlis. Ktf ilcfr bo lcmgfjrlcuis rwjiifg yijmx mtjgjmafgr kfgf vlgfmafv abkjgvr atf ojmfr bo atf qijsfgr qjgalmlqjalcu lc atf mbqs. 7OWESs

Pa kjr rb vfcrfis qjmxfv atja la kjr tjgv ab wjxf bea ktja kjr kglaafc atfgf.

Ktf tjcvrbwf ues cfza ab Olc Hlsef’r ojmf vjgxfcfv mbwqifafis.

No one understood better than him what the existence of a good person from nine lifetimes meant for evil spirits. In the moment just now when the font appeared, the seal hiding Lin Qiyue’s true nature completely disappeared.

And they will soon experience what’s known as the dungeon. Who knows what can happen…. LJ4oiy

With this in mind, he quickly spoke with a cold expression: “Yi Jiangnan, my identity is “Music Teacher”, skills are almost on par with those of heaven and man.”

The white text emitted from the bubble dispersed the surrounding barrage, opening a gap.

The randomly obtained value showed ‘Strength: 76’.

The tall man holding the suspect picked up the two overlapping white cards from the ground, handed one to the short man, and said simultaneously, “Zhou Qingxing, ID card policeman, skills…Stick Strike.” 7BEO8Q

After speaking, he pressed on the neck of the suspect and continued, “Read.”

“Chen Rong, identity card “Steward”, my skill is to chop.” Chen Rong had already put away his panicked look, and his tone was quite calm. He understood this so-called endless game was the key to his own escape.

Looking at the dense, malicious barrage around him, he cast a cold glance at the policeman beside him.

It’s uncertain who will survive. AnkwqU

Two lines of text floated out in white. Zhou Qing’s name displayed ‘Spiritual Power: 65’, while Chen Rong’s displayed ‘Wisdom: 43′.

You Wusi’s eyes lingered on the line indicating wisdom for two seconds. Then, he smiled and gently held down his little wife’s hands that were attempting to grab his clothes. He looked tenderly at the owner of those hands and softly said, “Looks like Shi Shi is the smartest one.”

You Wusi’s voice wasn’t too quiet. Players both inside and outside the dungeon could hear it clearly, leaving them speechless.

According to this arrogant man, it felt like the difference between 3 and 43 seemed to be only number 4. 1rBck4

Meanwhile, Chen Rong’s cold, snake-like eyes were fixed on You Wusi.

[Copy: Nine days and nine nights, officially opened.]

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

The entire waiting space flickered, like when snowflakes appeared on an old TV screen.

Suddenly, a giant teddy bear head appeared as a projection above the waiting space. Cc79ag

It appeared serious and spoke with gravity, “Ten years ago, my lover and I purchased the black pearl at an auction. She has been dead for a decade now. This pearl holds immense value to me, not just as a precious treasure, but also as a symbol of my memories of my late wife. I’m not concerned about who took the pearl; all I ask is that it be returned tonight. I won’t seek any further action.”

Another burst of snowflakes floated.

The waiting space turned white again, clearing away the overwhelming black text of the live broadcast barrage. Only the information of the dungeon players remained floating in the air.

But it happened in just a blink of an eye. zJg lb

Barrage bars quickly appeared, almost as if they were afraid the dungeon players wouldn’t see clearly. Each one was deliberately enlarged.

[Black Pearl! It’s actually a black pearl!]

[The big teddy will crush them all to death in this game!]

[How many people were alive the last time the Black Pearl copy was activated? Well, they all died on the fifth day!!!!!] 2WhFbX

[It’s good to be able to survive until the fifth day. I remember after the third day, everyone started massacring each other. Each of them died miserably, even those on top players’ rankings failed to survive this copy.]

[This copy without NPCs alone was deadly.]

[Oh, haven’t you heard that people’s hearts are even more deadlier???]

In less than half a sentence, the waiting space was once again filled with black fonts, indicating a surge in messages. The newcomers also sensed that something was wrong. They quickly shift their focus to the two instructors. y3jHO

However the expressions on the instructors’ faces became noticeably grim and unpleasant, indicating their agitation. As if they have seen something they shouldn’t have.

Without waiting to inquire further, Lin Haoguang abruptly turned to Zhou Qingxing and proposed, “I’ll trade you three skill cards for a police identity card— one for advanced attack and two for intermediate defense!”

Wen Qingxue wanted to say something upon hearing this, but she realized that Lin Haoguang didn’t have many skill cards on him. If he traded them all, even having a police ID card in the dungeon wouldn’t be much help.

Besides, in this copy, the police card was not entirely safe either. DOs2MA

Zhou Qingxing flipped over the identity card in his hand and asked curiously, “What’s so special about the police identity card?”

“Innocence,” Wen Qingxue said softly, lowering her eyes. “In many versions of the story, the police card symbolizes fairness, impartiality and innocence.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

She didn’t elaborate much, but sometimes, being too neutral can be dangerous. Holding a police ID card might not be a good idea for newcomers.

Lin Haoguang didn’t beat around the bush. He explained quickly, “In the game Black Pearl, the police aren’t chosen on the first night. After that, they can protect someone chosen by the game. But even that isn’t completely safe. If they protect someone on the second night, the police will die right away. People’s actions are hard to predict, so anything can happen on the second night.” 8rLgc7

Only a few police officers in Black Pearl made it through the second night. In the end, having all the luck can actually be harmful.

Upon hearing this, everyone focused on the identity tag in Zhou Qingxing’s hand.

The only person, a girl in a wheelchair, angrily bit the man who was holding her back and wouldn’t give her a small tomato. Her sharp teeth sank into his strong arm, moving it back and forth.

Zhou Qingxing looked around briefly. He let go of the suspect he was holding and approached the girl in the wheelchair. 349ETf

Seeing You Wusi’s gentle and indulging expression towards the girl’s actions, he handed the identity card over to the man and said, “Maybe she needs this card more than I do.”

Ultimately, it was instinctual for him to shield those who were vulnerable within his abilities.

“Thank you, officer, but I believe you’re the best person for this identity card,” You Wusi said, reaching out to pat Jiang Shishi’s head. Then, he glanced at the person fixated on the little zombie and added, “Plus, having the family doctor’s ID card can ensure Shishi gets the best care.”

One dramatic scene followed another. No player would have imagined that someone would willingly give away a valuable identity card to a stranger in such a perilous situation, nor would they have expected someone to reject such a generous offer! S9RGxj

What a stupid person.

Viewers of live broadcasts were adept at guessing people’s intentions with the greatest malice. Many of them thought that this player named You Wusi was jealous because his wife could have the police card. That is why he rejected it.

“Why don’t you reconsider my offer about these skill cards…” Lin Haoguang’s eager voice trailed off as the white waiting space began to fade at the edges. He swiftly approached Zhou Qingxing in just a few steps and persisted, “The effect of these skill cards is much more powerful than you realize!”

After his words, he skillfully manipulated the cigarette between his fingers, molding it into a long knife that flickered with fiery layers. His eyes, reflecting a slight redness, remained fixed with unwavering intensity on the ID card, representing the police. lWOMXq

Before Zhou Qingxing could respond, the entire waiting space faded into complete colorlessness.

However soon all the players found themselves in an opulent and extravagant living room. A life-sized stuffed bear loomed in front of the staircase. Lin Qiyue, who was stiff all over, was holding onto the teddy bear’s arm, while Chen Rong and Wen Qingxue followed behind the big teddy bear.

Meanwhile, You Wusi was seen pushing a wheelchair at the entrance. Apart from Zhou Qingxing, whose location remained unknown, everyone else was seated on the sofa in the living room.

“An’an, you’re back!” The large teddy bear released Lin Qiyue’s hand, strode over to Jiang Shishi who was sitting in the wheelchair. It crouched down and extended its bulky arms, and embraced her warmly. uQ2HPT

With a hint of longing and a touch of apology in its tone, the teddy bear said, “Did you enjoy your time at the beach? Dad was so tied up with work and couldn’t join you, otherwise I would have definitely gone with you.”

Jiang Shishi, who was imprisoned in the wheelchair with an iron strap tightly around him. He was already in a bad mood.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Now he was tightly hugged by such a big thing it made him even more frustrated and furious, especially since he couldn’t get his hands on any tomatoes.

He stretched out his sharp-tipped fingers with tulip prints and lightly pressed them in front of the big teddy bear. qP S9a

Using his slender fingers, he delicately pushed his well-manicured nails into the sides of the big teddy bear’s chest. It seemed he struggled a bit. Perhaps it had been too long since he had used his thick and stiff fingers effectively. After the first attempt failed, he withdrew his hand and tried again, poking a second and then a third time.

The pointed nails kept going in and out, even pulling out some cotton wool from the teddy bear’s chest.

For a moment, both the two instructors witnessing this scene and the audience, who couldn’t comment at the moment, took a sharp breath.

As for the new players, they actually didn’t feel that the large teddy bear was scary for the time being. iPc3k2

The author wants to say something:

Big Teddy Bear: Please show some respect to the disposable NPC.

Jiang Shishi: (pokes and pokes)

New player: It seems pretty comfy. ZyqzsV

Veteran player: The newbie is so daring.

You Wusi: Shishi is so smart, even playing with toys like this.

Translator's Note

Kind-hearted across nine lifetimes” in Chinese is “九世善人.” It suggests being a good person over multiple lifetimes or reincarnations.

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  1. Starving wife

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. LMAO I THOUGHT THEY WOULD HIDE THE ZOMBIE-NESS A LITTLE LONGER hahahaha no one can mess with the Zombie King!!

  3. Wait! Whats the story about Boss R and his little fool? I wanna know! (⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻