Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon FodderChapter 112

This probably counted as poking a hole through the window paper?

Rong Qing already thought he and the wolf pup were sticky at the start. Now that he said that, they became even stickier! 4EihF3



Chrysanthemum Garden.

He didn’t forget to complain to Gongsun Zibai!

After Rong Qing and Lin Ji spend a long time being lovey-dovey on the video call, immediately after hanging up the phone, Rong Qing revved up 110% of energy to find Gongsun Zibai! 0gdHOb

He blahblahblah said a whole bunch with his face red from what looked like anger. The result of this couldn’t be any better!

Gongsun Zibai’s expression gradually became unsightly as he listened. His face turned darker and darker, so dismal that Gongsun Bai who was sitting next to him inexplicably rubbed his butt and faintly felt a chill to the back of his neck.

Hanging up the phone, Gongsun Zibai slowly lifted his head. Gongsun Bai felt a sense of danger and silently scooted away.

“Where’s Xiao Ran?” When Gongsun Zibai opened his mouth, Gongsun Bai secretly let out a sigh of relief.


He immediately tattled: “I think after she received the red pouch, she went shopping.”

The money in the red pouches that CEO Rong gave them was plenty. That girl loved to spend money normally. Now that she received some, how could she resist?

Gongsun Zibai understood faintly and frowned: “How many times have I told her that she needs to manage her finances properly. Why’s she still spending money as soon as she gets her hands on it?”

Thinking again about what Rong Qing told him, Gongsun Zibai gave Gongsun Bai a look and then stood up: “Let’s go. We’re going to drag her back.” QbgDC5

Gongsun Bai froze.

Drag her back?

He carefully examined Gongsun Zibai’s expression and instantly understood.

Oh oh oh. Looks like Gongsun Ran caused trouble? Okay then! As long as he’s not the one in trouble, who cares if it’s someone else! ZtTlym

When he thought about his little uncle bringing him along in search of Gongsun Ran, he immediately became excited.

Aiya! Why did he suddenly feel pretty delighted in seeing other people get in trouble~

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xbcurec Ilyjl ygbeuta Xbcurec Djl ab atf rtbqqlcu mfcafg ilxf jc ecrabqqjyif obgmf. Xbcurec Djl kjrc’a vewy. Eluta cbk, tlr ilaaif ecmif kjr mifjgis lc j yjv wbbv. Lf vfolclafis vlvc’a kjca ab ufa lc atf kjs. Vlifcais, tf aegcfv boo tlr qtbcf.

Cr obg ulnlcu Xbcurec Ejc j kjgclcu? Lj. Qts kbeiv tf yf atja clmf? Xbcurec Ejc jikjsr vlv atlcur klatbea gfragjlca. Pa’r alwf rtf ifjgcfv tfg ifrrbc. Sc2rd3

At the shopping center.

Gongsun Ran looked at the clothes in front of her for a long time and pursed her lips: “What the heck. He calls himself wealthy, yet only puts this little in the red pouch? It’s not even enough to buy a few dresses.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

She unhappily looked at the dresses placed to the side and then sighed: “Forget it. I’ll just get this one. I don’t want the other ones.”

After she spoke, an ill-tempered look flashed across the faintly smiling shop assistant standing to the side. She very quickly adjusted her expression: “Okay, no problem. Then I’ll go wrap it up.” ZcYVKW

Turning around with the clothes in her hands, the shop assistant instantly had an extremely speechless expression.

The girl was just acting so arrogantly, like she had a lot of money, now she’s complaining that other people are not putting enough money in a red pouch? Even if the other person was rich, that money has nothing to do with you, right?

Bbing in her heart, the shop assistant brought the clothes back after a short while. Gongsun Ran paid in cash, then left carrying the bag.

She didn’t walk far when she suddenly heard her blog notifications go off nonstop: “What? Can’t I even shop in peace? Who’s looking for me now?” tNh1CQ

Walking some more, the notifications continue to sound. Somewhat annoyed, she found a bench to sit down on: “Let’s see who’s looking so desperately for me. If it’s for no reason, I’ll curse you to death!” She said as she opened her blog.

Then she had quite a scare.

What’s going on? Why were all these people @ing at her?

She froze and then quickly clicked open her private messages to have a look. When she looked, she became dumbfounded. ytXoGN

What? What are they saying? How could she have any relationship with CEO Rong?

Gongsun Ran saw all the news media in her private message trying to buy information from her and was completely shocked.

What? What are they randomly talking about?

When she saw her own post being circulated into trending topics, Gongsun Ran’s bag fell to the floor with a thump. She felt like the world was spinning before her eyes! ZFeRWn

Oh no oh no! She was dead meat! If her little uncle saw this…

“Gongsun Ran.” A severe and strict voice suddenly sounded behind her. Gongsun Ran slowly turned her head around and saw her little uncle who usually looked like the Spring breeze, now had a never before seen grave expression, as he and Gongsun Bai walked over.

Jolting, an extremely terrified feeling flooded her entire head.

What to do! Why did little uncle look like he’s really mad? Was it because I caused trouble? But I only took a photo, that’s all! How would I have known it’d cause such a big disturbance? This wasn’t my fault! iyFkSZ

Feeling wronged, she shot a look at Gongsun Bai, hoping he could help her say a few words.

Didn’t Gongsun Bai always consider himself the big brother of the family? Hurry up and help me!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As soon as she looked over, Gongsun Bai felt it. He made a face inside. He already warned her before but she had to ignore it and posted the picture without permission.

Ha Ha. Real talk. He was somewhat surprised at how stupid this girl was. What kind of person was Rong Qing? His lawyer team became well known after one battle. After the second, all of the news media no longer dared to write randomly. She’s the only smart one here. So amazing, to dare to post stuff about him online. ObGrPh

Gongsun Zibai walked in front of Gongsun Ran, his eyes swept over the paperbag next to her side.

A luxurious brand. Not much, but still a few thousand for one piece of clothing.

But with Gongsun Ran’s financial state, she shouldn’t have been able to buy clothes of this price. In other words, she already spent all of the money Rong Qing gave her, in addition to causing him trouble?

“You……” Originally Gongsun Zibai was only a bit disappointed, but now he completely lost all hope. cIY S6

Gongsun Ran saw him open his mouth and immediately apologized: “Little uncle, I’m sorry! I really didn’t know things would turn out this way! It wasn’t on purpose! I asked CEO Rong for permission before I took the picture!”

She didn’t mess around! It’s those people who pushed her into trending! She didn’t do anything!

“You didn’t know? It wasn’t on purpose?” As Gongsun Zibai said each word, the disappointment in his eyes became thicker.

To the side, Gongsun Bai lit a candle for Gongsun Ran. eXTPaZ

This kind of thing, the more she spoke, the worse it got. Acknowledging her mistake was one thing, trying to push the blame was something else. Little uncle hated people who were this irresponsible.

Gongsun Ran saw his expression become worse and started panicking inside: “I… I really didn’t know it’d be like this. You have to believe me, little uncle. If I knew, I definitely wouldn’t have done it. I’m just so used to taking pictures and posting them online. I really didn’t mean it.”

She didn’t mean to expose anything! Those trending headlines were all nonsense. She only went to visit CEO Rong for New Year, that’s all.

Lowering his head, Gongsun Zibai’s long eyelashes covered up the last flash of hope in his eyes: “Really? Then I believe you.” aNtBi9

He finished speaking. On the contrary, Gongsun Bai froze. Gongsun Ran also couldn’t believe her own ears. The next second, Gongsun Ran immediately jumped up in elation: “I knew little uncle is the best! Thank you, little uncle!” She almost thought she had to go back and face the family punishment!

As she screamed in excitement, she completely didn’t discover the aloof expression Gongsun Zibai revealed in response to her loud yelling and screaming. But Gongsun Bai noticed.

He looked at his little uncle’s expression and a thought crossed his mind.

Looks like his little uncle was angry and disappointed to the extreme. And it was not only about being angry. This situation, their Gongsun family must give uncle Rong a good resolution. 0 3uER

“Let’s go. When we get back, inform the people in the old estate to clear out her luggage. Let 6th uncle send someone to pick her up.” Gongsun Zibai turned around, looked at Gongsun Bai, recovered his mood slightly and calmly threw down this heavyweight grenade.

This time, it was Gongsun Ran who froze.

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On the other hand, Gongsun Bai immediately responded: “Okay, little uncle. I will go contact 6th uncle right now.” He backed up a few steps and really started making the phone call.

Gongsun Ran saw what he was doing and immediately threw herself at him, expression bewildered and terrified: “No no no! I’m not going back! I want to spend New Year in the old estate! I’m not going back!” PZUduC

But how could she compare to Gongsun Bai’s movement, which was trained by Gongsun Zibai since he was a child. Gongsun Bai easily avoided her and explained everything concisely to the person on the other side of the phone.

6th uncle was from the branch family. When he received the call, he didn’t dare to ask much before acknowledging in trepidation. After the call was complete, he immediately smashed the phone.

On this side, Gongsun Ran listened to Gongsun Bai finish the call and instantly fell to the floor in despair. Gongsun Zibai glanced at her and slightly furrowed his brows. He walked next to Gongsun Bai and said a few words with him, patting him on the shoulder. Then, he flicked his ponytail skillfully in the air and left without looking back.

Gongsun Bai saw his little uncle’s back view and actually perceived a sense of sadness and deep disappointment. His mood suddenly became not so good. J3Sjoy

His little uncle was very concerned about their education and upbringing. This time, he was most likely really disappointed by Gongsun Ran to the extreme.

He sighed and walked over to help Gongsun Ran up: “You can contact 6th uncle yourself. The things you have in the old estate, I will have someone bring it to 6th uncle’s place.”

When he finished talking, he turned and was about to leave. But Gongsun Ran suddenly grabbed him.

She didn’t understand! bvuwNm

“Why! Didn’t little uncle say he believed me? Then why would he still kick me out?” Her eyes were slightly red. Even if she was being stubborn, she still yearned for the days of living in the main house. There, she was a lady of the Gongsun family! It was a special type of prestige!

As Gongsun Ran looked at Gongsun Bai, a thought suddenly flashed across her head: “Is it because I caused trouble for someone I shouldn’t have angered? I’m not from the main branch, so little uncle doesn’t want to carry the responsibility for me, right?”

Her expression twisted: “If it were you, he definitely wouldn’t do this! That’s right. It must be because I’m not from the main branch!”

Gongsun Bai expressionlessly slapped her on the back of her hand. It hurt enough to make her withdraw her hand. KOamy

“At a time like this, you still want to find a place to push the responsibility? If you admitted your mistake just now, if you went in person to apologize to uncle Rong, no matter how difficult, I think little uncle would have helped you manage this mess. But what did you say just now? You said you didn’t know this would happen. You said it wasn’t on purpose. What? Was avoiding responsibility the only thing you’ve learned? I don’t remember little uncle teaching us to act like this.”

He walked forward two steps and then turned his head, his gaze was like a dagger as he looked at her deeply: “And also, is this how you think about little uncle? Then I’m very happy he made such a decision. Because you don’t deserve his kindness.”

Translator's Note

Aka saying everything out in the open

Translator's Note

She refers to herself in a very arrogant manner.

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  1. By claiming you didn’t know that would happen you’re admiting to one of two things: Either you were too stupid to know not to do that or you are too arrogant to admit you knew better and decided to do it anyway. In the first case you’ll never know better and you’ll likely continute to do stupid stuff in the future. In the second case you’ll continue to do stupid stuff in the future because you refuse to learn. Either way, you’re going to do stupid stuff and doing stupid stuff is a danger to family’s reputation. So out the door you go.

  2. The media is quick to try to find dirt on famous people, it’s hard to control them. This is why many people admire Rong Corps and their ability control news about their company and CEO. We all know Rong Corps is VERY well known so its no surprise that press would be on their tail 24/7, releasing any type of news relating to the company has to undergo careful consideration and the approval of someone from above. Public image could and most likely will affect any company, its best to maintain a good reputation

  3. Girl, he gave up on you. That’s so much worse that letting someone you look up to down. Letting them think that you are hopeless.

  4. what a development for little gongsun bai !! also, i really love gongsun zibai. he may be one of my favorite characters here other than the leads for reasons idk