Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon FodderChapter 113

Gongsun Zibai walked straight out. Usually there’d always be people coming forth to flirt with him because of his good looks. However, because of the strong aura of suppression he emitted today, the crowd could only gaze at him from afar, not daring to give rise to any obscene thoughts.

Carrying a breath of fury in his chest, Gongsun Zibai didn’t notice someone behind him calling his name repeatedly until a palm lightly patted him on the shoulder. He violently turned around: “Who is it?!” EdNiH9

Turning around to look, he froze for a second then somewhat pushed down his anger to give a slight smile: “Mu Cheng. Long time no see.”

“Yes, that’s right. It’s been a long time. How come you’re here?” Mu Cheng sat on his little moped, one foot supported on the ground. Wearing a thick feather stuffed coat, he was actually wearing… a pair of ugg boots???

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Gongsun Zibai couldn’t resist looking at his feet for a few more times.

Was it that cold? zEXtLa

Meanwhile he replied: “I came with my nephew to find my niece. How about you?”

“Oh, My old man bought a few apartment buildings over here last year. I came to help him collect rent.” As Mu Cheng talked, he grinned widely and stretched out his foot: “Are you looking at my feet? Us Cantonese people are really this afraid of the cold.”

Hearing his awkward sounding Canton accent, Gongsun Zibai’s mood inexplicably became a lot better. He smiled as he looked at Mu Cheng: “Then let’s not chat while standing in this cold breeze. Are you done collecting rent? Why don’t we go eat hot pot? I think you guys call it -----? I know a place that makes chicken hotpot. The taste is not bad.”

Today, he didn’t really want to return to the old estate. To occasionally eat a meal with a friend was also not bad.


Originally Mu Cheng wanted to decline. He still had a whole bunch of people waiting for him to return home! But when he turned and saw Gongsun Zibai’s downcast expression, he sighed inside.

Forget it, he can always eat with people at home tomorrow: “Let’s go then? Hop on, I’ll take you?” As he talked, Mu Cheng pulled out a safety helmet from the back.

Gongsun Zibai originally wanted to say that he has his own car. But then again, he remembered that the car key was in Gongsun Bai’s hand.

Thinking for a moment, he accepted the helmet and put it on. 93dosE

Even wearing a dirty helmet did not decrease his good looks the slightest. On the contrary, it added a sense of motorcycle grace to his beauty.

Like this, Mu Cheng drove away tooting under the gaze of everyone’s envious and unbelievable expression. The huge amount of envious and jealous gazes couldn’t understand at all, why would such a big beauty not be disgusted at all by the little moped. Were their 4 wheeled cars not good enough?

Bringing Gongsun Zibai, the two people drove about ten minutes before arriving at the hotpot store Gongsun Zibai talked about.

Immediately after getting off the moped, Mu Cheng smiled: “This is an old Canton shop. How did you find it?” 4RBQ53

Gongsun Zibai took off his helmet after getting off and fixed his slightly windblown hair: “Lots of little kids at home, each with weak stomachs, yet they all love to eat hotpot. So I made note of a few good places.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xbcurec Djl, obg fzjwqif, tjv j kfjx rabwjmt rlcmf tf kjr sbecu. Tfa, tf kjr jikjsr byrfrrfv klat ublcu ab rbwf rqlms Vlmtejc tbaqba rabgf. Xbcurec Ilyjl vlvc’a vjgf yglcu tlw ab jcs qijmf gjcvbwis.

Ojafg, tf gfjiis tjv cb batfg bqalbcr, rb tf obecv qifcas bo rlwlijg Jjcabc tbaqba rabgfr lc atlr mlas. Ktbeut, ja wbra tf bcis qfgwlaafv Xbcurec Djl lc jvvlcu j rwjii jwbeca bo rqlmf lcab tlr vlqqlcu rjemf.

“You’re pretty considerate then. The kids at my house, they’ve probably eaten chicken shit before.” Getting off of the moped, the two people didn’t get a private room, but just found a good seat that blocked the wind. ZG2s7Y

Mu Cheng skillfully chatted a bit with the store owner and then threw in a few Cantonese. The store owner immediately laughed and went to inform the kitchen to kill the biggest chicken for this table.

Seeing Mu Cheng picking out the dishes even more experienced than himself, then picking up the warm tea to help him wash his plates, Gongsun Zibai didn’t believe the words he just said at all.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You look like you’re much more considerate and kind hearted than me.” Picking the menu and washing the plates was something a person who was used to taking care of others would do.

Mu Cheng laughed jovially out loud: “How am I kind hearted? And plus, us Cantonese people just let the kids go like sheep. If food falls on the floor, 3 second rule. It’s not clean but not dirty, so no problem.” ad6mfz

Gongsun Zibai begged to differ: “If it falls on the floor, then it’s dirty. How can it still be eaten?” The 3 second rule was just self generated lies, can’t be trusted.

Mu Cheng helped him fill small plates of sauces, then finally got some ginger sauce for himself.

Hearing his words, Mu Cheng touched his nose: “That’s what I mean. You’re the considerate one. Not me.”

When Gongsun Zibai heard him say this, he didn’t really feel happy. Because he knew that the little kids from the Mu family were actually all less worrisome. Such a big family clan but it was rare to see them cause any serious disputes. NKS082

Not like his Gongsun family which looked pretty unified, but the branch family and main family always strife in reality.

The two sat for a little while longer, chatting and comparing their situations. Recently, Mu Cheng inherited some more businesses from his old dad. The old man probably wanted to go on holiday. He started having Mu Cheng to help him collect rent every year so he can travel the world with his wife.

Recently Mu Cheng’s company has been doing pretty well too, so people in the family have been pushing him to get married. However, since he was pretty much the head of the clan now, he just pushed it off. It’s his final word that counted so he did whatever made him happy.

Gongsun Zibai just finished all of his studies a while ago. He obtained all of the degrees he wanted, but his plans to go study abroad pretty much got snuffed. There weren’t any kids at home in the clan that was strong enough to support and control the family so he couldn’t leave. lSrx1f

When the hot pot was brought up, there were also a few big plates of thinly sliced chicken meat. The boiling soup bubbled and released a thick tasty aroma. Mu Cheng took a deep breath and couldn’t resist praising: “The soup here is pretty traditional and proper. Not bad.”

With a fine cuisine before them and the weather freezing outside, the two people very quickly released their appetite and enjoyed the food.

Pretty much done eating, Mu Cheng handed Gongsun Zibai a toothpick. Gongsun Zibai shook his head: “It’s better to not use toothpicks. It’ll make the slit between your teeth bigger.” Tooth floss was better, he thought as he pulled out a small box from his pocket.

“I’m used to it. You use yours and I’ll use mine.” Dangling the toothpick in his mouth, Mu Cheng completely didn’t look like a big boss at all. UKtQHG

Gongsun Zibai watched him, feeling a bit bad: “How about you use the floss anyway.”

Mu Cheng flicked the toothpick into the trash, gave him a look and exclaimed: “Being like this isn’t good. Everyone has their own preferences, you know.”

Gongsun Zibai froze for a second and then took back the tooth floss.

What Mu Cheng said was correct. He should respect other people’s living habits. Toothpicks weren’t technically bad. bVgjsG

“Oh right. The thing about the kids, what happened? Did one of the kids at home make you unhappy?” Mu Cheng poured himself a cup of warm tea to drink.

As soon as he asked, Gongsun Zibai’s expression became much colder: “It’s nothing. One is just misbehaving.” Bringing this up again, he returned to his main issue: “I see the kids in your family are pretty smart. When they see me, they all know to greet me and act courteously. How did you guys teach them at home?”

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Mu Cheng touched his nose: “How do I say this? It’s not the same. Like my mom and dad, they never told me we had money when I was a kid. It wasn’t until I reached my 18th birthday that I was made aware. So I’ve been pretty independent since I was young.”

Gongsun Zibai was stunned: “How come they didn’t tell you?” sHkQlG

“Maybe because they thought kids from poor families learned how to manage a household earlier?” Mu Cheng rubbed his chin and said somewhat uncertainly.

“Kids from poor families learn how to manage a household earlier?” Gongsun Zibai mumbled to himself.

Maybe, that’s correct?

Didn’t Gongsun Ran stop being cute like when she was a child because she developed a problem with squandering huge amounts of money? 0YvM32

Maybe he should give it a try?

The two drank some tea and chatted some more about child raising techniques. As they left, Gongsun Zibai felt extremely thankful.

Maybe it really was because he pampered those kids too much.

Saying farewell to Mu Cheng, Gongsun Zibai gave Rong Qing a call again. In the end, he was the root cause of everything that happened so of course he had to give Rong Qing a good resolution. u2QESV

When Rong Qing received the call, he just saw the trending headline being removed.

Then Gongsun Zibai’s call came directly through.

Not bad, pal! Your speed is pretty solid!

Of course he understood what happened here, so how could he take his anger out on Gongsun Zibai. t96liZ

The parent was responsible for their dumb brats, but she was already an adult, so she should be held accountable herself. For a parent to wipe after her ass for 18 years was pretty tragic already.

“It’s okay. Not a big issue.” Rong Qing took a bite of a fresh cherry that the wolf pup specially had someone send over, mood very good and magnanimous: “That girl is already a grown up. The main responsibility is on her, not you. I think you did enough.”

Therefore, don’t blame yourself too much, pal. Even as the implicated party, Rong Qing couldn’t bear to hear him be that way.

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Zibai actually agreed with an ‘en’! Rong Qing almost dropped his second cherry! NKtQql

“What? You got over it?” Rong Qing was curious.

Gongsun Zibai always considered himself as the responsible little uncle. How could he let it go so easily this time? How strange! Was there something he didn’t know here?

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“It’s not that. I saw Mu Cheng today. I feel like what he said was correct. Kids should be left to grow on their own.” Didn’t the Mu family kids grow up like that? And aren’t they all healthy and living happily? And with good prospects?

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it sounded to Gongsun Zibai. He took a deep breath: “As soon as I get back, I’m going to make the kids hand over all of the New Year’s money they received. I heard Mu Cheng say, his parents stored all of his New Year’s money when he was a kid and gave it back to him once he started working. I think this plan is pretty good.” XAxZw3

…… Rong Qing slowly lit a candle for the Gongsun family’s kids.

Your little uncle learned the most terrifying technique from outside! This technique struck directly at the vital point! How many kids had imperfect childhoods because of this technique! Who would have thought Gongsun Zibai would have learned this from old Mu! As expected of the #1 Yankee of West Shandong!


Bb’ing in his heart, Rong Qing immediately agreed verbally: “I also think this plan is pretty good. If you help them save this for a few years, you can even gain some interest in them. Maybe they’ll already have enough saved for the down payment for a house! How many youngsters work years and still can’t make a down payment nowadays!” DYVoAd

Go pikachu! Do it! Daddy will support you!

Even if you don’t teach those brats a lesson, it’s okay! This technique is vicious enough!

When Gongsun Zibai heard his approval, he felt like this made even more sense: “You’re right. I should go save their money for yearly interest. That would be best for them.”

Or else they’ll all be like Gongsun Ran, spending a few thousand for one piece of clothing, and have nothing left in her hands. What kind of behavior was that! hiWwy

It’s decided then!

Translator's Note

Still translates to hot pot, but just another word for it xD

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    • There’s a paragraph here in this chapter that says, “Recently Mu Cheng’s company has been doing pretty well too, so people in the family have been pushing him to get married. However, since he was pretty much the head of the clan now, he just pushed it off. It’s his final word that counted so he did whatever made him happy.”

      I guess Mu Cheng is not married yet, so go ship them all you want my friend! Hahahaha