Thriller TraineeCh198 - Delivered to the Door

Play a game?

There was a flash of interest in the Devil’s eyes as he felt a rare inverted feeling that his lines had been taken away. MHaS6v

Because he always invited Magicians to play games. Whether it was in the First High School instance, the Halloween instance, or the Masquerade party, the two of them had used them as a stage to play various games and bets.

But this time, it was the Magician who first requested to play.

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It had to be said that he really knew how to arouse No. 1’s interest. With just these few words, the Devil’s lack of interest was swept away and his golden eyes suddenly lit up, showing an eagerness to try.

“How to play?” 8RK5DE

On the hook.

Zong Jiu made a gesture in his mind, but his face remained calm, “Since you have secrets and I also have secrets, we are both interested in each other’s secrets, we might as well be honest with each other and open the gates.

“You ask, and then I answer. I ask a question, and you answer. No matter what question the questioner asks, the person being asked must answer it in detail without shirking. How about it?”

“Of course, since it’s a game, both parties have the right to lie. But if the lie is discovered by the other party, there will be corresponding consequences.”


In fact, this rule was more beneficial to Zong Jiu.

Although No.1 was a lunatic, there was still one good thing about him. He never bothered to lie.

When they were tit-for-tat before and were serious enemies, even if the two of them killed each other time and time again, the Devil did not deceive Zong Jiu in terms of information. Instead, he came over time and time again and gave him a lot of information for free.

On the contrary, it was Zong Jiu. OricTP

A Magician’s job was to deceive the eyes of the audience, and occasionally use words to misdirect other people’s attention. Therefore, for him, this kind of deceiving people was simply too familiar and he was extremely proficient at it.

Obviously, what Zong Jiu could understand couldn’t be hidden from the Devil.

The man narrowed his eyes dangerously.

The Magician lay lazily on the big black bed with his head supported by one hand. His long white hair spread on the surface of the sheets, and there were traces of steaming water mist all over his body, which had very strong visual impact. b42BnP

His eyebrows became darker under the moisture, and he was staring at him with a smile. His bathrobe was loose and open, revealing a pale chest.

Thinking of the evaluations given by the instance NPCs to the Magician at the auction, the Devil felt that they were quite fair.

A beautiful little kitten. Although fierce, it often gave people some unexpected surprises.

The main thing was, you never knew what this cat would do next. vxj6Eh

For example, like now, racking his brains to lure prey into taking the bait, trying to fool with words.

The man let out a huff of laughter, his fingertips trembling with pleasure.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He must not know that no matter how much he deliberately pretended to be nonchalant, the cunning flowing in those light pink eyes would always be exposed in the eyes of the Devil.

So cute. SrdTcA

How could the Devil have the heart to refuse such a cute little kitty delivered to his door?


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf rtjvbkr qijsfv klat atf sbecu wjc’r ktlaf tjlg, geyylcu atf ujqr yfakffc atf fcvr bo atf tjlg klat tlr olcufgalqr, jcv ifa atfw rilq jkjs.

Lf jugffv. RNMwxS

Ibcu Ale qgfafcvfv ab rtlgx, “Vlcmf P qgbqbrfv atf ujwf olgra, atf vfjifg rtbeiv yf qbilaf, rb sbe mjc jrx olgra.”


The Devil pretended to raise his eyebrows in surprise, his gaze resting on the young man’s neck that looked like mutton-fat jade, “Since Your Excellency the Magician said this, I can only obey rather than defer.”

“You are not a person in the real world, nor are you an NPC in any S+ rank instance…” mL9v o

The man spoke slowly, as if asking an irrelevant question, “So, where are you from?”

It’s here, good man, the first question was so sharp.

This question was neither easy to answer nor easy to fool. Because Zong Jiu didn’t know how much the Devil knew about it.

The little Devil once stated his guess in an affirmative sentence. Before that, No. 1 guessed that he was an NPC in the S+ rank instance as early as the First High School instance. RZ5or4

Zong Jiu paused and decided to be vague.

“Yes, I am not a person in the real world, nor am I an NPC in an S+ rank instance. But I also don’t know how my native world is defined by you and the main system. Maybe it is a different world?”

This sentence is correct.

Because he really crossed into a book. i9STfo

In the real world where Zong Jiu lived, various transcending world themes were common, and transmigrating into books were also popular for a while.

As a webnovel lover who occasionally read online stories, Zong Jiu knew very well that he had slipped into the book Thriller Trainee. As for why the world in this book was so real, the Magician had also made corresponding guesses.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Maybe it was the dimensions.

The dimension he was in before traveling through the book was higher than this world, so what happened in this world was just a book in his world. vaXWh

But these were just guesses, Zong Jiu would not say them out loud, but would find a point to stop.

“It’s my turn.”

Seeing that the other party did not raise any questions, Zong Jiu quickly took over.

His questioning was the key reason for coming up with this game. rW5QcR

Of course, in order not to expose his true intentions so quickly, Zong Jiu decided to lead the questioning.

“What deal did you make with the main system?”

According to Zhuge An and others, the Devil only destroyed the Perfect World at the beginning. Taking the special props left by the survivors, he followed the guidance through the turbulent flow of space and came to the infinite loop.

In the memory that the little Devil showed Zong Jiu, the survivors who came to the Perfect World, in order to lure the little Devil to return to the Holy City with them for the mission, once drew a beautiful story for the six-year-old No. 1 under the desert night sky. VHbiEc

They described the infinite cycle as a paradise, a fantasyland without pain and suffering.

But in a sense, those survivors were right, because the Devil born from malice did like the infinite loop.

However, even so, it was unexpected that the Devil could cooperate with the system.

For so many years, the system had been mechanical and cold, like a high-dimensional space intelligence computer, an absolutely rational existence. The collaboration between the two of them was dysfunctional from the start. 5Q0K L

The Devil chuckled, his tone nonchalant.

“It wants to accumulate energy and return to higher dimensions.”

“What do you mean?” Zong Jiu frowned.

“You need energy to make a wish, but there are also karmic returns for making your wish come true.” Z7gjaV

“The main system is originally the smart computer of a high-dimensional world. It fell to the low-dimensional world due to lack of energy.”

No. 1 gave him an example.

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The demons in Hell had no way to come to the human world unless a human summoned them from Hell and made a wish. Then the demon could use the power of this wish to break through the seal, stay in the world and cause trouble in all directions.

The Magician suddenly came to a realization. w NtRE

This statement was a bit like the animal spirits in ancient Chinese legends.

It was said that animals such as weasels and foxes who had cultivated spiritual practice for many years, when they felt that they were about to transform, they usually needed to go to a place where humans are, speak human words, and ask the first person they met, “What do you think I look like?” It was commonly known as “Requesting a Seal”.

Because human words had power, what humans said they looked like was what they would transform into. And human words would also determine the rank of their magic power after transformation.

It was said that there was a legend that someone encountered this uttering animal at night and was frightened and called it ugly. As a result, he turned into an ugly spirit and held a grudge, causing harm to that person’s entire family. Gfu2Aq

With this example, Zong Jiu more or less understood.

Why did the main system hold this seemingly thankless Thriller Trainee competition? It turned out that it wanted to go to a higher dimension through some kind of byproduct power of a wish being fulfilled.

The clues were immediately connected.

Zhuge An had previously guessed that this wish could only be fulfilled within the scope that the main system could achieve. But if a trainee made a wish maliciously, for the main system, holding the competition after all the hard work would be equivalent to failing in the end. 2xECbR

It was precisely because of this that perhaps the main system took a fancy to the Devil’s ability to manipulate puppets and took the initiative to come to the door, just so that the wishing ticket could be in its own hands. The Devil was just looking for fun, so they hit it off.

The turn turned to the Devil again.

“I’m curious, why are you willing to put shackles on yourself?”

If the first round was a test, then the second round had a bit of a sharp edge. o0zp1c

Overtly and covertly, the tension between the two people that had subsided began to become stronger again.

Zong Jiu raised his eyebrows: “I want to.”

He was silent for a moment. These three words didn’t seem to fit in with the rules of the game they had set, so he had to add another sentence reluctantly.

“Hate can never bind or change a person, but love can.” gz46 9

Zong Jiu did have weak feelings, but he would definitely remember the old nun’s kindness to him and would listen to her.


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The man burst into undisguised laughter from his chest, as if he heard something funny.

They both knew what he was laughing at. mn5R6C

One was lacking in emotion, and the other was born in the darkness. This word was too far away from them, too far, ridiculously far.

“That’s such a pity.” The Devil pretended to sigh: “We are obviously so similar.”

The Magician sneered in return.

There was indeed a good resemblance, one had a hidden crazy physique, and the other was blatantly crazy. UvuoJT

If two people were openly crazy, it would be like a mountain that couldn’t tolerate two tigers. A king would not see eye to eye with another king, and there would be no end until death.

Now Zong Jiu was still good-tempered. He saw the little Devil as pitiful and cute, so he didn’t bother to care about it. Why should the Devil sigh?

“Stop talking nonsense, it’s my turn next.”

Two people facing each other, one hidden in the shadows, the other lying sideways on the bed. VnLUqI

The light in the room was very dark, and the candlelight flickered, lengthening and blending their reflections, adding a bit of indescribable flavor in the air.

Tap, tap, tap.

Just as they were asking and answering questions, a pattering sound suddenly came from outside the window.

It was raining. 2lOxLJ

The Duke, who had been sitting silently on the high-backed chair, stood up. Under the control of the puppet string, he became the outsider present, obediently closing the window and drawing the curtains.

The rain came without warning and it only took a moment for the rain to turn from light to heavy, suddenly  falling vigorously. The sky and the earth were pitch black, and all you could see were the thunderclouds and the pale and cold lightning roaring within.

The heavy window sill blocked out the sound of rain.

The game continued. Yah8fk

A/N: Today I am going to post a comment made by a reader yesterday [Xuan’er, an out-of-school girl, needs to work hard]. Hahahahaha, I can’t say it is completely unrelated, I can only say it is exactly the same!

Devil (surface): I can save you, but there is a price~

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Jiujiu: Oh? How to help

Devil (inner): Kill him if he agrees, the treasure lost value UIDAzE

Jiujiu: Get out!

Devil (hahahahaha indeed is my baby)

Jiujiu (smile): Why don’t we play a game?

Devil (inner): My baby came to fool me, he came to use me, he tried to fool me, he is so cute, I love him even more, I am willing to be used by him, he is so bad and beautiful F7Q4JU

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