The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch3 - Treat this game as our honeymoon.

Wen Qingxue didn’t pay attention to Lin Haoguang. She realized she had to talk fast because time was running out. If she didn’t explain things well enough, she might lose points or fail once they finish the dungeon.

If losing points was at the risk, then it’s probably best not to take on the job of teaching newbies. uwS2E5

Thinking about it, she explained, “This white area we’re in is the waiting room. It’s where we chat and get ready before the dungeon starts. We only have ten minutes here. Halfway through, we’ll find out what the dungeon’s about, then it starts. For newbies, the dungeons are usually pretty easy.”

“When we’re inside the dungeon, feel free to ask any questions you have. For now, if you need to ask something, just raise your hand. Each of us has a number in our palm that’s unique to us. That number is your player number.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Visualize your player number in your mind. Quietly focus on it, and your personal system will open up for you to see. I’ll give you thirty seconds to check the information. After that, I’ll start with a quick overview of the dungeon and the live broadcast.”

“Yes, everything we do will be broadcasted live to other players. The live broadcast started as soon as we entered the waiting room. You’ll understand more once the dungeon starts,” she clarified. dYDeVJ

Lin Haoguang, despite not wanting a young girl to earn all the points for guiding newcomers, still remained optimistic about the group and continued to speak “dutifully.”

“Endless is basically a game, well, more like a horror game originally. Everyone who enters Endless gets their own set of initial skills. These skills usually relate to your past experiences, but they’re not exactly skills. Quality over quantity matters here. The most important ones are the ones that help you survive.”

Actually, the more skills you have, the less effective they become. And for those with individual skills, no matter how strange they may seem, their effects are often surprising.

However Lin Haoguang did not mention this. As the time was already limited, Lin Haoguang didn’t plan to delve into what countless veteran players had already figured out. He added, “Apart from skills, there are also personal attributes like spirit, strength, physique, wisdom, and luck. Once you manage to survive and move on from this dungeon to the endless space, you’ll grasp their significance naturally.”


Half a minute flew by.

Right on cue, Wen Qingxue spoke up, “Endless dungeons come in three colors: white, black, and red. The game doesn’t explicitly explain this, but players have figured out that white is the easiest, followed by black, and red is the toughest. Sometimes, there can be two or more colors, and each represents different challenges.”

“No one knows the exact meaning of the symbols,” she continued. “Novice dungeons are usually white, but don’t get too comfortable. Just because it’s a newbie dungeon doesn’t mean fewer players will die than in other dungeons.”

“Of course, the color isn’t everything. If you’re unlucky…” Wen Qingxue trailed off, leaving the thought unfinished. bQIc7t

How could there be a truly easy dungeon in Endless? Even if it seems simple, it’s still a nightmare if you die in there.

And… the difficulty levels of white, black, and red are just observations made by experienced players.

The true answer is probably only known by Endless itself.

“Bad luck and none of us will be able to escape,” Lin Haoguang muttered with a sneer, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket but not lighting it, just holding it in his hand. vrf8dl

He doesn’t seem like a good person.

But in this moment, he spoke up with a rare warning: “No matter what grievances you hold, don’t break the dungeon rules. If you harm only yourself, that’s your business. But if it affects me, I promise your life will be worse than death before you even die.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cr tf olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, Olc Ljbuejcu’r rtjgq ujhf obmerfv bc atf wjc klat tjcvmeoofv tjcvr. Po la kfgfc’a obg atf qfcjias bo ibrlcu qblcar obg xliilcu qfbqif lc atf kjlalcu gbbw, Olc Ljbuejcu kbeivc’a tjnf jiibkfv remt j agbeyifrbwf ues lc.

[Copy extraction ends.] 1UKmZw

[Welcome, players, to a new adventure in the world of “Nine Days and Nine Nights.”]

C mbiv, gbybalm nblmf oliifv atf fwqas ktlaf rqjmf.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Suddenly, a see-through bubble appeared, bringing with it lots of text floating that looked like barrage.

Before long, the bubbles filled with white liquid, resembling a bright sun, floated above everyone’s heads. RywGav

[It looks like the new players aren’t having much luck this time.]

[Out of ten people, only one might make it through the nine days and nine nights.]

[The two instructors don’t seem too impressive either.]

[Let’s wait for the identity cards. If we are lucky, maybe we can see all of them getting wiped off!!] C7c fx

[If you’re late, you might miss the action. See that guy in handcuffs? It’s unusual to have a cop here.]

[Oh, this should be interesting.]


The barrage of floating messages increased, with most of them being insults and malicious. lb4kVI

Lin Haoguang ignored the floating text and explained, “The text around us is from the audience watching the live broadcast. They’re players in the Endless world just like us. Those watching can bet on whether new players in the dungeon will die or not.”

After all, the first unspoken rule of the Endless was not to expect any sympathy from the audience outside the live broadcast. They all just want the players in the game to die.

“The live broadcast text only shows up at certain times. You’ll understand what’s special about it after two dungeons.”

Lin Haoguang didn’t intend to elaborate further on the live broadcast. RKFlr1

Since there are bets placed, there will be winners and losers. And since the bet is about death, nobody knows if they’ll end up making more enemies among those who lost the bet after the live broadcast. Ultimately, it’s a two-sided situation. Winning brings its own set of problems, and not winning is even more problematic.

“The initial resting time in the dungeon is almost up. Now, locate the identity tags on your bodies,” Wen Qingxue said, sounding a bit anxious.

There weren’t many dungeons in the Endless world based on the number of days. As long as one survives those days, it would be considered successful.

This time, ten players are entering the dungeon, and it lasts for nine days. klgiBj

The number nine isn’t a good sign. It always reminds her of a nightmare dungeon with a very low success rate.

She glanced at the ID tag in her hand, which read “Nanny,” she frowned. Still she tried to calm herself and started to give instructions, “Everyone, start introducing yourselves. Begin with your name, then state your identity card, and finally, share any one of your skills.
Be honest about your skills, as after the introductions, they will be publicly announced within the waiting space, and the skills will also receive a certain level of enhancement in the dungeon.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wen Qingxue, holding the ID tag labeled “Nanny,” sighed, “My skill is “Thousand Hair Strands as Fine as Rain.”

As her voice fell, lines of text floated out of the white bubble. hUwjF1

In addition to what Wen Qingxue said, there was also an additional entry: “Mental Power: 86”.

“The dungeon will randomly reveal a personal attribute,” Lin Haoguang added casually, glancing at his ID card. He continued, “Lin Haoguang, the identity of the card is “Cousin,” my skill is Fireworks Twirl.”

The text in the bubble quickly appeared with a sound.

This time, it’s “Lucky Value: 35”. QyMXNU

The man in the white coat glanced around, observing everyone’s varied expressions. Sighing silently, he spoke up, “I’m Jiang Zuo. My ID card says ”Old Friend,” and my skill … Persuading Others to Learn Medicine, Even if it Means Being Struck by Lightning.”

He looked up and saw the text “Physique: 25” in the bubble.

He had just finished a long shift at the operating table and now found himself in an Endless game. He wondered if a sudden death here would be considered peaceful. Thankfully, he didn’t have to submit more than thirty medical records this week.

“I’m Wan Weimao. My ID card says “Business Partner,” and my skill is selling insurance, alright?” Wan Weimao, holding his soy milk, spoke rapidly. He wasn’t one to act rashly. He had pinched his arm countless times in secret to confirm that what he was experiencing was real, and he quickly made his decision. sd0Q9b

This skill might seem useless, but in reality, once he starts selling insurance, it makes people or things around him completely ignore him for a minute.

It’s actually a lifesaver!

Soon a familiar floating bubble appeared with Wan Weimao “Luck Value: 32”

“You Wusi, identity card is Family Doctor, skill is Loving Wife More Than Life Itself.” MdVGJR

As You Wusi finished speaking, he noticed Jiang Shishi poking at his identity card with her nails painted in a light yellow tulip pattern.

He reached out to pick up the identity card, glanced at it, then his gaze landed on the clear eyes of the relatively quiet little zombie. “This is my wife, Jiang Shishi,” he said. “She had a car accident three years ago. Since then, she’s been in a trance-like state and has the urge to bite people. She also likes beautiful clothes, and her initial skill is being able to change clothes with just one click. And Her identity card is “Daughter.”

As soon as he finished speaking, numerous words floated out of the white bubbles.

The most noticeable among them were You Wusi’s “Luck: 5” and Jiang Shishi’s “Wisdom: 3”. h6m74g

For a moment, a heavy silence filled the air. Even the barrage of comments from the live broadcast viewers floating in the white space paused momentarily.

But then, like a sudden downpour of black rain, an overwhelming barrage of comments flooded in.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

[I’ve never seen such low intelligence in my life!]

[What are these skills? Loving your wife as much as your life? One-click outfit change? Am I going crazy, or are these two players crazy? Did they think they were here playing house?] QikmA9

[Is there really someone with a wisdom of 3? She is definitely not going to survive the first round!]

[The Endless World is already lacking players? First they don’t spare the elderly, the weak, the sick, the disabled, or the pregnant, and now even the mentally challenged people can become players?]

[The Endless World finally has a touch of humanity. Are they running a charity here? If you keep coddling beginners like this, us players are definitely going to lose out!]

[I definitely wouldn’t be losing on the blood bet on this!!! There is no way I would lose!!!!!] aZ1i0C

[If this mentally retarded couple manage to survive this dungeon, then I’ll offer them free guidance in the endless space!]

You Wusi also noticed the sudden increase in floating malice text around him. He gently touched his little wife’s white and tender cheeks. Despite the threat of her showing her sharp teeth, he continued to speak softly, “She’s always been very smart. Even though the car accident took away her ability to speak and control her body, she’s still really good and hardworking.”

He looked up at the densely packed words and smiled.

He continued, “Everyone’s opinions are valuable. It’s just that Shi Shi can’t handle the excitement, so I hope you won’t focus too much on us. Three years ago, I didn’t have time to have a honeymoon with Shi Shi, so let’s treat this little game called Endless as our honeymoon.” flGeFX

As soon as these words left his lips, not only did the barrage freeze, but even the white bubbles swimming around stopped for half a second.

He’s acting so confident and calm that people can’t figure out where he was getting his courage from.

The author note:

You Wusi: Who would’ve guessed the escaped King of Zombies would be so bold! After working for Endless for so long, it’s time for me to take a honeymoon. JkcmW4

Jiang Shishi: [This man really has no tomatoes anymore]

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  1. Ahahah, strong couple

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛