Try Showing Your Attitude Again?Ch35 - Jasmine: “Open your mouth.”

With the addition of Xiao Lajiao, the Shen family now truly had the old and the young under one roof.

It was exceptionally bustling, unlike the usual. 6ZahS

Initially, Zhai Yao worried that Xiao Lajiao’s presence would inconvenience Shen Ziyao. But after dinner, he found both of them immediately dashing to the TV without a word.

Usually, this was the time when Shen Ziyao watched his kangzhan drama, but he was a bit concerned that Xiao Lajiao might not enjoy it. As such, he handed her the remote control, gesturing wildly for her to pick a channel.

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Xiao Lajiao shook her head, returned the remote control to Shen Ziyao, pointed at the TV, and quickly signed something.

Shen Ziyao couldn’t understand. Scratching his head, he asked Zhai Yao, “What… what is she saying?” fHI6q3

Zhai Yao translated while cleaning the dishes, “‘Drive those devils back to their homeland.'”

“Hahahaha!” Shen Ziyao burst out laughing, giving Xiao Lajiao a thumbs-up, “Good child, good child!”

When Zhai Yao finished washing the dishes and came out from the kitchen, he didn’t see Shen Heng in the living room.

Shen Ziyao and Xiao Lajiao were still enthusiastically engrossed in watching the TV, so he reckoned Shen Ziyao wouldn’t have the interest to chat with him tonight.


The balcony door was slightly ajar, and Zhai Yao thought inwardly: Don’t tell me Shen Heng is hiding there for a secret smoke.

He quietly walked towards the balcony and pushed the door open—

“Zhai Yao, the jasmine has bloomed.”

Shen Heng stood with his back turned towards him, as if knowing Zhai Yao would come and had specially left the door ajar for him. rZC2Qv

Shen Heng’s arm rested on the stone railing, his body leaning slightly forward in a relaxed posture.

Several pots of jasmine adorned the stone platform, their emerald leaves cradling pure white blossoms.

Some flowers were fully bloomed, while others were still budding.

The air was filled with a fresh, fragrant scent. Sc6N9f

“Come here.”

Shen Heng turned his head and signalled for Zhai Yao to come closer.

The balcony wasn’t particularly spacious and was crowded with numerous plants. Standing side by side, there was barely any extra room, making it feel quite cramped.

There was no smell of smoke on Shen Heng. Zhai Yao took a glance at the empty flowerpot in the corner and found it free of new cigarette butts too. gqP7 A

When Zhai Yao approached, Shen Heng fell silent again. His slender fingers plucked some yellowed leaves off the jasmine, then picked a flower and put it in his mouth.

Zhai Yao raised his hand to stop him but was too late. He frowned, “Why do you put everything in your mouth?”

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Hearing that, Shen Heng glanced briefly at Zhai Yao’s face and then looked away.

“I don’t lick my fingers.” znJfp1

“……” Zhai Yao’s murderous intent surged forth.

Shen Heng picked another jasmine flower and brought it to Zhai Yao’s mouth.

Zhai Yao leaned back to avoid it. “What are you—”

“Open your mouth.” oqmSb5

Zhai Yao had always thought that that thing could be poisonous if consumed without any prior treatment, but for some inexplicable reason, he found himself obeying Shen Heng and slowly parting his lips.

Shen Heng moved the flower closer, pausing near Zhai Yao’s lips. After a moment, it was unknown whether intentionally or unintentionally, but he brushed Zhai Yao’s lips and then withdrew his hand.

A sweet taste filled Zhai Yao’s mouth. He prodded it with his tongue.

It wasn’t jasmine; it was a prune drop. 513gX7

“Why give me this?” Zhai Yao pushed the prune drop against his cheek, creating a round shape. “Where’s the flower?”

Shen Heng put some distance between himself and Zhai Yao again, and moved the jasmine from the railing back to the floor.

“It’s not treated yet; you can’t eat it.”

“?” 6F15bX

Zhai Yao was flabbergasted.

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Seriously, a distinction? Shen Heng could eat it, but he couldn’t?

“Then just now, why did you—”

“I didn’t eat it either.” TOPqu3

Shen Heng straightened up and looked at Zhai Yao, who was eyeing him suspiciously with a cold expression. After a moment, he opened his mouth.

There was also a prune drop in Shen Heng’s mouth.

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Shen Heng opened his hand, revealing the jasmine flower he had plucked still hidden in his palm.

“Fooled you.” wdqOGX

“……” Zhao Yao nodded, then grabbed the cat-shaped watering can from the windowsill and, without a second thought, doused Shen Heng right on the head.

Shen Heng quickly raised his hand to block, but the water still splashed all over his clothes.

Zhai Yao wasn’t done yet. He grabbed Shen Heng’s arm, twisted it behind his back, and pinned him against the stone railing. “Try messing with Laozi again, and I’ll throw you over!”

Shen Heng was caught in a wrist lock by Zhai Yao but didn’t put up a fight. m17l5N

His shoulders trembled slightly, and Zhai Yao was dead certain this idiot wasn’t genuinely repentant.

Sure enough, Zhai Yao heard Shen Heng let out a muffled laugh.

Shen Heng’s voice was naturally deep, and when he laughed, it sounded like it came from deep within his chest.

Zhai Yao tightened his grip. “Laugh!” APfJx2

“Mm, laughing.”

“Damn you, I mean, you still dare to laugh!”

“Zhai Yao,” Shen Heng suddenly called softly. “Feeling better now?”


After that, everything fell silent all of a sudden.

A moment later, Zhai Yao let out a soft “Mm” and released his grip on Shen Heng.

Shen Heng straightened up and turned to face Zhai Yao.

Zhai Yao felt uneasy under the gaze of those eyes that seemed to see right through him. He turned his head to avoid Shen Heng’s stare and cleared his throat. yCqv9I

He didn’t tell Shen Heng that he himself had actually come to the balcony with ulterior motives.

In truth, he was the one who wanted to come to the balcony and sneak a cigarette, hoping to find Shen Heng breaking the rules as well.

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That way, they could tacitly agree to pretend the deal never happened.

After all, the people and events around them always reminded them that only by lighting up a cigarette could they make life a bit more bearable. yF47gT

“Next time, just have a prune drop,” Shen Heng said. “It can help ease the craving.”

Zhai Yao’s heart skipped a beat; he wondered if Shen Heng really knew mind-reading technique.

Shen Heng raised his hand and gently patted Zhai Yao on the shoulder. “It’s okay. I was about to light one up myself if you still hadn’t come just now.”


A knock came from outside the balcony. Both Zhai Yao and Shen Heng turned their heads simultaneously to see Xiao Lajiao peeking through the green mesh door, her big round eyes staring at them.

Zhai Yao hurriedly pulled open the mesh door to let her in.

Xiao Lajiao first looked up at the drenched Shen Heng, then gave Zhai Yao a firm shove and stomped her foot: —You’re bad, you bullied him!

Feeling a bit wronged, Zhai Yao signed to her in defence: —He tricked me first! N4WcM8

Xiao Lajiao’s expression showed doubt as she gently tugged on the corner hem of Shen Heng’s shirt: —Really?

Shen Heng remained still.

Zhai Yao kicked Shen Heng’s shoe. “Don’t bloody pretend you don’t understand now.”

Xiao Lajiao sighed, then politely apologized to Shen Heng, signing: —Uncle didn’t know better, Shen Heng-gege, don’t be mad at him. I can help you wash your clothes! he5NdX

Shen Heng looked down at her, and after a moment, gently patted her head, signing: —No need to wash. I was the one who bullied your uncle first.

Zhai Yao emphasized coldly, “Not bullied, tricked.”

Xiao Lajiao turned and pointed towards the living room: —Grandpa is calling you guys to come eat some honeydew!

Shen Heng turned his head to Zhai Yao. “Let’s go.” odGBgH

“Mm.” Zhai Yao rolled the prune drop from the left side of his mouth to the right, pausing before adding, “You should change your clothes first.”

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While Shen Heng went to his room to change clothes, the kangzhan drama on TV had just ended, so Shen Ziyao also got up to take a shower.

Only Zhai Yao and Xiao Lajiao were left on the sofa. OcEeIl

Xiao Lajiao took the remote control and changed the channel.

Her favourite show was “Animal World” because animals don’t talk, so she didn’t have to struggle to understand them.

Zhai Yao sat next to her, waiting for a commercial break to ask about her recent situation.

Ever since he moved out and started living with Shen Heng, Xiao Lajiao had been his biggest concern. Y6WVR8

Zhai Yao: —How have you been lately?

Xiao Lajiao nodded: —Pretty good!

Zhai Yao: —Who gets up to make breakfast for you in the morning?

As far as he knew, Zhai Bing and her husband usually slept in and wouldn’t be up until almost noon. DdtiQu

Xiao Lajiao signed: —Granny Sun.

Granny Sun was their neighbour and very fond of Xiao Lajiao.

Zhai Yao: —Did you go to Granny Sun’s house this morning too?

Xiao Lajiao shook her head and signed: —Granny Sun’s son fetched her away the day before yesterday, so I didn’t have breakfast. NsBKwl

Zhai Yao frowned: —Then, did you have breakfast yesterday?

Xiao Lajiao shook her head again.

Zhai Yao: —Your mom doesn’t know Granny Sun is away?

Xiao Lajiao hesitated before signing: —I already told Mama. dxv4FJ

She didn’t continue, but Zhai Yao didn’t need to guess; it was likely that Zhai Bing had forgotten.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he felt his chest gradually ignite with anger again.

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When Shen Heng came back in fresh clothes and saw Zhai Yao’s expression, his eyes darkened.

He walked to the sofa and sat down next to Zhai Yao. 5Keklq

Zhai Yao calmed himself down for a moment and decided to ask Xiao Lajiao something else.

Seeing her attention was caught by the TV show, he thought to wait until she finished watching.

Zhai Yao turned his gaze to the TV screen, watching alongside Xiao Lajiao—

On the screen played a chewing gum commercial, one that was filmed so terribly. ta63Xl

At a wedding, the groom leaned in to kiss the bride, but she suddenly turned away and awkwardly shouted at the camera, “Ah, he has bad breath!”

Then some ugly animated text appeared—Hurry and chew some fresh minty chewing gum now!

Zhai Yao couldn’t understand how such a commercial could air.

Suddenly, Xiao Lajiao tugged at his hand and slowly signed to him as clearly as she could:—Uncle, will you get married too? J2 XTE

“What—” Zhai Yao was caught off guard by her sudden question and didn’t know how to respond.

From the side, Shen Heng’s gaze also turned towards him and quietly settled on him.

Zhai Yao awkwardly speared a piece of honeydew and signed back: —Maybe, I don’t know.

Xiao Lajiao persisted: —Then will you have children? 0CXuld

Zhai Yao almost spat out the honeydew he had just put in his mouth.

He wasn’t even sure if he would get married; how could he know if he’d have children!

Zhai Yao: —I don’t know.

Xiao Lajiao’s eyes lowered, a look of worry on her face. CAR 1u

After a while, she looked up again, her face solemn as she signed: —I don’t want Uncle to have children!

When Zhai Yao understood her, he initially thought Xiao Lajiao was worried that if he had his own children, he wouldn’t love her anymore. He tugged at her pigtails, ready to reassure her.

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But Xiao Lajiao signed again, earnestly: —After Papa and Mama had me, they became unhappy.

—I don’t want Uncle to be unhappy. 7m o68

—Children are bad.

—Uncle, don’t have children.

A loud buzzing filled Zhai Yao’s head.

He froze. 2t MKF

For a moment, he suddenly felt like the TV was overwhelmingly loud, its noise piercing his eardrums.

His heart kept tightening and tightening, squeezing out every bit of oxygen.

It felt like a heavy iron block was pressing on his chest, making it hard to breathe.

“It’s not…” Zhai Yao said, his voice hoarse. dy6Aj7

He struggled to sign, trying to explain to Xiao Lajiao.

It’s not that children are bad.

It’s not because of you that they’re unhappy.

Not all parents are like them. kTp5Ej

It’s not…

Damn it.

He curled his fingers, grabbed his phone, and rushed to the balcony.

Zhai Yao’s abrupt movement startled Shen Ziyao, who had just come out of the shower. IAtwdk

Shen Ziyao was about to complain, but immediately fell silent upon seeing the look in Zhai Yao’s eyes.

Then, he hurriedly eyed to Shen Heng. “What are you standing there for! Go after him—!”

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The author has something to say: X uO01

Vtfc Lfcu (uibbws): P pera rbbatfv tlw.

“Xgbklcu eq lc vef alwf” lr gfjiis delaf j vloolmeia atlcu ab jmtlfnf KnK

Lfcu (Wlcu)-uf jcv Tjb-yjb kfgf obgmfv ab wjaegf fjgis ecvfg atf qgfrregf bo ilof’r tjgvrtlqr, ktlif Itjl Dlcu rlwqis cfnfg ageis ugfk eq, sfa fcvfv eq yflcu j wbw.

From Yunz: 9z620R

Double update for this week!! I wanna hug Xiao Lajiao and tell her she’s the bestest child in the world :blobcry:

Translator's Note

把小鬼子打回老家去 (bǎ xiǎo guǐzi dǎ huílǎojiā qù). 鬼子 (guǐzi), meaning “devils,” is a wartime insult historically used by Chinese people to refer to Japanese in general, dating back to WWII.

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  1. nooo xiao lajiao omg my niece 😭😭 dw girl you’ve done nothing wrong ever <3

  2. Xiao Lajiao is 100x more mature than her progenitors will ever be. They don’t deserve to have such a darling girl as their child

    Poor Zhai Yao & Shen Heng (‘我才哄好’ lol)

  3. Let’s hug this little girl omg her parents doesn’t deserves to have such an angel like u..

  4. Shen heng upset because he just soothed the Little upset kitten just moments ago with alot of effort only for the kitten to puff up again 😭🤣

    Zhao Bing needs to get her shit together if she wants to be a mother how can she be so neglectful!! I’m speechless! The characters pain and suffering feels so real it’s hurting me 😭

  5. Sweet baby girl your uncle is being tortured here; forced to eat home cooked meals, bath, quit smoking and sleep without his crochet puppy! You must stay longer to make sure he is alright 🤧