Try Showing Your Attitude Again?Ch34 - Curry: “Are you fricking taking me for a fool?”

The following day, Zhai Bing appeared once more at the entrance of Class 10.

Seeing Zhai Yao and Shen Heng arriving, she beamed and quickly waved with a smile. “Hi! Liangzai, Shen-shuaige!” wrcBQ

Zhai Yao didn’t know what Zhai Bing was up to this time. Sensing it probably wasn’t anything good, he told Shen Heng to head back to class first, then walked over to Zhai Bing alone.

Just as he was about to speak, Zhai Bing pre-empted him with a sweet smile enough to give someone diabetes and pulled out a cup of milk tea from behind her back. “Ta-da! That’s right, this milk tea is all the rage right now! I specially pre-ordered it from the boss last night. Hurry up and try it!”

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Zhai Yao glanced at the milk tea and then at Zhai Bing but didn’t reach out to take it. In an indifferent voice, he asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Oh, it’s nothing serious, just try it first!” Zhai Bing said as she inserted the straw into the milk tea and tried to push it towards Zhai Yao’s mouth. PzaO0S

Zhai Yao turned his head to avoid it, his tone growing impatient. “If you have something to say, say it quickly, or I’m going back to class.”

Fearing he might leave, Zhai Bing quickly grabbed his hand, bit her lip, and smiled again. “Good Didi, can Jie discuss something with you?”

Zhai Yao remained silent.

Zhai Bing, cautiously watching his expression, tentatively asked, “Can you ask your classmate if your niece can stay at his place for a few days?”


Zhai Yao raised an eyebrow, staring coldly at Zhai Bing.

Hurriedly, Zhai Bing added, “Just for a little over a week! Not long at all!”

“Where are you going again this time?” Zhai Yao questioned.

“Oh, it’s like this!” Zhai Bing explained in a soft tone, “Liang Hao heard about an old TCM doctor in Sanya who specializes in treating deaf and non-verbal children like Xiao Lajiao. He’s successfully treated many cases! …So we plan to go to Sanya, tell him about Xiao Laojiao’s condition, and consult him to see if he has any solutions in treating Xiao Lajiao.” uo3PGf

After Zhai Bing finished, Zhai Yao didn’t speak for a long time.

Zhai Bing’s heart pounded. She shook Zhai Yao’s hand and pleaded softly, “Didi… just one week… please discuss it with him.”

“Zhai Bing.” Zhai Yao paused, “Are you fricking taking me for a fool?”

He coldly said, “You’re going to Sanya to find a doctor for Xiao Lajiao, and you’re not taking her with you?” InZGif

Upon hearing what Zhai Yao said, Zhai Bing panicked and quickly explained, “No, it’s not what you think! We’re not sure if the doctor is reliable, so we want to check first! …Besides, you know Xiao Lajiao’s condition. What if something happens to her? What if she gets kidnapped?”

“Fine, then let me ask you one thing: why do you want me to take her to Shen Heng’s house?” Zhai Yao asked. “If you guys aren’t home, shouldn’t I return and stay at home to look after her?”

Zhai Bing’s expression shifted, her voice becoming weak and hesitant. “Well… well, Liang Hao already promised an old friend who used to play music with him that his friend could stay at our place while we’re gone… This was arranged a long time ago. I didn’t know things would turn out this way, either! Since we already agreed, we can’t just cancel last minute, right?”

“Right, my ass!” qhm3EY

Zhai Bing’s eyes reddened, and she began to whine unreasonably. “Zhai Yao! Are you going to help or not?!”

Zhai Yao’s expression darkened as he continued his silence.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhai Bing stomped her foot in frustration and turned away sulkily. “Fine, forget it then! I’ll call my bestie and let Xiao Lajiao stay with her!”

“You can’t do that.” Zhai Yao knew that group of Zhai Bing’s friends were even less reliable than she was. u vWG3

Zhai Bing turned back, fuming, “Then what should I do?! Even her own uncle won’t help in a crisis! I’m at my wits’ end!”

Her voice was loud, attracting the attention of many people.

Zhai Bing’s lips trembled. She squatted down on the ground, hugged her head, and started sobbing uncontrollably.

This was her ultimate move since childhood. sdGe5i

When she couldn’t win an argument or a fight, she would resort to playing the victim.

Sure enough, a few girls witnessed the situation. Though timid yet with summoned courage, they approached cautiously and said to Zhai Yao, “Don’t be so harsh, she’s just a girl.”

Hearing that, Zhai Bing cried even more pitifully.

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Zhai Yao narrowed his eyes. Looking askance at Zhai Bing squatting on the ground, all he could feel was the buzzing of his ears. d9rOqh

He reached into his pocket, intending to pull out a cigarette for a smoke, but then remembered he had promised Shen Heng to quit smoking yesterday and hadn’t brought any cigarettes with him.

Inside the pocket, his hand tightened, then relaxed, and tightened again.

He really couldn’t be bothered to care about Zhai Bing anymore. She had chosen her own path, whether it led to a cliffside or the Yellow River bank, it was her own doing!

But what about Xiao Lajiao? He couldn’t just leave her alone. iVkWS5

As Zhai Yao was struggling with what to do, Shen Heng unknowingly appeared behind him and said to Zhai Bing in a nonchalant tone, “Alright.”

Seeing the landlord himself agree, Zhai Bing immediately stopped crying and smiled, no longer caring about Zhai Yao. She grabbed Shen Heng’s hand and said excitedly, “Xiao Shen-shuaige, you’re so kind!”

Shen Heng glanced at her hand that was pulling on his, and Zhai Bing quickly let go. Then, as if afraid he might change his mind, she confirmed once again, “So it’s settled then! I’ll send Xiao Lajiao to your place after school ends today!”

As she spoke, she pulled out her phone. “Xiao Shen-shuaige, can you give me your address…” eqR2j0

“No need for you to send her, I’ll pick her up after school.” Zhai Yao interrupted, not wanting to waste any more words with Zhai Bing. “You go pack her things, I’ll come by later to get them.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

After Zhai Bing left, around noon, she messaged Zhai Yao saying she had already departed and arranged for someone to manage the skating rink, so Zhai Yao only needed to check on it every other day.

She also informed him that she had sent Xiao Lajiao’s belongings to Venus Special Education School, advising him to pick them up when he went to fetch Xiao Lajiao. UJXN5o

Zhai Yao didn’t reply.

Throughout the morning, he didn’t nap as usual, nor did he shift his position.

Hou-ge, who thought he had become familiar with Zhai Yao, initially wanted to ask him a question during class, but a quick glance at Zhai Yao made him reconsider.

“We’re having curry tonight,” Shen Heng, sitting next to him, said while flipping through a book. “Does Xiao Lajiao like it?” dlVt6F

Zhai Yao closed his eyes, rubbed his temples, and murmured a quiet “Mm.”

“Is it curry beef or curry chicken?”



“Any dislikes among carrots, potatoes, and onions?”

“None, she likes to eat everything.”

“I was asking about you.”

Zhai Yao opened his eyes slightly, didn’t immediately respond to Shen Heng, and pondered aloud, “Maybe I should take Xiao Lajiao…” s379bB

“A budget hotel costs 200 yuan a night, double on weekends. You do the maths.”

“I know.” Zhai Yao felt a headache coming on. “I’m just worried about bothering Shen…”

“Just called him after class; he was thrilled.”

Zhai Yao couldn’t get over it in his heart. He hated inconveniencing others, yet here he was, troubling Shen Heng again. SUnk2J

“I’ll go home tonight and kick Liang Hao’s friend out.”

“You might as well save on medical bills and stay at the hotel.”

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Zhai Yao, frustrated, ran his fingers through his hair and rested his head in his hand. lXzGq0

Moments later, he sighed softly. “Then Xiao Lajiao will sleep in the guest room tonight, and I’ll take the sofa.”

Shen Heng finally looked up from his book, met Zhai Yao’s gaze, and after a brief pause, said, “My bed is 1.8 meters wide. Think it’s not big enough to fit you too?”

* R1Vg5W

After school, Zhai Yao told Hou-ge he was heading to Venus Special Education School to pick up Xiao Lajiao.

Shen Heng accompanied him.

Probably already knew she’d be staying with her uncle this week, Xiao Lajiao had packed her bag early and waited by the classroom door.

When she saw Shen Heng and Zhai Yao approaching, she ran to them like a little bird, looking very delighted. bOSmxv

Zhai Yao patted her head, exchanged a few words with her teacher, and left the school with Xiao Lajiao.

On the way, they stopped by a supermarket to buy ingredients for the curry they planned to cook for dinner.

Upon arriving at the entrance door of Shen Heng’s home, Xiao Lajiao pulled out a gift from her backpack—a portrait of Shen Ziyao that she had drawn herself.

Shen Heng inserted the key into the lock and opened the door. ro87Cg

Suddenly, there were two loud pops, and countless confetti and streamers burst out above them.

“Welcome, welcome! A warm welcome! Welcome, welcome! A hearty welcome!”

Shen Ziyao, holding a party popper, cheered while marching in place.

Xiao Lajiao’s eyes sparkled at the sight of the confetti and streamers, and she saluted Shen Ziyao. 4GIXeS

Shen Ziyao winked at her and returned the salute.

“I’ll go cook,” Shen Heng said, changing his shoes and carrying the bag of ingredients into the kitchen.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Seeing that Shen Ziyao and Xiao Lajiao were already playing, Zhai Yao found a broom to sweep up the confetti before washing his hands and going to the kitchen to help Shen Heng.

A rich aroma filled the kitchen as Shen Heng cooked the pre-marinated and stir-fried chicken with curry. Then, he proceeded to cut carrots, potatoes, and onions. LrnZSA

Once the timing was right, he added the vegetables to the pot in sequence, turned down the heat to let it simmer, and then started stir-frying other dishes.

Zhai Yao stood behind Shen Heng, noticing how he had rolled up his sleeves to his elbows to avoid getting in the way. The muscles of Shen Heng’s forearms tightened as he occasionally stirred the pot.

Shen Heng wore a coffee-coloured apron adorned with checkered patterns, its straps knotted behind his waist. This combination with his aloof, indifferent demeanour created an inexplicable contrast.

“Sweat’s getting into my eyes.” hmgtwi

Shen Heng spoke with his back turned towards Zhai Yao.

“Oh,” Zhai Yao replied, not quite understanding the meaning behind his words. “Wipe it off.”

Shen Heng pursed his lips. “My hands are tainted with onions.”

He added a small spoonful of salt to the pot and said, “Come over and help me out.” xBNZSK

Zhai Yao pulled a tissue from the counter and walked over to stand in front of Shen Heng. There were indeed beads of sweat forming on Shen Heng’s forehead, trickling down the side of his face.

The glasses perched on the bridge of his nose were also covered with a thin layer of mist from the steam.

“Aren’t you only short-sighted to 200 degrees? Why wear glasses while cooking?”

“Forgot to take them off.” Shen Heng, still holding on to the wok spatula, tilted his face slightly towards Zhai Yao. lqEcv8

Zhai Yao removed Shen Heng’s glasses, wiped his sweat with the tissue, and took over the wok spatula. “I’ll finish up here. You go outside and cool off.”

“Can you handle it?”

Zhai Yao snorted, “Who do you think you’re underestimating?”

After all, he was the only reliable one in his family. NdYLBu

Shen Heng nodded, went over to the other side to wash his hands, but didn’t immediately leave afterwards.

He stood beside Zhai Yao, watching him cook the vegetables thoroughly, then lift the lid and stir the curry.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhai Yao’s movements were quite adept.

“Why are you still here?” Zhai Yao frowned, shooing him away. “Move aside, you’re in my way.” Col3NS

Shen Heng stepped back half a step, silently giving Zhai Yao more room. His gaze lingered on Zhai Yao’s back for yet another moment before he began untying his own apron.

As Zhai Yao continued stir-frying, he suddenly felt a pair of hands reach around from behind and slip the apron over his neck.

Following that, the hands moved around to his back, fumbling with the strings at his waist.

After a long while, the knot was still not tied. C74l2P

Zhai Yao clicked his tongue. “At this rate, I’ll finish cooking before you get that tied.”

The person behind him didn’t respond. Instead of speeding up, the hands slowed down even more.

“Almost done.”

p2 yNg

The author has something to say:

Itjl Tjb: Vtfc Lfcu wera tjnf Ujgxlcrbc’r lo la ajxfr tlw jii vjs ab alf jc jqgbc…

Vtfc Lfcu: Zw.

A reply from the author to one of the commenters~ 5YiXAt

Jbwwfcafg: Ktlr rlrafg… lr gfjiis nfzlcu… Pa offir ilxf bcf bo atbrf akb-mtlivgfc ojwlilfr, ktfgf atfgf’r pfjibers jcv ojnbeglalrw… P’nf tfjgv bo j ojwlis fvemjalbc ktfgf atf bivfg rlrafg kbgxr tjgv, ifjgclcu atlr jcv atja, jcv lr ajeuta ogbw xlcvfgujgafc atja rtf tjr ab wjggs j glmt wjc lc atf oeaegf ab tfiq tfg sbecufg ygbatfg. Pa gfjiis lcmlafr rbwf lcafcrf vlrmbwobga.

Author: Sigh, and Zhai Bing is exactly the complete opposite of this. Pampered like a child and has not grown up at all, and yet she became a mom… Pats pats! Big hug!

From Yunz:

Zhai Bing ah Zhai Bing… :blobcry: That aside, we got a peek into domestic!ShenYao, and *side-eyeing Heng-ge*—someone’s being sneaky as always. 94ijRX

Translator's Note

帅哥 (shuàigē) means “handsome guy.” It’s used here as an address together with Shen Heng’s name, so I kept it as pinyin.

Translator's Note

中医 (zhōngyī) = Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Translator's Note

三亚 (sānyà) is the southernmost city on Hainan Island.

Translator's Note

Throwback to when they bonded together in the hospital room (Chapter 7) while Zhai Yao and Shen Heng were taking care of Chen Biao.

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  1. I read ahead a few chapters and no spoilers Zhai Bing is really unworthy of being a mom and sibling. She needs to grow up; her little brother can’t shield her from that abusive prick of a husband and the world forever

    Ik both Shen Heng and Zhai Yao are self-sufficient by necessity but it’s heartwarming to see them rely on each other in their own ways.

    Tysm for updating 💕

    • She makes the wrong choice indeed, she should’ve left her trash husband but she can’t. She doesn’t know how to leave alone, she’s too weak to be a strong and good mum, she’s more like a teenager :/ Do you know when our 2 boys got together, which chapter ????

  2. Why do I get the feeling Zhai Bing spouted total nonsense there.. like she’s not really looking for that doctor and her husband is the one at home still which is why she doesn’t want Yao2 to go home 😑 want to crack Zhai Bing’s brain open to see what’s inside…

    And Heng2…what are you doing? 😳

  3. I really hate her. I would cut off all relations with her and even report her for child neglect. Poor creature that has a stupid woman for a mother. It may sound harsh, but I hope he grows up or dies, he has only been a burden on his brother. Thank you 💐

  4. Blood runs thicker than water, I know that Zhai Bing is the only one he have rn, bur still she needs to fix her attitudes toward her little brother and her daughter, and divorce her useless piece of sh*t husband

  5. Dear translator, is it possible to know when they’ll be together (which chapter)? Just a number plz 🙏 I like slowburn but I want to know!! ^^