Thriller TraineeCh199 - Interlaced Fingers

Next it was Zong Jiu’s turn.

Since it was his turn, he would definitely not hold back. zMYojh

Originally, this game was carefully thought out by Zong Jiu while he was taking a bath. If he didn’t take this opportunity to strip No. 1 bare, he wouldn’t be called the Magician!

“I want to know the specific details of your ability,” Zong Jiu asked directly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He had been curious about this for a long time.

Although the ability of the Devil was mysterious, it was not untraceable in the infinite loop. After all, top survivors such as Van Zhuo, the Exorcist, Tsuchimikado knew about it, and Van Zhuo even made a precious special prop for him. FDVGdl

Zong Jiu paid attention to it after returning from the Judgment Day instance.

The Devil was already at the top of the pyramid within the infinite loop. At the beginning of the Thriller Trainee competition, all the senior survivors only dared to call him “that boss”, even the title of the Devil was kept secret.

Zong Jiu followed this clue and found that many people in the infinite loop did know about it.

The main reason was that the Devil had been playing in the infinite loop for so many years, so he naturally entered many high-ranking instances. He may even control a few puppets to stir up trouble for fun in some instances. If the instance was boring and made him unhappy, then this gentleman would destroy it with prejudice.


This made Zong Jiu a little confused.

He knew the specific ability of the Devil, but he didn’t know what the medium of his ability was. He only knew that the first puppet string needed to be in physical contact with the target, and the second puppet string required the target to bleed.

But if only such a medium was needed, then the Devil’s ability was too against the heavens.

Of course, the ability to destroy an instance with bare hands was also against the heavens, but Zong Jiu instinctively felt that something wasn’t right, so he decided to come and inquire. nSe6c0

“This question…” The man deliberately dragged out the tone.

The cold hand swam out from the shadows, and the slender fingers held up a handful of the Magician’s long hair behind his head and slowly combed it for him.

“You can guess, and there will be a reward if you guess it right.”

Wow, Zong Jiu gained a temper when it came to rewards. Bav6dJ

The white-haired young man ignored the hands that were messing around on the back of his head and neck, and said coldly, “Oh? Then, Lord Devil, do you still remember the special reward that the main system promised to give out after finding the Instructor at the masquerade?”

Before the dance, the system had painted a big pie for all the trainees, saying that if they could find the Instructor at the dance and reveal his true identity, they would be able to get a mysterious gift.

This incident could be said to have disrupted Zhuge An’s plan. After all, the public opinion effect caused by their sudden exposure of the Instructor’s identity and the system deliberately guiding and announcing the event and releasing the Instructor’s identity are two different things.

But there was no way. Even knowing that it was an open conspiracy, they still had to step up. YwevG4

Zong Jiu then went up.

As a result, the dance was over, the kiss was over, and he was almost pressed against the wall and done, and there was no sign of the mysterious gift.

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The Devil didn’t expect this old account to be brought up.

He was stunned for a moment, and said innocently, “But didn’t I crown you at that time? That crown was so beautiful.” 4DOVXB

Under the spotlight, the Devil crowned the Magician.

The Magician put on a silver-red crown with a sparkling ruby ​​on it, held a joker in his mouth, and announced his victory with a cool expression like a proud peacock.

The Devil got hard all of a sudden.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Get lost, I earned that by playing games with you.” 2z96UF

Vfflcu atja atf jawbrqtfgf rffwfv j ilaaif ragjcuf, Ibcu Ale kjr abb ijhs ab ajix ab tlw, jcv mtjcufv atf reypfma, “P uefrr sbeg qeqqfa atgfjv lr gfijafv ab atf fnli atbeutar sbe kfgf ybgc klat.”

Pa tla atf cjli bc atf tfjv.

Ktf wjc gjlrfv atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat. Llr olcufgr wbnfv ogbw atf fcv bo tlr tjlg ab atf gbba, afralcu atf Zjulmljc’r ybaabw ilcf mjiwis ilxf ragbxlcu j mja’r oeg.

Indeed. Zong Jiu’s guess was almost right. qrstQ4

The puppet thread could actually be called the malice thread in essence. The constraints of the first two threads were indeed physical contact and bleeding wounds, but what allowed the last three puppet threads to take hold was actually on the puppet being controlled.

The Devil was born from the malice of a plane, and his ability was closely related to malice.

For example shadows, the huge evil black mud, and puppet threads.

“Yes, it comes from malice. The deeper the evil thoughts in people’s hearts, the deeper they will take root. The greater the evil thoughts, the faster the threads will be added and the deeper the degree of manipulation.” P op2I

The Magician was thoughtful.

He remembered the Messiah, the Holy Son of the Mental Hospital in the first instance. This was the earliest puppet he knew that was deeply manipulated by No. 1. At that time, Messiah fooled all the survivors in the entire instance and also harvested a wave of die-hard fans.

Even after the Masquerade, there were still a large number of survivors who chose to stand on the side of the Holy Temple because of Messiah’s amazing appeal. It could even be said that he was a puppet pushed to the front by the Devil, responding to every call.

But according to Zhuge An, the Messiah was indeed a great good man in the infinite loop, otherwise he would not have accumulated so many mass followers and climbed to such a high position. zPTmyp

According to the Devil’s statement, he’s afraid the Son of God was the kind of person who always showed the bright side to others and left the darkness to himself. Unexpectedly, he was deeply controlled by the Devil for this reason. It was really sad to think about it.

The fingers came behind the young man’s ear and slid along the graceful neck line.

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Under the dim light of the candlestick, everything was coated with ambiguous colors.

Zong Jiu ignored the Devil’s little move and asked, “What about the soul invasion of the fifth puppet thread?” Lxhdgs

“This is the second question.”

The cold index finger was attached to the Magician’s thin lips, “If you violate the rules of the game, then there is another price.


The finger timely traveled along the spine from top to bottom, and passed through the thick bathrobe, with a meaning that adults could understand. f8udr3

“Magician, are you willing to pay this extra price?”

Zong Jiu: “…”

You can only show two hands, and you are still talking nonsense. You are really worthy of being the Devil.

He turned over and chose to lie flat. vEPtjd

“Then it’s your turn.”

After playing two rounds of the game, Zong Jiu was very satisfied with the information he got. However, he also exposed a lot of his own information. But it seemed insignificant from his perspective, and it was a sure win to exchange it for the information in the hands of the Devil.

In the next round, Zong Jiu should get to the point.

What he didn’t expect was that after this round of Q&A, the Devil suddenly stopped, looking unfathomable. LCwk2e

“I don’t want to play anymore.”

Zong Jiu: ???

Wait, explain it clearly, how could you not play anymore, I haven’t even dug a pit for you to jump in, why are you quitting?! Then wouldn’t the previous efforts be wasted?

The white-haired young man said earnestly, “The night is so long, how can we not play?” on2gqt

Just then, lightning as thick as a bowl crashed from the top of the cloud, piercing the long night.

Just as the two of them were playing Q&A, the sudden heavy rain outside became more intense.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The storm was here.

The strong wind suddenly pushed open the window that had just been closed, and the creaking sound was intertwined with the sound of heavy rain and thunder. It rushed into the spacious and dark master bedroom with a cold breath. OxWCPo

The Duke once again walked over under the control of the puppet thread and resigned himself to playing the role of a slave.

Zong Jiu suddenly understood something.

He was still a little confused about why the mood of the Devil suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse while chatting and fell to the bottom.

Now it seemed that it might have had something to do with the weather outside. QNfKzs

He remembered the little Devil holding a rabbit plush, curled up alone in the heavy bedding, the one with a cloth covering his eyes in the toy room, and the nameless number one.

The nuns in the church said that every time there was a thunderstorm, the Pope would not be able to sleep all night, or he would be troubled by nightmares and could not rest.

“What do you want to know?”

Just when Zong Jiu was thinking about how to use this to better fool the Devil, the other party spoke first. t9aMw1

Since it was straightforward, Zong Jiu had to regretfully give up his idea.

Considering that he had asked for a way to leave this instance already, and the Devil also gave him an answer, this time Zong Jiu chose to respond directly.

“I want to know how to contact the main system.”

Since the Devil’s way was not feasible, if Zong Jiu could ask for a way to contact the main system, it would be good to take the original way of leaving this instance. xMId5t

Obviously, No. 1 also knew his little calculation.

However, his answer disappointed Zong Jiu.

The Devil spread his hands, “I came in through an abnormal method, why do you think I know how to contact the main system?”

Zong Jiu, “…” Oh, right. lDosNE

If the Devil had a way to contact the main system, he wouldn’t be so miserable now with only two hands exposed. It was his mistake.

At this moment, a heavy object suddenly fell into the Magician’s slightly opened palm.

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[Congratulations on obtaining ???-rank prop: Unknown Key]

[Instructions: It seems to be a key that allows the user to transfer space] eEzidh

“Use it to return directly to the trainee dormitory.”

The cold fingers drew across the beautiful brow of the white-haired young man. “Of course, you know what it means to use it.”

Indeed, Zong Jiu had now achieved his purpose of fooling the Devil, and it could even be said that he received a bonus surprise.

But using this key meant that the Magician would voluntarily give up his pride and take the initiative to become the Devil’s forbidden food, the canary in the cage. nbWjKM

Just at this moment, another deafening thunder and lightning flashed.

This time, the Devil’s mood was obviously worse.

The shadow suddenly stabbed the candlestick, extinguishing the candlelight that was floating restlessly on it.

“Even if the puppet thread controls the NPC, it cannot do anything that violates the common sense of the instance. The Duke will send you back tomorrow night. During this period, you have enough time to think about whether to use this key. iNB7ZY

“The night is deep, go to sleep.”

Zong Jiu didn’t speak.

After a long time, there was only a steady breathing sound in the darkness.

It would be a miracle if he could sleep with his old enemy sleeping next to him. ZhA8ei

The Magician, the Devil, and the puppet were all still awake.

They all had their eyes open, listening to the storm behind the wall, and they were silent as if dead.

An unknown amount of time passed. Maybe a long, long time.

It was so long that Zong Jiu even felt a little sleepy, and suddenly a cold hand groped out from the quilt. B7jS2p

This hand was not wearing the white gloves.

It was cold, large, rough, and covered with hideous scars.

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Zong Jiu still remembered.

The NPC in that instance brought him to the altar, wanting to treat every vessel the same way they were treated before, pouring malice in him, and then setting fire to the vessel to kill him once and for all. GQ0jZf

They could not imagine that the boy’s innate ability was not to fear fire.

Fire could not kill No. 1, but it was the natural enemy of malice.

So the boy, who was filled with malice, struggled in the flames, and the flames burned the malice and left terrible scars on his small body.

The Devil had no scars on his body, and only when he saw his hands could he remember the lost past. ZvxImb

The Magician reflexively wanted to pull his hand back, but stopped himself.

He felt the hand stroking his fingertips, and finally slowly inserted them through his fingers and held his fingers together.

The set of actions was very calm, without the usual pretense of ambiguity, but it reminded people of the little one trembling in the thunderstorm.

Forget it. UmO6Li

Just this once.

The white-haired young man silently felt the temperature and slowly closed his eyes.

A/N: Devil: I learned this method from the little Devil. It’s shameful to play the victim, but it works (laugh)


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  1. They are holding hand this is so cute.

    Alright maybe the Devil isn’t that clueless at all.