Thriller TraineeCh201 - I Don’t Need It

Zong Jiu took the cane from the servant who handed it to him respectfully.

The cane was made of an unknown fragrant wood, and a huge sapphire was inlaid on the top, reflecting a clear halo. It felt heavy and substantial when held in the hand. q6TASn

The Magician took the cane in his hand and weighed it, and found the Duke’s family emblem engraved on the cane.

The butler lowered his head, and his eyes only dared to fall on the sapphire.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This lowly human must not know that this is the brilliant hope gem known as the “Heart of the Ocean” in the empire, and it was also a family heirloom passed down by the Duke’s family for many years.

Their Excellency the Duke was powerful in the court, and the meaning behind this cane was naturally needless to say. VFsmIc

As long as this cane was in hand, even the royal family couldn’t give orders. Seeing the cane was like seeing the Duke.

However, Zong Jiu did not look flattered at all. After turning it around in his hands for a few times, he threw it back to the butler without hesitation.

The butler was trembling with fear, and hurriedly tried to catch it, fearing that the cane would fall to the ground and chip. Even if he chopped off ten heads, it would not be enough.

“Tell him I don’t need it.”


After saying this, Zong Jiu walked away without looking back, too lazy to see what the other party’s expression was.

The Duke’s residence was a few miles across, and no blind civilian dared to come to the nobles’ territory to make trouble. Under the Devil’s order, no servant dared to stop him. So Zong Jiu left this huge mansion very smoothly.

After leaving the mansion, he quickly disguised himself and hurried to the circus troupe.

Because he really didn’t want to ride the human carriage, and there wasn’t even a bicycle in this era, Zong Jiu had no choice but to walk. huL7gZ

The Duke’s mansion was in the center of the royal capital, very close to the royal city and also not far from the circus.

It was night now, and it would take about a few dozen minutes to run there.

At this point, Zong Jiu frowned, “Sub-system, can you contact Tsuchimikado?”

Tsuchimikado and he were separated, and the two shared a system, so they should be able to contact each other through the sub-system. BpUwta

[Private contact between trainees violates the rules of the game, but…]

Obviously, the sub-system also remembered that it and the two trainees were now grasshoppers on the same rope.

So it was silent for a while, and quietly let out a water [You pass a navigation skill check, each time you succeed, you can refresh the opponent’s coordinates]

Zong Jiu curled his lips and turned the ten-sided die. sIlcgQ

On the other side, Tsuchimikado’s situation was not much better.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf kjr rdejaalcu delfais lc atf xlamtfc bo atf ecvfgugbecv ojgw.

Dfmjerf bo atf ijmx bo gjk wjafgljir, atf mtfo gjc ab atf rijeutafgtberf ab gert atf ubbvr jcv vlrjqqfjgfv klat j rqjaeij. nvH89s

Rbk atfgf kjr bcis j oijwf bc atf rabnf lc atf xlamtfc, rbwf yibbvs wfja rijyr cffvfv obg rlvf vlrtfr, jcv j yecmt bo mbibgoei ybaaifr jcv pjgr bc atf ajyif. Pa kjr lcmgfvlyis delfa.

But fortunately, there were many baskets for placing ingredients here, each one was taller than a person, and they were full of things.

For example, the basket of cabbage next to Tsuchimikado, then another basket of carrots, and another basket of potatoes next to that.

The Yin-Yang Master was hiding in this pile of ingredients, shrinking himself in them. wdN6Z1

For some reason, Tsuchimikado felt a little strange now.

After running out of the Sect’s basement, he used the invisibility item again and ran all the way.

But who knew what happened, maybe he didn’t have time to think carefully before because he was running all the time, now that the Yin-Yang Master squatted down and thought carefully, he discovered a lot of problems.

It seemed that these pursuers who came to chase him seemed a little too casual. xbiOT8

So casual that the two people from the black cloak sect who were seen at the beginning didn’t even appear at all. What appeared on the road were some ox-headed and horse-faced monsters. Gradually, the pursuers became fewer and fewer…

Recalling the conversation he overheard in the conference room not long ago, Tsuchimikado felt that something seemed to be wrong.

After thinking for a while, the Yin-Yang Master turned the ten-sided die and passed a listening check.

Before a walking Magician absorbed his luck, his luck could be called a cheat. Not to say that he was always successful, but at least it was better than ordinary people. ISjVRh

[Your roll result is 13/20, listening check is successful]

[You feel that your hearing has suddenly become sharper, and you can easily hear the sound in the corridor outside behind a wall]

“Hey, did you see the husky that ran away?”

“No, that’s enough, it’s time to go back and report. The lords of the Sect have told us not to chase too far, just scare them. Ayway, they can’t escape on the Festival day.” 1Gdawk

“Indeed, the prey that was branded early on, as long as there is a magic circle, can’t escape the palm of the lords of the Sect on the Festival day, disperse, disperse.”

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Tsuchimikado was startled, and a certain line was connected in his mind.

His eyes widened, and then he realized that he had overlooked a very fatal problem. qOBRGt

He and the Magician were summoned to this S+ rank instance world, which could be confirmed by the system.

Yin-Yang Mastery had summoning spells, but Yin-Yang Masters summoned Shikigami.

This type of summoning spell, whether in the East or the West, had the same significant commonalities.

For example, if the summoned entity couldn’t resist the first time… 0nU78i

Then of course he couldn’t resist the second time.

No wonder when he overheard the conversation between the two survivors of the Sect, the two survivors said that it didn’t matter whether the Duke sent the Magician back or not, anyway, there was still the magic circle.

“How could I forget about this matter? I am still a Yin-Yang Master, I’m such an idiot.”

He was so angry that he hit his head with his fist on the spot, “It’s over, if this is the case, those survivors must have set targets on me and the Magician. Aaaaaaaah, but I don’t have the ability of the Yin-Yang Master now, what should I do now-“ r50NiA

Pfft, yes, you are quite stupid.”

Just when Tsuchimikado was lamenting with tears why he was still so unlucky after abolishing the ability of the Yin-Yang Master, the lazy voice of the Magician suddenly sounded above his head.

Tsuchimikado was stunned for a moment and then jumped up.

“Fuck, when did you get here? I was scared to death!” JgSv3o

He was startled, and only reacted when he saw Zong Jiu’s face with a teasing expression.

“…You’ve been running. Do you know how many navigations I threw before I found you?”

Zong Jiu was furious when he mentioned this.

He didn’t know what Zhuge An did to their luck. After Zong Jiu and Tsuchimikado separated, his own luck became particularly unstable. DxtZmu

It was fine if that was it. He finally succeeded with a single roll, but Tsuchimikado’s coordinates changed again, causing Zong Jiu to run around everywhere.

He disguised himself well. Many animals saw the Duke’s family emblem on his suit and thought he was a big shot, so they let him through.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zong Jiu didn’t expect that he threw back the cane sent by the Devil, and he could still get some light from the puppet NPC controlled by the other party later. It was a bit magical.

But if he didn’t take advantage of it, he was an idiot. It wasn’t like he took the initiative to take it. sTj1N3

So this time, Zong Jiu walked into the underground farm as a big shot and looked for traces of Tsuchimikado nearby.

“Okay, now is not the time to talk about this.”

He briefly recounted what he had experienced that day and night, “What about you?”

“Me…” dSuy3E

Tsuchimikado said with a sad face, “The survivors placed trackers on us. No matter where we escape to, as long as they draw a magic circle on the ground on the day of the Festival, they can summon us anytime and anywhere.”

This was indeed bad news. Especially when Zong Jiu asked the sub-system, and the sub-system also said that all the skills of the ten-sided die were powerless against this overpowered summoning.

“Don’t be in a hurry.” Zong Jiu put his index finger on his chin and became thoughtful, “You mean, almost half of the survivors 20 years ago are not dead, and they are actually dormant, and even established a cult that believes in the evil god?”

The Yin-Yang Master nodded, “The animals in this instance firmly believe in an evil god named Sadah Hegla. The Sussex Manuscript says that Sadah Hegla is just an incarnation, and He has a higher form. However, even the Manuscript says that believing in this evil god is a completely crazy act, because from the moment you believe in the evil god… you will be eroded by the indescribable ominousness and darkness and become crazy. qd 2kN

“But they still believe in Him unswervingly, and prepare a grand Festival every ten years. In fact, the festival is a ceremony to sacrifice to the evil god. It is said that only when a satisfactory sacrifice is chosen, the evil god will show mercy and fulfill the wishes of the cultists.”

This was not right.

The survivors in the infinite loop rarely had faith, and even if they did, they wouldn’t believe in some evil god. Even if it was twenty years ago, these survivors would not be so outrageous as to go to a horror instance to spread occult beliefs.

Unless… this S+ rank instance itself had people who believe in the evil occult and the tradition of the evil god. 4fxrzZ

Just when Zong Jiu realized this, the sub-system sent a warm reminder.

[Triggering a key clue, inspiration check, please]

It must be said that Zong Jiu’s luck had improved again when he was with Tsuchimikado.

[Your roll result is 21/35, inspiration check is successful] 4z6d8N

[Some fragments of memory that are difficult to notice suddenly connect in your mind, and some previously ignored details happen to be pieced together along this clue. You seem to have a new, extremely bold speculation about the situation in front of you…]

Accompanied by the cold mechanical sound of the sub-system, Zong Jiu suddenly recalled the part that he and Tsuchimikado did not notice when they were looking for clues in the underground farm.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

For example… standing above the farm and looking down, you could see the obviously oversized pigpen. No matter how you look at it, the size didn’t fit the small human body. There were many unreasonable and even unsuitable architectural styles for animals but for humans. There were also some strange facilities in the underground farm, everything seemed to be swapped with the real world.

Zhuge An once said that the source of all horror instances was the real world. No matter how absurd it was, it was impossible to break away from the background of reality. hlPdxH

But this world was obviously a little too wrong.

With the blessing of the successful inspiration judgment, Zong Jiu was like a god.

“Wait, you just said that if the evil god is successfully summoned, a wish can be successfully realized?”

The instance that was suddenly dragged from the Light Dimension to the Dark Dimension, and the darkness that filled this instance was like a plague. Crazy animals, cruel rules, sick class system and concepts. Cv1txm

The survivors who were suddenly disconnected from the main system and left in the instance voluntarily became the backbone of the cult, and even practiced black magic, intending to hold the ceremony again. Even… devoutly believe.

Under what circumstances would a survivor without faith voluntarily believe in the evil god devoutly and rack their brains to summon the evil god for the second time?


“Then you say, twenty years ago… is it possible that the evil god has been summoned successfully once?” N840fA

Seen it with their own eyes.

And, a wish had been realized once before.

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